Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _loadMinMax(self, min, max):
        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, 34)
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'constant')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'randomUniform')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(['ru', 0, 1], ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('randomUniform', 'randomUniform')

        if drawer.isNum(min):
            minArgs = ('c', min)
        elif drawer.isList(min):
            minArgs = min
        # check max
        if drawer.isNum(max):
            maxArgs = ('c', max)
        elif drawer.isList(max):
            maxArgs = max
        # create a parameter object
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            minObj = parameter.factory(minArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _loadMinMax(self, min, max):
        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, 34)
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'constant')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'randomUniform')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(['ru', 0, 1], ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('randomUniform', 'randomUniform')

        if drawer.isNum(min):
            minArgs = ('c', min)
        elif drawer.isList(min):
            minArgs = min
        # check max
        if drawer.isNum(max):
            maxArgs = ('c', max)
        elif drawer.isList(max):
            maxArgs = max
        # create a parameter object
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            minObj = parameter.factory(minArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ruleCount(srcSpan, dstValues, srcValues=None):
    >>> k=2; r=1; q=k-1
    >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
    >>> ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
    >>> k=3; r=2; q=k-1
    >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
    >>> ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
    # srcSpan == r*2+1, len(dstValues) == k
    # totalistic rule count: k = k, len(dstValues)
    if drawer.isNum(dstValues):
        k = dstValues
        dstValues = range(dstValues)
    else:  # assume its a list
        k = len(dstValues)
    if srcValues == None:  # not totalistic
        count = pow(k, pow(k, srcSpan))
    else:  # totalistic, srcValues are provided
        if drawer.isNum(srcValues):
            q = srcValues
        else:  # assume its a list
            q = len(srcValues)
        count = pow(k, q)
    # print _MOD, 'rule count', count
    return count
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ruleCount(srcSpan, dstValues, srcValues=None):
    >>> k=2; r=1; q=k-1
    >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
    >>> ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
    >>> k=3; r=2; q=k-1
    >>> pow(k,((r*2)+1)*q)
    >>> ruleCount(((r*2)+1),range(k),(((r*2)+1)*(k-1)))
    # srcSpan == r*2+1, len(dstValues) == k
    # totalistic rule count: k = k, len(dstValues)
    if drawer.isNum(dstValues):
        k = dstValues
        dstValues = range(dstValues)
    else: # assume its a list
        k = len(dstValues)
    if srcValues == None: # not totalistic
        count = pow(k, pow(k, srcSpan))
    else: # totalistic, srcValues are provided
        if drawer.isNum(srcValues):
            q = srcValues
        else: # assume its a list
            q = len(srcValues)      
        count = pow(k, q)
    # print _MOD, 'rule count', count
    return count
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _guessType(self):
     """try to determine what kind of duration/dynamic data is given
     can be string or integer tuple/list: (2,1,1) or (3,1)
     can be string char like q, e, t, s, th?
     can be string acc list .5 1 .3 1
     data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
     if drawer.isStr(data):
         data = data.strip() # temp data
         data = data.lower()
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None # no data found
         if data[0].islower(): # if has chars
             if data in REFdurStr.keys():
                 return 'str'
             elif data in REFdynStr.keys(): # maybe its a dynmaic
                 return 'acc' # acc string value alone
                 raise error.PulseSyntaxError
         elif data[0] == '[' or data[0] == '(': # its a list or tuple
             return 'triple'
         elif data.find(',') >= 0: # if there are commas in string
             return 'triple'
         else: # assume its an acc string
             return 'acc'
     if drawer.isNum(data): # acc list
         return 'acc'
     if drawer.isList(data): 
         return 'triple'
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _guessType(self):
     """try to determine what kind of duration/dynamic data is given
     can be string or integer tuple/list: (2,1,1) or (3,1)
     can be string char like q, e, t, s, th?
     can be string acc list .5 1 .3 1
     data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
     if drawer.isStr(data):
         data = data.strip()  # temp data
         data = data.lower()
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None  # no data found
         if data[0].islower():  # if has chars
             if data in REFdurStr.keys():
                 return 'str'
             elif data in REFdynStr.keys():  # maybe its a dynmaic
                 return 'acc'  # acc string value alone
                 raise error.PulseSyntaxError
         elif data[0] == '[' or data[0] == '(':  # its a list or tuple
             return 'triple'
         elif data.find(',') >= 0:  # if there are commas in string
             return 'triple'
         else:  # assume its an acc string
             return 'acc'
     if drawer.isNum(data):  # acc list
         return 'acc'
     if drawer.isList(data):
         return 'triple'
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def checkArgs(self):
     for item in self.switch('transpositionList'):
         if not drawer.isNum(item):
             return 0, 'elements in transpositionList must be numbers.'
     if self.switch('timeDelay') < 0:
         msg = 'timeDelay must be greater than or equal to zero.'
         return 0, msg
     return 1, ''
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _processType(self):
        """process raw data into appropriate primative format"""
        data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
        if self.format == 'psName':
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                return data
                return None
        elif self.format == 'psReal': # psReal values should not be rounded
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                    return float(data)
                except ValueError:
                    return None
                return data

        elif self.format == 'midi': #midi values should always be rounded
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return float(data) # dont convert to int
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            elif drawer.isInt(data):
                return data
            else: # its a float, round
                return data

        elif self.format == 'pch': # floating point values
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return _normalizePch(float(data))
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            if drawer.isFloat(data):
                return _normalizePch(data)
            else: # something is wrong
                return None

        elif self.format == 'fq': # floating point values
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return float(data)
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            if drawer.isNum(data):
                return float(data) # convert to float
            else: # something is wrong
                return None

        else: # error
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _processType(self):
        """process raw data into appropriate primative format"""
        data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
        if self.format == 'psName':
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                return data
                return None
        elif self.format == 'psReal': # psReal values should not be rounded
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                    return float(data)
                except ValueError:
                    return None
                return data

        elif self.format == 'midi': #midi values should always be rounded
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return float(data) # dont convert to int
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            elif drawer.isInt(data):
                return data
            else: # its a float, round
                return data

        elif self.format == 'pch': # floating point values
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return _normalizePch(float(data))
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            if drawer.isFloat(data):
                return _normalizePch(data)
            else: # something is wrong
                return None

        elif self.format == 'fq': # floating point values
            if drawer.isStr(data):
                data = drawer.strStripAlpha(data)
                    return float(data)
                except ValueError:
                    return None
            if drawer.isNum(data):
                return float(data) # convert to float
            else: # something is wrong
                return None

        else: # error
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def iMod(self, axis=0):
     """axis transposition, but retaining octave positon
     like tMod
     # find desired index
     if drawer.isNum(axis):
         index = _InvAxisToIndex(axis)
     if drawer.isList(axis):
         index = _InvPcPairToIndex(axis[0], axis[1])
     self._real = pcoInverter(self._real, index)
     self.data = self._convert(self.format, 'psReal', self._real)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def iMod(self, axis=0):
     """axis transposition, but retaining octave positon
     like tMod
     # find desired index
     if drawer.isNum(axis):
         index = _InvAxisToIndex(axis)
     if drawer.isList(axis):
         index = _InvPcPairToIndex(axis[0], axis[1])
     self._real = pcoInverter(self._real, index)
     self.data = self._convert(self.format, 'psReal', self._real)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def clear(self):
     """processes init value and replaces history with first generation"""
     stepInit = self._getTemplate()
     if drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for y in range(self.size[1]):
             for x in range(self.size[0]):
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = self.init
     elif drawer.isList(self.init):  # assume list is same size from
         for row in self.init:
             for col in row:
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = col
     self.stepHistory = [stepInit]  # a list of arrays
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def clear(self):
     """processes init value and replaces history with first generation"""
     stepInit = self._getTemplate()
     if drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for y in range(self.size[1]):
             for x in range(self.size[0]):
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = self.init
     elif drawer.isList(self.init): # assume list is same size from
         for row in self.init:
             for col in row:
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = col                     
     self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays        
Ejemplo n.º 14
def convertBoolCancel(usrData):
    """converts arg strings: on, off, or cancel
    or numbers 0, 1
    get strings from language; check english for preferences

    >>> convertBoolCancel('y')
    >>> convertBoolCancel('no')
    >>> convertBoolCancel(-1)
    if drawer.isNum(usrData):
        usrStr = str(int(round(usrData)))
        usrStr = drawer.strScrub(usrData, 'L')
    if usrStr == '':
        return None

    # off
    if (usrStr in ['0',
                   lang.FALSE.lower()] or usrStr[0] == lang.NO[0].lower()):
        return 0
    if len(usrStr) >= len(lang.OFF):
        if usrStr[-len(lang.OFF):] == lang.OFF.lower():
            return 0
    if len(usrStr) >= 3:  # check literal english
        if usrStr[-3:] == 'off':
            return 0

    # on
    if (usrStr in ['1',
                   lang.TRUE.lower()] or usrStr[0] == lang.YES[0].lower()):
        return 1
    if len(usrStr) >= len(lang.ON):
        if usrStr[-len(lang.ON):] == lang.ON.lower():
            return 1
    if len(usrStr) >= 2:  # check literal english
        if usrStr[-2:] == 'on':
            return 1

    # cancel
    if (usrStr in ['-1', lang.CANCEL.lower(),
                   lang.BREAK.lower()] or usrStr[0] == lang.CANCEL[0].lower()):
        return -1

    # if no match return None
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val
                else:  # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL:
                            val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                            val = random.random()
                        stepInit[x] = val
                    else:  # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else:  # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))],
                                          'int', min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit]  # a list of arrays
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, data):
        # ds is decimal seconds, or values less than 1, as a decimal
        # ds is not converted to ms or any other unit
        self.time = {'f': 0, 's': 0, 'm': 0, 'h': 0, 'd': 0}
        self.sec = 0
        self.srcData = data
        self.timeLabels = ['d', 'h', 'm', 's', 'f']  # must be in order

        if drawer.isStr(data):
            self._humanToSec(data)  # load to self.time
        elif drawer.isNum(data):  # assume seconds
            self.time['s'] = data  # keep floating point values
            raise ValueError, 'unsupported data type'
        self._updateTime()  # update and shifts all values
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, data):
        # ds is decimal seconds, or values less than 1, as a decimal
        # ds is not converted to ms or any other unit
        self.time = {'f':0, 's':0, 'm':0, 'h':0, 'd':0}
        self.sec     = 0
        self.srcData = data
        self.timeLabels = ['d', 'h', 'm', 's', 'f'] # must be in order

        if drawer.isStr(data):
            self._humanToSec(data) # load to self.time
        elif drawer.isNum(data): # assume seconds
            self.time['s'] = data # keep floating point values
            raise ValueError, 'unsupported data type'
        self._updateTime() # update and shifts all values
Ejemplo n.º 18
def convertBoolCancel(usrData):
    """converts arg strings: on, off, or cancel
    or numbers 0, 1
    get strings from language; check english for preferences

    >>> convertBoolCancel('y')
    >>> convertBoolCancel('no')
    >>> convertBoolCancel(-1)
    if drawer.isNum(usrData):
        usrStr = str(int(round(usrData)))
        usrStr = drawer.strScrub(usrData, 'L')
    if usrStr == '':
        return None

    # off
    if (usrStr in ['0', lang.OFF.lower(), lang.NO.lower(), lang.FALSE.lower()] or
            usrStr[0] == lang.NO[0].lower()):
        return 0
    if len(usrStr) >= len(lang.OFF): 
        if usrStr[-len(lang.OFF):] == lang.OFF.lower():
            return 0
    if len(usrStr) >= 3: # check literal english
        if usrStr[-3:] == 'off':
            return 0

    # on
    if (usrStr in ['1', lang.ON.lower(), lang.YES.lower(), lang.TRUE.lower()] or 
            usrStr[0] == lang.YES[0].lower()):
        return 1
    if len(usrStr) >= len(lang.ON):
        if usrStr[-len(lang.ON):] == lang.ON.lower():
            return 1
    if len(usrStr) >= 2: # check literal english
        if usrStr[-2:] == 'on':
            return 1

    # cancel
    if (usrStr in ['-1', lang.CANCEL.lower(), lang.BREAK.lower()] or 
            usrStr[0] == lang.CANCEL[0].lower()):
        return -1

    # if no match return None
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _tripleMonadTest(self, srcData):
     """determine if a rhythm is a single rhythm triple, or rather
     a pulse list
     (1,1,1) will be interpreterd as pulse list
     (3,1) will be rhythm triple
     (1,2) will be rhythm triple
     if len(srcData) == 2 or len(srcData) == 3:
         d = srcData[0]
         m = srcData[1]
         if drawer.isNum(d):
             if d >= 2 or m >= 2: # one value needs to be greater than 1
                 if d != 0 and m != 0: # neither can be zerp
                     return 1 # rhythm triple
     return 0 # it is a pulse list
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _tripleMonadTest(self, srcData):
     """determine if a rhythm is a single rhythm triple, or rather
     a pulse list
     (1,1,1) will be interpreterd as pulse list
     (3,1) will be rhythm triple
     (1,2) will be rhythm triple
     if len(srcData) == 2 or len(srcData) == 3:
         d = srcData[0]
         m = srcData[1]
         if drawer.isNum(d):
             if d >= 2 or m >= 2:  # one value needs to be greater than 1
                 if d != 0 and m != 0:  # neither can be zerp
                     return 1  # rhythm triple
     return 0  # it is a pulse list
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val 
                else: # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[self.dstIndexCenter] 
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                        else: val = random.random() 
                        stepInit[x] = val                
                    else: # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else: # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))], 'int', 
                                                 min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init               
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays        
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _pmtrNumberToUsr(self, pmtr, shift, style='str'):
     """convert a parameter number string into data 
     numbers are returned as numbers, strings as strings
     str, and cmd produce un-altered numbers
     usr wil shift by appropriate values"""
     if drawer.isNum(pmtr):
         if style in ['str', 'cmd']:
             return pmtr
         elif style == 'usr':
             return pmtr + shift
     if drawer.isStr(pmtr):
         if style in ['str', 'cmd']:
             return pmtr
         elif style == 'usr':
             pmtr = drawer.strScrub(pmtr, 'lower')
             pmtr = pmtr.replace('q', '')
             return str(int(pmtr) + shift)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _updateDefault(self, src):
        """make a ca dictionary
        rule and mutation are left out, as dynamic"""
        xMAX = 1000
        yMAX = 10000
        ref = {  # these are the limits
            'f': ('s', ),  # must be first element of a list
            'k': (2, 0, 36),  # def, min, max
            'r': (1, .5, 10),
            'i': ('center', ),
            'x': (91, 1, xMAX),  # should be odd value
            'y': (135, 1, yMAX),
            'w': (0, 0, yMAX),  # will get value of 
            'c': (0, -xMAX, xMAX),  # center
            's': (0, 0, yMAX),  # skip

        # src keys have already been formated to single character refs
        for key in ref.keys():
            if key not in src.keys():
                src[key] = ref[key][0]
            else:  # keu exists, eval numbers if necessary
                if drawer.isNum(ref[key][0]):  # check numbers
                    min = ref[key][1]
                    max = ref[key][2]
                    # permit r values w/ decimal .5
                    if key == 'r' and '.' in src[key]:
                        # double, round, and divide; will be either 0 or .5
                        value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'float', min, max)
                        value = round(value * 2) / 2
                        value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'int', min, max)
                    if value != None:
                        src[key] = value
                    else:  # cant resolve value, provide default
                        src[key] = ref[key][0]
                if drawer.isStr(ref[key][0]):  # check strings
                    if key == 'f':
                        value = caFormatParser(src[key])
                    elif key == 'i':
                        value = caInitParser(src[key])
                    if value != None:
                        src[key] = value
                        src[key] = ref[key][0]
        return src
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _pmtrNumberToUsr(self, pmtr, shift, style='str'):
     """convert a parameter number string into data 
     numbers are returned as numbers, strings as strings
     str, and cmd produce un-altered numbers
     usr wil shift by appropriate values"""
     if drawer.isNum(pmtr):
         if style in ['str', 'cmd']:
             return pmtr
         elif style == 'usr':
             return pmtr + shift
     if drawer.isStr(pmtr):
         if style in ['str', 'cmd']:
             return pmtr
         elif style == 'usr':
             pmtr = drawer.strScrub(pmtr, 'lower')
             pmtr = pmtr.replace('q', '')
             return str(int(pmtr) + shift)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _updateDefault(self, src):
     """make a ca dictionary
     rule and mutation are left out, as dynamic"""
     xMAX = 1000
     yMAX = 10000
     ref = { # these are the limits
         'f' : ('s',), # must be first element of a list
         'k' : (2, 0, 36), # def, min, max
         'r' : (1, .5, 10),
         'i' : ('center',),
         'x' : (91, 1, xMAX), # should be odd value
         'y' : (135, 1, yMAX),
         'w' : (0, 0, yMAX), # will get value of 
         'c' : (0, -xMAX, xMAX), # center
         's' : (0, 0, yMAX), # skip
     # src keys have already been formated to single character refs
     for key in ref.keys():
         if key not in src.keys():
             src[key] = ref[key][0]
         else: # keu exists, eval numbers if necessary
             if drawer.isNum(ref[key][0]): # check numbers                           
                 min = ref[key][1]
                 max = ref[key][2]
                 # permit r values w/ decimal .5
                 if key =='r' and '.' in src[key]:
                     # double, round, and divide; will be either 0 or .5
                     value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'float', min, max)
                     value = round(value*2) / 2
                     value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'int', min, max)
                 if value != None:
                     src[key] = value
                 else: # cant resolve value, provide default
                     src[key] = ref[key][0]
             if drawer.isStr(ref[key][0]): # check strings
                 if key == 'f':
                     value = caFormatParser(src[key])
                 elif key == 'i':
                     value = caInitParser(src[key])
                 if value != None:
                     src[key] = value
                     src[key] = ref[key][0]      
     return src       
Ejemplo n.º 26
def caInitParser(usrStr):
    >>> caInitParser('center')
    >>> caInitParser('junk') == None
    usrNum, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(usrStr)
    if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or (len(usrNum) == len(usrStr)
                                or drawer.isList(usrStr)):
        return usrStr  # not a string, a data obj
    # only parse if a string
    ref = {
        'center': ['c', 'center'],
        'random': ['r', 'random'],
    usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
    return usrStr  # may be Non
Ejemplo n.º 27
def caInitParser(usrStr):
    >>> caInitParser('center')
    >>> caInitParser('junk') == None
    usrNum, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(usrStr)
    if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or (len(usrNum) == len(usrStr) or 
        return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
    # only parse if a string
    ref = {
        'center' : ['c', 'center'],
        'random' : ['r', 'random'],
    usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
    return usrStr # may be Non
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _loadAutoConstantStr(self, arg, ref, lib='genPmtrObjs'):
        """accept a number, a list parameter object, or a string from 
        within a dfeind string group"""
#         ref = {'0' : ['tn', 't', 't n' '0'],
#                 }
        if drawer.isNum(arg):
            pmtrArgs = ('c', arg)
        elif drawer.isStr(arg):
            post = drawer.selectionParse(arg, ref, 0) # autosearch off
            if post == None:
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'no such preset name known.'
            pmtrArgs = ('c', post) # a constant pmtr obj
        else: # its a list to create a ParameterObject
            pmtrArgs = arg
        # create a ParameterObject
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            obj = parameter.factory(pmtrArgs, lib)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _keyParser(self, usrStr):
        if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or drawer.isList(usrStr):
            return usrStr  # not a string, a data obj
        # only parse if a string

        # may need to add: 'd' for dimension
        # 'z' for z axis?
        ref = {
            'f': ['f', 'format', 'form', 'type'],
            'k': ['k', 'colors'],
            'r': ['r', 'radius'],
            'i': ['i', 'init', 'initial'],
            'x': ['x', 'size'],
            'y': ['y', 'steps', 'gen'],
            'w': ['w', 'width'],
            'c': ['c', 'center'],
            's': ['s', 'skip'],
        usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
        return usrStr  # may be None
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _loadAutoConstantStr(self, arg, ref, lib='genPmtrObjs'):
     """accept a number, a list parameter object, or a string from 
     within a dfeind string group"""
     #         ref = {'0' : ['tn', 't', 't n' '0'],
     #                 }
     if drawer.isNum(arg):
         pmtrArgs = ('c', arg)
     elif drawer.isStr(arg):
         post = drawer.selectionParse(arg, ref, 0)  # autosearch off
         if post == None:
             raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'no such preset name known.'
         pmtrArgs = ('c', post)  # a constant pmtr obj
     else:  # its a list to create a ParameterObject
         pmtrArgs = arg
     # create a ParameterObject
     from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
         obj = parameter.factory(pmtrArgs, lib)
     except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
         raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def _keyParser(self, usrStr):
        if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or drawer.isList(usrStr):
            return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
        # only parse if a string
        # may need to add: 'd' for dimension
        # 'z' for z axis?
        ref = {
            'f' : ['f', 'format', 'form', 'type'],
            'k' : ['k', 'colors'],
            'r' : ['r', 'radius'],
            'i' : ['i', 'init', 'initial'],
            'x' : ['x', 'size'],
            'y' : ['y', 'steps', 'gen'],
            'w' : ['w', 'width'],
            'c' : ['c', 'center'],
            's' : ['s', 'skip'],

        usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
        return usrStr # may be None
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _loadAutoConstant(self, arg, lib='genPmtrObjs'):
        """take args and if a number, returns as a constant value parameterObj
        otherwise, keep as is

        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadAutoConstant(45)
        >>> post.type
        >>> post = a._loadAutoConstant(['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post.type
        if drawer.isNum(arg):
            pmtrArgs = ('c', arg)  # fit within a constant
        else:  # its a list to create a ParameterObject
            pmtrArgs = arg
        # create a ParameterObject
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            obj = parameter.factory(pmtrArgs, lib)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def _loadAutoConstant(self, arg, lib='genPmtrObjs'):
        """take args and if a number, returns as a constant value parameterObj
        otherwise, keep as is

        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadAutoConstant(45)
        >>> post.type
        >>> post = a._loadAutoConstant(['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post.type
        if drawer.isNum(arg):
            pmtrArgs = ('c', arg) # fit within a constant
        else: # its a list to create a ParameterObject
            pmtrArgs = arg            
        # create a ParameterObject
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            obj = parameter.factory(pmtrArgs, lib)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def _loadPulse(self):
     objList = []
     if drawer.isStr(self.srcData):
         # if whole argument is a string; not yet implemented
         # this is not going to work, cannot devide a compelete string w/ ,
         strList = self.srcData.split(',') # split
         for element in strList:
             obj = Pulse(element) # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isNum(self.srcData):
         obj = Pulse(self.srcData) # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isList(self.srcData):
         if self._tripleMonadTest(self.srcData): #    a single triple
             obj = Pulse(self.srcData)
         else: # get individual chunks; a pulse list
             for element in self.srcData:
                 obj = Pulse(element) # will raise exception on load error
         raise error.PulseSyntaxError
     return objList
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def _loadPulse(self):
     objList = []
     if drawer.isStr(self.srcData):
         # if whole argument is a string; not yet implemented
         # this is not going to work, cannot devide a compelete string w/ ,
         strList = self.srcData.split(',')  # split
         for element in strList:
             obj = Pulse(element)  # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isNum(self.srcData):
         obj = Pulse(self.srcData)  # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isList(self.srcData):
         if self._tripleMonadTest(self.srcData):  #    a single triple
             obj = Pulse(self.srcData)
         else:  # get individual chunks; a pulse list
             for element in self.srcData:
                 obj = Pulse(element)  # will raise exception on load error
         raise error.PulseSyntaxError
     return objList
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def _expandRawTriple(self, data):
     """take an int, 2, or three element tuple and provide defaults
     returns None if nothing expandable
     if third element in list exists and is a string will be converted
     does checks on div and mult, divide by zero error and all raise exception
     defD = 1 # default values
     defM = 1
     defA = 1
     if drawer.isNum(data): # assum its an acc
         return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(data))
     elif drawer.isStr(data): # assum its an acc as string
         return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(self._dynStrToVal(data)))
     elif drawer.isList(data):
         data = list(data) # convert to list for assignment
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None
         elif len(data) == 1: # its an acc
             return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(data))
         elif len(data) == 2:
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None # error
             return (data[0], data[1], defA)
         else: # other info in a list will be removed
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None # error
             if drawer.isStr(data[2]):
                 acc = self._dynStrToVal(data[2])
             else: # its a number
                 acc = data[2]
             return (data[0], data[1], self. _normAcc(acc)) 
         return None # error
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def _expandRawTriple(self, data):
     """take an int, 2, or three element tuple and provide defaults
     returns None if nothing expandable
     if third element in list exists and is a string will be converted
     does checks on div and mult, divide by zero error and all raise exception
     defD = 1  # default values
     defM = 1
     defA = 1
     if drawer.isNum(data):  # assum its an acc
         return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(data))
     elif drawer.isStr(data):  # assum its an acc as string
         return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(self._dynStrToVal(data)))
     elif drawer.isList(data):
         data = list(data)  # convert to list for assignment
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None
         elif len(data) == 1:  # its an acc
             return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(data))
         elif len(data) == 2:
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None  # error
             return (data[0], data[1], defA)
         else:  # other info in a list will be removed
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None  # error
             if drawer.isStr(data[2]):
                 acc = self._dynStrToVal(data[2])
             else:  # its a number
                 acc = data[2]
             return (data[0], data[1], self._normAcc(acc))
         return None  # error
Ejemplo n.º 38
def findNormalT(pcSet, setMatrix=None):
    """finds normal form of any pc set and returns forte number
    as a scTriple data structure, and transposition from normal form
    pcSet may contain psReals, and as such, need to be converted to ints

    >>> findNormalT([3,4,5])
    ((3, 1, 0), 3)

    if setMatrix == None: # use forte as default
        setMatrix = FORTE
    MONADscTuple = (1,1,0)

    # check for bad data
    if drawer.isStr(pcSet):
        return None # error, no strings supported here
    if drawer.isList(pcSet):
        for psReal in pcSet:# make sure all values are numbers; no strings allowed
            if drawer.isStr(psReal):
                return None # break, return None as error
    # check for unusual data
    if drawer.isNum(pcSet): # its a single number
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet)
        # second number is transposition from 0
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)
    if len(pcSet) == 1:  #filter out monad!
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet[0])
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)

    # scrub and go
    pcSetClone = []
    for psReal in pcSet: # pcSet may contian psReal, w/ floating values
    #check fr non base 12 numbers, negative numbers, redundancies
    pcSetClone = list(pcSetTransposer(pcSetClone, 0))

    i = 0
    chord = []
    for i in range(0,12):  # remove redundancies
        if i in pcSetClone:
    card = len(chord)    
    if card < 1: # monad has already been filtered out
        return None # 2nd no is transposition from 0
    if card == 1: # this is a set like (3,3,3,3)
        return MONADscTuple, (pcSet[0] % 12) 
    elif card > 12:
        return None # 'irrational cardinality error'

    rotIndices = range(0, card)
    foundIndex = None                #control variable
    for rot in rotIndices:
        r = rot # dont need to add 1? + 1
        rotSet = chord[r:card] + chord[0:r]
        dif  = rotSet[0]
        pSet = pcSetTransposer(rotSet, -dif)
        iSet = tuple(pcInverter(pSet))
        maxRange = len(setMatrix[card])
        # check all sets of given card for match
        for index in range(1, maxRange):     # start with 1, not zero
            # this is a default; may be a symmetrical set and have no inversion
            foundInv = 'A' 
            # test each set in this cardinality; "0" gets pitches
            testSet = tuple(setMatrix[card][index][0])  
            if iSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'B'      #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
            elif pSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'A'      #nt sure yet if 1 or 0 
        if foundIndex != None:
    if foundIndex == None:  ## no set found
        return None #'failed!!!'
    if foundInv == 'B':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0 :   
            scInv = -1
        else: scInv = 0
    elif foundInv == 'A':
         # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0 :
            scInv = 1
        else: scInv = 0
    return (card, foundIndex, scInv), dif
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def advance(self, ageStep=1):
        """Advance the particle one frame.

        The `ageStep` argumetn can be a function that returns a number or a number (value around 1).
        This value is rounded to the nearest integer; floating point values outside of .5 and 1.5 cause shifts.

        >>> pairs = [('a', 2)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.advance()

        >>> pairs = [('a', 2)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance(2)
        >>> a.advance(2)

        >>> pairs = [('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state == None
        if drawer.isNum(ageStep):
            ageUnit = ageStep
            ageUnit = ageStep() # assume it is a function

        # Probabilistic rounding of floating point values
        ageUnitInt = drawer.floatToInt(ageUnit, 'weight')
        self.age += ageUnitInt

        if self.age > self.lifeSpan: # must be greater, not >=
            self.state = None
            return False # cant advance, as is dead
        # check each state in the life bounds, see if this age
        # is within the range of any of those bounds
        for key in self.lifeBounds:
            if (self.age >= self.lifeBounds[key][0] and self.age <= 
                self.state = key # assign new state
        return True # still alive
Ejemplo n.º 40
def strongType(usrArgs, argTypes, defaultArgs=[], argCountOffset=0):
    """Argument checking tool.

    checks raw arg type and number, one level deep
        (does not recurse into list)
    will supply defaults if missing args after last given and 
        self.defaultArgs defined
    two arguments required, both lists:
        args = a list of arguments, of proper python data types
        argTypes = list of one-level deap types, specified w/ strings
            'list', 'num', 'float', 'int', 'str'; see drawer.py
    one optional args
        defaultArgs = list of default args to substitute
    returns: newArgs, ok, msg

    >>> strongType([[1,2,3]], ['list'])
    ([[1, 2, 3]], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([.5, 3, 'three'], ['float', 'int', 'str'])
    ([0.5, 3, 'three'], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([3.2], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000...], 0, 'incorrect number of arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    >>> strongType([3.2, 5, 6], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000..., 5, 6], 0, 'too many arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    argCount = len(argTypes)
    if len(usrArgs) < argCount:
        # try to get from defaults
        if len(defaultArgs) == argCount:  # defaults exits (default is 0)
            for retrieve in defaultArgs[len(usrArgs):]:
                usrArgs.append(retrieve)  # add missing to end
                #print 'argTools.py: adding default', retrieve, defaultArgs
        else:  # nothing we can do: failure
            msg = ('incorrect number of arguments; enter %i arguments.' %
                   (argCount + argCountOffset))  # add incase if name offset
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    elif len(usrArgs) > argCount:
        #print _MOD, len(usrArgs), argCount
        msg = 'too many arguments; enter %i arguments.' % (argCount +
        return usrArgs, 0, msg

    for pos in range(0, argCount):
        argTest = usrArgs[pos]
        # can be [list, num, float, int, str]
        typeCandidates = argTypes[pos]
        if not drawer.isList(typeCandidates):
            typeCandidates = [
            ]  # add to list
        for type in typeCandidates:
            if type == 'list' and drawer.isList(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'num' and drawer.isNum(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'float' and drawer.isFloat(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'int' and drawer.isInt(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'str' and drawer.isStr(argTest):
                match = 1
            else:  # dont break; need to through other possbilities
                match = 0
        # should covnert types to better strings
        if match == 0:
            msg = (
                'wrong type of data used as an argument. replace %s with a %s argument type.'
                % (
                    # provide 'or' to show that any type in candidate is good
                    drawer.typeListAsStr(typeCandidates, 'or')))
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    # all good
    return usrArgs, 1, ''
Ejemplo n.º 41
def extractNeighbors(pitchGroup, baseNote, scales=None):
    """takes a set, or a whole path, and derives a pc scale, 
    a pitch space scale, and provides the upper and lower note to 
    baseNote should be represented in the pitch group
    we need to know our current reference position in the pitchGroup
    pitchGroup has pitch pre-temperament; thus baseNote should be
    may be a psReal
    pitchGroup: from a refDict, containing stateCurrentChord, or statePathList
    will be a list of raw psReal values: could be floats, and could have micro
    # if scales given and no pitchGroup is given
    if scales != None and pitchGroup == None:
        colPitchSpace = scales[0]
        colPitchClass = scales[1]
    else:  # given a set or path as pitchGroup
        if drawer.isNum(pitchGroup[0]):
            pitchGroup = [
            ]  # make all look like paths
        colPitchSpace = []
        colPitchClass = []
        for set in pitchGroup:
            for entry in set:
                if entry not in colPitchSpace:
                # round; zero trans gets mod12
                entryPC = pitchTools.pcTransposer(entry, 0)
                if entryPC not in colPitchClass:
        scales = colPitchSpace, colPitchClass

    # use pitch class space to get neighbors
    # can use pitch space in the future? wrap around is strange
    octaveAdjust = 0
    baseOctMult, basePC = pitchTools.splitOctPs(baseNote)

    # although baseNote may be a float (already tempered)
    # basePC seems to    need to be an int, as it is used to find
    # a position in the scale; for this reason it seems like
    # the path positions value, and not the tempered pitch
    # should be coming in as the baseNote: tmerperament could cause
    # a rounding error and pass a pitch that is not in the scale at all

    #print _MOD, basePC, colPitchClass
    idx = None
        idx = colPitchClass.index(basePC)
    except ValueError:  # not in the collected pitches; try rounding
        for i in range(len(colPitchClass)):
            # compare rounded versions, as floats may not match
            if round(colPitchClass[i], 2) == round(basePC, 2):
                idx = i
                # print _MOD, 'found rounded match'
        if idx == None:
            idx = 0
                'no match between base pitch and collected pitches')

    idxL = idx - 1  # lower neighbor
    if idxL == -1:  # wrap index around
        idxL = len(colPitchClass) - 1
        octaveAdjust = -1
    idxU = idx + 1  # upper neighbor
    if idxU == len(colPitchClass):
        idxU = 0
        octaveAdjust = 1

    neighborL = colPitchClass[idxL]
    if octaveAdjust == -1:
        neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, -12)

    neighborU = colPitchClass[idxU]
    if octaveAdjust == 1:
        neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, 12)

    # do octave adjust ment relative to baseNote in pitch space
    neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, (12 * baseOctMult))
    neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, (12 * baseOctMult))
    lowerUpper = neighborL, neighborU

    return scales, lowerUpper
Ejemplo n.º 42
def strongType(usrArgs, argTypes, defaultArgs=[], argCountOffset=0):
    """Argument checking tool.

    checks raw arg type and number, one level deep
        (does not recurse into list)
    will supply defaults if missing args after last given and 
        self.defaultArgs defined
    two arguments required, both lists:
        args = a list of arguments, of proper python data types
        argTypes = list of one-level deap types, specified w/ strings
            'list', 'num', 'float', 'int', 'str'; see drawer.py
    one optional args
        defaultArgs = list of default args to substitute
    returns: newArgs, ok, msg

    >>> strongType([[1,2,3]], ['list'])
    ([[1, 2, 3]], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([.5, 3, 'three'], ['float', 'int', 'str'])
    ([0.5, 3, 'three'], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([3.2], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000...], 0, 'incorrect number of arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    >>> strongType([3.2, 5, 6], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000..., 5, 6], 0, 'too many arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    argCount = len(argTypes) 
    if len(usrArgs) < argCount:
        # try to get from defaults
        if len(defaultArgs) == argCount: # defaults exits (default is 0)
            for retrieve in defaultArgs[len(usrArgs):]:
                usrArgs.append(retrieve) # add missing to end
                #print 'argTools.py: adding default', retrieve, defaultArgs
        else: # nothing we can do: failure
            msg = ('incorrect number of arguments; enter %i arguments.' % 
                    (argCount + argCountOffset)) # add incase if name offset
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    elif len(usrArgs) > argCount:
        #print _MOD, len(usrArgs), argCount
        msg = 'too many arguments; enter %i arguments.' % (argCount + 
        return usrArgs, 0, msg

    for pos in range(0, argCount):
        argTest = usrArgs[pos]
        # can be [list, num, float, int, str]
        typeCandidates = argTypes[pos] 
        if not drawer.isList(typeCandidates):
            typeCandidates = [typeCandidates,] # add to list
        for type in typeCandidates:
            if type == 'list' and drawer.isList(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'num' and drawer.isNum(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'float' and drawer.isFloat(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'int' and drawer.isInt(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'str' and drawer.isStr(argTest):
                match = 1
            else: # dont break; need to through other possbilities
                match = 0 
        # should covnert types to better strings
        if match == 0:
            msg = ('wrong type of data used as an argument. replace %s with a %s argument type.' % (repr(typeset.anyDataToStr(argTest)),
                # provide 'or' to show that any type in candidate is good
                drawer.typeListAsStr(typeCandidates, 'or')))
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    # all good
    return usrArgs, 1, ''
Ejemplo n.º 43
def findNormalT(pcSet, setMatrix=None):
    """finds normal form of any pc set and returns forte number
    as a scTriple data structure, and transposition from normal form
    pcSet may contain psReals, and as such, need to be converted to ints

    >>> findNormalT([3,4,5])
    ((3, 1, 0), 3)

    if setMatrix == None:  # use forte as default
        setMatrix = FORTE
    MONADscTuple = (1, 1, 0)

    # check for bad data
    if drawer.isStr(pcSet):
        return None  # error, no strings supported here
    if drawer.isList(pcSet):
        for psReal in pcSet:  # make sure all values are numbers; no strings allowed
            if drawer.isStr(psReal):
                return None  # break, return None as error
    # check for unusual data
    if drawer.isNum(pcSet):  # its a single number
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet)
        # second number is transposition from 0
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)
    if len(pcSet) == 1:  #filter out monad!
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet[0])
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)

    # scrub and go
    pcSetClone = []
    for psReal in pcSet:  # pcSet may contian psReal, w/ floating values
    #check fr non base 12 numbers, negative numbers, redundancies
    pcSetClone = list(pcSetTransposer(pcSetClone, 0))

    i = 0
    chord = []
    for i in range(0, 12):  # remove redundancies
        if i in pcSetClone:
    card = len(chord)
    if card < 1:  # monad has already been filtered out
        return None  # 2nd no is transposition from 0
    if card == 1:  # this is a set like (3,3,3,3)
        return MONADscTuple, (pcSet[0] % 12)
    elif card > 12:
        return None  # 'irrational cardinality error'

    rotIndices = list(range(0, card))
    foundIndex = None  #control variable
    for rot in rotIndices:
        r = rot  # dont need to add 1? + 1
        rotSet = chord[r:card] + chord[0:r]
        dif = rotSet[0]
        pSet = pcSetTransposer(rotSet, -dif)
        iSet = tuple(pcInverter(pSet))
        maxRange = len(setMatrix[card])
        # check all sets of given card for match
        for index in range(1, maxRange):  # start with 1, not zero
            # this is a default; may be a symmetrical set and have no inversion
            foundInv = 'A'
            # test each set in this cardinality; "0" gets pitches
            testSet = tuple(setMatrix[card][index][0])
            if iSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'B'  #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
            elif pSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'A'  #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
        if foundIndex != None:
    if foundIndex == None:  ## no set found
        return None  #'failed!!!'

    if foundInv == 'B':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0:
            scInv = -1
            scInv = 0
    elif foundInv == 'A':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0:
            scInv = 1
            scInv = 0
    return (card, foundIndex, scInv), dif
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def advance(self, ageStep=1):
        """Advance the particle one frame.

        The `ageStep` argumetn can be a function that returns a number or a number (value around 1).
        This value is rounded to the nearest integer; floating point values outside of .5 and 1.5 cause shifts.

        >>> pairs = [('a', 2)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.advance()

        >>> pairs = [('a', 2)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance(2)
        >>> a.advance(2)

        >>> pairs = [('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state
        >>> a.advance()
        >>> a.state == None
        if drawer.isNum(ageStep):
            ageUnit = ageStep
            ageUnit = ageStep()  # assume it is a function

        # Probabilistic rounding of floating point values
        ageUnitInt = drawer.floatToInt(ageUnit, 'weight')
        self.age += ageUnitInt

        if self.age > self.lifeSpan:  # must be greater, not >=
            self.state = None
            return False  # cant advance, as is dead
        # check each state in the life bounds, see if this age
        # is within the range of any of those bounds
        for key in self.lifeBounds:
            if (self.age >= self.lifeBounds[key][0]
                    and self.age <= self.lifeBounds[key][1]):
                self.state = key  # assign new state
        return True  # still alive
Ejemplo n.º 45
def extractNeighbors(pitchGroup, baseNote, scales=None):
    """takes a set, or a whole path, and derives a pc scale, 
    a pitch space scale, and provides the upper and lower note to 
    baseNote should be represented in the pitch group
    we need to know our current reference position in the pitchGroup
    pitchGroup has pitch pre-temperament; thus baseNote should be
    may be a psReal
    pitchGroup: from a refDict, containing stateCurrentChord, or statePathList
    will be a list of raw psReal values: could be floats, and could have micro
    # if scales given and no pitchGroup is given
    if scales != None and pitchGroup == None:
        colPitchSpace = scales[0]
        colPitchClass = scales[1]
    else: # given a set or path as pitchGroup
        if drawer.isNum(pitchGroup[0]):
            pitchGroup = [pitchGroup, ] # make all look like paths
        colPitchSpace = []
        colPitchClass = []
        for set in pitchGroup:
            for entry in set:
                if entry not in colPitchSpace:
                # round; zero trans gets mod12
                entryPC = pitchTools.pcTransposer(entry, 0) 
                if entryPC not in colPitchClass:
        scales = colPitchSpace, colPitchClass

    # use pitch class space to get neighbors
    # can use pitch space in the future? wrap around is strange
    octaveAdjust = 0
    baseOctMult, basePC = pitchTools.splitOctPs(baseNote)
    # although baseNote may be a float (already tempered)
    # basePC seems to    need to be an int, as it is used to find
    # a position in the scale; for this reason it seems like
    # the path positions value, and not the tempered pitch
    # should be coming in as the baseNote: tmerperament could cause
    # a rounding error and pass a pitch that is not in the scale at all
    #print _MOD, basePC, colPitchClass
    idx = None
        idx = colPitchClass.index(basePC)
    except ValueError: # not in the collected pitches; try rounding
        for i in range(len(colPitchClass)):
            # compare rounded versions, as floats may not match
            if round(colPitchClass[i], 2) == round(basePC, 2):
                idx = i
                # print _MOD, 'found rounded match'
        if idx == None:
            idx = 0
            environment.printDebug('no match between base pitch and collected pitches')
    idxL = idx - 1 # lower neighbor
    if idxL == -1: # wrap index around 
        idxL = len(colPitchClass) - 1
        octaveAdjust = -1
    idxU = idx + 1 # upper neighbor
    if idxU == len(colPitchClass):
        idxU = 0
        octaveAdjust = 1

    neighborL = colPitchClass[idxL]
    if octaveAdjust == -1:
        neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, -12)

    neighborU = colPitchClass[idxU]
    if octaveAdjust == 1:
        neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, 12)

    # do octave adjust ment relative to baseNote in pitch space
    neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, (12 * baseOctMult))
    neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, (12 * baseOctMult))
    lowerUpper = neighborL, neighborU
    return scales, lowerUpper