Ejemplo n.º 1
from awn.extras import _, awnlib, __version__
from desktopagnostic import fdo, vfs

    import dbus
    from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
except ImportError:
    dbus = None

import gio
import glib
import gmenu

# TODO Remove the check and the else as soon as Ubuntu Moaning Monkey is not supported anymore
if awnlib.is_required_version(glib.pyglib_version, (2, 26, 0)):
    xdg_data_dirs = [glib.get_user_data_dir()] + list(glib.get_system_data_dirs())
    xdg_data_dirs = [os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share")]
    if "XDG_DATA_DIRS" in os.environ:
        xdg_data_dirs += os.environ["XDG_DATA_DIRS"].split(":")

applet_name = _("YAMA")
applet_description = _("Main menu with places and recent documents")

# Applet's themed icon, also shown in the GTK About dialog
applet_logo = "start-here"

menu_editor_apps = ("alacarte", "gmenu-simple-editor")

# Describes the pattern used to try to decode URLs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compare_linux_version(wanted_version):
    version = map(int, platform.release().split("-")[0].split("."))
    return awnlib.is_required_version(version, wanted_version)
Ejemplo n.º 3
from awn.extras import _, awnlib, __version__
from desktopagnostic import fdo, vfs

    import dbus
    from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
except ImportError:
    dbus = None

import gio
import glib
import matemenu

# TODO Remove the check and the else as soon as Ubuntu Moaning Monkey is not supported anymore
if awnlib.is_required_version(glib.pyglib_version, (2, 26, 0)):
    xdg_data_dirs = [glib.get_user_data_dir()] + list(glib.get_system_data_dirs())
    xdg_data_dirs = [os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share")]
    if "XDG_DATA_DIRS" in os.environ:
        xdg_data_dirs += os.environ["XDG_DATA_DIRS"].split(":")

applet_name = _("MATE-YAMA")
applet_description = _("Main menu with places and recent documents")

# Applet's themed icon, also shown in the GTK About dialog
applet_logo = "start-here"

menu_editor_apps = ("alacarte", "mozo", "matemenu-simple-editor")

# Describes the pattern used to try to decode URLs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compare_linux_version(wanted_version):
    version = map(int, platform.release().split("-")[0].split("."))
    return awnlib.is_required_version(version, wanted_version)