Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_application_register_and_call_handlers(self):
        handler_called = [False]

        def handler(**kwargs):
            kwargs['args'][0] = True

        def other_handler(**kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
            self.assertEqual(kwargs['args'], 'secret sauce')

        app = Application()

        app.raise_event('was_handler_called', args=handler_called)
            "Raising event with no handlers registered somehow failed...")

        app.register('was_handler_called', handler)

        # Registered handler won't get called if event with different name
        # is raised...
        app.raise_event('other_handler_called', args=handler_called)
        self.assertFalse(handler_called[0], 'Wrong handler called!')

        app.raise_event('was_handler_called', args=handler_called)
        self.assertTrue(handler_called[0], "Handler didn't get called")

        app.raise_event('other_handler_called', args='secret sauce')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_help_loads(self):
        app = Application()
        with mock.patch('azure.cli.core.commands.arm.APPLICATION', app):
            from azure.cli.core.commands.arm import add_id_parameters
            parser_dict = {}
            cmd_tbl = app.configuration.get_command_table()
            for cmd in cmd_tbl:
                except KeyError:
            app.register(app.COMMAND_TABLE_PARAMS_LOADED, add_id_parameters)
            _store_parsers(app.parser, parser_dict)

            for name, parser in parser_dict.items():
                    help_file = _help.GroupHelpFile(name, parser) \
                        if _is_group(parser) \
                        else _help.CommandHelpFile(name, parser)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise _help.HelpAuthoringException('{}, {}'.format(
                        name, ex))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_application_register_and_call_handlers(self):
        handler_called = [False]

        def handler(**kwargs):
            kwargs['args'][0] = True

        def other_handler(**kwargs):
            self.assertEqual(kwargs['args'], 'secret sauce')

        app = Application()

        app.raise_event('was_handler_called', args=handler_called)
                         "Raising event with no handlers registered somehow failed...")

        app.register('was_handler_called', handler)

        # Registered handler won't get called if event with different name
        # is raised...
        app.raise_event('other_handler_called', args=handler_called)
        self.assertFalse(handler_called[0], 'Wrong handler called!')

        app.raise_event('was_handler_called', args=handler_called)
        self.assertTrue(handler_called[0], "Handler didn't get called")

        app.raise_event('other_handler_called', args='secret sauce')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_help_loads(self):
        app = Application()
        with mock.patch('azure.cli.core.commands.arm.APPLICATION', app):
            from azure.cli.core.commands.arm import add_id_parameters
            parser_dict = {}
            cmd_tbl = app.configuration.get_command_table()
            for cmd in cmd_tbl:
                except KeyError:
            app.register(app.COMMAND_TABLE_PARAMS_LOADED, add_id_parameters)
            app.raise_event(app.COMMAND_TABLE_PARAMS_LOADED, command_table=cmd_tbl)
            _store_parsers(app.parser, parser_dict)

            for name, parser in parser_dict.items():
                    help_file = _help.GroupHelpFile(name, parser) \
                        if _is_group(parser) \
                        else _help.CommandHelpFile(name, parser)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise _help.HelpAuthoringException('{}, {}'.format(name, ex))
    def test_generic_update_empty_nodes(self):
        my_obj = {
            'prop': None,
            'list': [],
            'dict': {
                'dict2': None
            'dict3': {}

        def my_get():
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'gencommand',
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_get.__name__),
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        # add to prop
        app.execute('gencommand --add prop a=b'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['prop'][0]['a'], 'b',
                         'verify object added to null list')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['prop'][0]), 1,
                         'verify only one object added to null list')

        # add to list
        app.execute('gencommand --add list c=d'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['list'][0]['c'], 'd',
                         'verify object added to empty list')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['list']), 1,
                         'verify only one object added to empty list')

        # set dict2
        app.execute('gencommand --set dict.dict2.e=f'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['dict']['dict2']['e'], 'f',
                         'verify object added to null dict')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['dict']['dict2']), 1,
                         'verify only one object added to null dict')

        # set dict3
        app.execute('gencommand --set dict3.g=h'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['dict3']['g'], 'h',
                         'verify object added to empty dict')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['dict3']), 1,
                         'verify only one object added to empty dict')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_choice_list_with_ints(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand('n1', test_handler)
        command.add_argument('arg', '--arg', '-a', required=False, choices=[1, 2, 3])
        command.add_argument('b', '-b', required=False, choices=['a', 'b', 'c'])
        cmd_table = {'n1': command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 -h'.split())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_choice_list_with_ints(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand('n1', test_handler)
        command.add_argument('arg', '--arg', '-a', required=False, choices=[1, 2, 3])
        command.add_argument('b', '-b', required=False, choices=['a', 'b', 'c'])
        cmd_table = {'n1': command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 -h'.split())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_choice_list_with_ints(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand("n1", test_handler)
        command.add_argument("arg", "--arg", "-a", required=False, choices=[1, 2, 3])
        command.add_argument("b", "-b", required=False, choices=["a", "b", "c"])
        cmd_table = {"n1": command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute("n1 -h".split())
    def test_generic_update_empty_nodes(self):
        my_obj = {
            'prop': None,
            'list': [],
            'dict': {
                'dict2': None
            'dict3': {}

        def my_get():
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'gencommand', '{}#{}'.format(
            __name__, my_get.__name__), '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        # add to prop
        app.execute('gencommand --add prop a=b'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['prop'][0]['a'], 'b', 'verify object added to null list')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['prop'][0]), 1, 'verify only one object added to null list')

        # add to list
        app.execute('gencommand --add list c=d'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['list'][0]['c'], 'd', 'verify object added to empty list')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['list']), 1, 'verify only one object added to empty list')

        # set dict2
        app.execute('gencommand --set dict.dict2.e=f'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['dict']['dict2']['e'], 'f', 'verify object added to null dict')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['dict']['dict2']), 1,
                         'verify only one object added to null dict')

        # set dict3
        app.execute('gencommand --set dict3.g=h'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj['dict3']['g'], 'h', 'verify object added to empty dict')
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj['dict3']), 1, 'verify only one object added to empty dict')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_help_param(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand('n1', test_handler)
        command.add_argument('arg', '--arg', '-a', required=False)
        command.add_argument('b', '-b', required=False)
        cmd_table = {'n1': command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 -h'.split())

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 --help'.split())
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_help_param(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand('n1', test_handler)
        command.add_argument('arg', '--arg', '-a', required=False)
        command.add_argument('b', '-b', required=False)
        cmd_table = {'n1': command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 -h'.split())

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute('n1 --help'.split())
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_help_param(self):
        def test_handler():

        command = CliCommand("n1", test_handler)
        command.add_argument("arg", "--arg", "-a", required=False)
        command.add_argument("b", "-b", required=False)
        cmd_table = {"n1": command}

        config = Configuration([])
        config.get_command_table = lambda: cmd_table
        app = Application()
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute("n1 -h".split())

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            app.execute("n1 --help".split())
    def test_generic_update(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        my_obj = TestObject()

        def my_get():
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'update-obj',
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_get.__name__),
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        # Test simplest ways of setting properties
        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'newValue', 'set simple property')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp=val3'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'val3', 'set simple property again')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp="foo=bar"'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'foo=bar', 'use equal in value')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[0]=newValA'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0], 'newValA',
                         'set simple list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[-4]=newValB'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0], 'newValB',
                         'set simple list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myDict.myCamelKey=success'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_dict['myCamelKey'], 'success',
                         'set simple dict element with camel case key')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myDict.my_snake_key=success'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_dict['my_snake_key'], 'success',
                         'set simple dict element with snake case key')

        # Test the different ways of indexing into a list of objects or dictionaries by filter
            'update-obj --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=value_2].myKey="foo=bar"'
            my_obj.my_list_of_camel_dicts[1]['myKey'], 'foo=bar',
            'index into list of dictionaries by camel-case key and set value with ='

            'update-obj --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey="foo=bar"].myKey=new_value'
                         'index into list of dictionaries by camel-case key')

            'update-obj --set myListOfSnakeDicts[my_key=value2].my_key=new_value'
                         'index into list of dictionaries by snake-case key')

            'update-obj --set myListOfObjects[myString=].myString=new_value'
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list_of_objects[1].my_string, 'new_value',
                         'index into list of objects by key')

        # Test setting on elements nested within lists
        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[1][1]=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[1][1], 'newValue',
                         'set nested list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[2].myKey=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[2]['myKey'], 'newValue',
                         'set nested dict element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[3].myInt=50'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[3].my_int, 50,
                         'set nested object element')

        # Test overwriting and removing values
        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp={} myProp.foo=bar'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop['foo'], 'bar',
                         'replace scalar with dict')

            'update-obj --set myProp=[] --add myProp key1=value1 --set myProp[0].key2=value2'
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0]['key1'], 'value1',
                         'replace scalar with new list and add a dict entry')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0]['key2'], 'value2',
                         'add a second value to the new dict entry')

            'update-obj --remove myProp --add myProp str1 str2 --remove myProp 0'
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_prop), 1,
                         'nullify property, add two and remove one')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0], 'str2',
                         'nullify property, add two and remove one')

        # Test various --add to lists
        app.execute('update-obj --set myList=[]'.split())
                'update-obj --add myList key1=value1 key2=value2 foo "string in quotes" [] {} foo=bar'
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0]['key1'], 'value1',
                         'add a value to a dictionary')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0]['key2'], 'value2',
                         'add a second value to the dictionary')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[1], 'foo', 'add scalar value to list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[2], 'string in quotes',
                         'add scalar value with quotes to list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[3], [], 'add list to a list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[4], {}, 'add dict to a list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[-1]['foo'], 'bar',
                         'add second dict and verify when dict is at the end')

        # Test --remove
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_list), 6, 'pre-verify length of list')
        app.execute('update-obj --remove myList -2'.split())
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_list), 5, 'verify one item removed')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[4]['foo'], 'bar',
                         'verify correct item removed')

        self.assertEqual('key1' in my_obj.my_list[0], True,
                         'verify dict item exists')
        app.execute('update-obj --remove myList[0].key1'.split())
        self.assertEqual('key1' not in my_obj.my_list[0], True,
                         'verify dict entry can be removed')
    def test_generic_update_errors(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        my_obj = TestObject()

        def my_get(a1, a2):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'gencommand',
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_get.__name__),
                                   '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        def _execute_with_error(command, error, message):
            except CLIError as err:
                if error not in str(err):
                    raise AssertionError('{}\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}'.format(
                        message, error, str(err)))
                raise AssertionError('exception not thrown')

        missing_remove_message = "Couldn't find 'doesntExist' in ''. Available options: ['myDict', 'myList', 'myListOfCamelDicts', 'myListOfObjects', 'myListOfSnakeDicts', 'myProp']"
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove doesntExist',
                            'remove non-existent property by name')
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove doesntExist 2',
                            'remove non-existent property by index')

        remove_prop_message = "Couldn't find 'doesntExist' in 'myList.doesntExist'. Available options: index into the collection 'myList.doesntExist' with [<index>] or [<key=value>]"
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList.doesntExist.missing 2',
            remove_prop_message, 'remove non-existent sub-property by index')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList 20',
                            "index 20 doesn't exist on myList",
                            'remove out-of-range index')

        set_on_list_message = "Couldn't find 'doesnt_exist' in 'myList'. Available options: index into the collection 'myList' with [<index>] or [<key=value>]"
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList.doesnt_exist=foo',
            set_on_list_message, 'set shouldn\'t work on a list')
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList.doesnt_exist.doesnt_exist2=foo',
            set_on_list_message, 'set shouldn\'t work on a list')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList[5].doesnt_exist=foo',
            "index 5 doesn't exist on myList", 'index out of range in path')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList[0]',
            'invalid syntax: --remove property.list <indexToRemove> OR --remove propertyToRemove',
            'remove requires index to be space-separated')

            "gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict={'foo':'bar'}".split())
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict.foo.doo=boo',
            "Couldn't find 'doo' in 'myDict.foo'. 'myDict.foo' does not support further indexing.",
            'Cannot dot index from a scalar value')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict.foo[0]=boo',
            "Couldn't find '[0]' in 'myDict'. 'myDict' does not support further indexing.",
            'Cannot list index from a scalar value')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --add myDict la=da',
            "invalid syntax: --add property.listProperty <key=value, string or JSON string>",
            'Add only works with lists')

        # add an entry which makes 'myKey' no longer unique
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --add myListOfCamelDicts myKey=value_2'.
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=value_2].myKey=foo',
            "non-unique key 'myKey' found multiple matches on myListOfCamelDicts. "
            "Key must be unique.", 'indexing by key must be unique')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=foo].myKey=foo',
            "item with value 'foo' doesn\'t exist for key 'myKey' on myListOfCamelDicts",
            'no match found when indexing by key and value')
    def test_generic_update(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        my_obj = TestObject()

        def my_get():
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'update-obj', '{}#{}'.format(__name__,
                                                                      my_get.__name__), '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        # Test simplest ways of setting properties
        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'newValue', 'set simple property')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp=val3'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'val3', 'set simple property again')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp="foo=bar"'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop, 'foo=bar', 'use equal in value')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[0]=newValA'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0], 'newValA', 'set simple list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[-4]=newValB'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0], 'newValB', 'set simple list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myDict.myCamelKey=success'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_dict['myCamelKey'], 'success',
                         'set simple dict element with camel case key')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myDict.my_snake_key=success'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_dict['my_snake_key'], 'success',
                         'set simple dict element with snake case key')

        # Test the different ways of indexing into a list of objects or dictionaries by filter
        app.execute('update-obj --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=value_2].myKey="foo=bar"'.split())
                         'index into list of dictionaries by camel-case key and set value with =')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey="foo=bar"].myKey=new_value'.split())
                         'index into list of dictionaries by camel-case key')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myListOfSnakeDicts[my_key=value2].my_key=new_value'.split())
                         'index into list of dictionaries by snake-case key')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myListOfObjects[myString=].myString=new_value'.split())
                         'index into list of objects by key')

        # Test setting on elements nested within lists
        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[1][1]=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[1][1], 'newValue', 'set nested list element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[2].myKey=newValue'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[2]['myKey'], 'newValue', 'set nested dict element')

        app.execute('update-obj --set myList[3].myInt=50'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[3].my_int, 50, 'set nested object element')

        # Test overwriting and removing values
        app.execute('update-obj --set myProp={} myProp.foo=bar'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop['foo'], 'bar', 'replace scalar with dict')

            'update-obj --set myProp=[] --add myProp key1=value1 --set myProp[0].key2=value2'.split())
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0]['key1'], 'value1',
                         'replace scalar with new list and add a dict entry')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0]['key2'], 'value2',
                         'add a second value to the new dict entry')

        app.execute('update-obj --remove myProp --add myProp str1 str2 --remove myProp 0'.split())
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_prop), 1, 'nullify property, add two and remove one')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_prop[0], 'str2', 'nullify property, add two and remove one')

        # Test various --add to lists
        app.execute('update-obj --set myList=[]'.split())
            'update-obj --add myList key1=value1 key2=value2 foo "string in quotes" [] {} foo=bar'))
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0]['key1'], 'value1', 'add a value to a dictionary')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[0]['key2'], 'value2',
                         'add a second value to the dictionary')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[1], 'foo', 'add scalar value to list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[2], 'string in quotes',
                         'add scalar value with quotes to list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[3], [], 'add list to a list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[4], {}, 'add dict to a list')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[-1]['foo'], 'bar',
                         'add second dict and verify when dict is at the end')

        # Test --remove
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_list), 6, 'pre-verify length of list')
        app.execute('update-obj --remove myList -2'.split())
        self.assertEqual(len(my_obj.my_list), 5, 'verify one item removed')
        self.assertEqual(my_obj.my_list[4]['foo'], 'bar', 'verify correct item removed')

        self.assertEqual('key1' in my_obj.my_list[0], True, 'verify dict item exists')
        app.execute('update-obj --remove myList[0].key1'.split())
        self.assertEqual('key1' not in my_obj.my_list[0], True, 'verify dict entry can be removed')
    def test_generic_update_errors(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        my_obj = TestObject()

        def my_get(a1, a2):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        def my_set(**kwargs):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
            return my_obj

        config = Configuration()
        app = Application()

        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_get.__name__, my_get)
        setattr(sys.modules[__name__], my_set.__name__, my_set)
        cli_generic_update_command(None, 'gencommand', '{}#{}'.format(
            __name__, my_get.__name__), '{}#{}'.format(__name__, my_set.__name__))

        def _execute_with_error(command, error, message):
            except CLIError as err:
                if error not in str(err):
                    raise AssertionError(
                        '{}\nExpected: {}\nActual: {}'.format(message, error, str(err)))
                raise AssertionError('exception not thrown')

        missing_remove_message = "Couldn't find 'doesntExist' in ''. Available options: ['myDict', 'myList', 'myListOfCamelDicts', 'myListOfObjects', 'myListOfSnakeDicts', 'myProp']"
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove doesntExist',
                            'remove non-existent property by name')
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove doesntExist 2',
                            'remove non-existent property by index')

        remove_prop_message = "Couldn't find 'doesntExist' in 'myList.doesntExist'. Available options: index into the collection 'myList.doesntExist' with [<index>] or [<key=value>]"
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList.doesntExist.missing 2',
                            'remove non-existent sub-property by index')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList 20',
                            "index 20 doesn't exist on myList",
                            'remove out-of-range index')

        set_on_list_message = "Couldn't find 'doesnt_exist' in 'myList'. Available options: index into the collection 'myList' with [<index>] or [<key=value>]"
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList.doesnt_exist=foo',
                            'set shouldn\'t work on a list')
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList.doesnt_exist.doesnt_exist2=foo',
                            'set shouldn\'t work on a list')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myList[5].doesnt_exist=foo',
                            "index 5 doesn't exist on myList",
                            'index out of range in path')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --remove myList[0]',
                            'invalid syntax: --remove property.list <indexToRemove> OR --remove propertyToRemove',
                            'remove requires index to be space-separated')

        app.execute("gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict={'foo':'bar'}".split())
        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict.foo.doo=boo',
                            "Couldn't find 'doo' in 'myDict.foo'. 'myDict.foo' does not support further indexing.",
                            'Cannot dot index from a scalar value')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myDict.foo[0]=boo',
                            "Couldn't find '[0]' in 'myDict'. 'myDict' does not support further indexing.",
                            'Cannot list index from a scalar value')

        _execute_with_error('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --add myDict la=da',
                            "invalid syntax: --add property.listProperty <key=value, string or JSON string>",
                            'Add only works with lists')

        # add an entry which makes 'myKey' no longer unique
        app.execute('gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --add myListOfCamelDicts myKey=value_2'.split())
            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=value_2].myKey=foo',
            "non-unique key 'myKey' found multiple matches on myListOfCamelDicts. "
            "Key must be unique.",
            'indexing by key must be unique')

            'gencommand --a1 1 --a2 2 --set myListOfCamelDicts[myKey=foo].myKey=foo',
            "item with value 'foo' doesn\'t exist for key 'myKey' on myListOfCamelDicts",
            'no match found when indexing by key and value')