Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _augment(self, batch_image, batch_target):
     if self._enable_augmentation:
         rand_args = [i for i in range(len(batch_image))]
         for i in range(len(batch_image)):
             image, image_mix = batch_image[i], batch_image[rand_args[i]]
             image = cv2.resize(image, self._image_size)
             image_mix = cv2.resize(image_mix, self._image_size)
             target, target_mix = batch_target[i], batch_target[rand_args[i]]
             image, target = AUG.random_mixup(image, image_mix,
                                              target, target_mix)
             batch_image[i] = image
             batch_target[i] = target
     output_batch_image = []
     output_batch_target = []
     for image, target in zip(batch_image, batch_target):
         image = cv2.resize(image, self._image_size)
         if self._enable_augmentation:
             image = AUG.random_shift(image)
             image = AUG.random_rotate(image)
             image = AUG.random_cutout(image)
     return output_batch_image, output_batch_target
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_data():

    global variations_per_image
    global surrogate_classes

    images_to_process = surrogate_classes / variations_per_image
    images_processed = 0
    augmented_images = []
    surrogate_labels = []
    for batch_idx, (data, _) in enumerate(train_unlabeled_loader):
        for i in range(len(data)):
            images_processed += 1
            if images_processed > images_to_process:
            new_data = []
            for j in range(variations_per_image):
                new_image = transforms.Compose([
                    transforms.Lambda(lambda x: augmentations.to_npimg(x)),
                    transforms.Lambda(lambda x: augmentations.random_translate(x)),
                    transforms.Lambda(lambda x: augmentations.random_rotate(x)),
                    transforms.Lambda(lambda x: augmentations.random_scale(x)),
                    transforms.Lambda(lambda x: augmentations.to_tensor(x)),

                c, h, w = new_image.size()
                new_image.resize_(1, c, h, w)
            augmented_images.append(torch.cat(new_data, 0))
    augmented_images_tensor = torch.cat(augmented_images, 0)
    surrogate_labels_tensor = torch.LongTensor(surrogate_labels)
    return (augmented_images_tensor, surrogate_labels_tensor)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        HR_path, LR_path = None, None
        scale = self.opt['scale']
        HR_size = self.opt['HR_size']
        if self.opt['rand_flip_LR_HR'] and self.LR_scale and self.opt['phase'] == 'train': 
            LRHRchance = random.uniform(0, 1)
            if self.opt['flip_chance']:
                flip_chance = self.opt['flip_chance']
                flip_chance = 0.05
            #print("Random Flip Enabled")
            LRHRchance = 0.
            flip_chance = 0.
            #print("No Random Flip")

        # get HR image
        if LRHRchance < (1- flip_chance):
            HR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
            #print("HR kept")
            HR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
            #print("HR flipped")
        img_HR = util.read_img(self.HR_env, HR_path)
        # modcrop in the validation / test phase
        if self.opt['phase'] != 'train':
            img_HR = util.modcrop(img_HR, scale)
        # change color space if necessary
        if self.opt['color']:
            img_HR = util.channel_convert(img_HR.shape[2], self.opt['color'], [img_HR])[0]
        if self.HR_crop and (self.HR_rrot != True):
            crop_size = (HR_size, HR_size)
            img_HR, _ = augmentations.random_resize_img(img_HR, crop_size)
        elif self.HR_rrot and (self.HR_crop != True):
            img_HR, _ = augmentations.random_rotate(img_HR)
        elif self.HR_crop and self.HR_rrot:
            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                crop_size = (HR_size, HR_size)
                img_HR, _ = augmentations.random_resize_img(img_HR, crop_size)
                img_HR, _ = augmentations.random_rotate(img_HR)
        if self.HR_noise:
            img_HR, hr_noise_algo = augmentations.noise_img(img_HR, self.hr_noise_types)

        # get LR image
        if self.paths_LR:
            if self.HR_crop or self.HR_rrot: #v
                img_LR = img_HR
                if LRHRchance < (1- flip_chance):
                    LR_path = self.paths_LR[index]
                    #print("LR kept")
                    LR_path = self.paths_HR[index]
                    #print("LR flipped")
                img_LR = util.read_img(self.LR_env, LR_path)
            #v scale 
            if self.LR_scale:
                img_LR, scale_interpol_algo = augmentations.scale_img(img_LR, scale)
            #v blur 
            if self.LR_blur:
                img_LR, blur_algo, blur_kernel_size = augmentations.blur_img(img_LR, self.blur_algos) 
            #v noise
            if self.LR_noise:
                img_LR, noise_algo = augmentations.noise_img(img_LR, self.noise_types)
            if self.LR_noise2:
                img_LR, noise_algo2 = augmentations.noise_img(img_LR, self.noise_types2)
            #v LR cutout / LR random erasing
            if self.LR_cutout and (self.LR_erasing  != True):
                img_LR = augmentations.cutout(img_LR, img_LR.shape[0] // 2)
            elif self.LR_erasing and (self.LR_cutout  != True): #only do cutout or erasing, not both
                img_LR = augmentations.random_erasing(img_LR)
            elif self.LR_cutout and self.LR_erasing:
                if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                    img_LR = augmentations.cutout(img_LR, img_LR.shape[0] // 2, p=0.5)
                    img_LR = augmentations.random_erasing(img_LR, p=0.5, modes=[3])                
        else:  # down-sampling on-the-fly
            # randomly scale during training
            if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                random_scale = random.choice(self.random_scale_list)
                H_s, W_s, _ = img_HR.shape

                def _mod(n, random_scale, scale, thres):
                    rlt = int(n * random_scale)
                    rlt = (rlt // scale) * scale
                    return thres if rlt < thres else rlt

                H_s = _mod(H_s, random_scale, scale, HR_size)
                W_s = _mod(W_s, random_scale, scale, HR_size)
                img_HR = cv2.resize(np.copy(img_HR), (W_s, H_s), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                # force to 3 channels
                if img_HR.ndim == 2:
                    img_HR = cv2.cvtColor(img_HR, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

            H, W, _ = img_HR.shape
            # using matlab imresize
            img_LR = util.imresize_np(img_HR, 1 / scale, True)
            if img_LR.ndim == 2:
                img_LR = np.expand_dims(img_LR, axis=2)

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            # if the image size is too small
            H, W, _ = img_HR.shape
            if H < HR_size or W < HR_size:
                img_HR = cv2.resize(
                    np.copy(img_HR), (HR_size, HR_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                # using matlab imresize
                img_LR = util.imresize_np(img_HR, 1 / scale, True)
                if img_LR.ndim == 2:
                    img_LR = np.expand_dims(img_LR, axis=2)

            H, W, C = img_LR.shape
            LR_size = HR_size // scale

            # randomly crop
            rnd_h = random.randint(0, max(0, H - LR_size))
            rnd_w = random.randint(0, max(0, W - LR_size))
            img_LR = img_LR[rnd_h:rnd_h + LR_size, rnd_w:rnd_w + LR_size, :]
            rnd_h_HR, rnd_w_HR = int(rnd_h * scale), int(rnd_w * scale)
            img_HR = img_HR[rnd_h_HR:rnd_h_HR + HR_size, rnd_w_HR:rnd_w_HR + HR_size, :]

            # augmentation - flip, rotate
            img_LR, img_HR = util.augment([img_LR, img_HR], self.opt['use_flip'], \

        # change color space if necessary
        if self.opt['color']:
            #img_LR = util.channel_convert(C, self.opt['color'], [img_LR])[0] # TODO during val no definetion
            img_LR = util.channel_convert(img_LR.shape[2], self.opt['color'], [img_LR])[0] # v appears to work ok 

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        if img_HR.shape[2] == 3:
            img_HR = img_HR[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
            img_LR = img_LR[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
        img_HR = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img_HR, (2, 0, 1)))).float()
        img_LR = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img_LR, (2, 0, 1)))).float()

        if LR_path is None:
            LR_path = HR_path
        return {'LR': img_LR, 'HR': img_HR, 'LR_path': LR_path, 'HR_path': HR_path}