def is_github_url_candidate(url):
    if url is None:
        return False
    components = uri_parse(url.lower())
    if components.netloc == '':
        return True
    return False
def _get_repo_name_from_repo_url(repository_url):
    Should be called with a valid github or azure repo url
    returns owner/reponame for github repos, repo_name for azure repo type
    repo_type = try_get_repository_type(repository_url)
    if repo_type == _GITHUB_REPO_TYPE:
        parsed_url = uri_parse(repository_url)
        logger.debug('Parsing GitHub url: %s', parsed_url)
        if parsed_url.scheme == 'https' and parsed_url.netloc == '':
            logger.debug('Parsing path in the url to find repo id.')
            stripped_path = parsed_url.path.strip('/')
            if stripped_path.endswith('.git'):
                stripped_path = stripped_path[:-4]
            return stripped_path
    if repo_type == _AZURE_GIT_REPO_TYPE:
        parsed_list = repository_url.split('/')
        index = 0
        for item in parsed_list:
            if ('' in item or '' in item) and len(parsed_list) > index + 4:
                return parsed_list[index + 4]
            index = index + 1
    raise CLIError('Could not parse repository url.')