Ejemplo n.º 1
def addition(xgr1, xgr2):
    """ find an addition transformation
    assert xgr1 == _explicit(xgr1) and xgr2 == _explicit(xgr2)

    tra = None
    xgrs1 = _connected_components(xgr1)
    xgrs2 = _connected_components(xgr2)

    if len(xgrs1) == 2 and len(xgrs2) == 1:
        x_xgr, y_xgr = xgrs1
        xgr2, = xgrs2
        x_atm_keys = _unsaturated_atom_keys(x_xgr)
        y_atm_keys = _unsaturated_atom_keys(y_xgr)
        # xgeo = geometry(xgr2)
        for x_atm_key, y_atm_key in itertools.product(x_atm_keys, y_atm_keys):
            xy_xgr = add_bonds(_union(x_xgr, y_xgr), [{x_atm_key, y_atm_key}])

            # xgeo = geometry(xy_xgr)
            atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(xy_xgr, xgr2)
            if atm_key_dct:
                tra = from_data('addition',
                                frm_bnd_keys=[{x_atm_key, y_atm_key}],

    return tra
Ejemplo n.º 2
def proton_migration(xgr1, xgr2):
    """ find a proton migration transformation
    assert xgr1 == _explicit(xgr1) and xgr2 == _explicit(xgr2)

    tras = []
    xgrs1 = _connected_components(xgr1)
    xgrs2 = _connected_components(xgr2)

    h_atm_key1 = max(_atom_keys(xgr1)) + 1
    h_atm_key2 = max(_atom_keys(xgr2)) + 1

    if len(xgrs1) == 1 and len(xgrs2) == 1:
        xgr1, = xgrs1
        xgr2, = xgrs2
        atm_keys1 = _unsaturated_atom_keys(xgr1)
        atm_keys2 = _unsaturated_atom_keys(xgr2)
        for atm_key1, atm_key2 in itertools.product(atm_keys1, atm_keys2):
            xgr1_h = _add_atom_explicit_hydrogen_keys(xgr1,
                                                      {atm_key1: [h_atm_key1]})
            xgr2_h = _add_atom_explicit_hydrogen_keys(xgr2,
                                                      {atm_key2: [h_atm_key2]})

            inv_atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(xgr2_h, xgr1_h)
            if inv_atm_key_dct:
                        frm_bnd_keys=[{atm_key1, inv_atm_key_dct[h_atm_key2]}],
    if len(tras) < 1:
        tras = None
    return tras
Ejemplo n.º 3
def is_stereo_compatible(tra, sgr1, sgr2):
    """ is this transformation compatible with the reactant/product stereo
    cgr1 = without_stereo_parities(sgr1)
    cgr2 = without_stereo_parities(sgr2)
    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(apply(tra, cgr1), cgr2)

    # determine the stereo centers which are preserved in the transformation
    sgr1 = _relabel(sgr1, atm_key_dct)
    atm_keys = sorted(atom_stereo_keys(sgr1) & atom_stereo_keys(sgr2))
    bnd_keys = sorted(bond_stereo_keys(sgr1) & bond_stereo_keys(sgr2))

    atm_pars1 = dict_.values_by_key(atom_stereo_parities(sgr1), atm_keys)
    atm_pars2 = dict_.values_by_key(atom_stereo_parities(sgr2), atm_keys)
    bnd_pars1 = dict_.values_by_key(bond_stereo_parities(sgr1), bnd_keys)
    bnd_pars2 = dict_.values_by_key(bond_stereo_parities(sgr2), bnd_keys)

    atm_ngb_keys_dct1 = atom_neighbor_keys(sgr1)
    atm_ngb_keys_dct2 = atom_neighbor_keys(sgr2)

    ret = True

    for atm_key, par1, par2 in zip(atm_keys, atm_pars1, atm_pars2):
        atm_ngb_keys1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm_key])
        atm_ngb_keys2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm_key])

        if _permutation_parity(atm_ngb_keys1, atm_ngb_keys2):
            ret &= (par1 == par2)
            ret &= (par1 != par2)

    for bnd_key, par1, par2 in zip(bnd_keys, bnd_pars1, bnd_pars2):
        atm1_key, atm2_key = bnd_key

        atm1_ngb_key1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm1_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm1_key] - {atm2_key})[0]
        atm2_ngb_key1 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr1, atm2_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct1[atm2_key] - {atm1_key})[0]
        atm1_ngb_key2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm1_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm1_key] - {atm2_key})[0]
        atm2_ngb_key2 = stereo_sorted_atom_neighbor_keys(
            sgr2, atm2_key, atm_ngb_keys_dct2[atm2_key] - {atm1_key})[0]

        if not ((atm1_ngb_key1 != atm1_ngb_key2) ^
                (atm2_ngb_key1 != atm2_ngb_key2)):
            ret &= (par1 == par2)
            ret &= (par1 != par2)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _reverse(tra, xgr1, xgr2):
    frm_bnd_keys = formed_bond_keys(tra)
    brk_bnd_keys = broken_bond_keys(tra)
    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(apply(tra, xgr1), xgr2)
    rev_frm_bnd_keys = [
        frozenset(map(atm_key_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))
        for bnd_key in brk_bnd_keys
    rev_brk_bnd_keys = [
        frozenset(map(atm_key_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))
        for bnd_key in frm_bnd_keys
    rev_tra = from_data(frm_bnd_keys=rev_frm_bnd_keys,
    return rev_tra
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _substitution(atmsA, neighsA, bndsA, atmsB, neighsB, xgr1, xgr2):
    for atmi in atmsA:
        if _is_heavy(atmi, atmsA):
            i_neighs = neighsA[atmi]
            for atmj in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(atmi, atmj, bndsA)
                new_xgr = automol.graph.remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                for atmk in atmsB:
                    if atmk != atmi and atmk != atmj:  # and not atmi in neighsB[atmk] and not atmj in neighsB[atmk]:
                        bnd_form_key_ik = frozenset({atmi, atmk})
                        newnew_xgr = automol.graph.add_bonds(
                            new_xgr, [bnd_form_key_ik])
                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                        if atm_key_dct:
                            tra = [[bnd_form_key_ik], [bnd_break_key_ij]]
                            return tra
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _substitution(atmsa, neighsa, bndsa, atmsb, xgr1, xgr2):
    ret_tra = None
    for atmi in atmsa:
        if _is_heavy(atmi, atmsa):
            i_neighs = neighsa[atmi]
            for atmj in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(atmi, atmj, bndsa)
                new_xgr = remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                for atmk in atmsb:
                    if atmk not in (atmi, atmj):
                        bnd_form_key_ik = frozenset({atmi, atmk})
                        newnew_xgr = add_bonds(new_xgr, [bnd_form_key_ik])
                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                        if atm_key_dct:
                            tra = [[bnd_form_key_ik], [bnd_break_key_ij]]
                            ret_tra = tra
    return ret_tra
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _partial_hydrogen_abstraction(qh_xgr, q_xgr):
    tra = None
    h_atm_key = max(_atom_keys(q_xgr)) + 1
    #rad_atm_keys = _resonance_dominant_radical_atom_keys(q_xgr)
    uns_atm_keys = automol.graph.unsaturated_atom_keys(q_xgr)
    for atm_key in uns_atm_keys:
        #for atm_key in rad_atm_keys:
        q_xgr_h = _add_atom_explicit_hydrogen_keys(q_xgr,
                                                   {atm_key: [h_atm_key]})
        inv_atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(q_xgr_h, qh_xgr)
        if inv_atm_key_dct:
            brk_bnd_keys = [
                    {inv_atm_key_dct[atm_key], inv_atm_key_dct[h_atm_key]})
            tra = from_data(frm_bnd_keys=[], brk_bnd_keys=brk_bnd_keys)

    return tra
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _insertion(atmsA, neighsA, bndsA, atmsB, neighsB, xgr1, xgr2):
    """Do the insertion for an order of reactants
    for i in atmsA:
        if _is_heavy(i, atmsA):
            i_neighs = neighsA[i]
            for j in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(i, j, bndsA)
                new_xgr = automol.graph.remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                for k in atmsB:
                    if _is_heavy(
                            atmsB) and k != i and k != j and not i in neighsB[
                                k] and not j in neighsB[k]:
                        bnd_form_key_ik = {i, k}
                        bnd_form_key_jk = {j, k}
                        newnew_xgr = automol.graph.add_bonds(
                            new_xgr, [bnd_form_key_ik, bnd_form_key_jk])
                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                        if atm_key_dct:
                            tra = [[bnd_form_key_ik, bnd_form_key_jk],
                            return tra
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _insertion(atmsa, neighsa, bndsa, atmsb, neighsb, xgr1, xgr2):
    """Do the insertion for an order of reactants
    ret_tra = None
    for i in atmsa:
        if _is_heavy(i, atmsa):
            i_neighs = neighsa[i]
            for j in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(i, j, bndsa)
                new_xgr = remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                for k in atmsb:
                    if _is_heavy(k, atmsb) and (k != i and k != j
                                                and i not in neighsb[k]
                                                and j not in neighsb[k]):
                        bnd_form_key_ik = {i, k}
                        bnd_form_key_jk = {j, k}
                        newnew_xgr = add_bonds(
                            new_xgr, [bnd_form_key_ik, bnd_form_key_jk])
                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                        if atm_key_dct:
                            tra = [[bnd_form_key_ik, bnd_form_key_jk],
                            ret_tra = tra
    return ret_tra
Ejemplo n.º 10
def elimination(xgr1, xgr2):
    """identifies elimination reactions
    assert xgr1 == _explicit(xgr1) and xgr2 == _explicit(xgr2)
    tra = None
    xgrs1 = _connected_components(xgr1)
    xgrs2 = _connected_components(xgr2)
    tras = []
    if len(xgrs1) == 1 and len(xgrs2) == 2:
        atms = atoms(xgr1)
        neighs = atom_neighbor_keys(xgr1)
        bnds = bond_keys(xgr1)
        radicals = _resonance_dominant_radical_atom_keys(xgr1)
        lonepairs = atom_lone_pair_counts(xgr1)
        for atmi in atms:
            i_neighs = neighs[atmi]
            for atmj in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(atmi, atmj, bnds)
                new_xgr = remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                new_xgrs = _connected_components(new_xgr)
                if len(new_xgrs) == 2:
                    xgra, xgrb = new_xgrs
                    atmsa = atoms(xgra)
                    if atmi not in atmsa.keys():
                        xgrb, xgra = xgra, xgrb
                        atmsa = atoms(xgra)
                    neighsa = atom_neighbor_keys(xgra)
                    atmsb = atoms(xgrb)
                    neighs_i = neighsa[atmi]
                    for atmk in atmsb:
                        if atmk in radicals:
                            for atml in neighs_i:
                                neighs_l = neighsa[atml]
                                if atml != atmj:
                                    bnd_break_key_il = _get_bnd_key(
                                        atmi, atml, bnds)
                                    bnd_form_key_kl = frozenset({atmk, atml})
                                    newnew_xgr = remove_bonds(
                                        new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_il])
                                    newnew_xgr = add_bonds(
                                        newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_kl])
                                    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                        newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                    if atm_key_dct:
                                        tra = [[bnd_form_key_kl],
                                        return tra
                                for atmm in neighs_l:
                                    if atmm != atmi:
                                        bnd_break_key_lm = _get_bnd_key(
                                            atml, atmm, bnds)
                                        bnd_form_key_km = frozenset(
                                            {atmk, atmm})
                                        newnew_xgr = remove_bonds(
                                            new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_lm])
                                        newnew_xgr = add_bonds(
                                            newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_km])
                                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                            newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                        if atm_key_dct:
        for atmi in atms:
            i_neighs = neighs[atmi]
            print('atmi test:', atmi)
            print('i_neighs test:', i_neighs)
            for atmj in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(atmi, atmj, bnds)
                new_xgr = remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                new_xgrs = _connected_components(new_xgr)
                if len(new_xgrs) == 2:
                    xgra, xgrb = new_xgrs
                    atmsa = atoms(xgra)
                    if atmi not in atmsa.keys():
                        xgrb, xgra = xgra, xgrb
                        atmsa = atoms(xgra)
                    neighsa = atom_neighbor_keys(xgra)
                    atmsb = atoms(xgrb)
                    neighs_i = neighsa[atmi]
                    print('len atmsb test:', len(atmsb))
                    for atmk in atmsb:
                        if lonepairs[atmk] > 0 or len(atmsb) == 1:
                            # if lonepairs[atmk] > 0:
                            for atml in neighs_i:
                                neighs_l = neighsa[atml]
                                if atml != atmj:
                                    bnd_break_key_il = _get_bnd_key(
                                        atmi, atml, bnds)
                                    bnd_form_key_kl = frozenset({atmk, atml})
                                    newnew_xgr = remove_bonds(
                                        new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_il])
                                    newnew_xgr = add_bonds(
                                        newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_kl])
                                    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                        newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                    if atm_key_dct:
                                        tra = [[bnd_form_key_kl],
                                        return tra
                                for atmm in neighs_l:
                                    if atmm != atmi:
                                        bnd_break_key_lm = _get_bnd_key(
                                            atml, atmm, bnds)
                                        bnd_form_key_km = frozenset(
                                            {atmk, atmm})
                                        newnew_xgr = remove_bonds(
                                            new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_lm])
                                        newnew_xgr = add_bonds(
                                            newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_km])
                                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                            newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                        if atm_key_dct:
    if len(tras) < 1:
        tras = None
    return tras
Ejemplo n.º 11
def elimination(xgr1, xgr2):
    """identifies elimination reactions
    assert xgr1 == _explicit(xgr1) and xgr2 == _explicit(xgr2)
    tra = None
    xgrs1 = _connected_components(xgr1)
    xgrs2 = _connected_components(xgr2)
    tras = []
    if len(xgrs1) == 1 and len(xgrs2) == 2:
        atms = automol.graph.atoms(xgr1)
        neighs = automol.graph.atom_neighbor_keys(xgr1)
        bnds = automol.graph.bond_keys(xgr1)
        lonepairs = automol.graph.atom_lone_pair_counts(xgr1)
        for atmi in atms:
            i_neighs = neighs[atmi]
            for atmj in i_neighs:
                bnd_break_key_ij = _get_bnd_key(atmi, atmj, bnds)
                new_xgr = automol.graph.remove_bonds(xgr1, [bnd_break_key_ij])
                new_xgrs = _connected_components(new_xgr)
                if len(new_xgrs) == 2:
                    xgrA, xgrB = new_xgrs
                    atmsA = automol.graph.atoms(xgrA)
                    if atmi not in atmsA.keys():
                        xgrB, xgrA = xgrA, xgrB
                        atmsA = automol.graph.atoms(xgrA)
                    neighsA = automol.graph.atom_neighbor_keys(xgrA)
                    atmsB = automol.graph.atoms(xgrB)
                    neighs_i = neighsA[atmi]
                    for atmk in atmsB:
                        if lonepairs[atmk] > 0:
                            for atml in neighs_i:
                                neighs_l = neighsA[atml]
                                if atml != atmj:
                                    bnd_break_key_il = _get_bnd_key(
                                        atmi, atml, bnds)
                                    bnd_form_key_kl = frozenset({atmk, atml})
                                    newnew_xgr = automol.graph.remove_bonds(
                                        new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_il])
                                    newnew_xgr = automol.graph.add_bonds(
                                        newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_kl])
                                    atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                        newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                    if atm_key_dct:
                                        tra = [[bnd_form_key_kl],
                                        return tra
                                for atmm in neighs_l:
                                    if atmm != atmi:
                                        bnd_break_key_lm = _get_bnd_key(
                                            atml, atmm, bnds)
                                        bnd_form_key_km = frozenset(
                                            {atmk, atmm})
                                        newnew_xgr = automol.graph.remove_bonds(
                                            new_xgr, [bnd_break_key_lm])
                                        newnew_xgr = automol.graph.add_bonds(
                                            newnew_xgr, [bnd_form_key_km])
                                        atm_key_dct = _full_isomorphism(
                                            newnew_xgr, xgr2)
                                        if atm_key_dct:
    if len(tras) < 1:
        tras = None
    return tras