Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_create_ntlmrelayx_cmd():
    privex_args = parse_args([
        '--privexchange', '--httpattack', '--remove-mic', '-s', '',
        '-dc', '', '-u', 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd', '-6', '-d',
        'domain', '-i', 'eth0'
    relay_cmd = create_ntlmrelayx_cmd(privex_args)
    assert '--escalate-user' in relay_cmd
    assert '-t ldap://' in relay_cmd
    assert '-6' in relay_cmd
    remove_mic_args = parse_args([
        '--remove-mic', '--httpattack', '--remove-mic', '-s', '', '-dc',
        '', '-u', 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd', '-6', '-d', 'domain',
        '-i', 'eth0'
    relay_cmd = create_ntlmrelayx_cmd(remove_mic_args)
    assert '--escalate-user user' in relay_cmd
    assert '-t ldap://' in relay_cmd
    httpattack_args = parse_args([
        '--httpattack', '-s', '', '-dc', '', '-u',
        'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd', '-6', '-d', 'domain', '-i', 'eth0', '-l',
    relay_cmd = create_ntlmrelayx_cmd(httpattack_args)
    assert f'-t https://{httpattack_args.server}/EWS/Exchange.asmx' in relay_cmd
    assert '-6' in relay_cmd
    assert 'user' not in relay_cmd
    assert '' not in relay_cmd
    assert 'eth0' not in relay_cmd
    hostlist_args = parse_args([
        '-s', '', '-dc', '', '-u', 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd',
        '-d', 'domain', '-i', 'eth0', '-l', 'hostlist.txt'
    relay_cmd = create_ntlmrelayx_cmd(hostlist_args)
    assert '-tf unsigned-smb-hosts.txt' in relay_cmd
    assert 'user' not in relay_cmd
    assert '' not in relay_cmd
    assert '' not in relay_cmd
    assert 'eth0' not in relay_cmd
    assert '-6' not in relay_cmd
    targetfile_args = parse_args([
        '-s', '', '-dc', '', '-u', 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd',
        '-6', '-d', 'domain', '-i', 'eth0', '-tf', 'hostlist.txt'
    relay_cmd = create_ntlmrelayx_cmd(targetfile_args)
    assert '-tf hostlist.txt' in relay_cmd
    assert 'user' not in relay_cmd
    assert '' not in relay_cmd
    assert '' not in relay_cmd
    assert 'eth0' not in relay_cmd
    assert '-tf unsigned-smb-hosts.txt' not in relay_cmd
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_start_exchange_scan():
    args = parse_args(['-s', '', '-u', 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd'])
    scan = start_mic_scan(args)
    assert int(scan.proc.pid)
    print('Scan PID: ' + str(scan.pid))
    assert '' in scan.cmd
    assert scan.kill()
    with open(scan.logfile, 'r+') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        assert len(lines) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_start_mitm6():
    args = parse_args(['-6', '-d', 'DOM', '-i', 'eth0'])
    mitm6 = start_mitm6(args)
    assert int(mitm6.proc.pid)
    print('Mitm6 PID: ' + str(mitm6.pid))
    assert '-i eth0' in mitm6.cmd
    assert '-d DOM' in mitm6.cmd
    assert mitm6.kill()
    with open(mitm6.logfile, 'r+') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        assert len(lines) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_start_privexchange():
    args = parse_args([
        '--privexchange', '-s', '', '-dc', '', '-u',
    iface = get_iface()
    local_ip = get_local_ip(iface)
    privexchange = start_privexchange(args, local_ip)
    assert int(privexchange.proc.pid)
    print('Scan PID: ' + str(privexchange.pid))
    assert "-p P@$/!s/:w0rd" in privexchange.cmd
    assert '' in privexchange.cmd
    assert '' not in privexchange.cmd
    assert local_ip in privexchange.cmd
    assert privexchange.kill()
    with open(privexchange.logfile, 'r+') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        assert len(lines) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_start_printerbug():
    args = parse_args([
        '--remove-mic', '-s', '', '-dc', '', '-u',
    iface = get_iface()
    local_ip = get_local_ip(iface)
    printerbug = start_printerbug(args, args.server, local_ip)
    assert int(printerbug.proc.pid)
    print('Scan PID: ' + str(printerbug.pid))
    assert 'DOMAIN/user:P@$/!s/:w0rd' in printerbug.cmd
    assert '@' in printerbug.cmd
    assert '' not in printerbug.cmd
    assert local_ip in printerbug.cmd
    assert printerbug.kill()
    with open(printerbug.logfile, 'r+') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        assert len(lines) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_parse_creds():
    args = parse_args(['-u', 'SOMETHING/username:P/:ss/:w0rd'])
    dom, user, pw = parse_creds(args.user)
    assert dom == "SOMETHING"
    assert user == "username"
    assert pw == "P/:ss/:w0rd"