Ejemplo n.º 1
class CenterNetCfg:
    center_net: CenterNet = field(default_factory=CenterNet)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    valid: ValidCfg = field(default_factory=ValidCfg)
    gpus: Union[Tuple,
                list] = (0, 1, 2, 3
                         )  # gpu individual ids, not necessarily consecutive
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FasterRCNNCfg:
    faster_rcnn: FasterRCNN = field(default_factory=FasterRCNN)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    valid: ValidCfg = field(default_factory=ValidCfg)
    # Dataset name. eg. 'coco', 'voc', 'voc_tiny'
    dataset: str = 'voc_tiny'
    # Path of the directory where the dataset is located.
    dataset_root: str = '~/.mxnet/datasets/'
    # Training with GPUs, you can specify (1,3) for example.
    gpus: Union[Tuple, list] = (0, 1, 2, 3)
    # Resume from previously saved parameters if not None.
    # For example, you can resume from ./faster_rcnn_xxx_0123.params.
    resume: str = ''
    # Saving parameter prefix
    save_prefix: str = ''
    # Saving parameters epoch interval, best model will always be saved.
    save_interval: int = 1
    # Use MXNet Horovod for distributed training. Must be run with OpenMPI.
    horovod: bool = False
    # Number of data workers, you can use larger number to accelerate data loading,
    # if your CPU and GPUs are powerful.
    num_workers: int = 16
    # KV store options. local, device, nccl, dist_sync, dist_device_sync,
    # dist_async are available.
    kv_store: str = 'nccl'
    # Whether to disable hybridize the model. Memory usage and speed will decrese.
    disable_hybridization: bool = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class MaskRCNNCfg:
    mask_rcnn: MaskRCNN = field(default_factory=MaskRCNN)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    valid: ValidCfg = field(
        default_factory=ValidCfg)  # Dataset name. eg. 'coco', 'voc'
    dataset = 'coco'
    # Training with GPUs, you can specify (1,3) for example.
    gpus = (0, )
    # Resume from previously saved parameters if not None.
    # For example, you can resume from ./faster_rcnn_xxx_0123.params.
    resume = ''
    # Saving parameter prefix
    save_prefix = ''
    # Saving parameters epoch interval, best model will always be saved.
    save_interval = 1
    # Use MXNet Horovod for distributed training. Must be run with OpenMPI.
    horovod = False
    # Number of data workers, you can use larger number to accelerate data loading,
    # if your CPU and GPUs are powerful.
    num_workers = 16
    # KV store options. local, device, nccl, dist_sync, dist_device_sync,
    # dist_async are available.
    kv_store = 'nccl'
    # Whether to disable hybridize the model. Memory usage and speed will decrese.
    disable_hybridization = False
    # Use NVIDIA MSCOCO API. Make sure you install first.
    use_ext = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ImageClassificationCfg:
    img_cls: ImageClassification = field(default_factory=ImageClassification)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    valid: ValidCfg = field(default_factory=ValidCfg)
    gpus: Union[Tuple,
                list] = (0,
                         )  # gpu individual ids, not necessarily consecutive
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TorchImageClassificationCfg:
    img_cls : ImageClassification = field(default_factory=ImageClassification)
    data: DataCfg = field(default_factory=DataCfg)
    optimizer: OptimizerCfg = field(default_factory=OptimizerCfg)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    augmentation: AugmentationCfg = field(default_factory=AugmentationCfg)
    model_ema: ModelEMACfg = field(default_factory=ModelEMACfg)
    misc: MiscCfg = field(default_factory=MiscCfg)
    gpus : Union[Tuple, list] = (0, )  # gpu individual ids, not necessarily consecutive
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SSDCfg:
    ssd: SSD = field(default_factory=SSD)
    train: TrainCfg = field(default_factory=TrainCfg)
    valid: ValidCfg = field(default_factory=ValidCfg)
    # Dataset name. eg. 'coco', 'voc', 'voc_tiny'
    dataset: str = 'voc_tiny'
    # Path of the directory where the dataset is located.
    dataset_root: str = '~/.mxnet/datasets/'
    # Training with GPUs, you can specify (1,3) for example.
    gpus: Union[Tuple, list] = (0, 1, 2, 3)
    # Resume from previously saved parameters if not None.
    # For example, you can resume from ./faster_rcnn_xxx_0123.params.
    resume: str = ''
    # Saving parameters epoch interval, best model will always be saved.
    save_interval: int = 1
    # Use MXNet Horovod for distributed training. Must be run with OpenMPI.
    horovod: bool = False
    # Number of data workers, you can use larger number to accelerate data loading,
    # if your CPU and GPUs are powerful.
    num_workers: int = 4
Ejemplo n.º 7
class CenterNet:
    base_network: str = 'dla34_deconv'  # base feature network
    heads: CenterNetHead = field(default_factory=CenterNetHead)
    scale: float = 4.0  # output vs input scaling ratio, e.g., input_h // feature_h
    topk: int = 100  # topk detection results will be kept after inference
    root: str = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
        '~', '.mxnet', 'models'))  # model zoo root dir
    wh_weight: float = 0.1  # Loss weight for width/height
    center_reg_weight: float = 1.0  # Center regression loss weight
    data_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (512, 512)
    # use the pre-trained detector for transfer learning(use preset, ignore other network settings)
    transfer: str = 'center_net_resnet50_v1b_coco'