Ejemplo n.º 1
class FlowArea(Frame):
    """ A widget which lays out its children in flowing manner, wrapping
    around at the end of the available space.

    #: The flow direction of the layout.
    direction = d_(
        Enum('left_to_right', 'right_to_left', 'top_to_bottom',

    #: The alignment of a line of items within the layout.
    align = d_(Enum('leading', 'trailing', 'center', 'justify'))

    #: The amount of horizontal space to place between items.
    horizontal_spacing = d_(Range(low=0, value=10))

    #: The amount of vertical space to place between items.
    vertical_spacing = d_(Range(low=0, value=10))

    #: The margins to use around the outside of the flow area.
    margins = d_(Coerced(Box, (10, 10, 10, 10)))

    #: A FlowArea expands freely in width and height by default.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')
    hug_height = set_default('ignore')

    #: A reference to the ProxyFlowArea object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyFlowArea)

    def flow_items(self):
        """ Get the flow item children defined on this area.

        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, FlowItem)]

    # Default Handlers
    def _default_border(self):
        """ Get the default border for the flow area.

        The default value matches the default for Qt's QScrollArea.

        return Border(style='styled_panel', line_style='sunken')

    # Observers
    @observe('direction', 'align', 'horizontal_spacing', 'vertical_spacing',
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(FlowArea, self)._update_proxy(change)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FlowItem(Widget):
    """ A widget which can be used as an item in a FlowArea.

    A FlowItem is a widget which can be used as a child of a FlowArea
    widget. It can have at most a single child widget which is an
    instance of Container.

    #: The preferred size of this flow item. This size will be used as
    #: the size of the item in the layout, bounded to the computed min
    #: and max size. A size of (-1, -1) indicates to use the widget's
    #: size hint as the preferred size.
    preferred_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: The alignment of this item in the direction orthogonal to the
    #: layout flow.
    align = d_(Enum('leading', 'trailing', 'center'))

    #: The stretch factor for this item in the flow direction, relative
    #: to other items in the same line. The default is zero which means
    #: that the item will not expand in the direction orthogonal to the
    #: layout flow.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=0))

    #: The stretch factor for this item in the orthogonal direction
    #: relative to other items in the layout. The default is zero
    #: which means that the item will not expand in the direction
    #: orthogonal to the layout flow.
    ortho_stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=0))

    #: A reference to the ProxyFlowItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyFlowItem)

    def flow_widget(self):
        """ Get the flow widget defined on this flow item.

        The last Container defined on the item is the flow widget.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    # Observers
    @observe(('preferred_size', 'align', 'stretch', 'ortho_stretch'))
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(FlowItem, self)._update_proxy(change)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class DefaultSpacing(Atom):
    """ A class which encapsulates the default spacing parameters for
    the various layout helper objects.

    #: The space between abutted components
    ABUTMENT = Range(low=0, value=10)

    #: The space between aligned anchors
    ALIGNMENT = Range(low=0, value=0)

    #: The margins for box helpers
    BOX_MARGINS = Coerced(Box, factory=lambda: Box(0, 0, 0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class CalendarView(FrameLayout):
    """CalendarView is a view group that displays
    child views in relative positions.


    #: Selected date
    date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: Max date
    max_date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: Min date
    min_date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: First day of week
    first_day_of_week = d_(Range(1, 7))

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyCalendarView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe("date", "max_date", "min_date", "first_day_of_week")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

Ejemplo n.º 5
class Experiment(Atom):

    coef = FloatRange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0)

    gain = Range(0, 100, 10)

    scale = FloatRange(0.0, 2.0, 1.0, strict=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class DatePicker(FrameLayout):
    """A simple control for displaying read-only text."""

    #: Update the current year.
    date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: Sets the minimal date supported by this DatePicker in milliseconds
    #: since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 in getDefault() time zone.
    min_date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: Sets the maximal date supported by this DatePicker in milliseconds
    #: since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 in getDefault() time zone.
    max_date = d_(Instance(datetime, factory=datetime.now))

    #: Sets the first day of week.
    first_day_of_week = d_(Range(1, 7))

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyDatePicker)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe("date", "min_date", "max_date", "first_day_of_week")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

Ejemplo n.º 7
class StatusItem(ToolkitObject):
    """ An item which holds a widget to include in a status bar.

    #: The mode of a status item. A 'normal' item can be obscured by
    #: temporary status messages; a 'permanent' item cannot.
    mode = d_(Enum('normal', 'permanent'))

    #: The stretch factor to apply to this item, relative to the other
    #: items in the status bar.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0))

    #: A reference to the ProxyStatusItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyStatusItem)

    def status_widget(self):
        """ Get the status widget for the item.

        The last Widget child is used as the status widget.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Widget):
                return child

    # Observers
    @observe('mode', 'stretch')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the proxy when the status item data changes.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(StatusItem, self)._update_proxy(change)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Person(Atom):
    """ A simple class representing a person object.

    last_name = Str()

    first_name = Str()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dob = Value(datetime.date(1970, 1, 1))

    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """ Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes.

        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Person(Atom):

    last_name = Unicode()
    first_name = Unicode()
    age = Range(low=0)
    dob = Value(datetime.date(1970, 1, 1))
    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """ Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes.

        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(
                first=self.first_name, last=self.last_name, age=self.age,

    def update_age(self, change):
        """ Update the person's age whenever their date of birth changes

        # grab the current date time
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        # estimate the person's age within one year accuracy
        age = now.year - self.dob.year
        # check to see if the current date is before their birthday and
        # subtract a year from their age if it is
        if now.month >= self.dob.month and now.day > self.dob.day:
            age -= 1
        # set the persons age
        self.age = age
Ejemplo n.º 10
class CalendarView(FrameLayout):
    """ CalendarView is a view group that displays
    child views in relative positions.

    #: Selected date
    date = d_(Instance(datetime))

    #: Max date
    max_date = d_(Instance(datetime))

    #: Min date
    min_date = d_(Instance(datetime))

    #: First day of week
    first_day_of_week = d_(Range(1, 7))

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyCalendarView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('date', 'max_date', 'min_date', 'first_day_of_week')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(CalendarView, self)._update_proxy(change)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Border(Atom):
    """ A class for defining a border on a Frame.

    Border instances should be treated as read-only once created.

    #: The style of the border.
    style = Enum('box', 'panel', 'styled_panel')

    #: The shadow style applied to the border.
    line_style = Enum('plain', 'sunken', 'raised')

    #: The thickness of the outer border line.
    line_width = Range(low=0, value=1)

    #: The thickness of the inner border line. This only has an effect
    #: for the 'sunken' and 'raised' line styles.
    midline_width = Range(low=0, value=0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Image(SQLModel):
    name = Str().tag(length=100)
    path = Str().tag(length=200)
    metadata = Typed(dict).tag(nullable=True)
    alpha = Range(low=0, high=255)
    data = Instance(bytes).tag(nullable=True)

    # Maps to sa.ARRAY, must include the item_type tag
    # size = Tuple(int).tag(nullable=True)

    #: Maps to sa.JSON
    info = Instance(ImageInfo, ())
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Person(Atom):
    """ A simple class representing a person object.

    last_name = Unicode()

    first_name = Unicode()

    age = Range(low=0)

    debug = Bool(False)

    def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return "Person(first_name={p.first_name},last_name={p.last_name})".format(p=self)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Polygon(Polyline):
    """ A polyline that follows points on a circle of a given inscribed or
    circumscribed radius.

    radius: Float
        Radius of the polygon
    count: Int
        Number of points in the polygon, must be 3 or more.
    inscribed: Bool
        Whether the radius should be interpreted as an "inscribed" or
        "circumscribed" radius. The default is "circumscribed" meaning the
        points will be on the given radius (inside the circle). If
        `inscribed=True` then the midpoint of each segment will be on the
        circle of the given radius (outside the circle).


        Polygon: # A hexagon of radius 6
            radius = 4
            count = 6

    #: This is fixed
    closed = True

    #: Radius is inscribed
    inscribed = d_(Bool())

    #: Radius of the polygon
    radius = d_(Float(1, strict=False)).tag(view=True)

    #: Number of points
    count = d_(Range(low=3)).tag(view=True)

    @observe('radius', 'inscribed', 'count')
    def _update_points(self, change):
        self.points = self._default_points()

    def _default_points(self):
        n = self.count
        r = self.radius
        a = 2 * pi / n
        if self.inscribed:
            r /= cos(pi / n)
        return [Pt(x=cos(i*a)*r, y=sin(i*a)*r) for i in range(n)]
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: stack.py Proyecto: ylwb/enaml
class Transition(Atom):
    """ An object representing an animated transition.

    Once a transition is created, it should be considered read-only.

    #: The type of transition effect to use.
    type = Enum('slide', 'wipe', 'iris', 'fade', 'crossfade')

    #: The direction of the transition effect. Some transition types
    #: will ignore the direction if it doesn't apply to the effect.
    direction = Enum('left_to_right', 'right_to_left', 'top_to_bottom',

    #: The duration of the transition, in milliseconds.
    duration = Range(low=0, value=250)
Ejemplo n.º 16
class Person(Atom):

    last_name = Unicode()
    first_name = Unicode()
    age = Range(low=0)
    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """ Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes.

        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(
                first=self.first_name, last=self.last_name, age=self.age,
Ejemplo n.º 17
class SplitItem(Widget):
    """ A widget which can be used as an item in a Splitter.

    A SplitItem is a widget which can be used as a child of a Splitter
    widget. It can have at most a single child widget which is an
    instance of Container.

    #: The stretch factor for this item. The stretch factor determines
    #: how much an item is resized relative to its neighbors when the
    #: splitter space is allocated.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=1))

    #: Whether or not the item can be collapsed to zero width by the
    #: user. This holds regardless of the minimum size of the item.
    collapsible = d_(Bool(True))

    #: This is a deprecated attribute. It should no longer be used.
    preferred_size = d_(Value())

    #: A reference to the ProxySplitItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySplitItem)

    def split_widget(self):
        """ Get the split widget defined on the item.

        The split widget is the last child Container.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    # Observers
    @observe('stretch', 'collapsible')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(SplitItem, self)._update_proxy(change)
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Person(Atom):
    """A simple class representing a person object."""

    name = Str()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dog = Typed(Dog, ())

    def _observe_age(self, change):
        print("Age changed: {0}".format(change["value"]))

    def any_name_i_want(self, change):
        print("Name changed: {0}".format(change["value"]))

    def another_random_name(self, change):
        print("Dog name changed: {0}".format(change["value"]))
Ejemplo n.º 19
class Person(Atom):
    """ A simple class representing a person object.

    name = Unicode()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dog = Typed(Dog, ())

    def _observe_age(self, change):
        print('Age changed: {0}'.format(change['value']))

    def any_name_i_want(self, change):
        print('Name changed: {0}'.format(change['value']))

    def another_random_name(self, change):
        print('Dog name changed: {0}'.format(change['value']))
Ejemplo n.º 20
class GetLastModel(Atom):
    """Class that defines the model for the 'get last N datasets view'

    num_to_retrieve : range, min=1
    headers : list
    selected : metadatastore.api.Document
    num_to_retrieve = Range(low=1)
    search_info = Str()
    headers = List()
    connection_is_active = Bool(False)
    summary_visible = Bool(False)
    header = Typed(Document)

    def __init__(self):
        with self.suppress_notifications():
            self.header = None

    def num_changed(self, changed):
            self.headers = DataBroker[-self.num_to_retrieve:]
        except ConnectionError:
            self.search_info = "Database [[{}]] not available on [[{}]]".format(
            self.connection_is_active = False
        except AutoReconnect:
            self.search_info = (
                "Connection to database [[{}]] on [[{}]] was lost".format(
            self.connection_is_active = False
        self.search_info = "Requested: {}. Found: {}".format(
            self.num_to_retrieve, len(self.headers))
Ejemplo n.º 21
class Spacer(Atom):
    """ A base class for creating constraint spacers.

    #: The amount of space to apply for this spacer, in pixels.
    size = Range(low=0)

    #: The optional strength to apply to the spacer constraints.
    strength = StrengthMember()

    def __init__(self, size, strength=None):
        """ Initialize a Spacer.

        size : int
            The basic size of the spacer, in pixels >= 0.

        strength : strength-like, optional
            A strength to apply to the generated spacer constraints.

        self.size = size
        self.strength = strength

    def __or__(self, strength):
        """ Override the strength of the generated constraints.

        strength : strength-like
            The strength to apply to the generated constraints.

        result : self
            The current spacer instance.

        self.strength = strength
        return self

    def when(self, switch):
        """ A simple switch method to toggle a spacer.

        switch : bool
            Whether or not the spacer should be active.

        result : self or None
            The current instance if the switch is True, None otherwise.

        return self if switch else None

    def create_constraints(self, first, second):
        """ Generate the spacer constraints for the given anchors.

        first : LinearSymbolic
            A linear symbolic representing the first constraint anchor.

        second : LinearSymbolic
            A linear symbolic representing the second constraint anchor.

        result : list
            The list of constraints for the spacer.

        cns = self.constraints(first, second)
        strength = self.strength
        if strength is not None:
            cns = [cn | strength for cn in cns]
        return cns

    def constraints(self, first, second):
        """ Generate the spacer constraints for the given anchors.

        This abstract method which must be implemented by subclasses.

        first : LinearSymbolic
            A linear symbolic representing the first constraint anchor.

        second : LinearSymbolic
            A linear symbolic representing the second constraint anchor.

        result : list
            The list of constraints for the spacer.

        raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 22

def test_no_op_handler():
    """Test the NoOp handler."""
    class A(Atom):
        v = Member()

    assert A.v.default_value_mode[0] == DefaultValue.NoOp
    assert A().v is None

    "member, expected",
        (Value(1), 1),
        (Range(0), 0),
        (Range(high=0), 0),
        (Range(0, value=1), 1),
        (FloatRange(0.0), 0.0),
        (FloatRange(high=0.0), 0.0),
        (FloatRange(0.0, value=1.0), 1.0),
        (Subclass(float), float),
        (ForwardSubclass(lambda: float), float),
def test_static_handler(member, expected):
    """Test a static handler."""
    class StaticTest(Atom):
        v = member

    mode = (DefaultValue.MemberMethod_Object if isinstance(
Ejemplo n.º 23
class GridHelper(BoxHelper):
    """ A box helper for creating a traditional grid layout.

    A grid helper is constrainable and can be nested in other grid
    and box helpers to build up complex layouts.

    #: The tuple of row items for the grid.
    rows = Tuple()

    #: The name of constraint variable to align items in a row.
    row_align = Str()

    #: The spacing between consecutive rows in the grid.
    row_spacing = Range(low=0)

    #: The name of constraint variable to align items in a column.
    column_align = Str()

    #: The spacing between consecutive columns in the grid.
    column_spacing = Range(low=0)

    #: The margins to add around boundary of the grid.
    margins = Coerced(Box)

    class _Cell(Atom):
        """ A private class used by a GridHelper to track item cells.

        #: The item contained in the cell.
        item = Value()

        #: The starting row of the cell, inclusive.
        start_row = Int()

        #: The starting column of the cell, inclusive.
        start_column = Int()

        #: The ending row of the cell, inclusive.
        end_row = Int()

        #: The ending column of the cell, inclusive.
        end_column = Int()

        def __init__(self, item, row, column):
            """ Initialize a Cell.

            item : object
                The item contained in the cell.

            row : int
                The row index of the cell.

            column : int
                The column index of the cell.

            self.item = item
            self.start_row = row
            self.start_column = column
            self.end_row = row
            self.end_column = column

        def expand_to(self, row, column):
            """ Expand the cell to enclose the given row and column.

            self.start_row = min(row, self.start_row)
            self.end_row = max(row, self.end_row)
            self.start_column = min(column, self.start_column)
            self.end_column = max(column, self.end_column)

    def __init__(self, rows, **config):
        """ Initialize a GridHelper.

        rows: iterable of iterable
            The rows to layout in the grid. A row must be composed of
            constrainable objects and None. An item will be expanded
            to span all of the cells in which it appears.

            Configuration options for how this helper should behave.
            The following options are currently supported:

                A string which is the name of a constraint variable on
                an item. If given, it is used to add constraints on the
                alignment of items in a row. The constraints will only
                be applied to items that do not span rows.

                An integer >= 0 which indicates how many pixels of
                space should be placed between rows in the grid. The
                default value is 10 pixels.

                A string which is the name of a constraint variable on
                a item. If given, it is used to add constraints on the
                alignment of items in a column. The constraints will
                only be applied to items that do not span columns.

                An integer >= 0 which indicates how many pixels of
                space should be placed between columns in the grid.
                The default is the value is 10 pixels.

                A int, tuple of ints, or Box of ints >= 0 which
                indicate how many pixels of margin to add around
                the bounds of the grid. The default value is 0
                pixels on all sides.

        self.rows = self.validate(rows)
        self.row_align = config.get('row_align', '')
        self.column_align = config.get('col_align', '')  # backwards compat
        self.column_align = config.get('column_align', '')
        self.row_spacing = config.get('row_spacing', 10)
        self.column_spacing = config.get('column_spacing', 10)
        self.margins = config.get('margins', 0)

    def validate(rows):
        """ Validate the rows for the grid helper.

        This method asserts that the rows are composed entirely of
        Constrainable objects and None.

        rows : iterable of iterable
            The iterable of row items to validate.

        result : tuple of tuple
            The tuple of validated rows.

        valid_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            for item in row:
                if item is not None and not isinstance(item, Constrainable):
                    msg = 'Grid items must be Constrainable or None. '
                    msg += 'Got %r instead.'
                    raise TypeError(msg % item)
        return tuple(valid_rows)

    def constraints(self, component):
        """ Generate the grid constraints for the given component.

        component : Constrainable or None
            The constrainable object which represents the conceptual
            owner of the generated constraints.

        result : list
            The list of Constraint objects for the given component.

        # Create the outer boundary box constraints.
        cns = self.box_constraints(component)

        # Compute the cell spans for the items in the grid.
        cells = []
        cell_map = {}
        num_cols = 0
        num_rows = len(self.rows)
        for row_idx, row in enumerate(self.rows):
            num_cols = max(num_cols, len(row))
            for col_idx, item in enumerate(row):
                if item is None:
                elif item in cell_map:
                    cell_map[item].expand_to(row_idx, col_idx)
                    cell = self._Cell(item, row_idx, col_idx)
                    cell_map[item] = cell

        # Create the row and column variables and their default limits.
        row_vars = []
        col_vars = []
        for idx in xrange(num_rows + 1):
            var = kiwi.Variable('row%d' % idx)
            cns.append(var >= 0)
        for idx in xrange(num_cols + 1):
            var = kiwi.Variable('col%d' % idx)
            cns.append(var >= 0)

        # Add the neighbor constraints for the row and column vars.
        for r1, r2 in zip(row_vars[:-1], row_vars[1:]):
            cns.append(r1 <= r2)
        for c1, c2 in zip(col_vars[:-1], col_vars[1:]):
            cns.append(c1 <= c2)

        # Setup the initial interior bounding box for the grid.
        firsts = (self.top, col_vars[-1], row_vars[-1], self.left)
        seconds = (row_vars[0], self.right, self.bottom, col_vars[0])
        for size, first, second in zip(self.margins, firsts, seconds):
            cns.extend(EqSpacer(size).create_constraints(first, second))

        # Setup the spacer lists for constraining the cell items
        row_spacer = FlexSpacer(self.row_spacing / 2)  # floor division
        col_spacer = FlexSpacer(self.column_spacing / 2)
        rspace = [row_spacer] * len(row_vars)
        cspace = [col_spacer] * len(col_vars)
        rspace[0] = rspace[-1] = cspace[0] = cspace[-1] = 0

        # Create the helpers for each constrainable grid cell item. The
        # helper validation is bypassed since the items are known-valid.
        helpers = []
        for cell in cells:
            sr = cell.start_row
            er = cell.end_row + 1
            sc = cell.start_column
            ec = cell.end_column + 1
            item = cell.item
            ritems = (row_vars[sr], rspace[sr], item, rspace[er], row_vars[er])
            citems = (col_vars[sc], cspace[sc], item, cspace[ec], col_vars[ec])
            rhelper = SequenceHelper('bottom', 'top', ())
            chelper = SequenceHelper('right', 'left', ())
            rhelper.items = ritems
            chelper.items = citems
            helpers.extend((rhelper, chelper))
            if isinstance(item, ConstraintHelper):

        # Add the row alignment helpers if needed. This will only create
        # the helpers for items which do not span multiple rows.
        anchor = self.row_align
        if anchor:
            row_map = defaultdict(list)
            for cell in cells:
                if cell.start_row == cell.end_row:
            for items in row_map.itervalues():
                if len(items) > 1:
                    helper = SequenceHelper(anchor, anchor, (), 0)
                    helper.items = tuple(items)

        # Add the column alignment helpers if needed. This will only
        # create the helpers for items which do not span multiple rows.
        anchor = self.column_align
        if anchor:
            col_map = defaultdict(list)
            for cell in cells:
                if cell.start_column == cell.end_column:
            for items in col_map.itervalues():
                if len(items) > 1:
                    helper = SequenceHelper(anchor, anchor, (), 0)
                    helper.items = tuple(items)

        # Generate the constraints from the helpers.
        for helper in helpers:

        return cns
Ejemplo n.º 24
class JobInfo(Model):
    """ Job metadata """
    #: Controls
    done = Bool()
    cancelled = Bool()
    paused = Bool()

    #: Flags
    status = Enum('staged', 'waiting', 'running', 'error', 'approved',
                  'cancelled', 'complete').tag(config=True)

    #: Stats
    started = Instance(datetime).tag(config=True)
    ended = Instance(datetime).tag(config=True)
    progress = Range(0, 100, 0).tag(config=True)
    data = Unicode().tag(config=True)
    count = Int().tag(config=True)

    #: Device speed in px/s
    speed = Float(strict=False).tag(config=True)
    #: Length in px
    length = Float(strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: Estimates based on length and speed
    duration = Instance(timedelta, ()).tag(config=True)

    #: Units
    units = Enum('in', 'cm', 'm', 'ft').tag(config=True)

    #: Callback to open the approval dialog
    auto_approve = Bool().tag(config=True)
    request_approval = Callable()

    def _default_request_approval(self):
        """ Request approval using the current job """
        from inkcut.core.workbench import InkcutWorkbench
        workbench = InkcutWorkbench.instance()
        plugin = workbench.get_plugin("inkcut.job")
        return lambda: plugin.request_approval(plugin.job)

    def reset(self):
        """ Reset to initial states"""
        #: TODO: This is a stupid design
        self.progress = 0
        self.paused = False
        self.cancelled = False
        self.done = False
        self.status = 'staged'

    def _observe_done(self, change):
        if change['type'] == 'update':
            #: Increment count every time it's completed
            if self.done:
                self.count += 1

    @observe('length', 'speed')
    def _update_duration(self, change):
        if not self.length or not self.speed:
            self.duration = timedelta()
        dt = self.length / self.speed
        self.duration = timedelta(seconds=dt)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    for value in (1, 1.0, '', [], {}):
        assert m.do_validate(a, None, value) == value

@pytest.mark.parametrize("member, set_values, values, raising_values", [
    (Value(), ['a', 1, None], ['a', 1, None], []),
    (Bool(), [True, False], [True, False], 'r'),
    (Int(strict=True), [1], [1], [1.0, long(1)] if sys.version_info <
     (3, ) else [1.0]),
    (Int(strict=False), [1, 1.0, long(1)
                         ], 3 * [1], ['a'] + [] if sys.version_info >=
     (3, ) else [1.0e35]),
    (Long(strict=True), [long(1)], [long(1)], [1.0, 1] if sys.version_info <
     (3, ) else [0.1]),
    (Long(strict=False), [1, 1.0, int(1)], 3 * [1], ['a']),
    (Range(0, 2), [0, 2], [0, 2], [-1, 3, '']),
    (Range(2, 0), [0, 2], [0, 2], [-1, 3]),
    (Range(0), [0, 3], [0, 3], [-1]),
    (Range(high=2), [-1, 2], [-1, 2], [3]),
    (Float(), [1, int(1), 1.1], [1.0, 1.0, 1.1], ['']),
    (Float(strict=True), [1.1], [1.1], [1]),
    (FloatRange(0.0, 0.5), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
    (FloatRange(0.5, 0.0), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
    (FloatRange(0.0), [0.0, 0.6], [0.0, 0.6], [-0.1, '']),
    (FloatRange(high=0.5), [-0.3, 0.5], [-0.3, 0.5], [0.6]),
    (Bytes(), [b'a', u'a'], [b'a'] * 2, [1]),
    (Bytes(strict=True), [b'a'], [b'a'], [u'a']),
    (Str(), [b'a', u'a'], ['a'] * 2, [1]),
    (Str(strict=True), [b'a'] if sys.version_info <
     (3, ) else [u'a'], ['a'], [u'a'] if sys.version_info < (3, ) else [b'a']),
    (Unicode(), [b'a', u'a'], [u'a'] * 2, [1]),
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Slider(Control):
    """ A simple slider widget that can be used to select from a range
    of integral values.

    A `SliderTransform` can be used to transform the integer range
    of the slider into another data space. For more details, see

    #: The minimum slider value. If the minimum value is changed such
    #: that it becomes greater than the current value or the maximum
    #: value, then those values will be adjusted. The default is 0.
    minimum = d_(Int(0))

    #: The maximum slider value. If the maximum value is changed such
    #: that it becomes smaller than the current value or the minimum
    #: value, then those values will be adjusted. The default is 100.
    maximum = d_(Int(100))

    #: The position value of the Slider. The value will be clipped to
    #: always fall between the minimum and maximum.
    value = d_(Int(0))

    #: Defines the number of steps that the slider will move when the
    #: user presses the arrow keys. The default is 1. An upper limit
    #: may be imposed according the limits of the client widget.
    single_step = d_(Range(low=1))

    #: Defines the number of steps that the slider will move when the
    #: user presses the page_up/page_down keys. The Default is 10. An
    #: upper limit may be imposed on this value according to the limits
    #: of the client widget.
    page_step = d_(Range(low=1, value=10))

    #: A TickPosition enum value indicating how to display the tick
    #: marks. Note that the orientation takes precedence over the tick
    #: mark position and an incompatible tick position will be adapted
    #: according to the current orientation. The default tick position
    #: is 'bottom'.
    tick_position = d_(TickPosition('bottom'))

    #: The interval to place between slider tick marks in units of
    #: value (as opposed to pixels). The minimum value is 0, which
    #: indicates that the choice is left up to the client.
    tick_interval = d_(Range(low=0))

    #: The orientation of the slider. The default orientation is
    #: horizontal. When the orientation is flipped the tick positions
    #: (if set) also adapt to reflect the changes  (e.g. the LEFT
    #: becomes TOP when the orientation becomes horizontal).
    orientation = d_(Enum('horizontal', 'vertical'))

    #: If True, the value is updated while sliding. Otherwise, it is
    #: only updated when the slider is released. Defaults to True.
    tracking = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Whether or not to automatically adjust the 'hug_width' and
    #: 'hug_height' values based on the value of 'orientation'.
    auto_hug = d_(Bool(True))

    #: A reference to the ProxySlider object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySlider)

    # Observers
    @observe('minimum', 'maximum', 'value', 'single_step', 'page_step',
             'tick_position', 'tick_interval', 'orientation', 'tracking')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(Slider, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # DefaultValue Handlers
    def _default_hug_width(self):
        """ Get the default hug width for the separator.

        The default hug width is computed based on the orientation.

        if self.orientation == 'horizontal':
            return 'ignore'
        return 'strong'

    def _default_hug_height(self):
        """ Get the default hug height for the separator.

        The default hug height is computed based on the orientation.

        if self.orientation == 'vertical':
            return 'ignore'
        return 'strong'

    # PostSetAttr Handlers
    def _post_setattr_orientation(self, old, new):
        """ Post setattr the orientation for the tool bar.

        If auto hug is enabled, the hug values will be updated.

        if self.auto_hug:
            if new == 'vertical':
                self.hug_width = 'strong'
                self.hug_height = 'ignore'
                self.hug_width = 'ignore'
                self.hug_height = 'strong'

    def _post_setattr_minimum(self, old, new):
        """ Post setattr the minimum value for the slider.

        If the new minimum is greater than the current value or maximum,
        those values are adjusted up.

        if new > self.maximum:
            self.maximum = new
        if new > self.value:
            self.value = new

    def _post_setattr_maximum(self, old, new):
        """ Post setattr the maximum value for the slider.

        If the new maximum is less than the current value or the minimum,
        those values are adjusted down.

        if new < self.minimum:
            self.minimum = new
        if new < self.value:
            self.value = new

    # Post Validation Handlers
    def _post_validate_value(self, old, new):
        """ Post validate the value for the slider.

        The value is clipped to minimum and maximum bounds.

        return max(self.minimum, min(new, self.maximum))
Ejemplo n.º 27
class DockItem(Widget):
    """ A widget which can be docked in a DockArea.

    A DockItem is a widget which can be docked inside of a DockArea. It
    can have at most a single Container child widget.

    #: The title to use in the title bar.
    title = d_(Unicode())

    #: Whether or the not the title is user editable.
    title_editable = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Whether or not the title bar is visible.
    title_bar_visible = d_(Bool(True))

    #: The icon to use in the title bar.
    icon = d_(Typed(Icon))

    #: The size to use for the icon in the title bar.
    icon_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: The stretch factor for the item when docked in a splitter.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=1))

    #: Whether or not the dock item is closable via a close button.
    closable = d_(Bool(True))

    #: An event emitted when the title bar is right clicked.
    title_bar_right_clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: An event emitted when the dock item is closed. The item will be
    #: destroyed after this event has completed.
    closed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyDockItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyDockItem)

    def dock_widget(self):
        """ Get the dock widget defined for the dock pane.

        The last child Container is considered the dock widget.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    if os.environ.get('ENAML_DEPRECATED_DOCK_LAYOUT'):

        def split(self, direction, *names):
            """ This method is deprecated.

            args = ('split_item', direction, self.name) + names
            self._call_parent('apply_layout_op', *args)

        def tabify(self, direction, *names):
            """ This method is deprecated.

            args = ('tabify_item', direction, self.name) + names
            self._call_parent('apply_layout_op', *args)

    # Observers
    @observe(('title', 'title_editable', 'title_bar_visible', 'icon',
              'icon_size', 'stretch', 'closable'))
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the proxy when the item state changes.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(DockItem, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Private API
    def _item_closed(self):
        """ Called by the proxy when the toolkit item is closed.

        # TODO allow the user to veto the close request

    def _call_parent(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Call a parent method with the given name and arguments.

        # Avoid a circular import
        from .dock_area import DockArea
        parent = self.parent
        if isinstance(parent, DockArea):
            getattr(parent, name)(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class test(Atom):
    #Ints can have units, show_value, unit_factor and low/high limits
    t_int = Int().tag(unit="um",
    #Ints can be shown as spin boxes or int fields
    t_int_intfield = Int().tag(unit="um",
    #Coerced of basic types have same behavior as basic type, e.g. this coerced int acts like the Int above
    t_coerced_int = Coerced(int).tag(unit="um",

    #ranges are represented with sliders
    t_range = Range(0, 5, 1)
    t_floatrange = FloatRange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0)
    #You can include other classes
    t_typed = Typed(subtest, ())
    t_instance = Instance(subtest, ())

    t_list = List(default=[1.2, 1.3, 1.4])
    t_containerlist = ContainerList(default=[1.2, 1.3, 1.4]).tag(unit="um")

    #how to do a numpy array
    t_coerced_arr = Coerced(ndarray, coercer=array)  #.tag(private=7)

    #Floats can have units, show_value, unit_factor and low/high limits
    t_float = Float().tag(unit="GHz",
    #A Bool demostrating the label functionality
    t_bool = Bool().tag(label="MY BOOL")

    #Unicode Field display
    t_unicode = Unicode("blah")

    #Unicode Multiline Field disply
    t_unicode_multiline = Unicode("blah").tag(spec="multiline")

    #unmapped Enum
    t_enum = Enum("one", "two", "three")

    #mapped Enum
    def t_enum_map_mapping(self):
        return dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)

    t_enum_map = Enum("one", "two", "three")

    #attribute mapped enum
    def t_enum_attr_mapping(self):
        return dict(t_int=self.t_int, t_float=self.t_float, t_bool=self.t_bool)

    t_enum_attr = Enum("t_int", "t_float", "t_bool").tag(map_type="attribute")

    #Note: extra run features (extra args, run lockout, abort) only function if chief is defined
    def a(self):
        from time import sleep
        for n in range(5):
            if self.abort:

    def chief(self):
        return testchief

    def busy(self):
        return testchief.busy

    def abort(self):
        return testchief.abort
class StartingCondition(Atom):
    initial_capital_usd = Range(low=0)
    sell_threshold_percent = FloatRange(0.0, 100.0, 75.0)
    buy_momentum_days = Range(low=1)
Ejemplo n.º 30
class DockItem(Widget):
    """ A widget which can be docked in a DockArea.

    A DockItem is a widget which can be docked inside of a DockArea. It
    can have at most a single Container child widget.

    #: The title to use in the title bar.
    title = d_(Unicode())

    #: Whether or the not the title is user editable.
    title_editable = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Whether or not the title bar is visible.
    title_bar_visible = d_(Bool(True))

    #: The icon to use in the title bar.
    icon = d_(Typed(Icon))

    #: The size to use for the icon in the title bar.
    icon_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: The stretch factor for the item when docked in a splitter.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=1))

    #: Whether or not the dock item is closable via a close button.
    closable = d_(Bool(True))

    #: An event emitted when the title bar is right clicked.
    title_bar_right_clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: An event fired when the user request the dock item to be closed.
    #: This will happen when the user clicks on the "X" button in the
    #: title bar button, or when the 'close' method is called. The
    #: payload will be a CloseEvent object which will allow code to
    #: veto the close event and prevent the item from closing.
    closing = d_(Event(CloseEvent), writable=False)

    #: An event emitted when the dock item is closed. The item will be
    #: destroyed after this event has completed.
    closed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyDockItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyDockItem)

    def dock_widget(self):
        """ Get the dock widget defined for the dock pane.

        The last child Container is considered the dock widget.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    def alert(self, level, on=250, off=250, repeat=4, persist=False):
        """ Set the alert level on the dock item.

        This will override any currently applied alert level.

        level : unicode
            The alert level token to apply to the dock item.

        on : int
            The duration of the 'on' cycle, in ms. A value of -1 means
            always on.

        off : int
            The duration of the 'off' cycle, in ms. If 'on' is -1, this
            value is ignored.

        repeat : int
            The number of times to repeat the on-off cycle. If 'on' is
            -1, this value is ignored.

        persist : bool
            Whether to leave the alert in the 'on' state when the cycles
            finish. If 'on' is -1, this value is ignored.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            self.proxy.alert(level, on, off, repeat, persist)

    # Observers
    @observe('title', 'title_editable', 'title_bar_visible', 'icon',
             'icon_size', 'stretch', 'closable')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the proxy when the item state changes.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(DockItem, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Private API
    def _item_closed(self):
        """ Called by the proxy when the toolkit item is closed.

        # TODO allow the user to veto the close request