Ejemplo n.º 1
def continue_ring_system(gra, keys_lst, vma, zma_keys):
    """ continue constructing a v-matrix for a ring system

    Exactly one atom in the ring system must already be in the v-matrix, and
    this atom must be in the starting ring of the decomposed ring system key
    # First, get the ring keys
    keys_lst = list(keys_lst)
    keys = keys_lst.pop(0)

    # Break the bonds joining the last pair of atoms in each arc
    gra = remove_bonds(gra, [(k[-1], k[-2]) for k in keys_lst])

    # Start by constructing the v-matrix for the first ring
    vma, zma_keys = continue_ring(gra, keys, vma, zma_keys)

    # Now, complete the ring system by continuing the v-matrix along each arc
    for keys in keys_lst:
        # Note that the atoms on each end of the arc are already in the
        # v-matrix, so we ignore those
        vma, zma_keys = continue_chain(gra, keys[1:-1], vma, zma_keys,

    return vma, zma_keys
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ring_system(gra, keys_lst):
    """ generate a v-matrix for a ring system

    :param gra: the graph
    :param keys_lst: the first entry contains keys for a ring and each next one
        contains keys for an arc that starts and ends on atoms in the preceding
    # First, get the ring keys
    keys_lst = list(keys_lst)
    keys = keys_lst.pop(0)

    # Break the bonds joining the last pair of atoms in each arc
    gra = remove_bonds(gra, [(k[-1], k[-2]) for k in keys_lst])

    # Start by constructing the v-matrix for the first ring
    vma, zma_keys = ring(gra, keys)

    # Now, complete the ring system by continuing the v-matrix along each arc
    for keys in keys_lst:
        # Note that the atoms on each end of the arc are already in the
        # v-matrix, so we ignore those
        vma, zma_keys = continue_chain(gra, keys[1:-1], vma, zma_keys)

    return vma, zma_keys
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ring(gra, keys):
    """ generate a v-matrix for a ring

    All neighboring atoms along the ring will be included

    :param gra: the graph
    :param keys: ring keys, in the order they should appear in the z-matrix
    # Break the bond between the first and last atoms to make this a chain
    gra = remove_bonds(gra, [(keys[0], keys[-1])])

    # Now, construct a v-matrix for the chain
    vma, zma_keys = chain(gra, keys, term_hydrogens=True)
    return vma, zma_keys
Ejemplo n.º 4
def continue_ring(gra, keys, vma, zma_keys):
    """ continue constructing a v-matrix around a ring

    All neighboring atoms along the ring will be included

    Exactly one atom in the ring must already be in the v-matrix.
    # Find the connecting key
    key = next((k for k in keys if k in zma_keys), None)
    assert key is not None, (
        "There must be a ring atom already in the v-matrix")

    # Cycle the connecting key to the front of the ring
    keys = cycle_ring_atom_key_to_front(keys, key)

    # Break the bond between the first and last atoms to make this a chain
    gra = remove_bonds(gra, [(keys[0], keys[-1])])

    # Now, construct a v-matrix for the chain
    vma, zma_keys = continue_chain(gra, keys, vma, zma_keys)
    return vma, zma_keys