Ejemplo n.º 1
def prob_model2(bigram, lang, param):
    if bigram not in bigrams_list:
        value = np.exp(0)
        tup = (bigram, lang)
        pos_l = label_list.index(lang) * len(character_bigram_vocab)
        pos_k = bigrams_list.index(bigram)
        pos = pos_l + pos_k
        if tup in model2_features:
            value = param[pos] * model2_features[tup]
            value = np.float64(0)
        value = np.exp(value)
    lower = 0
    for key in character_vocab:
            new_bigram = bigram[0] + key
            tup = (new_bigram, lang)
            pos_k = bigrams_list.index(new_bigram)
            pos = pos_l + pos_k
            if tup in model2_features:
                new_value = param[pos] * model2_features[tup]
                new_value = np.float64(0)
            new_value = np.exp(new_value)
            lower += new_value
    if lower == 0:
        prob = 1
        prob = value / lower

    return prob
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_step_size_function(self, x, d):
     def f(l): return self.__call__(x + l * d)
     _derivative = autograd.grad(f)
     _derivative2 = autograd.grad(_derivative)
     f.derivative = lambda l: _derivative(np.float64(l))
     f.derivative2 = lambda l: _derivative2(np.float64(l))
     f.domain = lambda l, gamma: self.domain(x, l, d, gamma)
     return f
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dictionaries_model2():
    bigrams_list = []
    model2_features = {}
    for key in character_bigram_vocab:
    for label in label_list:
        for key in character_bigram_vocab:
            tup = (key, label)
            tup2 = (key[0], label)
            if tup in label_bigram_vocab:
                value = label_bigram_vocab[tup] / (np.float64(
                model2_features[tup] = value
                model2_features[tup] = (np.float64(0))
    return (model2_features, bigrams_list)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def condition(args, to_shape=None):
    """Condition n-d args for PyCO2SYS.
    If NumPy can broadcast the args together, they are a valid combination, and they
    will be combined following NumPy broadcasting rules.

    All array-like args will be broadcast into the same shape.
    Any scalar args will be left as scalars.
    try:  # check all args can be broadcast together
        args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v is not None}
        args_broadcast = broadcast1024(*args.values())
        if to_shape is not None:
            try:  # check args can be broadcast to to_shape, if provided
                broadcast1024(np.ones(to_shape), np.ones(args_broadcast.shape))
                args_broadcast_shape = to_shape
            except ValueError:
                print("PyCO2SYS error: args are not broadcastable to to_shape.")
            args_broadcast_shape = args_broadcast.shape
        # Broadcast the non-scalar args to a consistent shape
        args_conditioned = {
            k: np.broadcast_to(v, args_broadcast_shape) if not np.isscalar(v) else v
            for k, v in args.items()
        # Convert to float, where needed
        args_conditioned = {
            k: np.float64(v) if k in input_floats else v
            for k, v in args_conditioned.items()
    except ValueError:
        print("PyCO2SYS error: input shapes cannot be broadcast together.")
    return args_conditioned
Ejemplo n.º 5
def model1(param):
    N = len(words_label_list)
    V = len(words_vocab)
    J = 0
    for i in range(0, len(words_label_list)):
        if words_label_list[i] in words_label_vocab:
            upper = np.float64(words_label_vocab[words_label_list[i]])
            upper = np.float64(0)
        if words_list[i] in words_vocab:
            lower = np.float64(words_vocab[words_list[i]])
            lower = np.float64(0)
        prob = (upper + np.exp(param)) / ((lower + (np.exp(param) * V)))
        J += np.log(prob)
    J = J / N
    return -J
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Error_function(W_b, V_init, u_init, target, output_nrns, horizon):
    W = W_b[:W_b.shape[0] - 1, :].astype(np.float64)
    b = W_b[-1, :].astype(np.float64)
    V = V_init.astype(np.float64)
    u = u_init.astype(np.float64)
    dt = np.float64(0.2)
    alpha = np.float64(0.004)
    beta = np.float64(0.005)
    E = np.float64(0)
    for i in range(horizon):
        V_new = V + dt * ((fr_fun(V) @ W).flatten() + b - u)
        u_new = u + dt * alpha * (beta * V - u)
        V = V_new
        u = u_new
        s = fr_fun(V)
        E += np.sum((s[output_nrns] - target[i, output_nrns])**2)
    return E
Ejemplo n.º 7
def saving_dictionaries():
    character_bigram_features = {}
    label_bigram_features = {}
    V = len(character_vocab)
    for key in character_bigram_vocab:
        upper = np.float64(character_bigram_vocab[key])
        lower = np.float64(character_vocab[key[0]])
        prob = (upper + 1) / (np.float64(lower + V))
        character_bigram_features[key] = prob

    for label in label_list:
        for key in character_bigram_vocab:
            tup = (key, label)
            if tup in label_bigram_vocab:
                value = label_bigram_vocab[tup] / (np.float64(
                label_bigram_features[tup] = value
                label_bigram_features[tup] = (np.float64(0))
    return (character_bigram_features, label_bigram_features)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def model2(param):
    N = len(r_list)
    J = 0
    total = np.float64(sum(lang_count.values()))
    for i in r_list:
        lang = words_label_list[i][0]
        word = words_label_list[i][1]
        prob = lang_count[lang] / total
        for j in range(0, len(word) - 1):
            bigram = word[j] + word[j + 1]
            prob_bi = prob_model2(bigram, lang, param)
            prob = prob * prob_bi
        if prob > 1:
            print prob
        J += np.log(prob)
    J = J / N
    return -J
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 model: Union[IModel, IDifferentiable],
                 target: np.array,
                 beta: np.float64 = np.float64(1)) -> None:
        Negative Lower Confidence Bound acquisition function for target vector
        estimation. For more information see:
        Efficient Bayesian Optimization for Target Vector Estimation
        Uhrenholt, Anders K. and Jensen, Bjorn S.
        2019, AISTATS

        :param model: model that is used to compute the improvement.
        :param target: target to be estimated.
        :param beta: Exploration / exploitation parameter.
        self.model = model
        self.target = target
        self.k = target.shape[-1]
        self.beta = beta
        self.grad_fun = None
Ejemplo n.º 10
def adam(alp, b1, b2, model, init):
    eps = 1.0e-8
    m = 0
    u = 0
    t = 0
    tol = 10
    gradi = grad(model)
    x = agnp.float64(init)
    accf = model(x)

    while (tol > 1.0e-3) | (accf > 1e-5):
        t += 1
        g = gradi(x)
        m = b1 * m + (1 - b1) * g
        u = b2 * u + (1 - b2) * g**2
        a_t = alp * agnp.sqrt(1 - b2**t) / (1 - b1**t)
        xn = x - a_t * m / (agnp.sqrt(u) + accf * eps)
        tol = agnp.linalg.norm(xn - x)
        x = xn
        accf = model(x)
    return (x, accf)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def prediction_model2(filename, label_list, param):
    total = np.float64(sum(lang_count.values()))
    true_labels = []
    words = []
    predicted_labels = []
    with open(filename) as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)
    counter = 0
    for item in data:
        for i in range(0, len(data[item])):
            lang = data[item][i]['lang']
            text = data[item][i]['text']
            counter += 1

        if counter > 200:

    for item in words:
        maximum = 0
        predict = ""
        for label in label_list:
            prob = lang_count[label] / total
            for j in range(0, len(item) - 1):
                bigram = item[j] + item[j + 1]
                prob_bi = prob_model2(bigram, label, param)
                prob = prob * prob_bi
            if prob > 1:
                print prob
            if prob > maximum:
                maximum = prob
                predict = label
        print predict
    return (true_labels, predicted_labels)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def apply(self, structures, mixture_coefs=None):
        """Apply constraints using given structure(s).

        Compute negative log likelhood for each constraint using the given

        structures : array or autograd SequenceBox or list of structures
            3D chromatin structure(s) for which to compute the constraint.

            Dictionary of constraint names and negative log likelihoods.


        if len(self.lambdas) == 0 or sum(self.lambdas.values()) == 0:
            return {}

        if mixture_coefs is None:
            mixture_coefs = [1.]
        if not (isinstance(structures, list)
                or isinstance(structures, SequenceBox)):
            structures = [structures]
        if len(structures) != len(mixture_coefs):
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of structures (%d) and of mixture coefficents (%d)"
                " should be identical." %
                (len(structures), len(mixture_coefs)))

        obj = {k: ag_np.float64(0.) for k, v in self.lambdas.items() if v != 0}

        for struct, gamma in zip(structures, mixture_coefs):
            if 'bcc' in self.lambdas and self.lambdas['bcc']:
                neighbor_dis = ag_np.sqrt(
                    (ag_np.square(struct[self.row_adj] -
                n_edges = neighbor_dis.shape[0]
                obj['bcc'] = obj['bcc'] + gamma * self.lambdas['bcc'] * \
                    (n_edges * ag_np.square(neighbor_dis).sum() / ag_np.square(
                        neighbor_dis.sum()) - 1.)
            if 'hsc' in self.lambdas and self.lambdas['hsc']:
                nbeads_per_homo = self.lengths_lowres.sum()
                struct_masked = ag_np.where(self.torm_3d, np.nan, struct)
                homo1 = struct_masked[:nbeads_per_homo, :]
                homo2 = struct_masked[nbeads_per_homo:, :]
                begin = end = 0
                for i in range(len(self.lengths_lowres)):
                    end = end + self.lengths_lowres[i]
                    homo_dis = ag_np.sqrt(
                            np.nanmean(homo1[begin:end, :], axis=0) -
                            np.nanmean(homo2[begin:end, :], axis=0)).sum())
                    obj['hsc'] = obj['hsc'] + gamma * self.lambdas['hsc'] * \
                            self.params['hsc'][i]) - homo_dis, 0]).max())
                    begin = end
            if 'struct' in self.lambdas and self.lambdas['struct']:
                struct_myres = decrease_struct_res(
                    multiscale_factor=struct.shape[0] /
                    lengths_prev=self.lengths).reshape(-1, 3)
                obj['struct'] = obj['struct'] + gamma * \
                    self.lambdas['struct'] * ag_np.sqrt(np.nanmean(ag_np.square(
                        self.params['struct'] - struct_myres))) / (
                        self.params['struct'].max() - self.params['struct'].min())

        # Check constraints objective
        for k, v in obj.items():
            if ag_np.isnan(v):
                raise ValueError("Constraint %s is nan" % k)
            elif ag_np.isinf(v):
                raise ValueError("Constraint %s is infinite" % k)

        return {'obj_' + k: v for k, v in obj.items()}
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_tangent_vector_multiplication(self):
     # Regression test for https://github.com/pymanopt/pymanopt/issues/49.
     manifold = Product((Euclidean(12), Grassmann(12, 3)))
     x = manifold.random_point()
     eta = manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)
     np.float64(1.0) * eta