Ejemplo n.º 1
def PrependPath(curpath, path):
    if not curpath: curpath = []
    elif atmake.IsString(curpath): curpath = curpath.split(os.pathsep)
    elif atmake.IsList(curpath): pass
    else: atmake.Error('Invalid current PATH type !')

    if not path: path = []
    elif atmake.IsString(path): path = path.split(os.pathsep)
    elif atmake.IsList(path): pass
    else: atmake.Error('Invalid PATH type !')

    for p in path:
        if p and not p in curpath:
            curpath.insert(0, str(p))

    return string.join(curpath, os.pathsep)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ToListPath(path, sep=None):
    """ ['A','B','C','D'] -> ['A','B','C','D']
		'A/B/C/D'		  -> ['A','B','C','D']
		'A B C D'         -> ['A','B','C','D']
    if sep is None:
        sep = os.sep
    if atmake.IsList(path):
        return path
    if not atmake.IsString(path):
        atmake.Error("Invalid path : %s !" % str(path))
    if path.find(os.sep) >= 0:
        # 'A/B/C/D' -> ['A','B','C','D']
        drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
        p = []
        while len(path):
            path, base = os.path.split(path)
            if len(base):
                p = [base] + p
            # prevent os.path.split('\\\') looping
            if len(path) and path[-1] == sep:
        if len(drive):
            p = [drive] + p
        return p
    # 'A B C D'
    return path.split()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Spawn ( cmdline, cwd=None, env=None, showcl=None ) :
		returns :
			( exec_success, exit_code, stdout lines, stderr lines )
	def __readlines( ilines ) :
		olines = []
		ol = ''
		for il in ilines :
			if il==ord('\r') :
			if il==ord('\n') :
				olines.append( ol+'\r\n' )
				ol = ''
			else :
				ol += chr(il)
		return olines

	if atmake.IsString(cmdline) :
		cmdlist = cmdline_to_list( cmdline )
	elif atmake.IsList(cmdline) :
		cmdlist = cmdline
	else :
		atmake.Error( "Command-line must be a string or a list of strings !" )

	if showcl :

	# disable cl.exe direct redirection to visual IDE output window !
	if env and 'VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT' in env :
		env['VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT'] = ''

	oo = ee = ''
	try :
		p = subprocess.Popen(	cmdlist,
								stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
								stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
								cwd = cwd,
								env = env)
		oo, ee = p.communicate()
		oo = __readlines( oo )
		ee = __readlines( ee )
		retcode = p.returncode
		return ( True, retcode, oo, ee )
	except OSError as e :
		return ( False, 0, None, None )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ToStringPath(path, sep=None):
    """ 'A/B/C/D'		  -> 'A/B/C/D'
		'A B C D'         -> 'A/B/C/D'
		['A','B','C','D'] -> 'A/B/C/D'
    if sep is None:
        sep = os.sep
    if atmake.IsString(path):
        if path.find(sep) >= 0:
            return path
        path = str(path).split()
    if not atmake.IsList(path) or len(path) == 0:
        atmake.Error("Invalid path : %s !" % str(path))
    j = ''
    for p in path:
        if len(str(p)):
            j += sep + str(p)
    return j[1:]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _get(sym, arg=None):
     # get variable
         s = env[sym]
     except KeyError:
         if warn:
             SIDL_Error("Undefined symbol <%s> !" % sym,
         return ''
     # get result
     if atmake.IsCallable(s): r = s(env=env, loc=loc, arg=arg)
     else: r = s
     # check result
     if r is None: return ''
     elif atmake.IsCallable(r): return r
     elif atmake.IsList(r): return string.join(r, ';')
     else: return str(r)