def organisation_list(request,
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param offset: (optional) An optional query parameter specifying the offset in the result set to start from.
        :type offset: integer
        :param limit: (optional) An optional query parameter to limit the number of results returned.
        :type limit: integer
        :param organisation_ids: (optional) An optional list of organisation ids
        :type organisation_ids: array
        offset = int(offset if offset else settings.DEFAULT_LISTING_OFFSET)
        limit = check_limit(limit)

        organisations = Organisation.objects.order_by("id")

        if organisation_ids:
            organisations = organisations.filter(id__in=organisation_ids)

        organisations = organisations.annotate(
            x_total_count=RawSQL("COUNT(*) OVER ()", []))[offset:offset +
        return ([
                to_dict_with_custom_fields(organisation, ORGANISATION_VALUES))
            for organisation in organisations
        ], {
            organisations[0].x_total_count if organisations else 0
    def country_list(request,
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param offset: (optional) An optional query parameter specifying the offset in the result set to start from.
        :type offset: integer
        :param limit: (optional) An optional query parameter to limit the number of results returned.
        :type limit: integer
        :param country_codes: (optional) An optional list of country codes
        :type country_codes: array
        offset = int(offset if offset else settings.DEFAULT_LISTING_OFFSET)
        limit = check_limit(limit)

        countries = Country.objects.order_by("code")

        if country_codes:
            countries = countries.filter(code__in=country_codes)

        countries = countries.annotate(
            x_total_count=RawSQL("COUNT(*) OVER ()", []))[offset:offset +
        return ([
                to_dict_with_custom_fields(country, COUNTRY_VALUES))
            for country in countries
        ], {
            "X-Total-Count": countries[0].x_total_count if countries else 0
 def client_read(request, client_id, *args, **kwargs):
     :param request: An HttpRequest
     :param client_id: A string value identifying the client
     :type client_id: string
     client = get_object_or_404(Client, id=client_id)
     result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(client, CLIENT_VALUES)
     return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
 def user_read(request, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
     :param request: An HttpRequest
     :param user_id: A UUID value identifying the user.
     :type user_id: string
     user = get_object_or_404(CoreUser, id=user_id)
     result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(user, USER_VALUES)
     return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
 def organisation_read(request, organisation_id, *args, **kwargs):
     :param request: An HttpRequest
     :param organisation_id: An integer identifying an organisation a user belongs to
     :type organisation_id: integer
     organisation = get_object_or_404(Organisation, id=organisation_id)
     result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(organisation, ORGANISATION_VALUES)
     return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
 def organisation_create(request, body, *args, **kwargs):
     :param request: An HttpRequest
     :param body: A dictionary containing the parsed and validated body
     :type body: dict
     organisation = Organisation.objects.create(**body)
     result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(organisation, ORGANISATION_VALUES)
     return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
 def country_read(request, country_code, *args, **kwargs):
     :param request: An HttpRequest
     :param country_code: A string value identifying the country
     :type country_code: string
     country = get_object_or_404(Country, code=country_code)
     result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(country, COUNTRY_VALUES)
     return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
    def user_update(request, body, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param body: A dictionary containing the parsed and validated body
        :type body: dict
        :param user_id: A UUID value identifying the user.
        :type user_id: string
        instance = get_object_or_404(CoreUser, id=user_id)
        for attr, value in body.items():
                setattr(instance, attr, value)
            except Exception as e:
                LOGGER.error("Failed to set user attribute %s: %s" % (attr, e))
        result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(instance, USER_VALUES)
        return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
    def organisation_update(request, body, organisation_id, *args, **kwargs):
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param body: A dictionary containing the parsed and validated body
        :type body: dict
        :param organisation_id: An integer identifying an organisation a user belongs to
        :type organisation_id: integer
        organisation = get_object_or_404(Organisation, id=organisation_id)
        for attr, value in body.items():
                setattr(organisation, attr, value)
            except Exception as e:
                LOGGER.error("Failed to set user attribute %s: %s" % (attr, e))
        result = to_dict_with_custom_fields(organisation, ORGANISATION_VALUES)
        return strip_empty_optional_fields(result)
    def client_list(request,
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param offset: (optional) An optional query parameter specifying the offset in the result set to start from.
        :type offset: integer
        :param limit: (optional) An optional query parameter to limit the number of results returned.
        :type limit: integer
        :param client_ids: (optional) An optional list of client ids
        :type client_ids: array
        :param client_token_id: (optional) An optional client id to filter on. This is not the primary key.
        :type client_token_id: string
        offset = int(offset if offset else settings.DEFAULT_LISTING_OFFSET)
        limit = check_limit(limit)

        clients = Client.objects.order_by("id")

        if client_ids:
            clients = clients.filter(id__in=client_ids)

        if client_token_id:
            clients = clients.filter(client_id=client_token_id)

        clients = clients.annotate(
            x_total_count=RawSQL("COUNT(*) OVER ()", []))[offset:offset +
        return ([
                to_dict_with_custom_fields(client, CLIENT_VALUES))
            for client in clients
        ], {
            "X-Total-Count": clients[0].x_total_count if clients else 0
    def user_list(request,
        :param request: An HttpRequest
        :param offset: (optional) An optional query parameter specifying the offset in the result set to start from.
        :type offset: integer
        :param limit: (optional) An optional query parameter to limit the number of results returned.
        :type limit: integer
        :param birth_date: (optional) An optional birth_date range filter
        :type birth_date: string
        :param country: (optional) An optional country filter
        :type country: string
        :param date_joined: (optional) An optional date joined range filter
        :type date_joined: string
        :param email: (optional) An optional case insensitive email inner match filter
        :type email: string
        :param email_verified: (optional) An optional email verified filter
        :type email_verified: boolean
        :param first_name: (optional) An optional case insensitive first name inner match filter
        :type first_name: string
        :param gender: (optional) An optional gender filter
        :type gender: string
        :param is_active: (optional) An optional is_active filter
        :type is_active: boolean
        :param last_login: (optional) An optional last login range filter
        :type last_login: string
        :param last_name: (optional) An optional case insensitive last name inner match filter
        :type last_name: string
        :param msisdn: (optional) An optional case insensitive MSISDN inner match filter
        :type msisdn: string
        :param msisdn_verified: (optional) An optional MSISDN verified filter
        :type msisdn_verified: boolean
        :param nickname: (optional) An optional case insensitive nickname inner match filter
        :type nickname: string
        :param organisation_id: (optional) An optional filter on the organisation id
        :type organisation_id: integer
        :param updated_at: (optional) An optional updated_at range filter
        :type updated_at: string
        :param username: (optional) An optional case insensitive username inner match filter
        :type username: string
        :param q: (optional) An optional case insensitive inner match filter across all searchable text fields
        :type q: string
        :param tfa_enabled: (optional) An optional filter based on whether a user has 2FA enabled or not
        :type tfa_enabled: boolean
        :param has_organisation: (optional) An optional filter based on whether a user belongs to an organisation or not
        :type has_organisation: boolean
        :param order_by: (optional) Fields and directions to order by, e.g. "-created_at,username". Add "-" in front of a field name to indicate descending order.
        :type order_by: array
        :param user_ids: (optional) An optional list of user ids
        :type user_ids: array
        :param site_ids: (optional) An optional list of site ids
        :type site_ids: array
        offset = int(offset if offset else settings.DEFAULT_LISTING_OFFSET)
        limit = check_limit(limit)

        order_by = order_by or ["id"]
        users = get_user_model().objects.order_by(*order_by)

        # Bools
        if tfa_enabled is not None:
            users = users.filter(totpdevice__isnull=not tfa_enabled)
        if has_organisation is not None:
            users = users.filter(organisation__isnull=not has_organisation)
        if email_verified is not None:
            users = users.filter(email_verified=email_verified)
        if is_active is not None:
            users = users.filter(is_active=is_active)
        if msisdn_verified is not None:
            users = users.filter(msisdn_verified=msisdn_verified)

        # Dates
        if birth_date:
            ranges = range_filter_parser(birth_date)
            users = users.filter(
                **{"birth_date__%s" % k: v
                   for k, v in ranges.items()})
        if date_joined:
            ranges = range_filter_parser(date_joined)
            users = users.filter(
                **{"date_joined__date__%s" % k: v
                   for k, v in ranges.items()})
        if last_login:
            ranges = range_filter_parser(last_login)
            users = users.filter(
                **{"last_login__date__%s" % k: v
                   for k, v in ranges.items()})
        if updated_at:
            ranges = range_filter_parser(updated_at)
            users = users.filter(
                **{"updated_at__date__%s" % k: v
                   for k, v in ranges.items()})

        # Partial matches
        if email:
            users = users.filter(email__ilike=email)
        if first_name:
            users = users.filter(first_name__ilike=first_name)
        if username:
            users = users.filter(username__ilike=username)
        if msisdn:
            users = users.filter(msisdn__ilike=msisdn)
        if last_name:
            users = users.filter(last_name__ilike=last_name)
        if nickname:
            users = users.filter(nickname__ilike=nickname)
        if q:
            users = users.filter(q__ilike=q)

        # Other filters
        if country:
            users = users.filter(country__code=country)
        if user_ids:
            users = users.filter(id__in=user_ids)
        if gender:
            users = users.filter(gender=gender)
        if organisation_id:
            users = users.filter(organisation__id=organisation_id)
        if site_ids:
            # In order for the count to be correct, we cannot join with the UserSite table and
            # need to use a subquery.
            site_user_ids = UserSite.objects.distinct().filter(
            users = users.filter(id__in=site_user_ids)

        # Add count
        users = users.annotate(x_total_count=RawSQL("COUNT(*) OVER ()", []))
        # Perform the query and get the correct slice
        users = users[offset:offset + limit]
        return ([
                to_dict_with_custom_fields(user, USER_VALUES))
            for user in users
        ], {
            "X-Total-Count": users[0].x_total_count if users else 0