Ejemplo n.º 1
def ConfigureBoard(board, fft_module, recordLength_samples):
    # TODO: Select clock parameters as required to generate this
    # sample rate
    # For example: if samplesPerSec is 100e6 (100 MS/s), then you can
    # either:
    #  - select clock source INTERNAL_CLOCK and sample rate
    #    SAMPLE_RATE_100MSPS
    #  - or select clock source FAST_EXTERNAL_CLOCK, sample rate
    #    SAMPLE_RATE_USER_DEF, and connect a 100MHz signal to the
    #    EXT CLK BNC connector
    samplesPerSec = 500000000.0
    board.setCaptureClock(ats.INTERNAL_CLOCK, ats.SAMPLE_RATE_500MSPS,
                          ats.CLOCK_EDGE_RISING, 0)

    # TODO: Select channel A input parameters as required.
    board.inputControlEx(ats.CHANNEL_A, ats.AC_COUPLING,
                         ats.INPUT_RANGE_PM_400_MV, ats.IMPEDANCE_50_OHM)

    # TODO: Select channel A bandwidth limit as required.
    board.setBWLimit(ats.CHANNEL_A, 0)

    # TODO: Select channel B input parameters as required.
    board.inputControlEx(ats.CHANNEL_B, ats.AC_COUPLING,
                         ats.INPUT_RANGE_PM_400_MV, ats.IMPEDANCE_50_OHM)

    # TODO: Select channel B bandwidth limit as required.
    board.setBWLimit(ats.CHANNEL_B, 0)

    # TODO: Select trigger inputs and levels as required.
    board.setTriggerOperation(ats.TRIG_ENGINE_OP_J, ats.TRIG_ENGINE_J,
                              ats.TRIG_CHAN_A, ats.TRIGGER_SLOPE_POSITIVE, 150,
                              ats.TRIG_ENGINE_K, ats.TRIG_DISABLE,
                              ats.TRIGGER_SLOPE_POSITIVE, 128)

    # TODO: Select external trigger parameters as required.
    board.setExternalTrigger(ats.DC_COUPLING, ats.ETR_5V)

    # TODO: Set trigger delay as required.
    triggerDelay_sec = 0
    triggerDelay_samples = int(triggerDelay_sec * samplesPerSec + 0.5)

    # TODO: Set trigger timeout as required.
    # NOTE: The board will wait for a for this amount of time for a
    # trigger event.  If a trigger event does not arrive, then the
    # board will automatically trigger. Set the trigger timeout value
    # to 0 to force the board to wait forever for a trigger event.
    # IMPORTANT: The trigger timeout value should be set to zero after
    # appropriate trigger parameters have been determined, otherwise
    # the board may trigger if the timeout interval expires before a
    # hardware trigger event arrives.
    triggerTimeout_sec = 0
    triggerTimeout_clocks = int(triggerTimeout_sec / 10e-6 + 0.5)

    # Configure AUX I/O connector as required
    board.configureAuxIO(ats.AUX_OUT_TRIGGER, 0)

    # FFT Configuration

    # TODO: Select the window function type
    windowType = ats.DSP_WINDOW_HANNING

    id, major, minor, maxLength = fft_module.dspGetInfo()
    if id != ats.DSP_MODULE_FFT:
        print("Error: DSP module is not FFT")

    fftLength_samples = 1
    while fftLength_samples < recordLength_samples:
        fftLength_samples *= 2

    # Create and fill the window function
    window = ats.dspGenerateWindowFunction(
        windowType, recordLength_samples,
        fftLength_samples - recordLength_samples)
    # Set the window function

    # TODO: Select the background subtraction record
    backgroundSubtractionRecord = np.zeros((recordLength_samples),

    # Background subtraction

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def prepare_acquisition(self, board, parameters):
            Prepare the DMA buffers for the board.
            Return a list of buffers

        samplesPerSec = parameters['samplerate'] * 1e6

        # No pre-trigger samples in NPT mode
        preTriggerSamples = 0
        postTriggerSamples = parameters['samplesPerRecord']

        # Select the number of records per DMA buffer.
        recordsPerBuffer = parameters['records_per_buffer']

        # Select the number of buffers per acquisition.
        buffersPerAcquisition = parameters['buffers_per_acquisition']

        # get the info about the FFT module
        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':

            dsp_array = board.dspGetModules()

            fft_module = dsp_array[0]

            dsp_info = fft_module.dspGetInfo()

        # define the channel mask according to the working mode of the digitizer
        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':
            # Only channel A is used when on-FPGA FFT is active
            channels = ats.CHANNEL_A
            channelCount = 1
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_AB':
            # For two active channels
            channels = ats.CHANNEL_A | ats.CHANNEL_B
            channelCount = 2
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_A':
            # If channel A only is active
            channels = ats.CHANNEL_A
            channelCount = 1
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_B':
            # If channel B only is active
            channels = ats.CHANNEL_B
            channelCount = 1
            raise ValueError('mode of the digitizer must be "CHANNEL_AB" or \
                            "CHANNEL_A" or "CHANNEL_B" or "FFT"')

        # Compute the number of samples per record
        samplesPerRecord = preTriggerSamples + postTriggerSamples

        #Configure the FFT module
        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':
            fftLength_samples = 1
            while fftLength_samples < samplesPerRecord:
                fftLength_samples *= 2

            # Sets the real part of the FFT windowing
            fft_window_real = ats.dspGenerateWindowFunction(
                windowType, samplesPerRecord,
                fftLength_samples - samplesPerRecord)

            # According to the documentation, the imaginary part of the FFT windowing should be filled with zeros
            fft_window_imag = ats.dspGenerateWindowFunction(
                windowType, 0, fftLength_samples - samplesPerRecord)

            # Configures the FFT window
                samplesPerRecord, ctypes.c_void_p(fft_window_real.ctypes.data),

            # Compute the number of bytes per record and per buffer

            # For now the output of the output of the on-FPGA FFT is set to 'FFT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_U16_AMP2',
            # thus the number of bytes per sample is 2
            bytesPerSample = 2

            # Computes the number of bytes per record according to the settings of the on-FPGA FFT
            bytesPerRecord = fft_module.fftSetup(
                channels, samplesPerRecord, fftLength_samples,
                ats.FFT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_U16_AMP2, ats.FFT_FOOTER_NONE, 0)

            bytesPerBuffer = bytesPerRecord * recordsPerBuffer

            # change made by Remy the 2018/06/21
            parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = int(bytesPerRecord /
            # before it was:
            # parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = bytesPerRecord/bytesPerSample


            # Compute the number of bytes per record and per buffer
            memorySize_samples, bitsPerSample = board.getChannelInfo()
            bytesPerSample = (bitsPerSample.value + 7) // 8

            bytesPerRecord = bytesPerSample * samplesPerRecord
            bytesPerBuffer = bytesPerRecord * recordsPerBuffer * channelCount
            # change made by Remy the 2018/06/21
            parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = int(bytesPerRecord /
            # before it was:
            # parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = bytesPerRecord/bytesPerSample

        # Select number of DMA buffers to allocate
        bufferCount = parameters['nb_buffer_allocated']

        # Modified per Etienne.
        # Alazar gave bytesPerSample > 8 but this condition seemed strange to
        # me considering the previous code bytesPerSample   = (bitsPerSample.value + 7) // 8

        # Allocate DMA buffers
        sample_type = ctypes.c_uint8
        if bytesPerSample > 1:
            sample_type = ctypes.c_uint16

        buffers = []
        for i in range(bufferCount):
            buffers.append(ats.DMABuffer(sample_type, bytesPerBuffer))

        board.setRecordSize(preTriggerSamples, postTriggerSamples)

        # Prepate the board to work in the asynchroneous mode of acquisition
        recordsPerAcquisition = recordsPerBuffer * buffersPerAcquisition

        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':
            admaFlags = ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_DSP
            board.beforeAsyncRead(channels, 0, bytesPerRecord,
                                  recordsPerBuffer, 0x7FFFFFFF, admaFlags)
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_AB':
                                ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                                | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_A':
                               ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                               | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_B':
                               ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                               | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)

        # Put the buffers previously created in the list of available buffers
        for buff in buffers:
            board.postAsyncBuffer(buff.addr, buff.size_bytes)

        return buffers
    def prepare_acquisition(self, board, parameters):
            Prepare the DMA buffers for the board.
            Return a list of buffers

        samplesPerSec         = parameters['samplerate']*1e6

        # No pre-trigger samples in NPT mode
        preTriggerSamples     = 0
        postTriggerSamples    = parameters['samplesPerRecord']

        # Select the number of records per DMA buffer.
        recordsPerBuffer      = parameters['records_per_buffer']

        # Select the number of buffers per acquisition.
        buffersPerAcquisition = parameters['buffers_per_acquisition']

        # get the info about the FFT module
        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':




        # define the channel mask according to the working mode of the digitizer
        if parameters['mode']== 'FFT':
            # Only channel A is used when on-FPGA FFT is active
            channels              = ats.CHANNEL_A
            channelCount          = 1
        elif parameters['mode']== 'CHANNEL_AB':
            # For two active channels
            channels              = ats.CHANNEL_A | ats.CHANNEL_B
            channelCount          = 2
        elif parameters['mode']== 'CHANNEL_A':
            # If channel A only is active
            channels              = ats.CHANNEL_A
            channelCount          = 1
        elif parameters['mode']== 'CHANNEL_B':
            # If channel B only is active
            channels              = ats.CHANNEL_B
            channelCount          = 1
            raise ValueError('mode of the digitizer must be "CHANNEL_AB" or \
                            "CHANNEL_A" or "CHANNEL_B" or "FFT"')

        # Compute the number of samples per record
        samplesPerRecord = preTriggerSamples + postTriggerSamples

        #Configure the FFT module
        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':
            fftLength_samples = 1
            while fftLength_samples < samplesPerRecord :
                fftLength_samples *= 2

            # Sets the real part of the FFT windowing
            fft_window_real=ats.dspGenerateWindowFunction(windowType, samplesPerRecord, fftLength_samples - samplesPerRecord)

            # According to the documentation, the imaginary part of the FFT windowing should be filled with zeros
            fft_window_imag=ats.dspGenerateWindowFunction(windowType, 0, fftLength_samples - samplesPerRecord)

            # Configures the FFT window

            # Compute the number of bytes per record and per buffer

            # For now the output of the output of the on-FPGA FFT is set to 'FFT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_U16_AMP2',
            # thus the number of bytes per sample is 2
            bytesPerSample = 2

            # Computes the number of bytes per record according to the settings of the on-FPGA FFT
            bytesPerRecord=fft_module.fftSetup(channels, samplesPerRecord, fftLength_samples, ats.FFT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_U16_AMP2, ats.FFT_FOOTER_NONE,0)

            bytesPerBuffer   = bytesPerRecord * recordsPerBuffer
            parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = bytesPerRecord/bytesPerSample


            # Compute the number of bytes per record and per buffer
            memorySize_samples, bitsPerSample = board.getChannelInfo()
            bytesPerSample   = (bitsPerSample.value + 7) // 8

            bytesPerRecord   = bytesPerSample * samplesPerRecord
            bytesPerBuffer   = bytesPerRecord * recordsPerBuffer * channelCount
            parameters['samplesPerRecord'] = bytesPerRecord/bytesPerSample

        # Select number of DMA buffers to allocate
        bufferCount = parameters['nb_buffer_allocated']

        # Modified per Etienne.
        # Alazar gave bytesPerSample > 8 but this condition seemed strange to
        # me considering the previous code bytesPerSample   = (bitsPerSample.value + 7) // 8

        # Allocate DMA buffers
        sample_type = ctypes.c_uint8
        if bytesPerSample > 1:
            sample_type = ctypes.c_uint16

        buffers = []
        for i in range(bufferCount):
            buffers.append(ats.DMABuffer(sample_type, bytesPerBuffer))

        board.setRecordSize(preTriggerSamples, postTriggerSamples)

        # Prepate the board to work in the asynchroneous mode of acquisition
        recordsPerAcquisition = recordsPerBuffer * buffersPerAcquisition

        if parameters['mode'] == 'FFT':
            admaFlags = ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE| ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_DSP
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_AB':
                                ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                                | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_A':
                                ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                                | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)
        elif parameters['mode'] == 'CHANNEL_B':
                                ats.ADMA_EXTERNAL_STARTCAPTURE \
                                | ats.ADMA_NPT | ats.ADMA_FIFO_ONLY_STREAMING)

        # Put the buffers previously created in the list of available buffers
        for buff in buffers:
            board.postAsyncBuffer(buff.addr, buff.size_bytes)

        return buffers