Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_data_from_image(self ,image_path):
        print("Create data patches for model")
        dim = self.dim_label
        image = self.open_image(image_path)
        dp = 2* self.padding

        vertical = int((image.shape[0] - dp) / dim)
        horizontal = int((image.shape[1] - dp) / dim)
        number_of_patches = vertical * horizontal

        data = np.empty((number_of_patches, self.dim_data*self.dim_data*3), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        label = np.empty((number_of_patches, dim*dim), dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        idx = 0
        for i in range(vertical):
            for j in range(horizontal):
                img_i = i * dim
                img_j = j * dim
                image_patch = from_rgb_to_arr(image[img_i: img_i + dim + dp, img_j: img_j + dim + dp])

                if self.normalize:
                    image_patch = normalize(image_patch, self.std)
                data[idx] = image_patch
                idx += 1

        aerial = AerialDataset()
        return aerial.shared_dataset([data, label], cast_to_int=True), (vertical, horizontal)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def sample_data(self, dataset, samples_per_images, mixed_labels=False, rotation=False, curriculum=None,
                    curriculum_threshold=1.0, label_noise_enable=False, label_noise=0.0, best_trade_off = 0.5):
        Use paths to open data image and corresponding label image. Can apply random rotation, and then
        samples samples_per_images amount of images which is returned in data and label array.
        In addition, the sampling considers the balance between road and non-road pixels, if mixed_labels are set to
        True, label noise is added to label images if enabled, and curriculum enables sampling for a staged dataset.
        nr_class = 0
        nr_total = 1

        dropped_images = 0
        curriculum_dropped = 0
        curriculum_road_dropped = 0
        nr_opened_images = 0

        dim_data = self.dim_data
        dim_label = self.dim_label

        max_image_samples = int(samples_per_images * dataset.reduce)

        max_arr_size = dataset.nr_img * max_image_samples
        data = np.empty((max_arr_size, dim_data*dim_data*3), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        label = np.empty((max_arr_size, self.dim_label*self.dim_label), dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        if label_noise_enable:
            print('Noise added to labels: {}'.format(label_noise))
        print('Sampling examples for {}'.format(dataset.base))

        #If mixed labels , there will be a lot of trial and
        #if mixed_labels:
        #    max_image_samples *= 2

        # Images are opened, rotated and max_image_Samples examples are extracted per image.
        image_queue = list(range(dataset.nr_img))
        example_counter = max_arr_size
        idx = 0

        while example_counter > 0:
            if(nr_opened_images % dataset.nr_img == 0):
                #Shuffle image queue list, so there is no pattern in order.

            # rotating queue
            image_idx = image_queue.pop(0)
            nr_opened_images += 1

            im, la = dataset.open_image(image_idx)

            width, height = im.size
            width = width - dim_data
            height = height - dim_data
            #print("sampling", width, height)

            if label_noise_enable:
                la, prob = util.add_artificial_road_noise(la, label_noise)

            rot = 0
            if rotation:
                rot = random.uniform(0.0, 360.0)
            image_img = np.asarray(im.rotate(rot))
            label_img = np.asarray(la.rotate(rot))

            # Some selections will definitely fail, but because of the rotating queue,
            # eventually we have enough examples.
            # This will also mean images that have a lot of no-content will have less samples.
            for i in range(max_image_samples):

                x = random.randint(0, width)
                y = random.randint( 0, height)

                data_temp =     image_img[y : y+dim_data, x : x+dim_data]
                label_temp =    label_img[y : y+dim_data, x : x+dim_data]

                if self.img_have_alpha:
                    alpha_min = np.amin(data_temp[0: dim_data, 0: dim_data, 3])
                    if alpha_min <= 0:
                        #If a single pixel is transparent, the patch is outside the border.
                        dropped_images += 1
                    #Convert to RGB

                    data_temp = data_temp[0: dim_data, 0: dim_data, 0:3]

                #TODO: new config parameter
                    # Increase diversity of samples by flipping horizontal and vertical.
                    # Smart for aerial imagery, because you can flip in two directions.
                    # For natural imagery (sky etc) horizontal flips is bad. Characters all flips are probably bad.
                    choice = random.randint(0, 2)
                    if choice == 0:
                        data_temp = np.flipud(data_temp)
                        label_temp = np.flipud(label_temp)
                    elif choice == 1:
                        data_temp = np.fliplr(data_temp)
                        label_temp = np.fliplr(label_temp)
                    #Otherwise no further agumentation (choice == 2)

                data_sample =   util.from_rgb_to_arr(data_temp)
                label_sample =  util.create_image_label(label_temp, dim_data, dim_label)

                if self.preprocessing:
                    data_sample = util.normalize(data_sample, self.std)

                 # Count percentage of labels contain roads.
                contains_class = not label_sample.max() == 0
                if(mixed_labels and nr_class/float(nr_total) < self.mix_ratio and not contains_class):
                    #Will sample same amount from road and non-road class

                if curriculum and curriculum_threshold < 1.0:
                    #This slows down sampling considerably, so only running once, and storing dataset is a given.
                    #If threshold is 1, only random sampling, with normal dataset distribution.
                    output = curriculum(np.array([data_sample]))
                    output = util.create_threshold_image(output, best_trade_off)
                    diff = np.sum(np.abs(output[0] - label_sample))/(dim_label*dim_label)

                    #Patches with roads, are automatically harder, and have a a bit more lenient threshold.
                    #if diff > curriculum_threshold+ (0.1*int(contains_class)):
                    #if diff < int(contains_class) * curriculum_threshold:
                    if diff > curriculum_threshold:
                        curriculum_road_dropped += int(contains_class)
                        curriculum_dropped += 1

                nr_total += 1
                nr_class += int(contains_class)

                if not self.img_have_alpha:
                    #RGB only. Only filters out entirely white or black areas
                    max_element = data_sample.max()
                    min_element = data_sample.min()

                    # will filter out a whole lot of images.
                    if max_element != min_element:
                        data[idx] = data_sample
                        label[idx] = label_sample
                        idx += 1
                        example_counter -= 1
                        dropped_images += 1
                    #RGBA. Filters out areas that is determined to be non-content. (Bigger white areas set to transparent)
                    data[idx] = data_sample
                    label[idx] = label_sample
                    idx += 1
                    example_counter -= 1
                if example_counter <= 0:

            # Reduce samples per image after first pass through
            if not mixed_labels and nr_opened_images % dataset.nr_img == 0 :
                max_image_samples = max(10, int(max_image_samples*0.9))
                print('---- Reducing sampling rate to {}'.format(max_image_samples))

            if nr_opened_images % 50 == 0:
                print('---- Input image: {}/{}'.format(nr_opened_images, dataset.nr_img))
                print('---- Patches remaining: {}'.format(example_counter))

        print("---- Extracted {} images from {}".format(data.shape[0], dataset.name))
        print("---- Images containing class {}/{}, which is {}%".format(nr_class, nr_total, nr_class*100/float(nr_total)))
        print("---- Dropped {} images".format(dropped_images))

        if curriculum:
            print("---- Dropped {} patches because of curriculum".format(curriculum_dropped))
            if curriculum_dropped == 0:
                print("---- No road patches dropped")
                print("---- {} road patches dropped".format(curriculum_road_dropped))
                print("---- Dropped {} road patches because of curriculum".format(curriculum_road_dropped/float(curriculum_dropped)))
        #print('---- Creating permutation')
        #perm = np.random.permutation(len(data))
        #data = data[perm]
        #label = label[perm]
        #print('Examples shuffled')
        return data, label