Ejemplo n.º 1
def v_components(ubudget, scale=None, eqbuf=5.0):
    """Return mean, eddy-driven, etc components of v for streamfunction.

    comp_dict = {'MMC' : 'ADV_AVG', 'PGF' : 'PGF_ST', 'EDDY_ST' : 'EMFC_ST',
                 'EDDY_TR' : 'EMFC_TR', 'EDDY_CRS' : 'ADV_CRS'}

    if scale is not None:
        ubudget = ubudget * scale
    latname = atm.get_coord(ubudget, 'lat', 'name')
    lat = ubudget[latname]
    f = atm.coriolis(lat)
    f[abs(lat) < eqbuf] = np.nan

    v = xray.Dataset()
    v['TOT'] = ubudget['COR'] / f
    for nm in sorted(comp_dict):
        v[nm] = - ubudget[comp_dict[nm]] / f
    v['EDDY'] = v['EDDY_CRS'] + v['EDDY_TR'] + v['EDDY_ST']
    v['RESID'] = v['TOT'] - v['MMC'] - v['PGF'] - v['EDDY']

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calc_ubudget(datafiles, ndays, lon1, lon2, plev=200):
    """Calculate momentum budget for daily data in one year.

    Keys of datafiles dict must be: U, V, DUDP, H, OMEGA, DOMEGADP, DUDTANA

    # Read data
    data = xray.Dataset()
    for nm in datafiles:
        print('Reading ' + datafiles[nm])
        with xray.open_dataset(datafiles[nm]) as ds:
            if nm in ds.data_vars:
                var = ds[nm]
                var = ds[nm + '%d' % plev]
            if 'Day' in var.dims:
                var = var.rename({'Day' : 'day'})
            data[nm] = atm.squeeze(var)
    data['PHI'] = atm.constants.g.values * data['H']

    # Put zeros in for any missing variables (e.g. du/dp)
    for nm in ['OMEGA', 'DUDP', 'DOMEGADP', 'DUDTANA']:
        if nm not in data.data_vars:
            data[nm] = 0.0 * data['U']

    # Eddy decomposition
    taxis = 0
    for nm in data.data_vars:
        print('Eddy decomposition for ' + nm)
        comp = eddy_decomp(data[nm], ndays, lon1, lon2, taxis)
        for compnm in comp:
            data[compnm] = comp[compnm]

    # Momentum budget calcs
    # du/dt = sum of terms in ubudget
    ubudget = xray.Dataset()
    readme = 'Momentum budget: ACCEL = sum of all other data variables'
    ubudget.attrs['readme'] = readme
    ubudget.attrs['ndays'] = ndays
    ubudget.attrs['lon1'] = lon1
    ubudget.attrs['lon2'] = lon2

    # Advective terms
    keypairs = [ ('AVG', 'AVG'), ('AVG', 'ST'), ('ST', 'AVG')]
    print('Computing advective terms')
    for pair in keypairs:
        ukey, flowkey = pair
        u = data['U_' + ukey]
        dudp = data['DUDP_' + ukey]
        uflow = data['U_' + flowkey]
        vflow = data['V_' + flowkey]
        omegaflow = data['OMEGA_' + flowkey]
        adv = advection(uflow, vflow, omegaflow, u, dudp)
        for nm in adv.data_vars:
            key = 'ADV_%s_%s_%s' % (ukey, flowkey, nm)
            ubudget[key] = - adv[nm]
            long_name = 'Advection of %s momentum by %s' % (ukey, flowkey)
            ubudget[key].attrs['long_name'] = long_name

    # EMFD terms
    keys = ['TR', 'ST']
    print('Computing EMFD terms')
    for key in keys:
        u = data['U_' + key]
        v = data['V_' + key]
        omega = data['OMEGA_' + key]
        dudp = data['DUDP_' + key]
        domegadp = data['DOMEGADP_' + key]
        emfd = fluxdiv(u, v, omega, dudp, domegadp)
        for nm in emfd.data_vars:
            ubudget['EMFC_%s_%s' % (key, nm)] = - emfd[nm]

    # Coriolis terms
    latlon = latlon_data(data['V_ST'])
    lat = latlon['LAT']
    f = atm.coriolis(lat)
    ubudget['COR_AVG'] = data['V_AVG'] * f
    ubudget['COR_ST'] = data['V_ST'] * f

    # Pressure gradient terms
    a = atm.constants.radius_earth.values
    coslat = latlon['COSLAT']
    lonrad = latlon['LONRAD']
    londim = atm.get_coord(data['PHI_ST'], 'lon', 'dim')
    ubudget['PGF_ST'] = - atm.gradient(data['PHI_ST'], lonrad, londim) / (a*coslat)

    # Analysis increment for dU/dt
    ubudget['ANA'] = data['DUDTANA']

    # Time mean
    print('Computing rolling time mean')
    for nm in ubudget.data_vars:
        ubudget[nm] = atm.rolling_mean(ubudget[nm], ndays, axis=taxis, center=True)

    # Acceleration
    nseconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * ndays
    delta_u = np.nan * data['U']
    u = data['U'].values
    delta_u.values[ndays//2:-ndays//2] = (u[ndays:] - u[:-ndays]) / nseconds
    ubudget['ACCEL'] = delta_u

    return ubudget, data