Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_parent_fail(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with pathlib object."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     with pytest.raises(exceptions.ToolsError):
         tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data, make_parent=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_is_json_true_nonjson(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=True with .json not in filename and invalid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.text"
     data = pytest
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         path_write(obj=path, data=data, is_json=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_overwrite_true(self, tmp_path):
     """Test overwrite=True."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     path_write(obj=path, data=data, overwrite=True)
     assert path.is_file()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_overwrite_false(self, tmp_path):
     """Test overwrite=False."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     with pytest.raises(ToolsError):
         path_write(obj=path, data=data, overwrite=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_noperm_parent(self):
     tmpdir = tools.pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir())
     path = tmpdir / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data, overwrite=True)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_is_json_true_json(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=True with .json not in filename and valid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.text"
     data = {"x": 2}
     ret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data, is_json=True)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == '{\n  "x": 2\n}'
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_is_json_false_dotjson_json(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=False with .json in filename and valid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.json"
     data = {"x": 2}
     ret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data, is_json=False)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == '{\n  "x": 2\n}'
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_is_json_false_dotjson_nonjson(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=False with .json in filename and invalid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.json"
     data = b""
     ret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data, is_json=False)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data.decode()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_is_json_true_nonjson(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=True with .json not in filename and invalid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.text"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         tools.path_read(obj=path, is_json=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_binary_false_binary(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=False with binary data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = b"abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data, binary=False)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data.decode()
     assert ret_path.read_bytes() == data
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_binary_true_nonbinary(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=True with nonbinary data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data, binary=True)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data
     assert ret_path.read_bytes() == data.encode()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_simple_str(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with path as str."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=format(path), data=data)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data
     assert format(ret_path) == format(path)
     assert ret_write == len(data)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_is_json_false_dotjson_nonjson(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=False with .json in filename and invalid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.json"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = tools.path_read(obj=path, is_json=False)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_binary_true(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=True."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = tools.path_read(obj=format(path), binary=True)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data.encode()
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_pathlib(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with pathlib object."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = tools.path_read(obj=path)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_is_json_false_dotjson_json(self, tmp_path):
     """Test is_json=False with .json in filename and valid json data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.json"
     data = {"x": 2}
     wret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = path_read(obj=path, is_json=False)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_binary_false(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=False."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = path_read(obj=format(path), binary=False)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_str(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with str."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = path_read(obj=format(path))
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     assert ret_read == data
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_binary_false_binary(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=False with binary data."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = b"abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data, binary=False)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == "abc\n123\n"
     if IS_WINDOWS:
         assert ret_path.read_bytes() == b"abc\r\n123\r\n"
         assert ret_path.read_bytes() == b"abc\n123\n"
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_binary_true(self, tmp_path):
     """Test binary=True."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     wret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     rret_path, ret_read = path_read(obj=format(path), binary=True)
     assert wret_path == rret_path
     if IS_WINDOWS:
         assert ret_read == b"abc\r\n123\r\n"
         assert ret_read == b"abc\n123\n"
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_simple_pathlib(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with pathlib object."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = tools.path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data
     assert format(ret_path) == format(path)
     assert ret_write == len(data)
     # FUTURE: not the same octal on windows
     assert ret_path.stat().st_mode == 33152
     assert ret_path.parent.stat().st_mode == 16832
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_simple_pathlib(self, tmp_path):
     """Test simple write with pathlib object."""
     sub1 = tmp_path / "sub1"
     sub2 = sub1 / "sub2"
     path = sub2 / "file.txt"
     data = "abc\n123\n"
     ret_path, ret_write = path_write(obj=path, data=data)
     assert ret_path.read_text() == data
     assert format(ret_path) == format(path)
     assert ret_write == len(data)
     if IS_WINDOWS:
         assert ret_path.stat().st_mode == 33206
         assert ret_path.parent.stat().st_mode == 16895
         assert ret_path.stat().st_mode == 33152
         assert ret_path.parent.stat().st_mode == 16832