Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_input_empty():
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        val = Avg.absAvg([])
        assert False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_allpositive():
    val = Avg.absAvg([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    assert val == 3
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_input_none():
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        val = Avg.absAvg(None)
        assert False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_allnegative():
    val = Avg.absAvg([-1, -2, -3, -4, -5])
    assert val == 3
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, country, param, input_dir, output_dir, data,
                 model = 'Verhulst', label = 'Cases'):
        Constructor of the class

        Parameters :
        country : str
            country name.
        param : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the parameters.
        input_dir : str
            input directory.
        output_dir : str
            output directory.
        data : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the historical data.
        data_der : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the historical data derivative. The default is
        model : str, optional
            str to identify the model used: possible values :
                {'Verhulst', 'Gompertz', 'Mixed_VG', 'Allee'}.
                The default is 'Verhulst'.
        label : str, optional
            str in {'Cases', 'Deads'}. The default is 'Cases'.

        Returns :

        self.__country__ = country
        line = param[param['country'] == country]

        self.__line__ = line
        self.__total__ = int(line['total_n'])
        self.__err__ = float(line['err_real_data'])
        self.__output_dir__ = output_dir 
        self.__data__ = data
        if model == 'Verhulst':
            self.__mod__ = Verhulst(data[self.__country__])
        elif model == 'Gompertz':
            self.__mod__ = Gompertz(data[self.__country__])    
        elif model == 'Mixed_VG':
            self.__mod__ = Mixed_VG(data[self.__country__])
        elif model == 'Allee':
            self.__mod__ = Allee(data[self.__country__], None)
        elif model == 'AVG':
            self.__mod__ = Avg(data[self.__country__], None)
        self.__label__ = label
        self.__stop_day__ = stop_day
        if label == 'Cases':
            self.__stop_day__datum = pd.read_csv(path_join(input_dir,
                                               sep = ';')[self.__country__]
        elif label == 'Deads':
            self.__stop_day__datum = pd.read_csv(path_join(input_dir,
                                               sep = ';')[self.__country__]
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Covid_predictor():
    def __init__(self, country, param, input_dir, output_dir, data,
                 model = 'Verhulst', label = 'Cases'):
        Constructor of the class

        Parameters :
        country : str
            country name.
        param : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the parameters.
        input_dir : str
            input directory.
        output_dir : str
            output directory.
        data : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the historical data.
        data_der : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the historical data derivative. The default is
        model : str, optional
            str to identify the model used: possible values :
                {'Verhulst', 'Gompertz', 'Mixed_VG', 'Allee'}.
                The default is 'Verhulst'.
        label : str, optional
            str in {'Cases', 'Deads'}. The default is 'Cases'.

        Returns :

        self.__country__ = country
        line = param[param['country'] == country]

        self.__line__ = line
        self.__total__ = int(line['total_n'])
        self.__err__ = float(line['err_real_data'])
        self.__output_dir__ = output_dir 
        self.__data__ = data
        if model == 'Verhulst':
            self.__mod__ = Verhulst(data[self.__country__])
        elif model == 'Gompertz':
            self.__mod__ = Gompertz(data[self.__country__])    
        elif model == 'Mixed_VG':
            self.__mod__ = Mixed_VG(data[self.__country__])
        elif model == 'Allee':
            self.__mod__ = Allee(data[self.__country__], None)
        elif model == 'AVG':
            self.__mod__ = Avg(data[self.__country__], None)
        self.__label__ = label
        self.__stop_day__ = stop_day
        if label == 'Cases':
            self.__stop_day__datum = pd.read_csv(path_join(input_dir,
                                               sep = ';')[self.__country__]
        elif label == 'Deads':
            self.__stop_day__datum = pd.read_csv(path_join(input_dir,
                                               sep = ';')[self.__country__]

    def stop_day_value(self):
        This method returns the real datum for stop_day

        Returns : 
            Real datum for stop_day.

        return self.__stop_day__datum

    def stop_day_rel_err(self):
        This method returns the real datum for stop_day

        Returns : 
            Real datum for stop_day.

        pred = self.predict_until(self.__stop_day__, 'stop_day_pred',
                                  do_plt = False)
        scaled_pred = self.__total__ * float(pred[-1])
        return abs(
            self.__stop_day__datum - scaled_pred) / self.__stop_day__datum
    def predict_until_n(self, prediction_days, date_to_predict,
                        name = 'pred', do_plt = True):
        Predict the future outcome until the given date using historical data

        Parameters :
        prediction_days : int
            int of the day to predict.
        date_to_predict : str
            str with the ending day of the prevision.
        name : str
            str with the name for the graph. The default is 'pred'.
        do_plt : bool
            if True the plot will be done. The default is True
        Returns :
        pred: list
           scaled result of the prediction from the first day to 
        pred = self.__mod__.prediction_series(self.__line__,
                                              limit = prediction_days)  
        if do_plt:
            plt_str = self.__country__ + "_" + self.__label__ + name
                            self.__data__[self.__country__], pred,
                            self.__output_dir__, err = self.__err__,
                            index_2 = range(len(pred)), name = plt_str)
        return pred
    def predict_until(self, date_to_predict, name = 'pred', do_plt = True):
        Predict the future outcome until the given date using historical data

        Parameters :
        date_to_predict : str
            str with the ending day of the prevision.
        name : str
            str with the name for the graph. The default is 'pred'.
        do_plt : bool
            if True the plot will be done. The default is True

        Returns :
        pred: list
           scaled result of the prediction from the first day to 

        prediction_date = datetime.strptime(date_to_predict,
        prediction_days = (prediction_date - initial_day).days
        return self.predict_until_n(prediction_days, date_to_predict, name,
    def current_total(self):
        This method returns the current total

        Returns :
            current total.

        return self.__total__

    def predict_total(self):
        This method returns the predicted total

        Returns :
            predicted total.


        return self.__total__ * self.__mod__.predict_max(self.__line__)
    def error_margin(self):
        This method returns the predicted total

        Returns :
            predicted total.


        return self.__total__ * self.__err__
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def param_table(self, data, data_der=None):
        Solve the optimization problem of the model for all the countries
        returning a dataframe with the results of the simulation
        Parameters :
        data : pd.DataFrame/Series
            data to be used.
        data_der : pd.DataFrame
            DataFrame with the historical data derivative. The default is
        Returns :
        param_data : pd.DataFrame
            dataframe of parameters.

        param_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.__new_cols__)

        for col in data.columns:
            if col != 'date' and col not in self.__warning_list__:
                col_len = len(data[col])
                useful_data = col_len - first_day(data[col])
                if self.__model__ == 'Verhulst':
                    mod = Verhulst(data[col])
                elif self.__model__ == 'Gompertz':
                    mod = Gompertz(data[col])
                elif self.__model__ == 'Mixed_VG':
                    mod = Mixed_VG(data[col])
                elif self.__model__ == 'Allee':
                    mod = Allee(data[col], data_der[col])
                elif self.__model__ == 'AVG':
                    mod = Avg(data[col], data_der[col])

                self.__param_cols__ = mod.param_cols
                self.__initial_p__ = mod.initial_p
                self.__model_bounds__ = mod.model_bounds

                #at the first time we have to add the other columns
                if len(param_data.columns) == len(self.__new_cols__):
                    param_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.__new_cols__ +
                res = minimize(fun = mod.MSE, x0 = self.__initial_p__,
                               args = (data[col]), jac = grad_MSE,
                               method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                               bounds = self.__model_bounds__)
                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:

                    res = minimize(fun=mod.MSE,
                    if len(w) > 0:
                        err = sqrt(res.fun)
                        line = [
                            col, useful_data,
                            err * sqrt(col_len / float(useful_data))
                        for i in range(len(self.__param_cols__)):
                        param_data.loc[len(param_data)] = line
                    if not res.success:
                        print(self.__model__, col, "unsuccess")
        return param_data