Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, api, axis, flip_vertically=False, flip_horizontally=False, mirror_horizontally=False):
        """Create the controller.

        :param api: The VAPIX instance to be used to communicate with the camera.
        :type api: :py:class:`axis_camera.VAPIX`
        :param axis: The parameter holding class.
        :type axis: axis.Axis
        :param flip_vertically: If True, flip the controls vertically (for ceiling mounted cameras).
        :type flip_vertically: bool
        :param flip_horizontally: If True, flip the controls horizontally (for ceiling mounted cameras).
        :type flip_horizontally: bool
        :param mirror_horizontally: If True, mirror the controls horizontally (for backwards mounted cameras).
        :type mirror_horizontally: bool
        self._api = api
        self._axis = axis
        self._flip_vertically = flip_vertically
        self._flip_horizontally = flip_horizontally
        self._mirror_horizontally = mirror_horizontally

        self._parameter_update_mutex = threading.Lock()
        self._executing_parameter_update = False
        self._reconfigure_mutex = threading.Lock()
        self._executing_reconfigure = False

        self._autofocus = True
        self._focus = 0
        self._autoiris = True
        self._iris = 0
        self._brightness = 5000
        self._backlight = False
        self._ir_cut_filter = True

        self._dynamic_reconfigure_server = Server(CameraConfig, self._reconfigure, "axis_ptz_driver")

        self._diagnostic_updater = Updater()
        self._diagnostic_updater.add(FunctionDiagnosticTask("Last command status", self._diagnostic_last_command))
        self._last_command_error = None

        timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), lambda (event): self._diagnostic_updater.update())

        # set up the topics this node listens on
        # the callbacks are created as lambda wrappers around the Python API functions of this controller so that we
        # do not blow this file with more unnecessary methods
        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt', 'AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._absolute_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/absolute", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.set_ptz), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('RelativePan', 'RelativeTilt', 'RelativeZoom'):
            self._relative_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/relative", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.adjust_ptz), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('ContinuousPan', 'ContinuousTilt', 'ContinuousZoom'):
            self._velocity_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/velocity", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.set_ptz_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt'):
            self._absolute_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/absolute", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.set_pan_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('RelativePan', 'RelativeTilt'):
            self._relative_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/relative", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.adjust_pan_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('ContinuousPan', 'ContinuousTilt'):
            self._velocity_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/velocity", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.set_pan_tilt_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsolutePan'):
            self._absolute_pan_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/absolute", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_pan), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteTilt'):
            self._absolute_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/absolute", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._absolute_zoom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/absolute", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_zoom), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativePan'):
            self._relative_pan_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/relative", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_pan), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeTilt'):
            self._relative_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/relative", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeZoom'):
            self._relative_zoom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/relative", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_zoom), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousPan'):
            self._pan_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/velocity", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_pan_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousTilt'):
            self._tilt_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_tilt_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousZoom'):
            self._zoom_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_zoom_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt', 'AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._look_at_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/look_at", PointInRectangle, self._call_with_pir_message(self.look_at), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AutoFocus'):
            self._autofocus_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/auto", Bool, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_autofocus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteFocus'):
            self._focus_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_focus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeFocus'):
            self._focus_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_focus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousFocus'):
            self._focus_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_focus_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AutoIris'):
            self._autoiris_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/auto", Bool, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_autoiris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteIris'):
            self._iris_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_iris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeIris'):
            self._iris_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_iris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousIris'):
            self._iris_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_iris_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteBrightness'):
            self._brightness_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_brightness), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeBrightness'):
            self._brightness_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_brightness), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousBrightness'):
            self._brightness_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_brightness_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('BackLight'):
            self._use_backlight_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/backlight_compensation", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.use_backlight_compensation), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('IrCutFilter', 'AutoIrCutFilter'):
            self._use_ir_cut_filter_auto_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/ir_cut_filter/auto", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_ir_cut_filter_auto), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('IrCutFilter'):
            self._use_ir_cut_filter_use_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/ir_cut_filter/use", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_ir_cut_filter_use), queue_size=100)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class AxisCameraController(object):
    """A class serving as the Python and ROS controller of the Axis camera.

    It provides numerous topics/methods using which the camera can be controlled via VAPIX.
    Each topic is only subscribed if the camera reports capabilities required for executing the topic's functionality.

    Currently provided topics are:

    - control/pan_tilt_zoom/absolute
    - control/pan_tilt_zoom/relative
    - control/pan_tilt_zoom/velocity
    - control/pan_tilt/absolute
    - control/pan_tilt/relative
    - control/pan_tilt/velocity
    - control/pan/absolute
    - control/tilt/absolute
    - control/zoom/absolute
    - control/pan/relative
    - control/tilt/relative
    - control/zoom/relative
    - control/pan/velocity
    - control/tilt/velocity
    - control/zoom/velocity
    - control/look_at
    - control/camera/focus/auto
    - control/camera/focus/absolute
    - control/camera/focus/relative
    - control/camera/focus/velocity
    - control/camera/iris/auto
    - control/camera/iris/absolute
    - control/camera/iris/relative
    - control/camera/iris/velocity
    - control/camera/brightness/absolute
    - control/camera/brightness/relative
    - control/camera/brightness/velocity
    - control/camera/backlight_compensation
    - control/camera/ir_cut_filter/auto
    - control/camera/ir_cut_filter/use

    def __init__(self, api, axis, flip_vertically=False, flip_horizontally=False, mirror_horizontally=False):
        """Create the controller.

        :param api: The VAPIX instance to be used to communicate with the camera.
        :type api: :py:class:`axis_camera.VAPIX`
        :param axis: The parameter holding class.
        :type axis: axis.Axis
        :param flip_vertically: If True, flip the controls vertically (for ceiling mounted cameras).
        :type flip_vertically: bool
        :param flip_horizontally: If True, flip the controls horizontally (for ceiling mounted cameras).
        :type flip_horizontally: bool
        :param mirror_horizontally: If True, mirror the controls horizontally (for backwards mounted cameras).
        :type mirror_horizontally: bool
        self._api = api
        self._axis = axis
        self._flip_vertically = flip_vertically
        self._flip_horizontally = flip_horizontally
        self._mirror_horizontally = mirror_horizontally

        self._parameter_update_mutex = threading.Lock()
        self._executing_parameter_update = False
        self._reconfigure_mutex = threading.Lock()
        self._executing_reconfigure = False

        self._autofocus = True
        self._focus = 0
        self._autoiris = True
        self._iris = 0
        self._brightness = 5000
        self._backlight = False
        self._ir_cut_filter = True

        self._dynamic_reconfigure_server = Server(CameraConfig, self._reconfigure, "axis_ptz_driver")

        self._diagnostic_updater = Updater()
        self._diagnostic_updater.add(FunctionDiagnosticTask("Last command status", self._diagnostic_last_command))
        self._last_command_error = None

        timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), lambda (event): self._diagnostic_updater.update())

        # set up the topics this node listens on
        # the callbacks are created as lambda wrappers around the Python API functions of this controller so that we
        # do not blow this file with more unnecessary methods
        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt', 'AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._absolute_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/absolute", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.set_ptz), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('RelativePan', 'RelativeTilt', 'RelativeZoom'):
            self._relative_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/relative", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.adjust_ptz), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('ContinuousPan', 'ContinuousTilt', 'ContinuousZoom'):
            self._velocity_ptz_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt_zoom/velocity", PTZ, self._call_with_ptz_message(self.set_ptz_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt'):
            self._absolute_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/absolute", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.set_pan_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('RelativePan', 'RelativeTilt'):
            self._relative_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/relative", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.adjust_pan_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('ContinuousPan', 'ContinuousTilt'):
            self._velocity_pan_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan_tilt/velocity", PTZ, self._call_with_pt_message(self.set_pan_tilt_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsolutePan'):
            self._absolute_pan_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/absolute", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_pan), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteTilt'):
            self._absolute_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/absolute", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._absolute_zoom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/absolute", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_zoom), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativePan'):
            self._relative_pan_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/relative", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_pan), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeTilt'):
            self._relative_tilt_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/relative", Float32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_tilt), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeZoom'):
            self._relative_zoom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/relative", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_zoom), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousPan'):
            self._pan_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/pan/velocity", Int32, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_pan_velocity),

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousTilt'):
            self._tilt_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/tilt/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_tilt_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousZoom'):
            self._zoom_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/zoom/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_zoom_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('AbsolutePan', 'AbsoluteTilt', 'AbsoluteZoom'):
            self._look_at_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/look_at", PointInRectangle, self._call_with_pir_message(self.look_at), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AutoFocus'):
            self._autofocus_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/auto", Bool, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_autofocus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteFocus'):
            self._focus_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_focus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeFocus'):
            self._focus_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_focus), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousFocus'):
            self._focus_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/focus/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_focus_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AutoIris'):
            self._autoiris_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/auto", Bool, self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_autoiris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteIris'):
            self._iris_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_iris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeIris'):
            self._iris_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_iris), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousIris'):
            self._iris_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/iris/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_iris_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteBrightness'):
            self._brightness_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/absolute", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_brightness), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('RelativeBrightness'):
            self._brightness_relative_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/relative", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.adjust_brightness), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('ContinuousBrightness'):
            self._brightness_velocity_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/brightness/velocity", Int32,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_brightness_velocity), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capability('BackLight'):
            self._use_backlight_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/backlight_compensation", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.use_backlight_compensation), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('IrCutFilter', 'AutoIrCutFilter'):
            self._use_ir_cut_filter_auto_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/ir_cut_filter/auto", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_ir_cut_filter_auto), queue_size=100)

        if self._api.has_capabilities('IrCutFilter'):
            self._use_ir_cut_filter_use_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
                "control/camera/ir_cut_filter/use", Bool,
                self._call_with_simple_message_data(self.set_ir_cut_filter_use), queue_size=100)

    def set_ptz(self, pan, tilt, zoom):
        """Command the PTZ unit with an absolute pose taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The desired pan. In None, pan is not commanded at all.
                    The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The desired tilt. In None, tilt is not commanded at all.
                     The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type tilt: float
        :param zoom: The desired zoom level. In None, zoom is not commanded at all.
        :type pan: int
        :return: The pan, tilt and zoom values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  from -170 to +170 pan is requested).

        .. note:: Since the pan and tilt values are periodic and normalization takes place in this function, you can
                  simply call this command in loops like e.g. ``for pan in range(0,3600,30): move_ptz_absolute(pan)``
                  to rotate the camera 10 times.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_absolute(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_absolute(pan, tilt, zoom)

    def adjust_ptz(self, pan, tilt, zoom):
        """Command the PTZ unit with a relative pose shift taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The pan change. In None or 0, pan remains unchanged.
                    The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The tilt change. In None or 0, tilt remains unchanged.
                     The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type tilt: float
        :param zoom: The zoom change. In None or 0, zoom remains unchanged. May be negative.
        :type pan: int
        :return: The pan, tilt and zoom change values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  by 300 deg pan is requested).
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_relative(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_relative(pan, tilt, zoom)

    def set_ptz_velocity(self, pan, tilt, zoom):
        """Command the PTZ unit velocity in terms of pan, tilt and zoom taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: Pan speed. In None or 0, pan remains unchanged. Pan speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360).
                    May be negative.
        :type pan: int
        :param tilt: Tilt speed. In None or 0, tilt remains unchanged. Tilt speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360).
                    May be negative.
        :type tilt: int
        :param zoom: Zoom speed. In None or 0, zoom remains unchanged. May be negative.
        :type pan: int
        :return: The pan, tilt and zoom change values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution.

        .. note:: It is not clearly stated in the API, but practically any following absolute/relative pose command
                  sets velocity to zero.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_velocity(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.set_ptz_velocity(pan, tilt, zoom)

    def set_pan_tilt(self, pan, tilt):
        """Command the PTZ unit with an absolute pan and tilt taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The desired pan. In None, pan is not commanded at all.
                    The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The desired tilt. In None, tilt is not commanded at all.
                     The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The pan and tilt values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  from -170 to +170 pan is requested).

        .. note:: Since the pan and tilt values are periodic and normalization takes place in this function, you can
                  simply call this command in loops like e.g. ``for pan in range(0,3600,30): move_ptz_absolute(pan)``
                  to rotate the camera 10 times.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_absolute(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_absolute(pan=pan, tilt=tilt)[slice(0, 2)]

    def adjust_pan_tilt(self, pan, tilt):
        """Command the PTZ unit with a relative pan and tilt taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The pan change. In None or 0, pan remains unchanged.
                    The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The tilt change. In None or 0, tilt remains unchanged.
                     The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The pan and tilt change values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  by 300 deg pan is requested).
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_relative(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_relative(pan=pan, tilt=tilt)[slice(0, 2)]

    def set_pan_tilt_velocity(self, pan, tilt):
        """Command the PTZ unit velocity in terms of pan, tilt and zoom taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: Pan speed. In None or 0, pan remains unchanged. Pan speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360).
                    May be negative.
        :type pan: int
        :param tilt: Tilt speed. In None or 0, tilt remains unchanged. Tilt speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360).
                    May be negative.
        :type tilt: int
        :return: The pan and tilt velocity values that were really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: tuple

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution.

        .. note:: It is not clearly stated in the API, but practically any following absolute/relative pose command
                  sets velocity to zero.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_velocity(pan, tilt)
        return self._api.set_ptz_velocity(pan=pan, tilt=tilt)[slice(0, 2)]

    def set_pan(self, pan):
        """Command an absolute pan taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The desired pan. The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type pan: float
        :return: The pan value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: float

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  from -170 to +170 pan is requested).

        .. note:: Since the pan and tilt values are periodic and normalization takes place in this function, you can
                  simply call this command in loops like e.g. ``for pan in range(0,3600,30): move_ptz_absolute(pan)``
                  to rotate the camera 10 times.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_absolute(pan, 0)
        return self._api.move_ptz_absolute(pan=pan)[0]

    def set_tilt(self, tilt):
        """Command an absolute tilt taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param tilt: The desired tilt. The value is automatically normalized to <-180,+180>
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The tilt value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: float

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  from -170 to +170 pan is requested).

        .. note:: Since the pan and tilt values are periodic and normalization takes place in this function, you can
                  simply call this command in loops like e.g. ``for pan in range(0,3600,30): move_ptz_absolute(pan)``
                  to rotate the camera 10 times.
        (pan, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_absolute(0, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_absolute(tilt=tilt)[1]

    def set_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Command an absolute zoom.

        :param zoom: The desired zoom level.
        :type zoom: int
        :return: The zoom value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  from -170 to +170 pan is requested).

        .. note:: Since the pan and tilt values are periodic and normalization takes place in this function, you can
                  simply call this command in loops like e.g. ``for pan in range(0,3600,30): move_ptz_absolute(pan)``
                  to rotate the camera 10 times.
        return self._api.move_ptz_absolute(zoom=zoom)[2]

    def adjust_pan(self, pan):
        """Command a relative pan taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param pan: The pan change. The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type pan: float
        :return: The pan change value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: float

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  by 300 deg pan is requested).
        (pan, _) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_relative(pan, 0)
        return self._api.move_ptz_relative(pan=pan)[0]

    def adjust_tilt(self, tilt):
        """Command a relative tilt taking into account flips and mirroring.

        :param tilt: The tilt change. The value is automatically normalized to <-360,+360>. May be negative.
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The tilt change value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: float

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  by 300 deg pan is requested).
        (_, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_relative(0, tilt)
        return self._api.move_ptz_relative(tilt=tilt)[1]

    def adjust_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Command a relative zoom.

        :param zoom: The zoom change. In None or 0, zoom remains unchanged. May be negative.
        :type zoom: int
        :return: The zoom change value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution (which might take a while if e.g. a move
                  by 300 deg pan is requested).
        return self._api.move_ptz_relative(zoom=zoom)[2]

    def set_pan_velocity(self, pan):
        """Command pan velocity.

        :param pan: Pan speed. Pan speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360). May be negative.
        :type pan: int
        :return: The pan velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution.

        .. note:: It is not clearly stated in the API, but practically any following absolute/relative pose command
                  sets velocity to zero.
        (pan, _) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_velocity(pan, 0)
        return self._api.set_ptz_velocity(pan=pan)[0]

    def set_tilt_velocity(self, tilt):
        """Command tilt velocity.

        :param tilt: Tilt speed. Tilt speed is aperiodic (can be higher than 360). May be negative.
        :type tilt: int
        :return: The tilt velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution.

        .. note:: It is not clearly stated in the API, but practically any following absolute/relative pose command
                  sets velocity to zero.
        (_, tilt) = self._apply_flip_and_mirror_velocity(0, tilt)
        return self._api.set_ptz_velocity(tilt=tilt)[1]

    def set_zoom_velocity(self, zoom):
        """Command zoom velocity.

        :param zoom: Zoom speed. May be negative.
        :type zoom: int
        :return: The zoom velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: This call doesn't wait for the command to finish execution.

        .. note:: It is not clearly stated in the API, but practically any following absolute/relative pose command
                  sets velocity to zero.
        return self._api.set_ptz_velocity(zoom=zoom)[2]

    def look_at(self, x, y, image_width, image_height):
        """Point the camera center to a point with the given coordinates in the camera image.

        :param x: X coordinate of the look-at point.
        :type x: int
        :param y: X coordinate of the look-at point.
        :type y: int
        :param image_width: Width of the image in pixels.
        :type image_width: int
        :param image_height: Height of the image in pixels.
        :type image_height: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        self._api.look_at(x, y, image_width, image_height)

    def set_autofocus(self, use):
        """Command the camera to use/stop using autofocus.

        :param use: True: use autofocus; False: do not use it.
        :type use: bool
        :return: use
        :rtype: :py:class:`bool`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        self._autofocus = use
        self._send_parameter_update("autofocus", use)
        return use

    def set_focus(self, focus, set_also_autofocus=True):
        """Set focus to the desired value (implies turning off autofocus).

        :param focus: The desired focus value.
        :type focus: int
        :param set_also_autofocus: If True and autofocus is on, turn it off first.
        :type set_also_autofocus: bool
        :return: The focus value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        focus = self._api.set_focus(focus)
        self._focus = focus
        self._send_parameter_update("focus", focus)
        if set_also_autofocus:
            self._autofocus = False
            self._send_parameter_update("autofocus", False)
        return focus

    def adjust_focus(self, amount, set_also_autofocus=True):
        """Add the desired amount to the focus value (implies turning off autofocus).

        :param amount: The desired focus change amount.
        :type amount: int
        :param set_also_autofocus: If True and autofocus is on, turn it off first.
        :type set_also_autofocus: bool
        :return: The focus change amount that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        amount = self._api.adjust_focus(amount)
        self._focus += amount
        self._send_parameter_update("focus", self._focus)
        if set_also_autofocus:
            self._autofocus = False
            self._send_parameter_update("autofocus", False)
        return amount

    def set_focus_velocity(self, velocity):
        """Set the focus "speed" (implies turning off autofocus).

        :param velocity: The desired focus velocity.
        :type velocity: int
        :return: The focus velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        return self._api.set_focus_velocity(velocity)
        # TODO self.focus updating

    def set_autoiris(self, use):
        """Command the camera to use/stop using auto iris adjustment.

        :param use: True: use auto iris adjustment; False: do not use it.
        :type use: bool
        :return: use
        :rtype: :py:class:`bool`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        self._autoiris = use
        self._send_parameter_update("autoiris", use)
        return use

    def set_iris(self, iris, set_also_autoiris=True):
        """Set iris to the desired value (implies turning off autoiris).

        :param iris: The desired iris value.
        :type iris: int
        :param set_also_autoiris: If True and autoiris is on, turn it off first.
        :type set_also_autoiris: bool
        :return: The iris value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        iris = self._api.set_iris(iris)
        self._iris = iris
        self._send_parameter_update("iris", iris)
        if set_also_autoiris:
            self._autoiris = False
            self._send_parameter_update("autoiris", False)
        return iris

    def adjust_iris(self, amount, set_also_autoiris=True):
        """Add the desired amount to the iris value (implies turning off autoiris).

        :param amount: The desired iris change amount.
        :type amount: int
        :param set_also_autoiris: If True and autoiris is on, turn it off first.
        :type set_also_autoiris: bool
        :return: The iris change amount that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        amount = self._api.adjust_iris(amount)
        self._iris += amount
        self._send_parameter_update("iris", self._iris)
        if set_also_autoiris:
            self._autoiris = False
            self._send_parameter_update("autoiris", False)
        return amount

    def set_iris_velocity(self, velocity):
        """Set the iris "speed" (implies turning off autoiris).

        :param velocity: The desired iris velocity.
        :type velocity: int
        :return: The iris velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        return self._api.set_iris_velocity(velocity)
        # TODO self.iris updating

    def set_brightness(self, brightness):
        """Set brightness to the desired value.

        :param brightness: The desired brightness value.
        :type brightness: int
        :return: The brightness value that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: The brightness setting has no effect on Axis 214 PTZ.
        brightness = self._api.set_brightness(brightness)
        self._brightness = brightness
        self._send_parameter_update("brightness", brightness)
        return brightness

    def adjust_brightness(self, amount):
        """Add the desired amount to the brightness value.

        :param amount: The desired brightness change amount.
        :type amount: int
        :return: The brightness change amount that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: int

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: The brightness setting has no effect on Axis 214 PTZ.
        amount = self._api.adjust_brightness(amount)
        self._brightness += amount
        self._send_parameter_update("brightness", self._brightness)
        return amount

    def set_brightness_velocity(self, velocity):
        """Set the brightness "speed".

        :param velocity: The desired brightness velocity.
        :type velocity: int
        :return: The brightness velocity that was really applied (e.g. the cropped and normalized input)
        :rtype: :py:class:`int`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error

        .. note:: The brightness setting has no effect on Axis 214 PTZ.
        return self._api.set_brightness_velocity(velocity)
        # TODO self.brightness updating

    def use_backlight_compensation(self, use):
        """Command the camera to use/stop using backlight compensation (requires autoiris=on set before).

        :param use: True: use backlight compensation; False: do not use it.
        :type use: bool
        :return: use
        :rtype: :py:class:`bool`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        if self._autoiris:  # the compensation needs autoiris to be active
            self._backlight = use
            use = False

        self._send_parameter_update("backlight", use)

        return use

    def set_ir_cut_filter_auto(self, use):
        """Command the camera to use auto infrared filter (requires autoiris=on set before).

        :param use: True: use automatic infrared filter;
                    False: use always.
        :type use: bool
        :return: True if the filter is always used, None if it is set to auto.
        :rtype: :py:class:`bool`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        use = (None if use else True)
        # auto IR filter requires autoiris to be active
        if self._autoiris or use is not None:
            self._ir_cut_filter = use
            use = True

        self._send_parameter_update("ircutfilter", "auto" if (use is None) else "on")

        return use

    def set_ir_cut_filter_use(self, use):
        """Command the camera to use/stop using infrared filter.

        :param use: Whether to use the filter.
        :type use: bool
        :return: use
        :rtype: :py:class:`bool`

        :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError` if the camera doesn't have capabilities to execute the given command.
        :raises: :py:class:`IOError`, :py:class:`urllib2.URLError` on network communication error
        self._ir_cut_filter = use

        self._send_parameter_update("ircutfilter", "on" if use else "off")

        return use

    def _reconfigure(self, config, level, subname):
        """Dynamic reconfigure callback.

        :param config: The config to be used.
        :type config: dict
        :return: The config with really used values.
        :rtype: dict
        if self._executing_reconfigure or self._executing_parameter_update or self._axis._executing_reconfigure:
            return config

        with self._reconfigure_mutex:
            self._executing_reconfigure = True

                if config.autofocus != self._autofocus:
                    if self._api.has_capability('AutoFocus'):
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support autofocus." % self._api.hostname)
            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for autofocus. Cause: %r" % e)

                if config.focus != self._focus:
                    if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteFocus'):
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support absolute focus control." % self._api.hostname)

            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for focus. Cause: %r" % e)

                if config.autoiris != self._autoiris:
                    if self._api.has_capability('AutoIris'):
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support autoiris." % self._api.hostname)

            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for autoiris. Cause: %r" % e)

                if config.iris != self._iris:
                    if self._api.has_capability('AbsoluteIris'):
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support absolute iris control." % self._api.hostname)

            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for iris. Cause: %r" % e)

                if config.brightness != self._brightness:
                    # there is no capability for brightness
            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for brightness. Cause: %r" % e)

                if config.backlight != self._backlight:
                    if self._api.has_capability('BackLight'):
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support backlight compensation." % self._api.hostname)

            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for backlight compenstaion. Cause: %r" % e)

                ir = None if config.ircutfilter == "auto" else (config.ircutfilter == "on")
                if ir != self._ir_cut_filter:
                    if self._api.has_capability('IrCutFilter'):
                        if ir is None or self._ir_cut_filter is None:
                            self.set_ir_cut_filter_auto(ir is None)
                        if ir is not None:
                        rospy.loginfo("Camera on host %s doesn't support IR cut filter control." % self._api.hostname)

            except (IOError, ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
                rospy.logwarn("Could not apply dynamic reconfigure for IR cut filter. Cause: %r" % e)

            config.autofocus = self._autofocus
            config.focus = self._focus
            config.autoiris = self._autoiris
            config.iris = self._iris
            config.brightness = self._brightness
            config.backlight = self._backlight
            config.ircutfilter = ("auto" if self._ir_cut_filter is None else ("on" if self._ir_cut_filter else "off"))

            self._executing_reconfigure = False

            return config

    # Helper functions

    def _send_parameter_update(self, parameter, value):
        """Notify the parameter change via dynamic reconfigure.

        :param parameter: The parameter that has changed.
        :type parameter: basestring
        :param value: New value of the parameter.
        :type value: Any
        if self._executing_parameter_update:

        with self._parameter_update_mutex:
            update = dict()
            update[parameter] = value

            self._executing_parameter_update = True

            if hasattr(self._axis, 'srv') and self._axis.srv is not None and not self._axis._executing_reconfigure:
                # axis.srv is instantiated after camera controller

            if hasattr(self, '_dynamic_reconfigure_server') and self._dynamic_reconfigure_server is not None \
                    and not self._executing_reconfigure:
                # this server can also be initialized later

            self._executing_parameter_update = False

    def _apply_flip_and_mirror_absolute(self, pan, tilt):
        """Apply flipping and mirroring to absolute pan and tilt command.

        :param pan: The input pan.
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The input tilt.
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The corrected pan and tilt.
        :rtype: tuple
        if self._flip_vertically:
            tilt = -tilt
        if self._flip_horizontally:
            pan = 180 - pan
        if self._mirror_horizontally:
            pan = -pan

        return pan, tilt

    def _apply_flip_and_mirror_relative(self, pan, tilt):
        """Apply flipping and mirroring to relative pan and tilt command.

        :param pan: The input pan.
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The input tilt.
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The corrected pan and tilt.
        :rtype: tuple
        if self._flip_vertically:
            tilt = -tilt
        if self._flip_horizontally:
            pan = -pan
        if self._mirror_horizontally:
            pan = -pan

        return pan, tilt

    def _apply_flip_and_mirror_velocity(self, pan, tilt):
        """Apply flipping and mirroring to velocity pan and tilt command.

        :param pan: The input pan.
        :type pan: float
        :param tilt: The input tilt.
        :type tilt: float
        :return: The corrected pan and tilt.
        :rtype: tuple
        if self._flip_vertically:
            tilt = -tilt
        if self._flip_horizontally:
            pan = -pan
        if self._mirror_horizontally:
            pan = -pan

        return pan, tilt

    def _record_diagnostics(self, func):
        """Wrap a function call and record diagnostics about if it has thrown an exception or not.

        :param func: The function to be wrapped.
        :type func: function
        :return: The wrapped function.
        :rtype: function
        def new_func(msg):
                self._last_command_error = None
            except Exception, e:
                self._last_command_error = e
                raise e

        return new_func