Ejemplo n.º 1
def on_pyblish_instance_toggled(instance, new_value, old_value):
    """Toggle saver tool passthrough states on instance toggles."""

    from avalon.fusion import comp_lock_and_undo_chunk

    comp = instance.context.data.get("currentComp")
    if not comp:

    savers = [
        tool for tool in instance if getattr(tool, "ID", None) == "Saver"
    if not savers:

    # Whether instances should be passthrough based on new value
    passthrough = not new_value
    with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp,
                                  undo_queue_name="Change instance "
                                  "active state"):
        for tool in savers:
            attrs = tool.GetAttrs()
            current = attrs["TOOLB_PassThrough"]
            if current != passthrough:
                tool.SetAttrs({"TOOLB_PassThrough": passthrough})
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def load(self, context, name, namespace, data):

        from avalon.fusion import (imprint_container, get_current_comp,

        # Fallback to asset name when namespace is None
        if namespace is None:
            namespace = context['asset']['name']

        # Use the first file for now
        path = self._get_first_image(self.fname)

        # Create the Loader with the filename path set
        comp = get_current_comp()
        with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Create Loader"):

            args = (-32768, -32768)
            tool = comp.AddTool("Loader", *args)
            tool["Clip"] = path

            # Set global in point to start frame (if in version.data)
            start = context["version"]["data"].get("startFrame", None)
            if start is not None:
                loader_shift(tool, start, relative=False)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def duplicate_with_input_connections():
    """Duplicate selected tools with incoming connections."""

    original_tools = comp.GetToolList(True).values()
    if not original_tools:
        return  # nothing selected

    with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Duplicate With Input Connections"):

        # Generate duplicates
        duplicate_tools = comp.GetToolList(True).values()

        # Copy connections
        for original, new in zip(original_tools, duplicate_tools):

            original_inputs = original.GetInputList().values()
            new_inputs = new.GetInputList().values()
            assert len(original_inputs) == len(new_inputs)

            for original_input, new_input in zip(original_inputs, new_inputs):

                if is_connected(original_input):

                    if is_connected(new_input):
                        # Already connected if it is between the copied tools

                    assert is_connected(new_input), "Must be connected now"
    def process(self):

        file_format = "TiffFormat"

        comp = fusion.get_current_comp()

        # todo: improve method of getting current environment
        # todo: pref avalon.Session over os.environ

        workdir = os.path.normpath(os.environ["AVALON_WORKDIR"])

        filename = "{}..tiff".format(self.name)
        filepath = os.path.join(workdir, "render", "preview", filename)

        with fusion.comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp):
            args = (-32768, -32768)  # Magical position numbers
            saver = comp.AddTool("Saver", *args)
            saver.SetAttrs({"TOOLS_Name": self.name})

            # Setting input attributes is different from basic attributes
            # Not confused with "MainInputAttributes" which
            saver["Clip"] = filepath
            saver["OutputFormat"] = file_format

            # # # Set standard TIFF settings
            if saver[file_format] is None:
                raise RuntimeError("File format is not set to TiffFormat, "
                                   "this is a bug")

            # Set file format attributes
            saver[file_format]["Depth"] = 1  # int8 | int16 | float32 | other
            saver[file_format]["SaveAlpha"] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def remove(self, container):

        from avalon.fusion import comp_lock_and_undo_chunk

        tool = container["_tool"]
        assert tool.ID == "Loader", "Must be Loader"
        comp = tool.Comp()

        with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Remove Loader"):
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def process(self, instance):

        context = instance.context
        key = "__hasRun{}".format(self.__class__.__name__)
        if context.data.get(key, False):
            context.data[key] = True

        current_comp = context.data["currentComp"]
        frame_start = current_comp.GetAttrs("COMPN_RenderStart")
        frame_end = current_comp.GetAttrs("COMPN_RenderEnd")
        path = instance.data["path"]
        output_dir = instance.data["outputDir"]

        ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[-1]

        self.log.info("Starting render")
        self.log.info("Start frame: {}".format(frame_start))
        self.log.info("End frame: {}".format(frame_end))

        with fusion.comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(current_comp):
            result = current_comp.Render()

        if "representations" not in instance.data:
            instance.data["representations"] = []

        collected_frames = os.listdir(output_dir)
        repre = {
            'name': ext[1:],
            'ext': ext[1:],
            'frameStart': "%0{}d".format(len(str(frame_end))) % frame_start,
            'files': collected_frames,
            "stagingDir": output_dir,

        # review representation
        repre_preview = repre.copy()
        repre_preview["name"] = repre_preview["ext"] = "mp4"
        repre_preview["tags"] = ["review", "preview", "ftrackreview", "delete"]

        self.log.debug(f"_ instance.data: {pformat(instance.data)}")

        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("Comp render failed")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_loader_ranges():
    comp = fusion.get_current_comp()
    with fusion.comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Reload clip time ranges"):
        tools = comp.GetToolList(True, "Loader").values()
        for tool in tools:

            # Get tool attributes
            tool_a = tool.GetAttrs()
            clipTable = tool_a['TOOLST_Clip_Name']
            altclipTable = tool_a['TOOLST_AltClip_Name']
            startTime = tool_a['TOOLNT_Clip_Start']
            old_global_in = tool.GlobalIn[comp.CurrentTime]

            # Reapply
            for index, _ in clipTable.items():
                time = startTime[index]
                tool.Clip[time] = tool.Clip[time]

            for index, _ in altclipTable.items():
                time = startTime[index]
                tool.ProxyFilename[time] = tool.ProxyFilename[time]

            tool.GlobalIn[comp.CurrentTime] = old_global_in
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def process(self, instance):

        # This should be a ContextPlugin, but this is a workaround
        # for a bug in pyblish to run once for a family: issue #250
        context = instance.context
        key = "__hasRun{}".format(self.__class__.__name__)
        if context.data.get(key, False):
            context.data[key] = True

        current_comp = context.data["currentComp"]
        start_frame = current_comp.GetAttrs("COMPN_RenderStart")
        end_frame = current_comp.GetAttrs("COMPN_RenderEnd")

        self.log.info("Starting render")
        self.log.info("Start frame: {}".format(start_frame))
        self.log.info("End frame: {}".format(end_frame))

        with fusion.comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(current_comp):
            result = current_comp.Render()

        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("Comp render failed")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def update(self, container, representation):
        """Update the Loader's path

        Fusion automatically tries to reset some variables when changing
        the loader's path to a new file. These automatic changes are to its
            - ClipTimeStart: Fusion reset to 0 if duration changes
              - We keep the trim in as close as possible to the previous value.
                When there are less frames then the amount of trim we reduce
                it accordingly.

            - ClipTimeEnd: Fusion reset to 0 if duration changes
              - We keep the trim out as close as possible to the previous value
                within new amount of frames after trim in (ClipTimeStart) has
                been set.

            - GlobalIn: Fusion reset to comp's global in if duration changes
              - We change it to the "startFrame"

            - GlobalEnd: Fusion resets to globalIn + length if duration changes
              - We do the same like Fusion - allow fusion to take control.

            - HoldFirstFrame: Fusion resets this to 0
              - We preverse the value.

            - HoldLastFrame: Fusion resets this to 0
              - We preverse the value.

            - Reverse: Fusion resets to disabled if "Loop" is not enabled.
              - We preserve the value.

            - Depth: Fusion resets to "Format"
              - We preverse the value.

            - KeyCode: Fusion resets to ""
              - We preverse the value.

            - TimeCodeOffset: Fusion resets to 0
              - We preverse the value.


        from avalon.fusion import comp_lock_and_undo_chunk

        tool = container["_tool"]
        assert tool.ID == "Loader", "Must be Loader"
        comp = tool.Comp()

        root = api.get_representation_path(representation)
        path = self._get_first_image(root)

        # Get start frame from version data
        version = io.find_one({
            "type": "version",
            "_id": representation["parent"]
        start = version["data"].get("startFrame")
        if start is None:
            self.log.warning("Missing start frame for updated version"
                             "assuming starts at frame 0 for: "
                             "{} ({})".format(tool.Name, representation))
            start = 0

        with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Update Loader"):

            # Update the loader's path whilst preserving some values
            with preserve_trim(tool, log=self.log):
                with preserve_inputs(tool,
                                     inputs=("HoldFirstFrame", "HoldLastFrame",
                                             "Reverse", "Depth", "KeyCode",
                    tool["Clip"] = path

            # Set the global in to the start frame of the sequence
            global_in_changed = loader_shift(tool, start, relative=False)
            if global_in_changed:
                # Log this change to the user
                self.log.debug("Changed '%s' global in: %d" %
                               (tool.Name, start))

            # Update the imprinted representation
            tool.SetData("avalon.representation", str(representation["_id"]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    """Set all loaders to 32 bit"""
    with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, 'Loaders to 32bit'):
        tools = comp.GetToolList(False, "Loader").values()
        for tool in tools:
            tool.Depth = 5
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    """Set all backgrounds to 32 bit"""
    with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, 'Backgrounds to 32bit'):
        tools = comp.GetToolList(False, "Background").values()
        for tool in tools:
            tool.Depth = 5
Ejemplo n.º 12
"""Forces Fusion to 'retrigger' the Loader to update.

    This might change settings like 'Reverse', 'Loop', trims and other
    settings of the Loader. So use this at your own risk.


from avalon.fusion import comp_lock_and_undo_chunk

with comp_lock_and_undo_chunk(comp, "Reload clip time ranges"):
    tools = comp.GetToolList(True, "Loader").values()
    for tool in tools:

        # Get tool attributes
        tool_a = tool.GetAttrs()
        clipTable = tool_a['TOOLST_Clip_Name']
        altclipTable = tool_a['TOOLST_AltClip_Name']
        startTime = tool_a['TOOLNT_Clip_Start']
        old_global_in = tool.GlobalIn[comp.CurrentTime]

        # Reapply
        for index, _ in clipTable.items():
            time = startTime[index]
            tool.Clip[time] = tool.Clip[time]

        for index, _ in altclipTable.items():
            time = startTime[index]
            tool.ProxyFilename[time] = tool.ProxyFilename[time]

        tool.GlobalIn[comp.CurrentTime] = old_global_in