Ejemplo n.º 1
def add_language(lang):
	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if not user_profile:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

	# Get user properties
	email = user_profile['email']

	print lang
	print user_profile['langs']
	if lang not in user_profile['langs']:
		# Append the language to the array

		user_profile['langs'] = f7(user_profile['langs'])

		# Perform the upsert
			{ 'email': email },
			upsert = True,

	# Return success
	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_progress():

	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile is None:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

	# Get user properties
	email = user_profile['email']

		# Read the parameters
		card_updates_json = request.form['progress_updates']
		deck_updates_json = request.form['deck_updates']
		lang			  = request.form['lang']

		# Decode JSON parameter
		card_updates = json.loads(card_updates_json)
		deck_updates = json.loads(deck_updates_json)
	except KeyError:
		# Return failure if the arguments don't exist
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'invalid parameters',

	if deck_updates != {}:
		for deck_id, phrase_ids in deck_updates.iteritems():
			deck = mongo.db.excerpts.update(
				{ '_id': ObjectId(deck_id) },
				{ '$set': { 'phrase_ids': [ObjectId(p) for p in phrase_ids] } },

	if card_updates != {}:

		# Get user progress, or initialize an empty progress history if none exists
		user_progress = mongo.db.user_progress.find_one({ 'email': email, 'lang': lang })

		for studyMode in card_updates.keys():

			# Iterate over the phrase ids and the new progress values, altering values
			for phrase_id, progress in card_updates[studyMode].iteritems():
				user_progress['progress'][studyMode][phrase_id] = progress

	# Perform the upsert
		{ 'email': email, 'lang': lang },
		upsert = True

	# Return success
	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_dictionary(lang):

	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if not user_profile:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

	# Return success
	return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.appconfig.template_folder, 'dictionaries'), "%s.json" % lang)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_plan():
	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile is None:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

		# Read the parameters
		lang = request.form['lang']
		planMode = request.form['plan_mode']
	except KeyError:
		# Return failure if the arguments don't exist
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'invalid parameters',

	email = user_profile['email']

	# Create the documents dcitionary
	docs_cursor = mongo.db.documents.find({
		'lang': lang,
		'email': email })
	doc_dict = { str(d['_id']): d for d in docs_cursor }

	# Create the excerpts dictionary
	excerpt_cursor = mongo.db.excerpts.find({
		'lang': lang,
		'email': email })
	excerpt_dict = { str(e['_id']): e for e in excerpt_cursor }

	plan = {}
	coll = mongo.db["phrases_%s" % lang]
	for document_id in doc_dict.keys():
		excerpt_cursor = mongo.db.excerpts.find({ 'document_id': ObjectId(document_id) }).sort('_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)
		plan[document_id] = [str(e['_id']) for e in excerpt_cursor]

	# Return success
	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
		'result' : {
			'docs': doc_dict,
			'excerpts': excerpt_dict,
			'plan': plan,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fitbit_connect():
    """Redirect handler for fitbit oauth2, accepts code and exchanges for token"""
    token = request.cookies.get("token")
    user = auth.verify_auth_token(token) if token else None
    if not user:
        raise Exception("Need a user")

    code = request.args.get("code")
    token = exchange_code_for_access_token(code)

    user.fit_access_token = token["access_token"]
    user.fit_refresh_token = token["refresh_token"]

    return redirect("/#/home")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def home_page():

	# Authentication
	user_profile = auth.verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile == None:
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('unauthorized_page'))

	# Get permissions
	permissions = auth.get_permissions(user_profile)

	# Render the page
	if permissions == None:
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('unauthorized_page'))
		return flask.render_template('phrase.html',
			permissions = permissions,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_excerpt_dictionary():

	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile is None:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

		# Read the parameters
		lang = request.form['lang']
	except KeyError:
		# Return failure if the arguments don't exist
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'invalid parameters',

	email = user_profile['email']

	excerpts = mongo.db.excerpts.find({
		'lang': lang,
		'email': email })

	phrase_ids = []
	for excerpt in excerpts:
		phrase_ids += excerpt['phrase_ids']

	print len(set(phrase_ids))

	coll = mongo.db["phrases_%s" % lang]

	d = {}
	for phrase_id_chunk in dbutils.chunk_list(phrase_ids, 1000):
		cursor = coll.find({ '_id': { '$in': phrase_id_chunk } })
		d.update(dictionary.create_dictionary_from_cursor(lang, cursor))

	print len(set(d.keys()))

	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
		'result' : d,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def phrase_page(lang, base):

	# Authentication
	user_profile = auth.verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile == None or not auth.has_permission(user_profile, 'MANAGE_DICTIONARY'):
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('unauthorized_page'))

	# Get the phrase from the database
	phrase = mongo.db.phrases.find_one({
		'lang': lang,
		'base': base

	section = dbutils.get_section_for_phrase(mongo, phrase)

	if phrase and flask.request.method == 'POST':
		# Apply changes from the form
		for k, txs in phrase['txs'].iteritems():
			for tx in txs:
				orig_rank = int(tx['rank'])
				tx['deleted'] = flask.request.form["tx-deleted-%s-%d" % (k, orig_rank)] == '1'
				tx['text'] = flask.request.form["tx-%s-%d" % (k, orig_rank)]
				tx['rank'] = int(flask.request.form["tx-rank-%s-%d" % (k, orig_rank)])
			phrase['txs'][k] = sorted(txs, key=lambda tx: tx['rank'])

		# Perform the update
			'lang': lang,
			'base': base

	# Parse parameters
	show_deleted = int(flask.request.args.get('show-deleted', 0))

	# Pass the translation to the template
	return flask.render_template('phrase.html',
		lang         = lang,
		phrase       = phrase,
		section      = section,
		show_deleted = show_deleted
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_progress():

	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile is None:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

	# Get user properties
	email = user_profile['email']

		# Read the parameters
		lang = request.form['lang']
	except KeyError:
		# Return failure if the arguments don't exist
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'invalid parameters',

	# Get user progress, or initialize an empty progress history if none exists
	user_progress = mongo.db.user_progress.find_one({ 'email': email, 'lang': lang })
	if user_progress == None:
		user_progress = {
			'email'   : email,
			'lang'	: lang,
			'progress': {
				'defs': { },
				'pron': { },

	# Return success
	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
		'result' : user_progress,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def phrases_page(lang):

	# Authentication
	user_profile = auth.verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile == None or not auth.has_permission(user_profile, 'manage_dictionary'):
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('unauthorized_page'))

	min_phrase = flask.request.args.get('min-phrase')
	max_phrase = flask.request.args.get('max-phrase')
	if min_phrase and max_phrase:
		min_phrase = int(min_phrase)
		max_phrase = int(max_phrase)
		min_phrase = 0
		max_phrase = 99

	phrases = mongo.db.phrases.find({
		'lang': lang,
		'rank': { '$gt': min_phrase-1, '$lt': max_phrase+1 }
	}).sort('rank', 1)

	processed_phrases = []
	for phrase in phrases:
		if dbutils.get_section_for_phrase(mongo, phrase):
			phrase['has_section'] = 1
		if 'txs' in phrase:
			phrase['has_txs'] = 1

	# Render the template by passing the total phrase counts
	return flask.render_template('phrases.html',
		lang          = lang,
		min_phrase    = min_phrase,
		max_phrase    = max_phrase,
		phrase_counts = processed_phrases,
Ejemplo n.º 11
def manage_page():
	user_profile = auth.verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile == None:
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('login_page'))
		return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('phrases_page', lang='fr'))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def add_document():
	# Authenticate the user
	user_profile = verify_auth_token()
	if user_profile is None:
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'authentication failed',

	# Get user properties and params
	email = user_profile['email']
		title = request.form['title']
		text = request.form['text']
		lang = request.form['lang']
	except KeyError:
		# Return failure if the arguments don't exist
		return json_result({
			'success': 0,
			'error'  : 'invalid parameters',

	# 1. segment the document into excerpts given the language
	excerpts = api_utils.segment_doc(text, lang)

	# Insert the document
	document_id = mongo.db.documents.insert({
		'title': title,
		'text': text,
		'lang': lang,
		'email': email })

	# 2. Get the set of unique phrases to be looked up
	phrases_list, unique_phrases = api_utils.get_phrases_from_excerpts(excerpts, lang)
	# 3. Look up all phrases and get phrase-to-ID mapping
	phrase_id_map = api_utils.get_phrase_ids(unique_phrases, lang)

	# 3.5 TODO(kgu) handle phrases not found

	# 4. Insert each excerpt with corresponding phrase ids
	num_ph = sum([len(phrases) for phrases in phrases_list])
	num_hit = 0
	missed_phrases = set()
	new_excerpts = []
	bulk = mongo.db.excerpts.initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
	for excerpt, phrases in zip(excerpts, phrases_list):
		phrase_ids = [phrase_id_map[ph] for ph in phrases if phrase_id_map[ph] != None]
			'email': email,
			'lang': lang,
			'excerpt': excerpt,
			'phrase_ids': phrase_ids,
			'document_id': document_id})
		num_hit += len([1 for ph in phrases if phrase_id_map[ph] != None])
		missed_phrases |= set([ph for ph in phrases if phrase_id_map[ph] == None])

	# Return success, stats for analysis, and missing phrases.
	return json_result({
		'success': 1,
		'document_id': document_id,
		# excerpts stats
		'num_excerpts': len(excerpts),
		'total_phrase_count': num_ph,
		'total_hit_count': num_hit,
		'total_hit_rate': num_hit / float(num_ph),
		# missed phrases
		'missed_phrases': list(missed_phrases)