Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_update_check_update_not_available(caplog, tmpdir):
    logging.debug("UPDATE TEST")
    f = mock.Mock()
    version._test_version = "0.0.0"
    tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pyu-data", "deploy")
    # tmpDirPath = os.getcwd()  # Enable for testing after creating release or release-dev
    # Write test files
    if not os.path.exists(tmpDirPath):

    opts = midi_full.MidiProjectControllerOptions()
    opts.update_paths = [os.path.join(tmpDirPath, "pyu-data", "deploy")]
    # opts.client_config = TConfig()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f, options=opts)
    # Update message
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x11]
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, None)
    if f.call_count > 0:
        retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
        assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
        assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x1F
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_enabled_controllers():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x01, 0x30]
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()
    proj.activate()  # Needs to be activated
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x01
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x30
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    metadata = json.loads(bytes(dec))
    assert metadata is not None
    assert len(metadata.keys()) == len(modulation.allController)
    for k, v in metadata.items():
        assert not v
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_projects():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x30]
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, None)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x30
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    assert dec is not None
    metadata = json.loads(bytes(dec))
    assert metadata is not None
    # TODO: Adjust check
    assert len(metadata.keys()) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_delete_project():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x70] + sysex_data.encode(proj.id)
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x70
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_version():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    version._test_version = "1.0.0"
    # Get Version messsage
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x00]
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, None, None)
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x00
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    v = str(bytes(dec), encoding='utf8')
    # Check is version string
    assert len(v.split('.')) >= 3
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_activate_project_successful():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()  # type: project.Project
    # Activate project
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x40] + sysex_data.encode(
        bytes(proj.id, encoding='utf8'))

    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x40
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_import_project_error():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()  # type: project.Project
    # Activate project
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    invalidJson = jsonpickle.encode(testMsg)
    gzip = zlib.compress(bytes(invalidJson, encoding='utf8'))
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x50] + sysex_data.encode(bytes(gzip))

    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x5F
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_get_audio_rms():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    num_channels = 2
    chunk = [1 for _ in range(20)]
    audio.GlobalAudio.buffer = np.array(
        [chunk[i::num_channels] for i in range(num_channels)])
    # Get Version messsage
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x02, 0x20]
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, None, None)
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x02
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x20
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    v = json.loads(str(bytes(dec), encoding='utf8'))
    assert "0" in v
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_get_server_config():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x02, 0x00]
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, None)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x02
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x00
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    dec = zlib.decompress(bytes(dec))
    j_dict = json.loads(dec)
    assert j_dict is not None
    assert not j_dict["advertise_bluetooth"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_update_server_config():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    assert not cfg.getConfiguration(
    # Get active project metadata
    j_dict = json.dumps({"advertise_bluetooth": True})
    gzip = zlib.compress(bytes(j_dict, encoding='utf8'))

    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x02, 0x10] + sysex_data.encode(bytes(gzip))

    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, None)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x02
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x10

    assert cfg.getConfiguration(serverconfiguration.CONFIG_ADVERTISE_BLUETOOTH)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_export_project():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x60] + sysex_data.encode(proj.id)
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x60
    # Decode data
    dec = sysex_data.decode(retMsg.data[2:])
    dec = zlib.decompress(bytes(dec))
    restoredProj = jsonpickle.loads(dec)  # type project.Project
    assert restoredProj is not None
    assert restoredProj.id == proj.id
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_import_project_successful():
    # Setup
    f = mock.Mock()
    ctrl = midi_full.MidiProjectController(callback=f)
    # Init in-memory config
    cfg = serverconfiguration.ServerConfiguration()
    proj = cfg.getActiveProjectOrDefault()
    assert len(cfg.getProjectsMetadata().keys()) == 1
    proj.id = "testproj"
    projJson = jsonpickle.dumps(proj)
    projGzip = zlib.compress(bytes(projJson, encoding='utf8'))
    # Get active project metadata
    testMsg = mido.Message('sysex')
    testMsg.data = [0x00, 0x50] + sysex_data.encode(bytes(projGzip))
    # Handle message
    ctrl.handleMidiMsg(testMsg, cfg, proj)
    assert f.call_count == 1
    retMsg = f.call_args[0][0]
    # Check response message ID
    assert retMsg.data[0] == 0x00
    assert retMsg.data[1] == 0x50
    assert len(cfg.getProjectsMetadata().keys()) == 2
    # Init defaults
        'fs'] = 48000  # ToDo: How to provide fs information to downstream effects?
    default_values['num_pixels'] = serverconfig.getConfiguration(

    if serverconfig.getConfiguration(
        midiAdvertiseName = serverconfig.getConfiguration(
            "Starting Bluetooth advertise as '{}'".format(midiAdvertiseName))
            from audioled_controller import bluetooth
            fullMidiController = midi_full.MidiProjectController(
            midiBluetooth = bluetooth.MidiBluetoothService(
                callback=lambda msg: fullMidiController.handleMidiMsg(
                    msg, serverconfig, proj),
        except Exception as e:
                "Ignoring Bluetooth error. Bluetooth not available on all plattforms"
            logger.debug("Bluetooth error", exc_info=1)
        logger.info("Bluetooth advertise is disabled")

    if serverconfig.getConfiguration(