Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def recv(self):
        if self.readyState != "live":
            raise MediaStreamError

        data = await self.__queue.get()
        if not data:
            raise MediaStreamError

            indata, _ = data
            frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(indata.reshape(indata.shape[::-1]),

            sample_rate = indata.shape[0]

            if hasattr(self, "_timestamp"):
                samples = int((time.time() - self._start) * sample_rate)
                self._timestamp += samples
                self._start = time.time()
                self._timestamp = 0

            frame.pts = self._timestamp
            frame.sample_rate = sample_rate
            frame.time_base = fractions.Fraction(1, sample_rate)
            return frame

            raise MediaStreamError
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def recv(self) -> Frame:
        Receive the next :class:`~av.audio.frame.AudioFrame`.
        The base implementation just reads silence, subclass
        :class:`AudioStreamTrack` to provide a useful implementation.
        if self.readyState != "live":
            raise Exception("media stream error")  # MediaStreamError

        sample_rate = 16000  # 8000
        samples = int(AUDIO_PTIME * sample_rate)
        # logger.info("WTF!!")
        if hasattr(self, "_timestamp"):
            self._timestamp += samples
            wait = self._start + (self._timestamp / sample_rate) - time.time()
            # logger.info("wating... {0}".format(wait))
            await asyncio.sleep(wait)
            self._start = time.time()
            self._timestamp = 0

        # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

            # data = sounddevice.rec(frames=samples, samplerate=sample_rate, channels=1, dtype='int16', blocking=True)
            data, overflowed = self.stream.read(frames=samples)
            #print("data", data)
            #print("data", data.shape)
            #data = np.zeros((2,1152), dtype='int16')

            # frameb = AudioFrame(format="s16", layout="mono", samples=samples)
            # logger.info('*****************************')
            # alt_data = frameb.to_ndarray()
            # logger.info(alt_data)
            # logger.info(alt_data.shape)
            # logger.info('-----------------')
            fixed_data = np.swapaxes(data, 0, 1)
            frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(
                fixed_data, layout="mono",
                format='s16')  # layout="stereo", format='s32') # s16
            #for p in frame.planes:
            #    p.update(data.tobytes()) #bytes(p.buffer_size))
            # logger.info(frame.planes)
            # logger.info("\n!!!!!!!!!!!")
            frame.pts = self._timestamp
            frame.sample_rate = sample_rate
            frame.time_base = fractions.Fraction(1, sample_rate)
        except Exception as exc:
        return frame
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_ndarray_u8(self):
     layouts = [
         ('u8', 'mono', 'u1', (1, 160)),
         ('u8', 'stereo', 'u1', (1, 320)),
         ('u8p', 'mono', 'u1', (1, 160)),
         ('u8p', 'stereo', 'u1', (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.random.randint(0, 256, size=size, dtype=dtype)
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array, format=format, layout=layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertTrue((frame.to_ndarray() == array).all())
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_ndarray_u8(self):
     layouts = [
         ("u8", "mono", "u1", (1, 160)),
         ("u8", "stereo", "u1", (1, 320)),
         ("u8p", "mono", "u1", (1, 160)),
         ("u8p", "stereo", "u1", (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.random.randint(0, 256, size=size, dtype=dtype)
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array,
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertNdarraysEqual(frame.to_ndarray(), array)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_ndarray_u8(self):
     layouts = [
         ('u8', 'mono', 'u1', (1, 160)),
         ('u8', 'stereo', 'u1', (1, 320)),
         ('u8p', 'mono', 'u1', (1, 160)),
         ('u8p', 'stereo', 'u1', (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.random.randint(0, 256, size=size, dtype=dtype)
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array,
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertTrue((frame.to_ndarray() == array).all())
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_ndarray_dbl(self):
     layouts = [
         ('dbl', 'mono', '<f8', (1, 160)),
         ('dbl', 'stereo', '<f8', (1, 320)),
         ('dblp', 'mono', '<f8', (1, 160)),
         ('dblp', 'stereo', '<f8', (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.ndarray(shape=size, dtype=dtype)
         for i in range(size[0]):
             array[i][:] = numpy.random.rand(size[1])
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array, format=format, layout=layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertTrue((frame.to_ndarray() == array).all())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def process_session(loop, session, track, quit_event):
    while not quit_event.is_set():
        while len(session.tracks['Joe']) - track.last_idx < 200:

        curr_len = track.last_idx + 200
        curr_nd = np.array([session.tracks['Joe'][track.last_idx:curr_len]
        #print(f"New frame: {curr_nd}")

        frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(curr_nd, format='s16', layout='mono')
        frame.sample_rate = 22050
        frame.pts = track.last_idx

        track.last_idx = curr_len

        asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(track.q.put(frame), loop)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_ndarray_dbl(self):
     layouts = [
         ("dbl", "mono", "f8", (1, 160)),
         ("dbl", "stereo", "f8", (1, 320)),
         ("dblp", "mono", "f8", (1, 160)),
         ("dblp", "stereo", "f8", (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.ndarray(shape=size, dtype=dtype)
         for i in range(size[0]):
             array[i][:] = numpy.random.rand(size[1])
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array,
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertNdarraysEqual(frame.to_ndarray(), array)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_ndarray_dbl(self):
     layouts = [
         ('dbl', 'mono', '<f8', (1, 160)),
         ('dbl', 'stereo', '<f8', (1, 320)),
         ('dblp', 'mono', '<f8', (1, 160)),
         ('dblp', 'stereo', '<f8', (2, 160)),
     for format, layout, dtype, size in layouts:
         array = numpy.ndarray(shape=size, dtype=dtype)
         for i in range(size[0]):
             array[i][:] = numpy.random.rand(size[1])
         frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array,
         self.assertEqual(frame.format.name, format)
         self.assertEqual(frame.layout.name, layout)
         self.assertEqual(frame.samples, 160)
         self.assertTrue((frame.to_ndarray() == array).all())
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_from_ndarray_value_error(self):
        # incorrect dtype
        array = numpy.ndarray(shape=(1, 160), dtype="f2")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array, format="flt", layout="mono")
            "Expected numpy array with dtype `float32` but got `float16`",

        # incorrect number of dimensions
        array = numpy.ndarray(shape=(1, 160, 2), dtype="f4")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array, format="flt", layout="mono")
                         "Expected numpy array with ndim `2` but got `3`")

        # incorrect shape
        array = numpy.ndarray(shape=(2, 160), dtype="f4")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            AudioFrame.from_ndarray(array, format="flt", layout="mono")
                         "Unexpected numpy array shape `(2, 160)`")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    async def recv(self):
        if self._startTime is None and self._startedCallback is not None:
            data = await self._audioSubscription.get()
        except SubscriptionClosed:
                "Audio track finished. raising MediaStreamError to shut down connection"
            raise MediaStreamError
            self._log.exception("Got unknown error. Crashing audio stream")
            raise MediaStreamError

        # self._log.exception("FAIL")

        # self._log.info("GOT AUDIO %d,%d", data.shape[0], data.shape[1])

        # self._log.info("Creating FRAME")
        # https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/audio%20types
        # https://github.com/mikeboers/PyAV/blob/develop/av/audio/frame.pyx
        # https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.0/group__channel__mask__c.html
        # It looks like at the time of writing, audio samples are only accepted as s16,
        # and not as float (flt) in aiortc. We therefore use s16 as format instead of flt,
        # and convert the data:
        # https://github.com/jlaine/aiortc/blob/master/aiortc/codecs/opus.py
        # We therefore force a conversion to 16 bit integer:
        data = (np.clip(data, -1, 1) * 32768).astype(np.int16)
        new_frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(data.reshape(1, -1),
                                            layout=str(data.shape[1]) + "c")

        # Use the sample rate for the base clock
        new_frame.sample_rate = self._sampleRate
        new_frame.time_base = fractions.Fraction(1, self._sampleRate)

        if self._startTime is None:
            self._startTime = time.time()
        # We need to compute the timestamp of the frame.
        # We want to handle audio without skips, where we simply increase the clock according
        # to the samples. However, sometimes the data might come in a bit late, which would
        # mean that we still want to get it correctly.
        # However, we have no guarantee that the data is actually coming without skipped
        # points. We try to detect if the data coming seems to be way behind the current
        # perfect timestamp, and in that situation, we can decide to skip forward if canSkip is True
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presentation_timestamp
        # Since our clock rate is simply our sample rate, the timestamp is the number of samples
        # we should have seen so far

        new_frame.pts = self._sampleNumber
        self._sampleNumber += data.shape[0]

        perfectSampleNumber = (int(
            (time.time() - self._startTime) * self._sampleRate) +
        # print(perfectSampleNumber - self._sampleNumber)
        if self._canSkip:

            if perfectSampleNumber - self._sampleRate * 1 > self._sampleNumber:
                # The audio is over 1 second behind where it is supposed to be.
                # Adjust the sample number to the ``corrected" version
                    "Received audio is over 1 second behind optimal timestamp! Skipping audio forward! Use canSkip=False to disable this correction"
                new_frame.pts = perfectSampleNumber - data.shape[0]

        if perfectSampleNumber + self._sampleRate * 2 < self._sampleNumber:
            # If the audio stream is over 2 seconds ahead, we wait 1 second before continuing
                "Stream is over 2 seconds ahead. Sleeping for 1 second.")
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

        # print("\n\nSENDING DATA", new_frame, new_frame.time_base)
        self._log.debug("Writing frame %s", new_frame)
        return new_frame
Ejemplo n.º 12
    async def recv(self):
        if self._startTime is None and self._startedCallback is not None:
            data = await self._audioSubscription.get()
        except SubscriptionClosed:
                "Audio track finished. raising MediaStreamError to shut down connection"
            raise MediaStreamError
            self._log.exception("Got unknown error. Crashing video stream")
            raise MediaStreamError

        # self._log.exception("FAIL")

        # self._log.info("GOT AUDIO %d,%d", data.shape[0], data.shape[1])

        # self._log.info("Creating FRAME")
        # https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/audio%20types
        # https://github.com/mikeboers/PyAV/blob/develop/av/audio/frame.pyx
        # https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.0/group__channel__mask__c.html
        # It looks like at the time of writing, audio samples are only accepted as s16,
        # and not as float (flt) in aiortc. We therefore use s16 as format instead of flt,
        # and convert the data:
        # https://github.com/jlaine/aiortc/blob/master/aiortc/codecs/opus.py
        # We therefore force a conversion to 16 bit integer:

        data = (np.clip(data, -1, 1) * 32768).astype(np.int16)

        new_frame = AudioFrame.from_ndarray(
            data, format="s16", layout=str(data.shape[0]) + "c"

        # Use the sample rate for the base clock
        new_frame.sample_rate = self._sampleRate
        new_frame.time_base = fractions.Fraction(1, self._sampleRate)

        if self._startTime is None:
            self._startTime = time.time()
        # We need to compute the timestamp of the frame.
        # We want to handle audio without skips, where we simply increase the clock according
        # to the samples. However, sometimes the data might come in a bit late, which would
        # mean that we still want to get it correctly.
        # However, we have no guarantee that the data is actually coming without skipped
        # points. We try to detect if the data coming seems to be way behind the current
        # perfect timestamp, and in that situation, we can decide to skip forward if canSkip is True
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presentation_timestamp
        # Since our clock rate is simply our sample rate, the timestamp is the number of samples
        # we should have seen so far

        new_frame.pts = self._sampleNumber
        self._sampleNumber += data.shape[1]

        perfectSampleNumber = (
            int((time.time() - self._startTime) * self._sampleRate) + data.shape[1]
        # print(perfectSampleNumber - self._sampleNumber)
        if self._canSkip:

            if perfectSampleNumber - self._sampleRate * 1 > self._sampleNumber:
                # The audio is over 1 second behind where it is supposed to be.
                # Adjust the sample number to the ``corrected" version
                    "Received audio is over 1 second behind optimal timestamp! Skipping audio forward! Use canSkip=False to disable this correction"
                new_frame.pts = perfectSampleNumber - data.shape[1]

        if perfectSampleNumber + self._sampleRate * 2 < self._sampleNumber:
            # If the audio stream is over 2 seconds ahead, we wait 1 second before continuing
            self._log.debug("Stream is over 2 seconds ahead. Sleeping for 1 second.")
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

        # print("\n\nSENDING DATA", new_frame, new_frame.time_base)
        self._log.debug("Writing frame %s", new_frame)
        return new_frame