Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testCompletionOrdering(self):
     '''Test that the function returns results in order of most frequent occurence in the data'''
     initialOrder = ['Hi, how may I help you today?',\
         'What is your name and account number?',\
         'Thanks, have a great day!']
     result = generate_completions(self.model, '')
     self.assertEqual(result[:3], initialOrder)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testEmptyPrefix(self):
     '''Test that an empty prefix generates every sentence in the data'''
     agentSentences = {'What is your name and account number?', 'What can I help you with today?',\
           'When did this occur?', 'When can we schedule the delivery?',\
           'Hi, how may I help you today?', 'Thanks, have a great day!'}
     result = set(generate_completions(self.model, ''))
     self.assertSetEqual(result, agentSentences)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_autocomplete_results():
    query = request.args.get('query')
        max_results = int(request.args.get('max_results'))
        max_results = None
    results = generate_completions(trie, query, max_results=max_results)
    return jsonify({'Completions': results})
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testMaxResults(self):
     '''Test that when the max_results argument is specified, the function behaves appropriately'''
     topResult = 'What is your name and account number?'
     otherResults = {'What can I help you with today?', 'When did this occur?',\
         'When can we schedule the delivery?'}
     result = generate_completions(self.model, 'Wh', max_results=2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
     self.assertEqual(result[0], topResult)
     self.assertIn(result[1], otherResults)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testAbsentPrefix(self):
     '''Test that prefixes that don't show up in the data don't generate any completions'''
     absentPrefixes = ['who', 'how', 'where', 'did', 'hello', 'b']
     results = [
         generate_completions(self.model, prefix)
         for prefix in absentPrefixes
     for result in results:
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testCaseAndPunctuationInsensitive(self):
     '''Test that completions are made without sensitivity to the case or punctuation of the prefix'''
     expecteds = [{'What is your name and account number?', 'What can I help you with today?'},\
        {'When did this occur?', 'When can we schedule the delivery?'},\
        {'Hi, how may I help you today?'}, {'Thanks, have a great day!'}]
     prefixes = ['what', 'when', 'hi', 'thanks']
     results = [
         set(generate_completions(self.model, prefix))
         for prefix in prefixes
     for i in range(len(expecteds)):
         self.assertSetEqual(results[i], expecteds[i])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testCorrectCompletions(self):
     '''Test that all correct completions from the data are obtained'''
     expecteds = [{'What is your name and account number?', 'What can I help you with today?'},\
        {'When did this occur?', 'When can we schedule the delivery?'},\
        {'Hi, how may I help you today?'}, {'Thanks, have a great day!'}]
     prefixes = ['What', 'When', 'Hi', 'Thanks']
     results = [
         set(generate_completions(self.model, prefix))
         for prefix in prefixes
     for i in range(len(expecteds)):
         self.assertSetEqual(results[i], expecteds[i])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testFrequencyThreshold(self):
     '''Test that when the frequency_threshold argument is specified, the function behaves appropriately'''
     expected = ['Hi, how may I help you today?', 'What is your name and account number?',\
        'Thanks, have a great day!']
     result = generate_completions(self.model, '', frequency_threshold=1)
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testFragmentedWord(self):
     '''Test that a prefix with a fragmented last word generates completions with the fragment'''
     expected = ['What can I help you with today?']
     result = generate_completions(self.model, 'What ca')
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)