Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parse_date(year, datestr):
     months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
               'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November',
     month_lookup = {month : m + 1 for m, month in enumerate(months)}
     day, month = datestr.split()
     month = month_lookup[month]
     day = int(day)
     jday = atm.mmdd_to_jday(month, day, year)
     return jday
Ejemplo n.º 2
def onset_OCI(u, latlon = (5, 15, 40, 80), mmdd_thresh=(6,1),
              ndays=7, yearnm='Year', daynm='Day'):
    """Return monsoon Onset Circulation Index.

    u : xray.DataArray
        850 hPa zonal wind.
    latlon : 4-tuple of floats, optional
        Tuple of (lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2) defining South Arabian Sea
        region to average over.
    mmdd_thres : 2-tuple of ints, optional
        Tuple of (month, day) defining climatological mean onset date
        to use for threshold value of u.
    ndays : int, optional
        Number of consecutive days threshold must be exceeded to
        define onset.
    yearnm, daynm : str, optional
        Name of year and day dimensions in DataArray

    oci : xray.Dataset
        OCI daily timeseries for each year and monsoon onset day for
        each year.

    Wang, B., Ding, Q., & Joseph, P. V. (2009). Objective Definition
        of the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset. Journal of Climate, 22(12),

    days = atm.get_coord(u, coord_name=daynm)
    years = atm.get_coord(u, coord_name=yearnm)
    nyears = len(years)

    # Average over South Arabian Sea region
    lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = latlon
    ubar = atm.mean_over_geobox(u, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)

    # Find values at climatological onset
    m0, d0 = mmdd_thresh
    d0 = [atm.mmdd_to_jday(m0, d0, year) for year in years]
    u0 = [ubar.sel(**{daynm : day, yearnm : year}).values
          for year, day in zip(years, d0)]
    u0 = np.array(u0).flatten()
    uthreshold = np.mean(u0)

    # Find first day when OCI exceeds threshold and stays above the
    # threshold for consecutive ndays
    def onset_day(tseries, uthreshold, ndays, daynm):
        above = (tseries.values > uthreshold)
        d0 = above.argmax()
        while not above[d0:d0+ndays].all():
            d0 += 1
        return tseries[daynm].values[d0]

    # Find onset day for each year
    onset = [onset_day(ubar[y], uthreshold, ndays, daynm)
             for y in range(nyears)]

    # Pack into dataset
    oci = xray.Dataset()
    oci['tseries'] = ubar
    oci['onset'] = xray.DataArray(onset, coords={yearnm : years})
    oci.attrs['latlon'] = latlon
    oci.attrs['mmdd_thresh'] = mmdd_thresh
    oci.attrs['ndays'] = ndays
    return oci
Ejemplo n.º 3
for nm in index_pts.data_vars:
    ind = index[nm].sel(year=index_pts['year'])
    pts_reg[nm] = atm.regress_field(index_pts[nm], ind, axis=0)
    pts_reg[nm]['pts_mask'] = (pts_reg[nm]['p'] >= 0.05)

# Mask out grid points where CHP index is ill-defined
def applymask(ds, mask_in):
    for nm in ds.data_vars:
        mask = atm.biggify(mask_in, ds[nm], tile=True)
        vals = np.ma.masked_array(ds[nm], mask=mask).filled(np.nan)
        ds[nm].values = vals
    return ds

if ptsmaskfile is not None:
    fracmin = 0.5
    day1 = atm.mmdd_to_jday(6, 1)
    day2 = atm.mmdd_to_jday(9, 30)
    with xray.open_dataset(ptsmaskfile) as ds:
        pcp = ds['PREC'].sel(lat=index_pts.lat).sel(lon=index_pts.lon).load()
    pcp_ssn = atm.subset(pcp, {'day' : (day1, day2)})
    pcp_frac = pcp_ssn.sum(dim='day') / pcp.sum(dim='day')
    mask = pcp_frac < fracmin
    index_pts = applymask(index_pts, mask)
    for key in pts_reg:
        pts_reg[key] = applymask(pts_reg[key], mask)

# MFC budget
with xray.open_dataset(mfcbudget_file) as mfc_budget:
mfc_budget = mfc_budget.rename({'DWDT' : 'dw/dt'})
mfc_budget['P-E'] = mfc_budget['PRECTOT'] - mfc_budget['EVAP']