Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_attribute_prefs(backend, fn, args):
    if (backend is 'torch') and fn in (ar.real, ar.imag):
        pytest.xfail("Pytorch doesn't support complex numbers yet...")

    x = gen_rand((3, 5), backend)
    y = fn(x, *args)
    assert ar.infer_backend(x) == ar.infer_backend(y) == backend
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_linalg_svd_square(backend):
    if backend == 'sparse':
        pytest.xfail("Sparse doesn't support linear algebra yet...")
    x = gen_rand((5, 4), backend)
    U, s, V = ar.do('linalg.svd', x)
    assert (ar.infer_backend(x) == ar.infer_backend(U) == ar.infer_backend(s)
            == ar.infer_backend(V) == backend)
    y = U @ ar.do('diag', s, like=x) @ V
    diff = ar.do('sum', abs(y - x))
    assert ar.to_numpy(diff) < 1e-8
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_interface(tensor):
    """Returns the name of the package that any array/tensor manipulations
    will dispatch to. The returned strings correspond to those used for PennyLane
    :doc:`interfaces </introduction/interfaces>`.

        tensor (tensor_like): tensor input

        str: name of the interface


    >>> x = torch.tensor([1., 2.])
    >>> get_interface(x)
    >>> from pennylane import numpy as np
    >>> x = np.array([4, 5], requires_grad=True)
    >>> get_interface(x)
    namespace = tensor.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0]

    if namespace in ("pennylane", "autograd"):
        return "autograd"

    res = ar.infer_backend(tensor)

    if res == "builtins":
        return "numpy"

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cast(tensor, dtype):
    """Casts the given tensor to a new type.

        tensor (tensor_like): tensor to cast
        dtype (str, np.dtype): Any supported NumPy dtype representation; this can be
            a string (``"float64"``), a ``np.dtype`` object (``np.dtype("float64")``), or
            a dtype class (``np.float64``). If ``tensor`` is not a NumPy array, the
            **equivalent** dtype in the dispatched framework is used.

        tensor_like: a tensor with the same shape and values as ``tensor`` and the
        same dtype as ``dtype``


    We can use NumPy dtype specifiers:

    >>> x = torch.tensor([1, 2])
    >>> cast(x, np.float64)
    tensor([1., 2.], dtype=torch.float64)

    We can also use strings:

    >>> x = tf.Variable([1, 2])
    >>> cast(x, "complex128")
    <tf.Tensor: shape=(2,), dtype=complex128, numpy=array([1.+0.j, 2.+0.j])>
    if isinstance(tensor, (list, tuple)):
        tensor = np.asarray(tensor)

    if not isinstance(dtype, str):
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype).name
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            dtype = getattr(dtype, "name", dtype)

    return ar.astype(tensor,
                     ar.to_backend_dtype(dtype, like=ar.infer_backend(tensor)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_basic(backend, fn):
    x = gen_rand((2, 3, 4), backend)
    y = ar.do(fn, x)
    if (backend == 'sparse') and (fn is 'sum'):
        pytest.xfail("Sparse 'sum' outputs dense.")
    assert ar.infer_backend(x) == ar.infer_backend(y) == backend