Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    reddit = authenticate()
    user = reddit.redditor(input('Enter a username u/'))

    commentCounts = userCommentCount(user)
    submissionCounts = userSubmissionCount(user)

    formatCount(commentCounts, submissionCounts)

    userSubreddit = input('\nEnter a subreddit r/')

    comments = subredditComments(user, userSubreddit)
    submissions = subredditSubmissions(user, userSubreddit)

    if len(comments) + len(
            submissions) != 0:  #If they've actually submitted to that sub.
            str(user) + '_' + str(userSubreddit) + '.txt', comments,
        exportPath = os.path.join(
            str(user) + '_' + str(userSubreddit) + '.txt')
        os.startfile(exportPath, 'open')

        print('\n' + str(user) + ' has not submitted to ' +
              str(userSubreddit) + ' in their last 1k posts.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def field_of_study(config, session=False):
    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/contextcard/contextcard.aspx?lectiocontextcard=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(config["context_card_id"]))

    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    # Insert the session information from the auth function
    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    if soup.find("span", attrs={"id": "ctl00_Content_cctitle"}) is None:
        return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"}

    tables = soup.findAll("table")
    idProg = re.compile(
    idGroups = idProg.match(
            attrs={"id": "ctl00_Content_linksrep_ctl00_somelink"})["href"])

    return {
        "status": "ok",
        "field_of_study": {
            if not idGroups is None else "",
Ejemplo n.º 3
def image(config, session=False):
    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/fravaer_billede.aspx?elevid=%s&year=%s&startdate=%s&enddate=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]), str(
            config["year"]), config["start_date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"),

    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    # Insert the session information from the auth function
    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    return response.text
Ejemplo n.º 4
def image(config, picture_id, session=False):
    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}
        url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/GetImage.aspx?pictureid=%s&fullsize=1" % (
            str(config["school_id"]), str(picture_id))

        # Insert the session information from the auth function
        cookies = {
            "lecmobile": "0",
            "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
            "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
            "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
            "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

        # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
        headers = {
            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
            "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
            "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

        response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

        return response.text
Ejemplo n.º 5
def image ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/fravaer_billede.aspx?elevid=%s&year=%s&startdate=%s&enddate=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]), str(config["year"]), config["start_date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), config["end_date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y") )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	return response.text
def main(argv):
    # Configure Parameters and Options
    options = 'e:u:p:P:R:C:'
    longOptions = ['endpoint=', 'user='******'password='******'pwdfile=', 'resourcename=', 'cookie=']
    # Get Options & Arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, options, longOptions)
        # Read Module Arguments
        moduleArgs = readModuleArgs(opts, args)

        if moduleArgs['cookie'] is None and moduleArgs['endpoint'] is not None and moduleArgs['user'] is not None:
            if moduleArgs['password'] is None and moduleArgs['pwdfile'] is None:
                moduleArgs['password'] = getPassword(moduleArgs['user'])
            elif moduleArgs['pwdfile'] is not None:
                with open(moduleArgs['pwdfile'], 'r') as f:
                    moduleArgs['password'] = f.read().rstrip('\n')
            moduleArgs['cookie'] = authenticate(moduleArgs['endpoint'], moduleArgs['user'], moduleArgs['password'])
        if moduleArgs['cookie'] is not None:
            jsonObj = deleteStorageVolume(moduleArgs['endpoint'], moduleArgs['resourcename'], moduleArgs['cookie'])
            print ('Incorrect parameters')
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    except Exception as e:
        print('Unknown Exception please check log file')

Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    options = get_options(sys.argv[1:])
    subreddit, post_limit, comment_limit, upload_choice = get_args(options)
    reddit = authenticate()
    scrape_reddit(reddit, subreddit, post_limit, comment_limit)
    if upload_choice: upload_to_reddit(reddit)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def image ( config, picture_id, session = False ):
	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}
		url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/GetImage.aspx?pictureid=%s&fullsize=1" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(picture_id) )

		# Insert the session information from the auth function
		cookies = {
			"lecmobile" : "0",
			"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
			"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
			"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
			"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

		# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
		headers = {
			"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
			"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
			"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
			"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
			"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

		response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

		return response.text
Ejemplo n.º 9
def handle_client(host, port, file_type):
    """ Handles 1 client at a time.
    TODO: enable multithreading of client requests """
    _, client_sock, addr = connect_to_client(host, port)
    username = receive_label(client_sock)
    file_name = username + file_type
    image_size = receive_size(client_sock)

    if receive_image(client_sock, file_name, image_size):
        print("[*] Wrote data to {}".format(file_name))
        print("[*] Error receiving image")

    print("\n\n[*************** Authenticating ***************]")
    if authenticate.is_valid_user(username):
        if authenticate.authenticate(username, file_name):
            print("[*] Welcome back {}".format(username))
            password = retrieve_credentials(username)
            if password:
                send_credentials(client_sock, password)
                print("{}[+] Sent credentials!\n".format(INDENT))
                print("[!] Could not retrieve password\n")
        print("[!] Not success\n")

Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, auth, hostname, port=4712, https=True):
     self.auth = auth
     self.hostname = hostname
     self.port = port
     self.https = https
     self.reference = authenticate(hostname=self.hostname,
Ejemplo n.º 11
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        user = request.form['user']
        password = request.form['pass']
        if authenticate(user, password):
            return redirect(url_for('secret'))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        user = request.form['user']
        password = request.form['pass']
        if authenticate(user, password):
            return redirect(url_for('secret'))
def get_all_ips( resource_group_name,vm_ss_name ):
    ips_list = []
    credentials_dict = authenticate( client_id, key, tenant_id )
    network_client = NetworkManagementClient( credentials_dict['credentials'], credentials_dict['subscription_id'] )
    vm_nic_configs =  network_client.network_interfaces.list_virtual_machine_scale_set_network_interfaces( resource_group_name,vm_ss_name )
    for paged_nic_config in vm_nic_configs:
        for curr_private_ip in  paged_nic_config.ip_configurations:
            ips_list.append( str( curr_private_ip.private_ip_address ) )
    return ips_list
Ejemplo n.º 14
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        user = request.form['user']
        password = request.form['pass']
        favNum = request.form['favNum']
        if authenticate(user, password,favNum):
            return render_template("game.html")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def face_detect():
    camera = picamera.PiCamera()
    camera.resolution = (200, 150)
    start = time.time()

    detected = False

    TEMP_PATH = 'tmp.jpg'

    while True:
        if os.path.isfile(UNKNOWN_PATH):

        result = auth.authenticate(TEMP_PATH)

        if result[0] != 1:
            shutil.copy(TEMP_PATH, UNKNOWN_PATH)

        if result[0] == 0:
            print('Welcome %s' % result[1])
            detected = True
            print('Sad: %s' % result[1])

        if time.time() - start > 5:
            print('Your time ran out')


    if not detected:
        val = login_by_password()
        if (val == 1):
            detected = True
        # do not want to input password
        elif (val == 0):
            # you shall not pass
            gkit.tts_play('너는지나 가지 않아야한다.')
            return detected


    if detected:
        # Play a welcome sound
        print('Door open')
        return True

    # you have tried ur best. good luck on next time
    gkit.tts_play('다음 번에 최선을 다해 행운을 빕니다.')
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
def field_of_study(config, session=False):
    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/studieretningElevValg.aspx?elevid=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]))

    if session == False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_id0_pa"}) is None:
        return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"}

    elements = soup.find("div", attrs={
        "id": "s_m_Content_Content_id0_pa"

    information = {
        "student_type": elements[0].find("span").text,
        "student_start_term": elements[1].find("span").text,
        "field_of_study": {
            elements[2].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("SR", "")
        "student_id": str(config["student_id"])

    return {"status": "ok", "information": information}
Ejemplo n.º 17
def handle_query():
    userName = authenticate.authenticate(request)
    if userName is None:
        print 'this request is not authenticated'
        return build_response_not_authenticated(request)
    authorized, error = authorize.authorize(request,userName)
    if not authorized:
        print 'this action is not authorized for %s' % userName
        return build_response_not_authorized(request, error)
    return forward_and_resign(request)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def handle_query():
    userName = authenticate.authenticate(request)
    if userName is None:
        print 'this request is not authenticated'
        return build_response_not_authenticated(request)
    authorized, error = authorize.authorize(request, userName)
    if not authorized:
        print 'this action is not authorized for %s' % userName
        return build_response_not_authorized(request, error)
    return forward_and_resign(request)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def private_activity ( config, session = False ):
	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/privat_aftale.aspx?aftaleid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["activity_id"]) )

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_island1_pa"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	studentProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/forside.aspx\?elevid=(?P<student_id>.*)")
	studentGroups = studentProg.match(soup.find("meta", attrs={"name" : "msapplication-starturl"})["content"])

	appointment = {
		"activity_id" : str(config["activity_id"]),
		"school_id" : str(config["school_id"]),
		"title" : unicode(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_titelTextBox_tb"})["value"].replace("\r\n", "")),
		"comment" : unicode(soup.find("textarea", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_commentTextBox_tb"}).text.replace("\r\n", "")),
		"student_id" : studentGroups.group("student_id"),
		"start" : datetime.strptime("%s %s" % (soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_startdateCtrl__date_tb"})["value"], soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_startdateCtrl_startdateCtrl_time_tb"})["value"]), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M"),
		"end" : datetime.strptime("%s %s" % (soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_enddateCtrl__date_tb"})["value"], soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_enddateCtrl_enddateCtrl_time_tb"})["value"]), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"appointment" : appointment
Ejemplo n.º 20
def field_of_study ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/studieretningElevValg.aspx?elevid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	if session == False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_id0_pa"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	elements = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_id0_pa"}).findAll("td")

	information = {
		"student_type" : elements[0].find("span").text,
		"student_start_term" : elements[1].find("span").text,
		"field_of_study" : {
			"name" : unicode(elements[2].find("span").text),
			"context_card_id" : elements[2].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"],
			"field_of_study_id" : elements[2].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("SR", "")
		"student_id" : str(config["student_id"])

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"information" : information
Ejemplo n.º 21
def login():
    st.sidebar.header('Login to access the App')
    yourname = st.sidebar.text_input('name', max_chars=20, key=11)
    yourpass = st.sidebar.text_input('passcode',
    #.__hash__() hashed password field to be added
    auth = authenticate.authenticate(
        yourname, yourpass
    )  # authenticate with name,passcode not empty and passcode matching
    return yourname, yourpass, auth
Ejemplo n.º 22
def field_of_study ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/contextcard/contextcard.aspx?lectiocontextcard=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["context_card_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("span", attrs={"id" : "ctl00_Content_cctitle"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	tables = soup.findAll("table")
	idProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/studieretningSe.aspx\?sid=(?P<field_of_study_id>.*)")
	idGroups = idProg.match(soup.find(attrs={"id" : "ctl00_Content_linksrep_ctl00_somelink"})["href"])

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"field_of_study" : {
			"name" : unicode(tables[1].findAll("td")[1].text),
			"field_of_study_id" : idGroups.group("field_of_study_id") if not idGroups is None else "",
			"school_id" : str(config["school_id"]),
			"context_card_id" : str(config["context_card_id"])
Ejemplo n.º 23
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        username = request.form['Username']
        password = request.form['Password']
        button = request.form['button']
        if button == "Cancel":
            return render_template("login.html")
        if authenticate.authenticate(username, password):
            return render_template("secret.html")
            wrong = 'Hint #1: The Username starts with J and the password starts with P.'
            return render_template("login.html", wrong=wrong)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        username = request.form['Username']
        password = request.form['Password']
        button = request.form['button']
        if button == "Cancel":
            return render_template("login.html")
        if authenticate.authenticate(username,password):
            return render_template("secret.html")
            wrong = 'Hint #1: The Username starts with J and the password starts with P.'
            return render_template("login.html", wrong=wrong)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def login():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template ("login.html")
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
        button = request.form['button']
        if button=="cancel":
            return render_template("login.html")
        if authenticate.authenticate(username,password):
            session["authen"] = True
            return render_template ("secret.html")
            error = "Invalid username or password"
            return render_template("login.html",err=error)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def load_state(event, context):
    user = authenticate(event=event)
    if user is None:
        return {'statusCode': 401}

    # Load id's data from graphnotes db
    db_resp = dynamodb.get_item(TableName='graphnotes',
                                Key={'id': {
                                    'S': user

    data = '{}'
    if 'Item' in db_resp:
        data = db_resp['Item']['data']['S']

    return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': data}
Ejemplo n.º 27
def home():
    if request.method=="GET":
        return render_template("home.html",l=list)
        button = request.form['b']
        uname  = request.form['uname']
        pword  = request.form['pword']
        if button=="login":
            if authenticate.authenticate(uname,pword):
                return render_template("both.html")
            else :
                errmess= "Invalid Username and/or Password. Please try again."
                return render_template("home.html", errmess=errmess)
        if button=="cancel":
            return render_template("home.html")
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def OnSubmit(self, event):
        """This class uses the authenticate method to redirect the user to chatroom if
        if the username and password entered is correct"""
        chat_login.UserText = self.txt_Username.GetValue()
        chat_login.PasswordText = self.txt_Password.GetValue()
        flag = authenticate.authenticate(chat_login.UserText, chat_login.PasswordText)
        if flag == 0:
        elif flag == 2:
            self.frame.SetStatusText("Username not registered")
        elif flag == 1:
            app = wx.App(False)
            OnlineOfflineScreen(chat_login.UserText, chat_login.PasswordText)

Ejemplo n.º 29
    def OnSubmit(self, event):
        """This class uses the authenticate method to redirect the user to chatroom if
        if the username and password entered is correct"""
        chat_login.UserText = self.txt_Username.GetValue()
        chat_login.PasswordText = self.txt_Password.GetValue()
        if flag==0:
        elif flag==2:
            self.frame.SetStatusText("Username not registered")
        elif flag==1:
            app = wx.App(False)
            OnlineOfflineScreen(chat_login.UserText, chat_login.PasswordText)

Ejemplo n.º 30
def run():
    key = authenticate()
    if key == None:
    print('[PasswordManager] Login successful')
    opt = None
    while opt != 'Q':
        opt = input('''
1: Create new entry
2: Show all 
3: Retrive a password
4: Delete entry
Q: Exit 

Select an action: ''')
        print('-' * 68)

        if opt == '1':
            username = input('[PasswordManager] Enter the username: '******'[PasswordManager] Enter the password: '******'[PasswordManager] Enter the url: ')
            insert(username, password, url, key)

        elif opt == '2':

        elif opt == '3':
            url = input('[PasswordManager] Enter the url: ')
            fetch_one(url, key)

        elif opt == '4':
            id_ = input(
                '[PasswordManager] Enter the id of the entry you would like to remove: '

            print('[PasswordManager] Invalid entry')

    os.system('cd ~')
    print('[PasswordManager] Exiting ...')
Ejemplo n.º 31
def folders ( config, session = False ):
	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/DokumentOversigt.aspx?elevid=%s" %( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FolderTreeView"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	folders = find_folders(soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FolderTreeView"}), False, session, config)

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"folders" : folders
Ejemplo n.º 32
def folders(config, session=False):
    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/DokumentOversigt.aspx?elevid=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]))

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_FolderTreeView"
                               }) is None:
        return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"}

    folders = find_folders(
        soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_FolderTreeView"}),
        False, session, config)

    return {"status": "ok", "folders": folders}
Ejemplo n.º 33
def save_state(event, context):
    user = authenticate(event=event)
    if user is None:
        return {'statusCode': 401}

    data = event['body']

    # Save [id, data] in graphnotes db
                          'id': {
                              'S': "Test"
                          'data': {
                              'S': data

    return {'statusCode': 200}
Ejemplo n.º 34
def main():
    camera = picamera.PiCamera()
    camera.resolution = (200, 150)
    start = time.time()

    door_open = False

    UNKNOWN_PATH = 'unknown.jpg'
    TEMP_PATH = 'tmp.jpg'

    while True:
        if os.path.isfile(UNKNOWN_PATH):

        result = auth.authenticate(TEMP_PATH)
        if result[0] == 0:
            print('Welcome %s' % result[1])
            door_open = True

            print('Sad: %s' % result[1])

        if result[0] != 1:
            shutil.copy(TEMP_PATH, UNKNOWN_PATH)

        if time.time() - start > 5:
            print('Your time ran out')


    if door_open:
        print('Door open')
        if os.path.isfile(UNKNOWN_PATH):

    return door_open
Ejemplo n.º 35
def login():
#still need to figure out how to return data via session, and return "logged out" message
    if session['message'] == "You have logged out":
        print True
        message = session['message']
        session['message'] = ''
        return render_template("login.html", message = message) + homeBut
    if (request.method == "GET"): #default 
        return render_template("login.html") + homeBut
        username = request.form["username"]
        password = request.form["password"]
        button = request.form["button"]

        if button == "cancel":
            return render_template("login.html") + homeBut
        if authenticate(username, password):
            return render_template("account.html", username = username) + logoutBut
            error = "Wrong username or password, BIDEN UP!"
            return render_template("login.html", err=error) + homeBut
Ejemplo n.º 36
def login():
    #still need to figure out how to return data via session, and return "logged out" message
    if session['message'] == "You have logged out":
        print True
        message = session['message']
        session['message'] = ''
        return render_template("login.html", message=message) + homeBut
    if (request.method == "GET"):  #default
        return render_template("login.html") + homeBut
        username = request.form["username"]
        password = request.form["password"]
        button = request.form["button"]

        if button == "cancel":
            return render_template("login.html") + homeBut
        if authenticate(username, password):
            return render_template("account.html",
                                   username=username) + logoutBut
            error = "Wrong username or password, BIDEN UP!"
            return render_template("login.html", err=error) + homeBut
Ejemplo n.º 37
def payment():
    print('payment request')
        print('trying authentication')
        json_ = request.json
        # print(str(json_))

        a = authenticate.authenticate('config/config.csv')
        response,token = a.get_token()
        returnResponse = jsonify({})

        if response.status_code == 200:

            p = payments_api.payments_api(token,'POST')

            payload = p.sample_post
            # print(str(payload))
            payload['debtorAccountId']['name'] = json_['accountB']
            payload['creditor']['name'] = json_['accountA']
            payload['paymentIdentification']['EndToEndId'] = json_['accountA'].strip(u'\u200b') + json_['accountB'].strip(u'\u200b')
            payload['instructedAmount']['amount'] = json_['amount']


            response = p.connect_endpoint(payload)
            returnResponse = jsonify(response.text)
            print('Failed login')
            returnReponse = jsonify(response.text)

        return returnResponse    
        return '{"statusCode" : "500", "message": "Authentication Failed!" }'
Ejemplo n.º 38
def description ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/studieplan/hold_undervisningsbeskrivelse.aspx?holdelementid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["team_element_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_holduvb_UvbHoldRepeater_ctl00_uvbCtrl_uvbcontainer"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	tables = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_holduvb_UvbHoldRepeater_ctl00_uvbCtrl_uvbcontainer"}).findAll("table", attrs={"class" : "list"})

	informationElements = tables[0].findAll("td")
	subjectProg = re.compile(r"(?P<subject>.*) (?P<level>.*)$")
	teachers = []
	teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team>.*) \((?P<teams>.*)\)")
	teamGroups = teamProg.match(informationElements[9].text.replace("\n", ""))
	teams = []

	if not teamGroups is None:
		teams = teamGroups.group("teams").replace("\n", "").split(", ")

	for row in informationElements[7].findAll("span"):

	subjectGroups = subjectProg.match(informationElements[5].text.replace("\n", ""))
	terms = []

	termProg = re.compile(r"(?P<value>.*)\/(?P<end>.*)")

	for x in informationElements[1].text.replace("\n", "").split(" - "):
		termGroups = termProg.match(x)

			"value" : termGroups.group("value") if not termGroups is None else "",
			"years_string" : x

	information = {
		"teachers" : teachers,
		"terms" : terms,
		"teams" : teams,
		"team_name" : teamGroups.group("team") if not teamGroups is None else "",
		"subject" : {
			"name" : subjectGroups.group("subject").encode("utf8") if not subjectGroups is None else informationElements[5].text.encode("utf8"),
			"level" : subjectGroups.group("level") if not subjectGroups is None else ""
		"institution" : informationElements[3].text.replace("\n", "").encode("utf8"),


	phases = []
	phaseIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/studieplan\/forloeb_vis.aspx\?phaseid=(?P<phase_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)")
	coversProg = re.compile(ur"Anvendt modullængden (?P<length>.*) (?P<type>.*)\. fra skoleåret (?P<term>.*)")

	for table in tables:
		if not table is None:
			rows = table.findAll("tr", recursive=False)
			elements = []

			for row in rows:
				elements = elements + row.findAll("td", recursive=False)

			if not elements[1].find("a") is None:
				phaseIdGroups = phaseIdProg.match(elements[1].find("a")["href"])
				reachSpans = elements[5].findAll("span")
				title = reachSpans[2]["title"] if "title" in reachSpans[2] else reachSpans[2].text
				coversGroups = coversProg.match(title)
				focusPoints = []
				focusRows = []
				if not elements[7].find("ul") is None:
					focusRows = elements[7].find("ul").findAll("li", recursive=False)
				descriptionText = elements[1].find("span").text

				if len(focusRows) > 0:
					for row in focusRows:
						header = unicode(row.text)
						focusPointElements = []
						if row.find_next().name == "ul":
							for focusElement in row.find_next().findAll("li"):

							"header" : header,
							"elements" : focusPointElements

				work_methods = []

				for row in elements[9].findAll("li"):
					work_methods.append(unicode(row.text.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")))

				readings = []
				if not elements[3].find("span").find("i") is None:
					for row in elements[3].find("span").findAll("br"):
						text = unicode(row.find_next(text=True).string).encode("utf8")
						readings.append({"text" : text})

				links = []

				for link in elements[3].findAll("a"):
						"href" : link["href"],
						"text" : unicode(link.find_next(text=True).find_next(text=True)[3:].replace("\t", "").replace("\r\n", ""))

				written = []

				if not elements[3].find("table") is None:
					writtenRows = elements[3].findAll("tr")

					for row in writtenRows:
						writtenRowElements = row.findAll("td")
							"title" : writtenRowElements[0].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""),
							"date" : datetime.strptime(writtenRowElements[1].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip(), "%d-%m-%Y")


				for x in elements[3].findAll("i"):

				documents = []

				for row in elements[3].findAll(text=True):
					if len(row) > 1:
							"name" : row.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")

					"reach" : {
						"covers" : {
							"length" : "unknown" if reachSpans[1].text == "Ikke angivet" else reachSpans[1].text.replace(" moduler", ""),
							"type" : "modules"
						"details" : {
							"length" : coversGroups.group("length") if not coversGroups is None else "45",
							"type" : coversGroups.group("type") if not coversGroups is None else "min",
							"term" : "20" + coversGroups.group("term") if not coversGroups is None else soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text
					"estimate" : {
						"type" : "modules",
						"length" : "unknown" if reachSpans[0].text == "Ikke angivet" else reachSpans[0].text.replace(",", ".").replace(" moduler", "").strip(),
					"methods" : work_methods,
					"name" : elements[1].find("a").text.encode("utf8"),
					"phase_id" : phaseIdGroups.group("phase_id") if not phaseIdGroups is None else "",
					"focus_points" : focusPoints,
					"readings" : readings,
					"links" : links,
					"documents" : documents,
					"written" : written,
					"description" : descriptionText,
					"title" : elements[1].find("a").text.encode("utf8")

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"information" : information,
		"phases" : phases,
		"term" : {
			"value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"],
			"years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text
Ejemplo n.º 39
def document(config, session=False):
    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/dokumentrediger.aspx?dokumentid=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(config["document_id"]))

    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}) is None:
        return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"}

    offset = 0

    elements = soup.find("div", attrs={
        "id": "m_Content_Dokument_pa"

    if len(elements) < 7:
        offset = 1

    creator = context_card.user(
            elements[3 - offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"],
        }, session)["user"]

    changer = elements[4 - offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"]
    elements[4 - offset].find("span").decompose()
    dateText = elements[4 - offset].text.replace(" af ", "").strip()
    dateTimeProg = re.compile(
        r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")
    dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(dateText)
    date = datetime.strptime(
        "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("day")),
                            dateGroups.group("year"), dateGroups.group("hour"),
        "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else ""

    connectionRows = soup.find("table",
                                   "id": "m_Content_AffiliationsGV"

    connections = []

    for row in connectionRows:
        rowElements = row.findAll("td")

        data = {
            "team" if "H" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "teacher"
            if "T" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "student",
            True if "checked" in rowElements[1].find("input").attrs else False

        if rowElements[2].find("select"):
            folder_id = rowElements[2].find("select").select(
            data["folder_id"] = folder_id


    document = {
        unicode(elements[0].find("a").text).replace("\t", "").replace(
            "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(),
        os.path.splitext(elements[0].find("a").text.replace("\t", "").replace(
            "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip())[1].replace(".", ""),
        elements[2 - offset].text.replace(",", ".").replace("\t", "").replace(
            "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(),
        "changer": {
            "context_card_id": changer,
            "type": "teacher" if "T" in changer else "student",
            "date": date
        soup.find("textarea", attrs={
            "id": "m_Content_EditDocComments_tb"
        }).text.replace("\r\n", ""),
        True if "checked" in soup.find("input",
                                           "id": "m_Content_EditDocIsPublic"
                                       }).attrs else False,
        "term": {
            soup.find("select", attrs={
                "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term"
            soup.find("select", attrs={
                "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term"

    return {"status": "ok", "document": document}
Ejemplo n.º 40
import praw
import prawcore
import os
import json
from time import time
from pprint import pprint
from authenticate import authenticate

reddit = authenticate() #Put your reddit API authentification info here.

def getRules(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        subreddits = f.readlines()
        subreddits = [subreddit.strip() for subreddit in subreddits]

    rulesDict = {}
    for subreddit in subreddits:
        rulesDict[subreddit] = []

            subredditRules = reddit.subreddit(subreddit).rules()['rules']
        except Exception as e:
        for subredditRule in subredditRules:
            rulesDict[subreddit].append({subredditRule['short_name'] : subredditRule['description'].strip()})
    return rulesDict
Ejemplo n.º 41
def activity_info(config, activity_id, session = False, modules = None ):
    if not session == False:
        if session is True:
            session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

        if session == False:
            return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

    url = urls.activity_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{ACTIVITY_ID}}", str(activity_id))

    if not session == False:
        # Insert the session information from the auth function
        cookies = {
            "lecmobile" : "0",
            "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
            "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
            "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
            "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

        cookies = {}

    settings = {}

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    response = proxy.session.post(url, data=settings, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    # Find all the different rows in the table
    rows = []

    for x in soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa"}).find("table").findAll("tr", recursive=False):

    headers = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa"}).find("table").findAll("th")


    # Make rows[n] match headers[n]
    for index, element in enumerate(rows):
        table = element.find_parent("table")
        if table["class"][0] == u"NoFrame":
            del rows[index]

    # Generate a map of rows
    rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows)

    # Retrieve the values
    showed_in_values = unicode(rowMap["Vises"].text).split(", ")
    showed_in = []

    type = unicode(rowMap["Type"].text)
    status = unicode(rowMap["Status"].text)
    students_resserved = unicode(rowMap["Deltagerereserveret"].text)

    teams = [] # Done
    students = [] # Done
    ressources = [] # Test Missing
    rooms = [] # Done
    teachers = [] # Done
    documents = [] # Done
    links = [] # Done
    students_education_assigned = [] # Missing Test
    homework = []

    ressourceProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=lokale&nosubnav=1&id=(?P<ressource_id>.*)&week=(?P<week>.*)")

    for x in rowMap["Ressourcer"].findAll("a"):
        ressoureceGroups = ressourceProg.match(x["href"])

            "ressource_id" : ressoureceGroups.group("ressource_id") if not ressoureceGroups is None else ""

    for x in rowMap["EleverAs"].findAll("a"):
            "student_id" : x["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", "")

    dateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<module>.*)\. modul, uge (?P<week>.*)")
    termValue = soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"]
    alternativeDateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)")
    multiDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<start_day_name>.*) (?P<start_day>.*)\/(?P<start_month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_day_name>.*) (?P<end_day>.*)\/(?P<end_month>.*) (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)")

    altDateGroups = alternativeDateProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""))
    dateGroups = dateProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""))
    multiDayGroups  = multiDayProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""))

    startDate = None
    endDate = None

    if not dateGroups is None and not modules == None:
        if int(dateGroups.group("month")) < 8:
            year = int(termValue) + 1
            year = int(termValue)

        startTime = "12:00"
        endTime = "00:00"

        for x in modules:
            if str(x["module"]) == str(dateGroups.group("module")):
                startTime = x["start"]
                endTime = x["end"]

        startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("month")), year, startTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
        endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("month")), year, endTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
    elif not multiDayGroups is None:
        if int(multiDayGroups.group("month")) < 8:
            year = int(termValue) + 1
            year = int(termValue)

        startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(multiDayGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(multiDayGroups.group("month")), year, multiDayGroups.group("start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
        endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(multiDayGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(multiDayGroups.group("month")), year, multiDayGroups.group("end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
    elif not altDateGroups is None:
        if int(altDateGroups.group("month")) < 8:
            year = int(termValue) + 1
            year = int(termValue)

        startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(altDateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(altDateGroups.group("month")), year, altDateGroups.group("start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
        endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(altDateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(altDateGroups.group("month")), year, altDateGroups.group("end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

    # Created and updated dates
    metaProg = re.compile(values.activity_updated_regex)

    metaElements = rowMap["Systeminformation"].text.strip().split("\n")
    metaString = ""
    for me in metaElements:
        metaString = metaString + " " + me.replace("\t\t\t\t", "").replace("\r", "").strip()

    metaGroups = metaProg.search(metaString)

    # Loop through the documents and append to the list
    documentTable = rowMap["Dokumenter"].find("table")
    if not documentTable == None:
        documentRows = documentTable.findAll("td")
        for documentRow in documentRows:
            # Split the size from the unit
            fileSizeProg = re.compile(values.file_size_regex)
            fileSizeGroups = fileSizeProg.search(documentRow.text)

            # Find the different document info elements
            elements = documentRow.findAll("a")

            if len(elements) > 0:
                # Filter the id from the document url
                documentProg = re.compile(values.document_url_regex)
                documentGroups = documentProg.search(elements[1]["href"])

                # Append to the list
                    "name" : elements[1].text.encode("utf8"),
                    "size" : {
                        "size" : fileSizeGroups.group("size").replace(",", "."),
                        "unit" : fileSizeGroups.group("unit_name")
                    "type" : "timetable_document",
                    "document_id" : documentGroups.group("document_id")

    # Loop through the students and append to the list
    studentRows = rowMap["Elever"].findAll("a")
    for student,classObject in functions.grouped(studentRows,2):
        # Filter the id from the class URL
        studentClassProg = re.compile(values.class_url_regex)
        studentClassGroups = studentClassProg.search(classObject["href"])

        # Filter the student id from the URL
        studentIdProg = re.compile(values.student_url_regex)
        studentIdGroups = studentIdProg.search(student["href"])

            "name" : unicode(student.text),
            "class" : unicode(classObject.text),
            "context_card_id" : student["lectiocontextcard"],
            "student_id" : studentIdGroups.group("student_id"),
            "class_id" : studentClassGroups.group("class_id")

    # Loop through the teams and append to the list
    for team in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("a"):
        # Filter the class name from the team name
        teamNameProg = re.compile(values.team_class_name_regex)
        teamNameGroups = teamNameProg.search(unicode(team.text))

        # Filter the id from the URL
        teamIdProg = re.compile(values.team_url_regex)
        teamIdGroups = teamIdProg.search(team["href"])

        if not teamIdGroups == None:
            # Append to the list
                "class" : teamNameGroups.group("class_name"),
                "team" : teamNameGroups.group("team_name"),
                "name" : team.text,
                "team_id" : teamIdGroups.group("team_id")

    # Loop through the values and append English and Computer easy readable values
    for value in showed_in_values:
        if value == u"i dags- og ugeændringer":
        elif value == u"Inde i berørte skemaer":
        elif value == u"I toppen af berørte skemaer":

    # Loop through the links and append them to the list
    for link in rowMap["Links"].findAll("a"):
            "url" : link["href"],
            "title" : unicode(link.text)

    # Loop through the rooms and append them to the list
    for room in rowMap["Lokaler"].findAll("a"):
        # Initialize variables
        roomName = ""
        roomNumber = ""

        # Filter the number from the name
        roomNameProg = re.compile(values.room_name_regex)
        roomNameGroups = roomNameProg.search(unicode(room.text))

        if not roomNameGroups == None:
            roomName = roomNameGroups.group("room_name")
            roomNumber = roomNameGroups.group("room_number")

         # Initialize roomId RegEx
        roomIdProg = re.compile(values.room_url_regex)

        # Filter the id from the URL
        roomIdGroups = roomIdProg.search(room["href"])

        # Append the room to the list
            "name" : roomName,
            "number" : roomNumber,
            "room_id" : roomIdGroups.group("room_id")

    # Loop through the teachers and append them to the list
    for teacher in rowMap["Laerere"].findAll("a"):
        # Filter the abbrevation from the name
        teacherNameProg = re.compile(values.name_with_abbrevation_regex)
        teacherNameGroups = teacherNameProg.search(unicode(teacher.text))

        # Filter the id from the URL
        teacherIdProg = re.compile(values.teacher_url_regex)
        teacherIdGroups = teacherIdProg.search(teacher["href"])

        # Append to the list
            "context_card_id" : teacher["lectiocontextcard"],
            "name" : teacherNameGroups.group("name"),
            "abbrevation" : teacherNameGroups.group("abbrevation"),
            "teacher_id" : teacherIdGroups.group("teacher_id"),
            "school_id" : teacherIdGroups.group("school_id")

    # Loop over the diferent homework notes and append to the list
    for object in values.activity_homework_regexs:
        prog = re.compile(object["expression"])
        matches = prog.finditer(unicode(rowMap["Lektier"].text.replace("\t", "")))

        # Loop over the matches
        for element in matches:
            if object["name"] == "note":
                if not element.group("note") == "":
                        "note" : element.group("note"),
                        "type" : "note"
                    "note" : element.group("note"),
                    "class" : element.group("class"),
                    "authors" : element.group("writers").split(", "),
                    "name" : element.group("name"),
                    "pages" : element.group("pages"),
                    "subject" : element.group("subject"),
                    "publisher" : element.group("publisher"),
                    "type" : "book"
    # Initialize note variable
    note = unicode(rowMap["Note"].text)

    # Return all the information
    return {
        "status" : "ok",
        "time" : unicode(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text),
        "teams" : teams,
        "type" : "school" if type == "Lektion" else "other_activity" if type == "Anden aktivitet" else "other",
        "students_education_assigned" : students_education_assigned,
        "teachers" : teachers,
        "rooms" : rooms,
        "ressources" : ressources,
        "note" : note.encode("utf8"),
        "documents" : documents,
        "homework" : homework, # Match books with the list of books
        "links" : links,
        "students_resserved" : "true" if students_resserved.strip() == "Ja" else "false",
        "showed_at" : showed_in,
        "activity_status" : "done" if status == "Afholdt" else "planned" if status == "Planlagt" else "cancelled" if status == "Aflyst" else "other",
        "students" : students,
        "created" : {
            "at" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("created_date")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("created_month")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("created_year")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("created_hour")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("created_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "",
            "by" : metaGroups.group("created_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else ""
        "updated" : {
            "at" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("updated_date")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("updated_month")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("updated_year")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("updated_hour")),functions.zeroPadding(metaGroups.group("updated_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "",
            "by" : metaGroups.group("updated_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else ""
        "term" : {
            "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"],
            "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text
        "date" : {
            "start" : startDate,
            "end" : endDate
Ejemplo n.º 42
def leave ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/subnav/fravaerelev.aspx?elevid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabStudentAbsenceDataTable"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabStudentAbsenceDataTable"}).findAll("tr")

	leaveRows = []
	teamIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/fravaer_elevhold.aspx\?holdelementid=(?P<team_element_id>.*)")
	leaveProg = re.compile(r"(?P<number>.*)\/(?P<modules>.*)")

	for row in rows:
		elements = row.findAll("td")
		teamIdGroups = teamIdProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"])
		periodeGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[2].text.replace(",", "."))
		calculatedGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[4].text.replace(",", "."))
		yearGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[6].text.replace(",", "."))

		writtenPeriodeGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[8].text.replace(",", "."))
		writtenCalculatedGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[10].text.replace(",", "."))
		writtenYearGroups = leaveProg.match(elements[12].text.replace(",", "."))
		data = {
       		"team" : {
       			"name": unicode(elements[0].find("a").text),
       			"team_id" : teamIdGroups.group("team_element_id") if not teamIdGroups is None else ""
       		"leave" : {
       			"period" : {
	       			"end_date" :  datetime.strptime(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabPeriodChooserCtrl_end__date_tb"})["value"], "%d/%m-%Y"),
	       			"start_date" :  datetime.strptime(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabPeriodChooserCtrl_start__date_tb"})["value"], "%d/%m-%Y"),
	       			"percent" : elements[1].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"modules" : periodeGroups.group("modules") if not periodeGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : periodeGroups.group("number") if not periodeGroups is None else ""
	       		"calculated" : {
	       			"percent" : elements[3].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"modules" : calculatedGroups.group("modules") if not calculatedGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : calculatedGroups.group("number") if not calculatedGroups is None else ""
	       		"year" : {
	       			"percent" : elements[5].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"modules" : yearGroups.group("modules") if not yearGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : yearGroups.group("number") if not yearGroups is None else ""
	       	"written" : {
	       		"period" : {
	       			"end_date" :  datetime.strptime(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabPeriodChooserCtrl_end__date_tb"})["value"], "%d/%m-%Y"),
	       			"start_date" :  datetime.strptime(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabPeriodChooserCtrl_start__date_tb"})["value"], "%d/%m-%Y"),
	       			"percent" : elements[7].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"hours" : writtenPeriodeGroups.group("modules") if not writtenPeriodeGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : writtenPeriodeGroups.group("number") if not writtenPeriodeGroups is None else ""
	       		"calculated" : {
	       			"percent" : elements[9].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"hours" : writtenCalculatedGroups.group("modules") if not writtenCalculatedGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : writtenCalculatedGroups.group("number") if not writtenCalculatedGroups is None else ""
	       		"year" : {
	       			"percent" : elements[11].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", ""),
	       			"hours" : writtenYearGroups.group("modules") if not writtenYearGroups is None else "",
	       			"leave" : writtenYearGroups.group("number") if not writtenYearGroups is None else ""


	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"leave" : leaveRows,
		"term" : {
       		"value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"],
        	"years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text,
        	"start_date" :  datetime.strptime(soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SFTabPeriodChooserCtrl_start__date_tb"})["value"], "%d/%m-%Y")
Ejemplo n.º 43
def document ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/dokumentrediger.aspx?dokumentid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["document_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	offset = 0

	elements = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}).findAll("td")

	if len(elements) < 7:
		offset = 1

	creator = context_card.user({
		"context_card_id" : elements[3-offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"],
		"school_id" : config["school_id"]
	}, session)["user"]

	changer = elements[4-offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"]
	dateText = elements[4-offset].text.replace(" af ", "").strip()
	dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")
	dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(dateText)
	date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("month")), dateGroups.group("year"), dateGroups.group("hour"), dateGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else ""

	connectionRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_AffiliationsGV"}).findAll("tr")

	connections = []

	for row in connectionRows:
		rowElements = row.findAll("td")

		data = {
			"context_card_id" : rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"],
			"type" : "team" if "H" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "teacher" if "T" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "student",
			"name" : unicode(rowElements[0].find("span").text),
			"can_edit" : True if "checked" in rowElements[1].find("input").attrs else False

		if rowElements[2].find("select"):
			folder_id = rowElements[2].find("select").select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"]
			data["folder_id"] = folder_id


	document = {
		"name" : unicode(elements[0].find("a").text).replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(),
		"extension" : os.path.splitext(elements[0].find("a").text.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip())[1].replace(".", ""),
		"size" : elements[2-offset].text.replace(",", ".").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(),
		"document_id" : str(config["document_id"]),
		"creator" : creator,
		"changer" : {
			"context_card_id" : changer,
			"type" : "teacher" if "T" in changer else "student",
			"date" : date
		"comment" : soup.find("textarea", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_EditDocComments_tb"}).text.replace("\r\n",""),
		"public" : True if "checked" in soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_EditDocIsPublic"}).attrs else False,
		"connections" : connections,
		"term" : {
			"value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"],
			"years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"document" : document
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def setUp(self):
     self.gmail_service = authenticate()
     self.emailer = Emailer()
     self.match_xls = '/Users/jjw036/Dropbox/GSA/LinkLunch/matches_04212015.xlsx'
     self.address_xls = '/Users/jjw036/Dropbox/GSA/LinkLunch/individual_info.xlsx'
Ejemplo n.º 45
def isAuthenticated(username,pw):
        s = authenticate('https://enr-apps.as.cmu.edu/audit/audit',username,pw)
        return True;
    except KeyError:
        return False;
Ejemplo n.º 46
def documents(config, session=False):
    if session is False:
        session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

    if session == False:
        return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"}

    cookies = {
        "lecmobile": "0",
        "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
        "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"],
        "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"],
        "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"]

    # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
    headers = {
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Host": "www.lectio.dk",
        "Origin": "https://www.lectio.dk",
        "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

    url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/DokumentOversigt.aspx?elevid=%s&folderid=%s" % (
        str(config["school_id"]), str(
            config["student_id"]), str(config["folder_id"]))

    response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

    html = response.text

    soup = Soup(html)

    if soup.find("table",
                 attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_DocumentGridView_ctl00"
                        }) is None:
        return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"}

    rows = soup.find("table",
                         "id": "s_m_Content_Content_DocumentGridView_ctl00"

    shortDayTimeProg = re.compile(
        r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")
    timeProg = re.compile(
        r"(?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")  # Current day, month, year
    dayProg = re.compile(
        r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)")  # Current year
    dateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*)")

    dayConversion = {
        u"Ma": "Mon",
        u"Ti": "Tue",
        u"On": "Wed",
        u"To": "Thu",
        u"Fr": "Fri",
        u"Lø": "Sat",
        u"Sø": "Son"

    documents = []
    documentIdProg = re.compile(

    for row in rows:
        elements = row.findAll("td")
        idGroups = documentIdProg.match(elements[1].find("a")["href"])

        changer = context_card.user(
                "context_card_id": elements[3]["lectiocontextcard"],
                "school_id": config["school_id"]
            }, session)

        if shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[4].text):
            timeGroups = shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[4].text)
            date = datetime.strptime(
                "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" %
                 today.strftime("%W"), today.strftime("%Y"),
                 timeGroups.group("hour"), timeGroups.group("minute")),
                "%a/%W-%Y %H:%M")
        elif timeProg.match(elements[4].text):
            timeGroups = timeProg.match(elements[4].text)
            date = datetime.strptime(
                "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" %
                (today.strftime("%d"), today.strftime("%m"),
                 today.strftime("%Y"), timeGroups.group("hour"),
                 timeGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
        elif dayProg.match(elements[4].text):
            dayGroups = dayProg.match(elements[4].text)
            date = datetime.strptime(
                "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" %
                (dayGroups.group("day"), dayGroups.group("month"),
                 today.strftime("%Y"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
        elif dateProg.match(elements[4].text):
            dateGroups = dateProg.match(elements[4].text)
            date = datetime.strptime(
                "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" %
                (dateGroups.group("day"), dateGroups.group("month"),
                 dateGroups.group("year"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

        data = {
                "Fulde filnavn: ", "")),
                "Fulde filnavn: ", ""))[1].replace(".", ""),
            idGroups.group("document_id") if not idGroups is None else "",
            elements[5].text.replace(",", "."),


    return {"status": "ok", "documents": documents}
Ejemplo n.º 47
def leave_reasons ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/subnav/fravaerelev.aspx?elevid=%s&lectab=aarsager" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	missing = []
	reasons = []

	reasonKeys = {
		u"Andet" : "other",
		u"Kom for sent" : "too_late",
		u"Skolerelaterede aktiviteter" : "school_related",
		u"Private forhold" : "private",
		u"Sygdom" : "sick"

	# TODO: Add Missing
	if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabMissingAarsagerGV"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None:
		print "missing"

	if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None:
		rows = soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}).findAll("tr")

		activityProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)")
		datetimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<time>.*)")

		for row in rows:
			elements = row.findAll("td")
			activityGroups = activityProg.match(elements[2].find("a")["href"])
			dateGroups = datetimeProg.match(elements[5].find("span").text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))
				"type" : "lesson" if elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "") == "Lektion" else "other",
				"week" : elements[1].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""),
				"activity_id" : activityGroups.group("activity_id") if not activityGroups is None else "",
				"leave" : elements[3].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace("%", ""),
				"creadited" :True if elements[4].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "") == "Ja" else False,
				"registred" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateGroups.group("month")), dateGroups.group("year"), dateGroups.group("time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M"),
				"teacher" : {
					"abbrevation" : unicode(elements[6].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))
				"team" : {
					"name" : unicode(elements[7].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))
				"comment" : unicode(elements[8].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")),
				"reason" : {
					"value" : unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")),
					"key" : reasonKeys[unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))] if unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) in reasonKeys else "other",
					"note": unicode(elements[10].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))


	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"reasons" : reasons,
		"missing" : missing
Ejemplo n.º 48
user = '******'
app = 'plusDomains'
version = 'v1'
scope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.stream.write']
post = {
    'object' : {
        'originalContent' : 'Happy Monday! #caseofthemondays'
    'access' : {
        'items' : [{
            'type' : 'domain'
        'domainRestricted': True

service = authenticate.authenticate(app, version, scope, sub='*****@*****.**')

def create_post():
    return service.activities().insert(userId = user, body = post).execute()
def create_comment():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Ejemplo n.º 49
def books( config, session = False ):
	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}
		url = urls.books_list.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{STUDENT_ID}}", str(config["student_id"])).replace("{{BRANCH_ID}}", str(config["branch_id"]))

		# Insert the session information from the auth function
		cookies = {
			"lecmobile" : "0",
			"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
			"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
			"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
			"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

		# Sorting settings
		settings = {
			"time" : "0",
			"__EVENTTARGET" : "s$m$Content$Content$ShowActiveOnlyCB",
			"__EVENTARGUMENT:" : "",
			"__VIEWSTATE:" : "",
			"__EVENTVALIDATION" : "6OqghX6xZOeeKUKrRIw7ICUy+1VPS7casHOeKUMsfDj6sV1LAjCrokugRNNSYnB3AtE4D/xEDXGXEUMRV8fCTtH6dqeuxRYS3AAMtYA04et59bwlJNT3c0QGpPiKz05X2fng07YiA1EvrNnE7J2D0smysbBQFSyR2nfIDZ8f6eWBxsh2hXpJJp7aM7qydcWFGsMBDBO3OCBWoLKpI/4bHnW/GiUzfgOYqQ8qCIe91qkwdY2JO1s/Szu1CkSeWJPjohv4N2UiRhGyxtJDEXUAho/DmOUtCRMrJliE7WJBf6rGpwELcczgLirEbiGyhY9b2HAkUorn0H6Kc6FL/iHvAZNQqalZQJDp0RK0QCi/6Qzo1rrCU/sVzkB7S4zDO23hyoLFmOkwm6ILTN3hehLMVOgvq9TJqhcxUFHb47KrVEI2l94BmOGnWH1eiQlr24I35qsepc7/nNp5UvL5GX/MHg==",
			"__LASTFOCUS:" : "",
			"LectioPostbackId:" : "",
			"s$m$searchinputfield:" : ""

		# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
		headers = {
			"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
			"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
			"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
			"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
			"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

		response = proxy.session.post(url, data=settings, headers=headers)

		html = response.text

		soup = Soup(html)

		loans = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_BdBookLoanGV"}).findAll("tr")
		loansList = []

		for loan in loans:
			columns = loan.findAll("td")
			if len(columns) > 0:
				# Define the short team pattern "2q KE" etc..
				shortTeamPreg = re.compile(r"(?P<class>\w.) (?P<team>\w.)")

				# Define the long team pattern "2012 FY/i" etc...
				yearTeamPreg = re.compile(r"(?P<year>[0-9]*) (?P<team>[0-9A-Z]*)\/(?P<class>\w*)")

				# Find and prepare the team string text
				teamText = columns[1].text.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip()
				teamRows = None
				preg = ""

				# Check which and if any pattern matches the string
				if shortTeamPreg.match(teamText):
					preg = "short"
					teamRows = shortTeamPreg.match(teamText)
				elif yearTeamPreg.match(teamText):
					preg = "long"
					teamRows = yearTeamPreg.match(teamText)

				delivery_reg_date = columns[3].text.replace("\n","").strip()
				if not delivery_reg_date == "":
					delivery_reg_date = datetime.strptime(delivery_reg_date, "%d-%m-%Y")

					"title" : columns[0].text.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip(),
					"team" : teamRows.group("team") if not teamRows == None else  "",
					"year" : teamRows.group("year") if not teamRows == None and preg == "long" else  "",
					"class" : teamRows.group("class") if not teamRows == None else "",
					"lending_reg_date" : datetime.strptime(columns[2].text.replace("\n","").strip(), "%d-%m-%Y"),
					"delivery_reg_date" : delivery_reg_date,
					"delivery_date" : datetime.strptime(columns[4].text.replace("\n","").strip(), "%d-%m-%Y"),
					"price" : columns[5].text.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace(",", ".").strip(),
					"team_name" : teamText

		return {
			"status" : "ok",
			"loans" : loansList,
			"term" : {
				"value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"],
				"years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text
Ejemplo n.º 50
def messages_headers ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/beskeder2.aspx?type=liste&elevid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	settings = {}

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, data=settings, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ThreadListPanel"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	headers = soup.findAll("a", attrs={"class": "s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_0"})

	indices = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
	headers = [i for j, i in enumerate(headers) if j not in indices]

	typeName = "team"

	teams = []
	build_in_groups = []
	own_groups = []

	pageIdProg = re.compile(r"javascript:__doPostBack\('__Page','TREECLICKED_(?P<page_id>.*)'\)")

	for header in headers:
		text = header.text.strip()
		include = True

		if text == "Indbyggede grupper":
			typeName = "build_in_groups"
			include = False
		elif text == "Egne grupper":
			typeName = "own_groups"
			include = False

		if include is True:
			pageGroups = pageIdProg.match(header["href"])
			data = {
				"name" : unicode(text),
				"message_page_id" : pageGroups.group("page_id") if not pageGroups is None else ""

			if typeName == "team":
				team = context_card.team({"school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "context_card_id" : "H" + data["message_page_id"]} ,session)
				data["team"] = team["team"]
			elif typeName == "own_groups":

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"teams" : teams,
		"build_in_groups" : build_in_groups,
		"own_groups" : own_groups
Ejemplo n.º 51
def messages ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/beskeder2.aspx?type=liste&elevid=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	viewStateX = soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "__VIEWSTATEX"})["value"]

	settings = {
		"__EVENTTARGET" : "__Page",
		"__EVENTARGUMENT" : "TREECLICKED_%s" % ( str(config["page_id"]) ),
		"__VIEWSTATEX" : viewStateX,
		#"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_ExpandState" : "nnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnennenn",
		"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_SelectedNode" : "s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTreet8",
		"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_PopulateLog" : "",
		"s$m$Content$Content$MarkChkDD" : "-1"

	response = proxy.session.post(url, data=settings, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ThreadListPanel"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_threadGV_ctl00"}).findAll("tr")
	if len(rows[0].findAll("td")) > 3 and not rows[0].findAll("td")[3].find("a") is None:
		viewStateKey = soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "__VIEWSTATEY_KEY"})["value"]
		target = rows[0].findAll("td")[3].find("a")["href"]

		targetProg = re.compile(r'javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions\(new WebForm_PostBackOptions\("(?P<target>.*)", "", true, "", "", false, true\)\)')
		targetGroups = targetProg.match(target)

		if targetGroups is None:
			return {
				"status" : False,
				"error" : "Missing target"

		settings = {
			"__EVENTTARGET" : targetGroups.group("target"),
			"__EVENTARGUMENT" : "TREECLICKED_%s" % ( str(config["page_id"]) ),
			"__VIEWSTATEY_KEY" : viewStateKey,
			"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_ExpandState" : "nnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnennenn",
			"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_SelectedNode" : "s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTreet8",
			"s_m_Content_Content_ListGridSelectionTree_PopulateLog" : "",
			"s$m$Content$Content$MarkChkDD" : "-1"

		response = proxy.session.post(url, data=settings, headers=headers)

		html = response.text

		soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ThreadListPanel"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_threadGV_ctl00"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : "ok",
			"messages" : []

	rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_threadGV_ctl00"}).findAll("tr")

	messages = []

	today = datetime.now()
	shortDayTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")
	timeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") # Current day, month, year
	dayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)") # Current year
	dateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*)")

	studentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<class_name>.*)\)")
	teacherProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)")

	messageIdProg = re.compile(r"__doPostBack\('__Page','\$LB2\$_MC_\$_(?P<message_id>.*)'\); return false;")

	shownIn = []

	shownInMappings = {
		"-40" : "all_unread",
		"-50" : "all_with_flag",
		"-70" : "newest",
		"-60" : "all_deleted",
		"-10" : "own_messages",
		"-80" : "sent_messages",
		"-20" : "teams",
		"-30" : "build_in_groups",
		"-35" : "own_groups"

	dayConversion = {
		u"Ma" : "Mon",
		u"Ti" : "Tue",
		u"On" : "Wed",
		u"To" : "Thu",
		u"Fr" : "Fri",
		u"Lø" : "Sat",
		u"Sø" : "Son"

	if str(config["page_id"]) in shownInMappings:

	for row in rows:
		elements = row.findAll("td")
		if not elements is None and len(elements) > 0 and not elements[1].find("img") is None:
			flagOn = True if elements[1].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/flagon.gif" else False
			read = False if elements[2].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/munread.gif" else True
			subject = unicode(elements[3].find("a").text)
			documentsAttached = True if not elements[3].find("img") is None else False
			deleted = True if elements[8].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/add.auto" else False

			date = None

			messageGroups = messageIdProg.match(elements[3].find("a")["onclick"])
			message_id = messageGroups.group("message_id") if not messageGroups is None else ""

			if shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[7].text):
				timeGroups = shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[7].text)
				date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dayConversion[unicode(timeGroups.group("day_name").capitalize())], today.strftime("%W"), today.strftime("%Y"), timeGroups.group("hour"), timeGroups.group("minute")), "%a/%W-%Y %H:%M")
			elif timeProg.match(elements[7].text):
				timeGroups = timeProg.match(elements[7].text)
				date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (today.strftime("%d"), today.strftime("%m"), today.strftime("%Y"), timeGroups.group("hour"), timeGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
			elif dayProg.match(elements[7].text):
				dayGroups = dayProg.match(elements[7].text)
				date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dayGroups.group("day"), dayGroups.group("month"), today.strftime("%Y"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
			elif dateProg.match(elements[7].text):
				dateGroups = dateProg.match(elements[7].text)
				date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dateGroups.group("day"), dateGroups.group("month"), dateGroups.group("year"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

			lastSenderType = "teacher" if elements[4].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/teacher.auto" else "student"
			firstSenderType = "teacher" if elements[5].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/teacher.auto" else "student"
			recipientsType = "student" if elements[6].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/student.auto" else "teacher" if elements[6].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/teacher.auto" else "class"

			lastSender = {}
			firstSender = {}

			if lastSenderType == "teacher":
				teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(elements[4].find("span")["title"])
				lastSender["name"] = unicode(teacherGroups.group("name")) if not teacherGroups is None else ""
				lastSender["abbrevation"] = unicode(teacherGroups.group("abbrevation")) if not teacherGroups is None else ""
				studentGroups = studentProg.match(elements[4].find("span")["title"])
				lastSender["name"] = unicode(studentGroups.group("name")) if not studentGroups is None else ""
				lastSender["class_name"] = unicode(studentGroups.group("class_name")) if not studentGroups is None else ""

			if firstSenderType == "teacher":
				teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(elements[5].find("span")["title"])
				firstSender["name"] = unicode(teacherGroups.group("name")) if not teacherGroups is None else ""
				firstSender["abbrevation"] = unicode(teacherGroups.group("abbrevation")) if not teacherGroups is None else ""
				studentGroups = studentProg.match(elements[5].find("span")["title"])
				firstSender["name"] = unicode(studentGroups.group("name")) if not studentGroups is None else ""
				firstSender["class_name"] = unicode(studentGroups.group("class_name")) if not studentGroups is None else ""

				"flagged" : flagOn,
				"read" : read,
				"documents_attached" : documentsAttached,
				"subject" : subject,
				"last_message" : {
					"sender_user_type" : lastSenderType,
					"sender" : lastSender
				"first_message" : {
					"sender_user_type" : firstSenderType,
					"sender" : firstSender
				"recipients" : {
					"type" : recipientsType
				"changed" : date,
				"thread_id" : message_id,
				"shown_in" : shownIn,
				"deleted" : deleted

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"messages" : messages
Ejemplo n.º 52
def class_members ( config, session = False ):
	if session == False:
		url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/subnav/members.aspx?klasseid=%s&showteachers=1&showstudents=1&reporttype=std" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["class_id"]) )
		cookies = {}
		if session == True:
			session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

		url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/subnav/members.aspx?klasseid=%s&showteachers=1&showstudents=1" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["class_id"]) )
		# Insert the session information from the auth function
		cookies = {
			"lecmobile" : "0",
			"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
			"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
			"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
			"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_laerereleverpanel_alm_gv"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_laerereleverpanel_alm_gv"}).findAll("tr")
	headers = rows[0].findAll("th")

	teachers = []
	students = []
	pictureOffset = 1 if len(headers) == 7 else 0
	pictureProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/GetImage.aspx\?pictureid=(?P<picture_id>.*)")

	if len(rows) > 0:
		for row in rows:
			elements = row.findAll("td")
			personType = "teacher" if unicode(elements[0 + pictureOffset].text) == u"Lærer" else "student"
			data = {
				"type" : personType,
				"first_name" : unicode(elements[2 + pictureOffset].find("a").text).encode("utf8"),
				"person_text_id" : elements[1 + pictureOffset].find("span").text.encode("utf8"),
				"last_name" : elements[3 + pictureOffset].find("span").text.strip().encode("utf8"),
				"full_name" : unicode(unicode(elements[2 + pictureOffset].find("a").text) + " " + unicode(elements[3 + pictureOffset].find("span").text)).encode("utf8"),
				"person_id" : elements[1 + pictureOffset]["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", "") if personType == "teacher" else elements[1 + pictureOffset]["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""),
				"context_card_id" : elements[1 + pictureOffset]["lectiocontextcard"]
			if pictureOffset == 1:
				pictureGroups = pictureProg.match(elements[0].find("img")["src"])
				data["picture_id"] = pictureGroups.group("picture_id") if not pictureGroups is None else ""

			if personType == "teacher":
				data["teams"] = elements[5 + pictureOffset].text.split(", ")
				data["field_of_study"] = {
					"name" : unicode(elements[4 + pictureOffset].find("span").text).encode("utf8"),
					"context_card_id" : elements[4 + pictureOffset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"],
					"field_of_study_id" : elements[4 + pictureOffset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("SR", "")

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"teachers" : teachers,
		"students" : students
Ejemplo n.º 53
from Emailer import Emailer
from authenticate import authenticate
import pdb
# send it

    match_xls = '/Users/jjw036/Dropbox/GSA/LinkLunch/matches_04212015.xlsx'
    address_xls = '/Users/jjw036/Dropbox/GSA/LinkLunch/individual_info.xlsx'
    gmail_service = authenticate()
    emailer = Emailer()

    matches = emailer.get_matches(match_xls, address_xls)
    #parse the list of matches
    #matches is a list of dicts
    for match in matches:
        template = emailer.get_template()
        new_body = emailer.replace_text(match,template)

        message, body = emailer.get_welcome_email(match,new_body)
        user_confirmation = raw_input('Send this email? (1 Y/ 2 n/ 3s) ')
        if float(user_confirmation) == 1:
            message = (gmail_service.users().messages().send(userId="me", body=body).execute())

            print('Message Id: %s' % message['id'])

        elif float(user_confirmation) == 2:

        elif float(user_confirmation) == 3:
Ejemplo n.º 54
def get_all_courses(username,pw):
    ''' extracts your grades from CMU's academic audit
    returns a json of course -> letter grade (string)
    * means you're taking the class and grades haven't been put in yet
    AP means you got it through AP credit
    P is pass
    if (not isAuthenticated(username,pw)):
        print "Authentication Failed"

    s = authenticate('https://enr-apps.as.cmu.edu/audit/audit',username,pw)

    # find out the params for main major auditing
    mainFrame = s.get('https://enr-apps.as.cmu.edu/audit/audit?call=2').content

    d = pq(mainFrame)
    params = {'call': 7}
    for htmlInput in d('input[type=hidden]'):
        name = d(htmlInput).attr('name')
        value = d(htmlInput).attr('value')
        if name != 'call':
            params[name] = value

    # get page for given major
    classes = s.get('https://enr-apps.as.cmu.edu/audit/audit?' + urlencode(params)).content
    # take grades from <pre>s in the page
    d = pq(classes)
    major_courses = Set([])
    all_courses = Set([])
    classlevel = ""
    major = -1
    for pre in d('pre'):
        data = d(pre).text()
        for line in data.split('\n'):
            matches = re.search('(\d+-\d+) \w+\s*\'\d+ ((\w|\*)+)\s*(\d+\.\d)\s*$', line)
            if matches is not None:
                major_course = matches.group(1)
            	nonmajor_course = re.search('(\d+-\d+) \w+\s*\'\d+ ((\w|\*)+)\s*(\d+\.\d)\s*', line)
            	if nonmajor_course is not None:
            		course = nonmajor_course.group(1)
                    classLevelArray = line.split("CLASSLEVEL:")
                    if len(classLevelArray) > 1: #found class level
                        classlevel = classLevelArray[1]

    majorfile =  params['MajorFile']
    i = majorfile.find("SCS") 
    j = majorfile.find("ECE") #might need to change later?
    if i != -1:
        major = 0 # CS major
    elif j != -1:
        major = 1

    #print major_courses
    print all_courses
    print classlevel
    print major
    return [major_courses,classlevel,major]
Ejemplo n.º 55
def documents ( config, session = False ):
	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/DokumentOversigt.aspx?elevid=%s&folderid=%s" %( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]), str(config["folder_id"]) )

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_DocumentGridView_ctl00"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_DocumentGridView_ctl00"}).findAll("tr")

	shortDayTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")
	timeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") # Current day, month, year
	dayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)") # Current year
	dateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*)")

	dayConversion = {
		u"Ma" : "Mon",
		u"Ti" : "Tue",
		u"On" : "Wed",
		u"To" : "Thu",
		u"Fr" : "Fri",
		u"Lø" : "Sat",
		u"Sø" : "Son"

	documents = []
	documentIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/dokumenthent.aspx\?documentid=(?P<document_id>.*)")

	for row in rows:
		elements = row.findAll("td")
		idGroups = documentIdProg.match(elements[1].find("a")["href"])

		changer = context_card.user({
			"context_card_id" : elements[3]["lectiocontextcard"],
			"school_id" : config["school_id"]
		}, session)

		if shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[4].text):
			timeGroups = shortDayTimeProg.match(elements[4].text)
			date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dayConversion[unicode(timeGroups.group("day_name").capitalize())], today.strftime("%W"), today.strftime("%Y"), timeGroups.group("hour"), timeGroups.group("minute")), "%a/%W-%Y %H:%M")
		elif timeProg.match(elements[4].text):
			timeGroups = timeProg.match(elements[4].text)
			date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (today.strftime("%d"), today.strftime("%m"), today.strftime("%Y"), timeGroups.group("hour"), timeGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
		elif dayProg.match(elements[4].text):
			dayGroups = dayProg.match(elements[4].text)
			date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dayGroups.group("day"), dayGroups.group("month"), today.strftime("%Y"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")
		elif dateProg.match(elements[4].text):
			dateGroups = dateProg.match(elements[4].text)
			date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (dateGroups.group("day"), dateGroups.group("month"), dateGroups.group("year"), "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

		data = {
			"folder_id" : str(config["folder_id"]),
			"name" : unicode(elements[1].find("span")["title"].replace("Fulde filnavn: ", "")),
			"extension" : os.path.splitext(elements[1].find("span")["title"].replace("Fulde filnavn: ", ""))[1].replace(".", ""),
			"comment" : unicode(elements[2].find("span").text),
			"document_id" : idGroups.group("document_id") if not idGroups is None else "",
			"size" : elements[5].text.replace(",", "."),
			"date" : date,
			"user" : changer["user"]


	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"documents" : documents
Ejemplo n.º 56
def team_books ( config, session = False ):
	url = "https://www.lectio.dk/lectio/%s/BD/HoldReservations.aspx?HoldID=%s" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["team_id"]) )

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}
	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_ebooks_island_pa"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	books = []

	for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_Content_ebooks_island_pa"}).find("table").findAll("tr")[1:]:
		elements = row.findAll("td")
			"team_id" : str(config["team_id"]),
			"type" : "ebook",
			"title" : unicode(elements[0].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")),
			"read" : unicode(elements[1].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))

	for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_Content_reservationsStudentGV"}).findAll("tr")[1:]:
		elements = row.findAll("td")

			"type" : "book",
			"team_id" : str(config["team_id"]),
			"title" : unicode(elements[0].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		'books' : books
Ejemplo n.º 57
def assignment_info ( config, session = False ):
	url = urls.assignment_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{ASSIGNMENT_ID}}", str(config["assignment_id"])).replace("{{STUDENT_ID}}",str(config["student_id"]))

	if session is False:
		session = authenticate.authenticate(config)

	if session == False:
		return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"}

	# Insert the session information from the auth function
	cookies = {
		"lecmobile" : "0",
		"ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"],
		"LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"],
		"lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"],
		"LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"]

	settings = {}

	# Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information
	headers = {
		"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36",
		"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		"Host" : "www.lectio.dk",
		"Origin" : "https://www.lectio.dk",
		"Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ")

	response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers)

	html = response.text

	soup = Soup(html)

	dateTime = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)")

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}) is None:
		return {
			"status" : False,
			"error" : "Data not found"

	teacherProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)")
	documentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<upload_date>.*)\)")
	teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<subject_name>.*)")

	rows = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}).find("table").findAll("td")
	headers = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}).find("table").findAll("th")
	rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows)

	dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(rowMap["Afleveringsfrist"].text)

	date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateTimeGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateTimeGroups.group("month")), dateTimeGroups.group("year"), dateTimeGroups.group("hour"), dateTimeGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

	group_assignment = False
	members = []
	teachers = []
	teams = []
	documents = []
	comments = []

	uploadRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_RecipientGV"}).findAll("tr")
	uploadProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&entryid=(?P<entry_id>.*)")

	for row in uploadRows:
		elements = row.findAll("td")
		context_card_id = elements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"]
		dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(elements[0].find("span").text)
		upload_type = ""
		entry_id = ""
		if not elements[3].find("a") is None:
			uploadGroups = uploadProg.match(elements[3].find("a")["href"])
			entry_id = uploadGroups.group("entry_id")
			upload_type = "student_assignment" if uploadGroups.group("type") == "elevopgave" else "other"

		uploadDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding(dateTimeGroups.group("day")), functions.zeroPadding(dateTimeGroups.group("month")), dateTimeGroups.group("year"), dateTimeGroups.group("hour"), dateTimeGroups.group("minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M")

			"file" : {
				"name" : elements[3].find("a").text.encode("utf8") if not elements[3].find("a") is None else "",
				"entry_id" : entry_id,
				"type" : upload_type
			"comment" : functions.cleanText(elements[2].text).encode("utf8"),
			"uploader" : {
				"name" : elements[1].find("span")["title"].encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8"),
				"type" : "teacher" if context_card_id[0] == "T" else "student",
				"person_id" : context_card_id.replace("T", "") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else context_card_id.replace("S", ""),
				"context_card_id" : context_card_id,
				"abbrevation" : elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else ""
			"date" : uploadDate

	documentIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&exercisefileid=(?P<exercise_file_id>.*)")

	statusProg = re.compile(r"(?P<status>.*)\/ (.*): (?P<leave>.*)%")
	studentDataElements = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV"}).findAll("tr")[1].findAll("td")
	statusGroups = statusProg.match(functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[3].text).encode("utf8"))
	status = functions.cleanText(statusGroups.group("status")) if not statusGroups is None else ""
	studentData = {
		"student" : {
			"context_card_id" : studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"],
			"student_id" : studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""),
		"status" : "handed" if status.strip() == "Afleveret" else "missing",
		"waiting_for" : "student" if functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[2].text) == "Elev" else "teacher" if unicode(functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[2].text)) == u"Lærer" else "none",
		"leave" : functions.cleanText(statusGroups.group("leave")) if not statusGroups is None else 0,
		"finished" : True if soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB"}).has_attr("checked") and soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB"})["checked"] == "checked" else False,
		"grade" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[5].text).encode("utf8"),
		"grade_note" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[6].text).encode("utf8"),
		"student_note" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[7].text).encode("utf8")

	if u"Opgavebeskrivelse" in rowMap:
		for row in rowMap[u"Opgavebeskrivelse"].findAll("a"):
			fileNameGroups = documentProg.match(functions.cleanText(row.text.strip()))
			fileIdGroups = documentIdProg.match(row["href"])
			documentType = fileIdGroups.group("type") if not fileIdGroups is None else "",
				"name" : fileNameGroups.group("name") if not fileNameGroups is None else "",
				"exercise_file_id" : fileIdGroups.group("exercise_file_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else "",
				"uploaded_date_string" : fileNameGroups.group("upload_date") if not fileNameGroups is None else "",
				"type" : "exercise_description",
				"school_id" : fileIdGroups.group("school_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else ""

	for row in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("span"):
		#teamGroups = teamProg.match(row.text)
			#"class_name" : unicode(teamGroups.group("class_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "",
			#"subject_name" : unicode(teamGroups.group("subject_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "",
			"team_element_name" : row.text,
			"team_element_id" : rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", ""),
			"context_card_id" : rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"]

	for row in rowMap["Ansvarlig"].findAll("span"):
		teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(row.text)
			"teacher_id" : row["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", ""),
			"name" : teacherGroups.group("name").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else "",
			"context_card_id" : row["lectiocontextcard"],
			"abbrevation" : teacherGroups.group("abbrevation").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else ""

	if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupIsland_pa"}):
		group_assignment = True
		memberRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupMembersGV"}).findAll("tr")
		memberProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*), (?P<code>.*)")

		for row in memberRows:
			elements = row.findAll("td")
			memberGroups = memberProg.match(elements[0].find("span").text)
				"name" : memberGroups.group("name") if not memberGroups is None else "",
				"student_id" : elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""),
				"context_card_id" : elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"],
				"student_class_code" : memberGroups.group("code") if not memberGroups is None else ""
		memberProg = re.compile(r"Eleven (?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\) - Opgaveaflevering")
		memberGroups = memberProg.match(soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader"}).find("div").text)
			"student_id" : config["student_id"],
			"context_card_id" : soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader"}).find("div")["lectiocontextcard"],
			"student_class_code" : memberGroups.group("code") if not memberGroups is None else "",
			"name" : memberGroups.group("name") if not memberGroups is None else "",

	availableStudents = []
	availableStudentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\)")

	if not soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD"}) is None:

		for row in soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD"}).findAll("option"):
			progGroups = availableStudentProg.match(row.text)
				"name" : str(progGroups.group("name")).decode("utf8"),
				"student_id" : row["value"],
				"student_class_code" : progGroups.group("code"),

	infomation = {
		"documents" : documents,
		"title" : rowMap[r"Opgavetitel"].find("span").text.encode("utf8"),
		"group_assignment" : group_assignment,
		"members" : members,
		"note" : rowMap[u"Opgavenote"].text.encode("utf8"),
		"team" : teams,
		"grading_scale" : "7-step" if rowMap[u"Karakterskala"].text == "7-trinsskala" else "13-step",
		"teachers" : teachers,
		"student_time" : rowMap[u"Elevtid"].text.replace(",", ".").replace("timer", ""),
		"date" : date,
		"in_instruction_detail" : True if rowMap[u"Iundervisningsbeskrivelse"].text == "Ja" else False,
		"comments" : comments,
		"group" : {
			"available_students" : availableStudents
		"student" : studentData

	#Delivered by, grade, grade_note, student_note, ended, awaiting, uploaded-documents

	return {
		"status" : "ok",
		"information" : infomation