Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_matrix_functions(n):
    dim = 3 + int(4 * np.random.rand())
    matrix = []
    for i in range(dim):
        row = []
        for j in range(dim):
                pe.pseudo_Obs(np.random.rand(), 0.2 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(),
    matrix = np.array(matrix) @ np.identity(dim)

    # Check inverse of matrix
    inv = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.inv, matrix)
    check_inv = matrix @ inv

    for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check_inv):
        if (i == j):
            assert math.isclose(
                entry.value, 1.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(
            assert math.isclose(
                entry.value, 0.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(
        assert math.isclose(
            entry.dvalue, 0.0,
            abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(

    # Check Cholesky decomposition
    sym = np.dot(matrix, matrix.T)
    cholesky = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.cholesky, sym)
    check = cholesky @ cholesky.T

    for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check):
        diff = entry - sym[i, j]
        assert math.isclose(diff.value, 0.0,
                            abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
        assert math.isclose(diff.dvalue, 0.0,
                            abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)

    # Check eigh
    e, v = pe.linalg.eigh(sym)
    for i in range(dim):
        tmp = sym @ v[:, i] - v[:, i] * e[i]
        for j in range(dim):
            assert math.isclose(tmp[j].value, 0.0,
                                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
            assert math.isclose(
                tmp[j].dvalue, 0.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def transition_matrix(self):
        if self._transition_matrix is not None:
            return self._transition_matrix

        As, rs, ps = self.Ps, self.rs, self.ps

        # Fill in the transition matrix one block at a time
        K_total = self.total_num_states
        P = np.zeros((K_total, K_total))
        starts = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(rs)[:-1]))
        ends = np.cumsum(rs)
        for (i, j), Aij in np.ndenumerate(As):
            block = P[starts[i]:ends[i], starts[j]:ends[j]]

            # Diagonal blocks (stay in sub-state or advance to next sub-state)
            if i == j:
                for k in range(rs[i]):
                    # p(z_{t+1} = (.,i+k) | z_t = (.,i)) = (1-p)^k p
                    # for 0 <= k <= r - i
                    block += (1 - ps[i])**k * ps[i] * np.diag(np.ones(rs[i]-k), k=k)

            # Off-diagonal blocks (exit to a new super state)
                # p(z_{t+1} = (j,1) | z_t = (k,i)) = (1-p_k)^{r_k-i+1} * A[k, j]
                block[:,0] = (1-ps[i]) ** np.arange(rs[i], 0, -1) * Aij

        assert np.allclose(P.sum(1),1)
        assert (0 <= P).all() and (P <= 1.).all()

        # Cache the transition matrix
        self._transition_matrix = P

        return P
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hess_lnpost(ws,fdensity,alpha,sig):
    mo = np.exp(-4.);
    #hval = hfunc(ws);
    ws = ws.reshape((n_grid,n_grid));
    #calc l1
    lsis = np.array([-1*np.sum(psi(index)**2)/sig_noise**2 for (index,w) in np.ndenumerate(ws)]);
    lsis = lsis.reshape((n_grid,n_grid));
    l1 = lsis#*np.sum((Psi(ws)-data)/2/sig_noise**2);
    xsi = (1.-fdensity ) * gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)/ws + fdensity*(ws**alpha /w_norm)
    dxsi = -1*gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)*(1.-fdensity)/ws**2 - (1.-fdensity)*np.log(ws/mo)*np.exp(-np.log(ws/mo)**2 /2/sig**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/ws**2 /sig**3 + fdensity*alpha*ws**(alpha-1) /w_norm;
    dxsi_st = -1*gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)*(1.-fdensity)/ws**2 - (1.-fdensity)*np.log(ws/mo)*np.exp(-np.log(ws/mo)**2 /2/sig**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/ws**2 /sig**3;
    ddxsi_st = -1*dxsi_st/ws - dxsi_st*np.log(ws/mo)/ws /sig**2 -(1.-fdensity)*(1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/sig)*np.exp(-np.log(ws/mo)**2 /2/sig**2)*(1/sig**2 - np.log(ws/mo)/sig**2 -1)/ ws**3;
    ddxsi = ddxsi_st + fdensity*alpha*(alpha-1)*ws**(alpha-2) /w_norm   ;
    l2 = -1*(dxsi/xsi)**2 + ddxsi/np.absolute(xsi);
    l_tot = l1+l2;
    #those are the diagonal terms, now need to build off diagonal
    hess_m = np.zeros((n_grid**2,n_grid**2));
    for i in range(0,n_grid**2):
        for j in range(i+1,n_grid**2):
            ind1 = (int(i/n_grid),i%n_grid);
            ind2 = (int(j/n_grid),j%n_grid);
            hess_m[i,j] = -1*np.sum(psi(ind1)*psi(ind2))/sig_noise**2;

    hess_m = symmetrize(hess_m);
    print('hess fin');
    #print('new it');
    return -1*hess_m;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def Psi(self,ws): 
     ''' "forward operator" i.e. forward model 
     Psi = int psi(theta) dmu(theta) 
     where mu is the signal parameter
     return np.sum(np.array([w*self.psi(index) for (index,w) in np.ndenumerate(ws)]),0)          
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def init():
     offset = 2.0
     #if optimum[0] < np.inf:
     #    xmin = min(results['ADAM'][0][0], optimum[0]) - offset
     #    xmax = max(results['ADAM'][0][0], optimum[0]) + offset
     xmin = domain[0, 0]
     xmax = domain[0, 1]
     #if optimum[1] < np.inf:
     #    ymin = min(results['ADAM'][1][0], optimum[1]) - offset
     #    ymax = max(results['ADAM'][1][0], optimum[1]) + offset
     ymin = domain[1, 0]
     ymax = domain[1, 1]
     x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.01)
     y = np.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.01)
     X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
     Z = np.zeros(np.shape(Y))
     for a, _ in np.ndenumerate(Y):
         Z[a] = func(X[a], Y[a])
     level = fdict['level']
     if level is None:
         level = np.linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), 20)
         if level[0] == 'normal':
             level = np.linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), level[1])
         if level[0] == 'log':
             level = np.logspace(np.log(Z.min()), np.log(Z.max()), level[1])
     CF = ax[0].contour(X,Y,Z, levels=level)
     #plt.colorbar(CF, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f')
     ax[0].plot(results['ADAM'][0][0], results['ADAM'][1][0], 
         'h', markersize=15, color = '0.75')
     if optimum[0] < np.inf and optimum[1] < np.inf:
         ax[0].plot(optimum[0], optimum[1], '*', markersize=40, 
             markeredgewidth = 2, alpha = 0.5, color = '0.75')
     ax[0].legend(loc='upper center', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15))
     ax[1].plot(0, results['ADAM'][2][0], 'o')
     ax[1].axis([0, T, -0.5, max_err + 0.5])
     ax[1].set_xlabel('num. iteration')
     line1.set_data([], [])
     line2.set_data([], [])
     line3.set_data([], [])
     line4.set_data([], [])
     line5.set_data([], [])
     err1.set_data([], [])
     err2.set_data([], [])
     err3.set_data([], [])
     err4.set_data([], [])
     err5.set_data([], [])
     return line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, \
         err1, err2, err3, err4, err5, 
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _data_frame(self):
     df = []
     for index, value in np.ndenumerate(self.components):
         mode, component, population = index
         df.append((component + 1,
                    "Pop{}".format(mode + 1),
     return pd.DataFrame(df, columns = (
         "Component", "ComponentWeight", "Leaf",
         "Population", "PopulationWeight"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_confusion_matrix(y, y_model, cost_func, weighted, alpha):
    if weighted:
        wstr = ", Weighted"
        wstr2 = "_weighted"
        wstr = ""
        wstr2 = ""
    N_class = int(np.max(y) + 1)
    fname = cost_func + wstr2 + f"_{N_class}class"
    # create zeros matrix of correct size
    mat = np.zeros((N_class, N_class))
    # construct confusion matrix
    for i in range(N_class):
        for j in range(N_class):
            mat[i, j] = np.sum((y == i) & (y_model == j))
    mat_norm = mat / np.sum(mat, axis=1).reshape(N_class, 1)
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 8))
        f'Confusion Matrix: Multiclass {cost_func.capitalize()}{wstr}\n' +
        r'$\alpha =$' + f'{alpha:.4f}')
    # add text to each square
    for (i, j), z in np.ndenumerate(mat):
        ax1.text(j, i, f'{int(z)}', ha='center', va='center')
    for (i, j), z in np.ndenumerate(mat_norm):
        ax2.text(j, i, f'{z:.3f}', ha='center', va='center')
    ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Bubbles (Predicted)')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Number of Bubbles (Actual)')
    ax2.set_xlabel('Number of Bubbles (Predicted)')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Number of Bubbles (Actual)')
    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.9])
    fig.savefig(plotdir + "confusion_matrix_plots_" + fname + ".pdf")
    fig.savefig(plotdir + "confusion_matrix_plots_" + fname + ".png")

    return fig, ax1, ax2, mat, mat_norm
Ejemplo n.º 8
def grad_lnpost(ws,fdensity,alpha,sig):
    #calculate gradient of the ln posterior
    mo = np.exp(-4.);
    ws = ws.reshape((n_grid,n_grid));
    #calc l1
    bsis = (Psi(ws)-data)/sig_noise**2;
    lsis = ws*0;
    for (index,w) in np.ndenumerate(ws):
        lsis[index] = np.sum(psi(index)*bsis);
    l1 = lsis#*np.sum((Psi(ws)-data)/2/sig_noise**2);
    xsi = (1.-fdensity ) * gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)/ws + fdensity*(ws**alpha /w_norm)
    l2 = -1*gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)*(1.-fdensity)/ws**2 - (1.-fdensity)*np.log(ws/mo)*np.exp(-np.log(ws/mo)**2 /2/sig**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/ws**2 /sig**3 + fdensity*alpha*ws**(alpha-1) /w_norm;
    l2 = l2/np.absolute(xsi);
    l_tot = l1-l2;
    return l_tot.flatten();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def grad_lnpost(self,ws,fdensity,alpha,sig):
     #calculate gradient of the ln posterior
     w_norm = (self.wlim[1]**(alpha+1) - self.wlim[0]**(alpha+1))/(alpha+1); #normalization from integrating
     mo = np.exp(self.norm_mean);
     ws = ws.reshape((self.n_grid,self.n_grid));
     #calc l1
     bsis = (self.Psi(ws)-self.data)/self.sig_noise**2;
     lsis = ws*0;
     for (index,w) in np.ndenumerate(ws):
         lsis[index] = np.sum(self.psi(index)*bsis);
     l1 = lsis#*np.sum((Psi(ws)-data)/2/sig_noise**2);
     xsi = (1.-fdensity ) * self.gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)/ws + fdensity*(ws**alpha /w_norm)
     l2 = -1*self.gaussian(np.log(ws),loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig)*(1.-fdensity)/ws**2 - (1.-fdensity)*np.log(ws/mo)*np.exp(-np.log(ws/mo)**2 /2/sig**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/ws**2 /sig**3 + fdensity*alpha*ws**(alpha-1) /w_norm;
     l2 = l2/np.absolute(xsi);
     l_tot = l1-l2;
     return l_tot.flatten();   
Ejemplo n.º 10
def grad_lnpost(ws, fdensity, alpha, sig):
    #calculate gradient of the ln posterior
    mo = np.exp(-4.)
    ws = ws.reshape((n_grid, n_grid))
    #calc l1
    bsis = -(Psi(ws) - data) / sig_noise**2
    lsis = np.array(
        [np.sum(bsis * psi(index)) for (index, w) in np.ndenumerate(ws)])
    lsis = lsis.reshape((n_grid, n_grid))
    l1 = lsis  #*np.sum((Psi(ws)-data)/2/sig_noise**2);
    xsi = (1. - fdensity) * gaussian(np.log(ws), loc=np.log(
        mo), scale=sig) / ws + fdensity * (ws**alpha / w_norm)
    l2 = -1 * gaussian(np.log(ws), loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig) * (
        1. - fdensity) / ws**2 - (1. - fdensity) * np.log(ws / mo) * np.exp(
            -np.log(ws / mo)**2 / 2 / sig**2) / np.sqrt(
                2 * np.pi) / ws**2 / sig**3 + fdensity * alpha * ws**(
                    alpha - 1) / w_norm
    l2 = l2 / np.absolute(xsi)
    #l2 = fdensity*alpha*ws**(alpha-1) /w_norm /(fdensity*(ws**alpha /w_norm))
    l_tot = l1 + l2
    return -1 * l_tot.flatten()
Ejemplo n.º 11
            print "opt result for band", bi, ":",  res

            final_fluxes[bi] = np.exp(res.x[bi])

        print "fluxes:", src.fluxes, final_fluxes
        final_star = SrcParams(src.u, a=0, fluxes=final_fluxes)

        # add noise and calculate per-band likelihoods
        ZERO_CONST = 0.1
        gal_likelihoods = np.zeros(len(BANDS))
        orig_star_likelihoods = np.zeros(len(BANDS))
        final_star_likelihoods = np.zeros(len(BANDS))
        for bi, b in enumerate(BANDS):
            galaxy_im = celeste.gen_src_image(src, imgs[bi], return_patch=False)
            galaxy_im_noise = np.zeros(galaxy_im.shape)
            for (i,j),value in np.ndenumerate(galaxy_im):
                galaxy_im_noise[i,j] = np.random.poisson(galaxy_im[i,j])

            # calculate galaxy likelihood
            gal_likelihoods[bi] = np.sum(galaxy_im_noise * np.log(galaxy_im + ZERO_CONST) - galaxy_im)

            # calculate star likelihood
            orig_star_im = celeste.gen_src_image(star, imgs[bi], return_patch=False)
            final_star_im = celeste.gen_src_image(final_star, imgs[bi], return_patch=False)
            orig_star_likelihoods[bi] = np.sum(np.sum(galaxy_im_noise * np.log(orig_star_im + ZERO_CONST) - orig_star_im)) + ZERO_CONST) - final_star_im))

        print "galaxy likelihoods:", gal_likelihoods
        print "orig star likelihoods:", orig_star_likelihoods
        print "final star likelihoods:", final_star_likelihoods

        # show the new star