Ejemplo n.º 1
def partial():
    smix.add(octave_duration, partial_cached())  # Next track/partial event
    # Octave-based frequency values sequence
    scale = 2**line(duration, finish=True)
    partial_freq = (scale - 1) * (max_freq - min_freq) + min_freq
    # Envelope to "hide" the partial beginning/ending
    env = [k**2 for k in window.hamming(int(round(duration)))]
    # The generator, properly:
    for el in env * sinusoid(partial_freq) / noctaves:
        yield el
Ejemplo n.º 2
def partial():
  smix.add(octave_duration, partial_cached()) # Next track/partial event
  # Octave-based frequency values sequence
  scale = 2 ** line(duration, finish=True)
  partial_freq = (scale - 1) * (max_freq - min_freq) + min_freq
  # Envelope to "hide" the partial beginning/ending
  env = [k ** 2 for k in window.hamming(int(round(duration)))]
  # The generator, properly:
  for el in env * sinusoid(partial_freq) / noctaves:
    yield el
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def muda_filtro(self, novos_filtros, window):
     Muda o filtro aplicado, garantindo que não haja um "click" ao fazer isso
     #self.chamando = True
     novo_filtro = CascadeFilter(novos_filtros)
     last = self.stream.last
     self.stream = ChangeableStream(novo_filtro(self.input))
     self.stream.last = last
     self.streamix.add(0, self.stream)  
Ejemplo n.º 4
def on_key_down(evt):
  # Ignores key up if it came together with a key down (debounce)
  global has_after
  if has_after:
    has_after = None

  ch = evt.char
  if not ch in cstreams and ch in notes:
    # Prepares the synth
    freq = notes[ch]
    cs = ChangeableStream(level)
    env = line(attack, 0, level).append(cs)
    snd = env * synth(freq * Hz)

    # Mix it, storing the ChangeableStream to be changed afterwards
    cstreams[ch] = cs
    smix.add(0, snd)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def on_key_down(evt):
    # Ignores key up if it came together with a key down (debounce)
    global has_after
    if has_after:
        has_after = None

    ch = evt.char
    if not ch in cstreams and ch in notes:
        # Prepares the synth
        freq = notes[ch]
        cs = ChangeableStream(level)
        env = line(attack, 0, level).append(cs)
        snd = env * synth(freq * Hz)

        # Mix it, storing the ChangeableStream to be changed afterwards
        cstreams[ch] = cs
        smix.add(0, snd)
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out

# Audio mixture
tracks = 3  # besides unpitched track
dur_note = 120 * ms
dur_perc = 100 * ms
smix = Streamix()

# Pitched tracks based on a 1:2 triangular wave
table = TableLookup(line(100, -1, 1).append(line(200, 1, -1)).take(inf))
for track in xrange(tracks):
    env = adsr(dur_note, a=20 * ms, d=10 * ms, s=0.8, r=30 * ms) / 1.7 / tracks
    smix.add(0, geometric_delay(new_note_track(env, table), 80 * ms, 2))

# Unpitched tracks
pfuncs = [unpitched_low] * 4 + [unpitched_high]
snd = chain.from_iterable(choice(pfuncs)(dur_perc, randint(0, 1)) for unused in zeros())
smix.add(0, geometric_delay(snd * (1 - 1 / 1.7), 20 * ms, 1))

# Finishes (save in a wave file)
data = lowpass(5000 * Hz)(smix).limit(180 * s)
fname = "audiolazy_save_and_memoize_synth.wav"
Ejemplo n.º 7
    with AudioIO(api=api) as rec:
        for el in rec.record(rate=rate):
            if update_data.finish:

# Creates the data updater thread
update_data.finish = False
th = threading.Thread(target=update_data)
th.start()  # Already start updating data

# Plot setup
fig = plt.figure("AudioLazy in a Matplotlib animation", facecolor='#cccccc')

time_values = np.array(list(line(length, -length / ms, 0)))
time_ax = plt.subplot(2,
                      xlim=(time_values[0], time_values[-1]),
                      ylim=(-1., 1.),
time_ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
time_plot_line = time_ax.plot([], [], linewidth=2, color="#00aaff")[0]

dft_max_min, dft_max_max = .01, 1.
freq_values = np.array(line(length, 0, 2 * pi / Hz).take(length // 2 + 1))
freq_ax = plt.subplot(2,
                      xlim=(freq_values[0], freq_values[-1]),
Ejemplo n.º 8
def on_key_up_process(evt):
  ch = evt.char
  if ch in cstreams:
    cstreams[ch].limit(0).append(line(release, level, 0))
    del cstreams[ch]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_data():
  with AudioIO(api=api) as rec:
    for el in rec.record(rate=rate):
      if update_data.finish:

# Creates the data updater thread
update_data.finish = False
th = threading.Thread(target=update_data)
th.start() # Already start updating data

# Plot setup
fig = plt.figure("AudioLazy in a Matplotlib animation", facecolor='#cccccc')

time_values = np.array(list(line(length, -length / ms, 0)))
time_ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1,
                      xlim=(time_values[0], time_values[-1]),
                      ylim=(-1., 1.),
time_ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
time_plot_line = time_ax.plot([], [], linewidth=2, color="#00aaff")[0]

dft_max_min, dft_max_max = .01, 1.
freq_values = np.array(line(length, 0, 2 * pi / Hz).take(length // 2 + 1))
freq_ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2,
                      xlim=(freq_values[0], freq_values[-1]),
                      ylim=(0., .5 * (dft_max_max + dft_max_min)),
freq_ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
freq_plot_line = freq_ax.plot([], [], linewidth=2, color="#00aaff")[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def on_key_up_process(evt):
    ch = evt.char
    if ch in cstreams:
        cstreams[ch].limit(0).append(line(release, level, 0))
        del cstreams[ch]
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Created on Wed May 21 19:57:40 2014
# danilo [dot] bellini [at] gmail [dot] com
Plots ISO/FDIS 226:2003 equal loudness contour curves

This is based on figure A.1 of ISO226, and needs Scipy and Matplotlib

from __future__ import division

from audiolazy import exp, line, ln, phon2dB, xrange
import pylab

title = "ISO226 equal loudness curves"
freqs = list(exp(line(2048, ln(20), ln(12500), finish=True)))
pylab.figure(title, figsize=[8, 4.5], dpi=120)

# Plots threshold
freq2dB_threshold = phon2dB.iso226(None)  # Threshold
pylab.plot(freqs, freq2dB_threshold(freqs), color="blue", linestyle="--")
           "Hearing threshold",

# Plots 20 to 80 phons
for loudness in xrange(20, 81, 10):  # in phons
    freq2dB = phon2dB.iso226(loudness)
    pylab.plot(freqs, freq2dB(freqs), color="black")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def run(self):

        # Set up some variables preserved between search iterations
        whistle = []  # This whistle so far
        logWhistle = []
        whistleLen = 0  # The whistle's length, in seconds
        lastTime = time.clock()
        tonic = 0  # Freq, in Hz, of the tonic note off of which other whistles will be judged

        try:  # Catch ctrl-c nicely.  May no longer be needed with rospy.
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                #TODO: make sure same self.data is not processed twice
                array_data = np.array(self.data)
                spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(array_data * self.wnd)) / length

                freqs = np.array(
                    line(length, 0, 2 * pi / Hz).take(length // 2 + 1))
                # The first freq is 0, the last freq value is half of rate, and there are length/2 + 1 of them (so the
                # index of the last is length/2).  So, each freq is about rate/length * its index (+/- 1 ?)

                lower_bound = 400  # Lowest freq (Hz) to look for
                lower_bound_i = int((lower_bound * length) / rate)

                spectrum = spectrum[lower_bound_i:]
                freqs = freqs[lower_bound_i:]

                kernel = (-0.1, -0.2, 0.6, -0.2, -0.1)
                d = np.convolve(
                    spectrum, kernel
                  -2]  # trim so that the elements still correspond to the freqs

                maxi = np.argmax(d)
                freq = freqs[maxi]
                sharpness = d[maxi]
                amplitude = spectrum[maxi]

                # Do timing stuff just before we record the time, to prevent off-by-1ish
                thisTime = time.clock()
                timeSinceLast = thisTime - lastTime
                lastTime = thisTime

                if self.minAmp < amplitude and self.minSharp < sharpness:
                    whistle += [freq]
                    logWhistle += [np.log(freq)]
                    whistleLen += timeSinceLast
                    whistleAvg = np.exp(
                    )  # Take the log mean to find the cental frequency
                    if self.tonicResetLen <= whistleLen:
                        if np.var(logWhistle) < self.maxVariance:
                            tonic = whistleAvg
                            rospy.loginfo("Reset tonic to " + str(tonic) +
                                          " Hz")
                            rospy.loginfo("Variance too high")
                        if self.slopeAvgLen + 1 <= len(whistle):
                            diffs = np.subtract(
                                logWhistle[-self.slopeAvgLen - 1:-1])
                            if np.sqrt(np.mean(
                                    np.square(diffs))) <= self.maxSlope:
                                if self.minWhistleLen <= whistleLen < self.tonicResetLen:
                                    cmd = self.processWhistle(
                                        whistle, whistleLen, tonic, whistleAvg)
                                    if cmd:
                                        #print('cmd', cmd)
                                            "Sent voice command: \"" + cmd +
                                        self.group = []
                                            "Failed to parse whistles.")
                                whistle = []
                                logWhistle = []
                                whistleLen = 0
                else:  # if amplitude or sharpness is too low
                    # TODO: What is this doing here?
                    # if self.minWhistleLen <= whistleLen < self.tonicResetLen:
                    #   processWhistle(whistle, whistleLen, tonic)
                    whistle = []
                    logWhistle = []
                    whistleLen = 0

                #Try to keep times as close to self.searchFreq as possible
                if timeSinceLast < (1 / self.searchFreq):
                    time.sleep((1 / self.searchFreq) - timeSinceLast)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

Ejemplo n.º 13
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Plots ISO/FDIS 226:2003 equal loudness contour curves

This is based on figure A.1 of ISO226, and needs Scipy and Matplotlib

from __future__ import division

from audiolazy import exp, line, ln, phon2dB, xrange
import pylab

title = "ISO226 equal loudness curves"
freqs = list(exp(line(2048, ln(20), ln(12500), finish=True)))
pylab.figure(title, figsize=[8, 4.5], dpi=120)

# Plots threshold
freq2dB_threshold = phon2dB.iso226(None) # Threshold
pylab.plot(freqs, freq2dB_threshold(freqs), color="blue", linestyle="--")
pylab.text(300, 5, "Hearing threshold", fontsize=8,

# Plots 20 to 80 phons
for loudness in xrange(20, 81, 10): # in phons
  freq2dB = phon2dB.iso226(loudness)
  pylab.plot(freqs, freq2dB(freqs), color="black")
  pylab.text(850, loudness + 2, "%d phon" % loudness, fontsize=8,
Ejemplo n.º 14
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out

# Audio mixture
tracks = 3  # besides unpitched track
dur_note = 120 * ms
dur_perc = 100 * ms
smix = Streamix()

# Pitched tracks based on a 1:2 triangular wave
table = TableLookup(line(100, -1, 1).append(line(200, 1, -1)).take(inf))
for track in xrange(tracks):
    env = adsr(dur_note, a=20 * ms, d=10 * ms, s=.8, r=30 * ms) / 1.7 / tracks
    smix.add(0, geometric_delay(new_note_track(env, table), 80 * ms, 2))

# Unpitched tracks
pfuncs = [unpitched_low] * 4 + [unpitched_high]
snd = chain.from_iterable(
    choice(pfuncs)(dur_perc, randint(0, 1)) for unused in zeros())
smix.add(0, geometric_delay(snd * (1 - 1 / 1.7), 20 * ms, 1))

# Finishes (save in a wave file)
data = lowpass(5000 * Hz)(smix).limit(180 * s)
fname = "audiolazy_save_and_memoize_synth.wav"
Ejemplo n.º 15
def scalloping_loss(wnd):
    """ Positive number with the scalloping loss in dB. """
    return -dB20(abs(sum(wnd * cexp(line(len(wnd), 0, -1j * pi)))) / sum(wnd))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    table.append([to_string(wnd_data[k]) for k in schema])

    wnd_symm = wnd + [wnd[0]]
    full_spectrum = np.hstack([spectrum[::-1], spectrum[1:-1]]) - spectrum[0]

    smallest_peak_idx = min(get_peaks(spectrum), key=spectrum.__getitem__)
    ymin = (spectrum[smallest_peak_idx] - spectrum[0] - 5) // 10 * 10

    fig, (time_ax, freq_ax) = plt.subplots(2, 1, num=name)
    time_ax.vlines(np.arange(-size // 2, size // 2 + 1), 0, wnd_symm)
    time_ax.set(xlim=(-(size // 2), size // 2),
                ylim=(-.1, 1.1),
                xlabel="Time (samples)",
    freq_ax.plot(list(line(full_size, -1, 1)), full_spectrum)
    freq_ax.set(xlim=(-1, 1),
                ylim=(ymin, 0),
                xlabel="Frequency (% of the Nyquist frequency)")

# Prints the table and other text contents
for row in rst_table([(v, schema_full[k]) for k, v in iteritems(schema)],
                     ["Column", "Description"]):
Ejemplo n.º 17
def scalloping_loss(wnd):
  """ Positive number with the scalloping loss in dB. """
  return -dB20(abs(sum(wnd * cexp(line(len(wnd), 0, -1j * pi)))) / sum(wnd))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    "ol75": overlap_correlation(wnd_full, .25 * full_size) * 100,
    "ol50": overlap_correlation(wnd_full, .5 * full_size) * 100,
  table.append([to_string(wnd_data[k]) for k in schema])

  wnd_symm = wnd + [wnd[0]]
  full_spectrum = np.hstack([spectrum[::-1], spectrum[1:-1]]) - spectrum[0]

  smallest_peak_idx = min(get_peaks(spectrum), key=spectrum.__getitem__)
  ymin = (spectrum[smallest_peak_idx] - spectrum[0] - 5) // 10 * 10

  fig, (time_ax, freq_ax) = plt.subplots(2, 1, num=name)
  time_ax.vlines(np.arange(- size // 2, size // 2 + 1), 0, wnd_symm)
  time_ax.set(xlim=(-(size // 2), size // 2), ylim=(-.1, 1.1),
              xlabel="Time (samples)", title=name)
  freq_ax.plot(list(line(full_size, -1, 1)), full_spectrum)
  freq_ax.set(xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(ymin, 0), ylabel="dB",
              xlabel="Frequency (% of the Nyquist frequency)")

# Prints the table and other text contents
for row in rst_table([(v, schema_full[k]) for k, v in iteritems(schema)],
           ["Column", "Description"]):
Windows and Figures of Merit