Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(myblob: func.InputStream):

    #Read the blob file from the blob storage
    lines = myblob.readlines()

    #Close off the file

    #Tags for opening and closing name in transcipt
    charOpenName = '<v '
    charCloseName = '>'

    #Create List of speakers
    speakerList = {}

    #What were the total words spoken
    totalWordsSpoken = 0

    #Count 1 Dynamic count on not knowing who is in the call
    #As we count each line check on the speaker to see who it is, and count the number of words spoken
    for textLine in lines:

        #Lets make sure we decode the line from binary to text
        newTxtLine = textLine.decode('utf-8')

        #Check to see if its a spoken line
        if newTxtLine[:len(charOpenName)] == charOpenName:
            #We need to find the occurrence of the first closing tag
            closePos = newTxtLine.find(charCloseName)
            #If this is a spoken line, lets look for the persons name
            speakerName = newTxtLine[len(charOpenName):closePos]

            if speakerName not in speakerList:
                #Insert the new speaker and increment the line count by 1
                speakerList[speakerName] = len(
                               newTxtLine[closePos:len(newTxtLine) - 4]))
                #if the speaker already exists we need to find the speaker and increment their line count
                speakerList[speakerName] += len(
                               newTxtLine[closePos:len(newTxtLine) - 4]))

            totalWordsSpoken += len(
                re.findall(r'\w+', newTxtLine[closePos:len(newTxtLine) - 4]))

    #TODO: Can we try and do something here that connects to the length of time people spoke. We would need to take line 1 for time taken, and then line 2 to determine who spoke.

    #Code to sort output
    sortedSpeakers = sorted(speakerList.items(),
                            key=lambda x: x[1],

    print('Of the', totalWordsSpoken, 'words spoken.')

    #Output the speaker list
    for x in sortedSpeakers:

        print(str(x[0]), 'spoke', '{:.1%}'.format(x[1] / totalWordsSpoken),
              'of the time.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(req: func.HttpRequest, inputblob: func.InputStream,
         outputblob: func.Out[func.InputStream]) -> func.HttpResponse:
    logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')

    root = ET.Element('catalog')  # root tag name
    root.text = '\n'  # newline before the book element

    test = inputblob.readlines()
    #for filename in g.glob(path):
    #    with open(filename) as f:
    #firstline = f.readlines(1)
    firstline = test[0].decode()
    tags = [word for line in firstline for word in line.split(',')]

    for line in test:
        line = line.decode()
        if '\n' in line:

            book = ET.SubElement(root, 'book')
            book.text = '\n'
            book.tail = '\n\n'

            # Split the line into a List.
            F1 = line.split(',')

        count = 0
        for data in F1:
            tags1 = tags[count].strip()
            e = ET.SubElement(book, tags1.lower())
            e.text = data.strip()
            e.tail = '\n'
            count += 1

        # Display for debugging

        # Include the root element to the tree and write the tree
        # to the file.
        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
        #tree.write('C:/Users/xs54tso/VSCode/csvtoxml/InsertRecords.xml', encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

    name = req.params.get('name')
    if not name:
            req_body = req.get_json()
        except ValueError:
            name = req_body.get('name')

    if name:
        return func.HttpResponse(
            f"Hello, {name}. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully."
        return func.HttpResponse(
            "This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response.",
def main(myblob: func.InputStream):
    logging.info(f"Python blob trigger function processed blob \n"
                 f"Name: {myblob.name}\n"
                 f"Blob Size: {myblob.length} bytes")
    # data = str(myblob.read(size=-1))
    delete_record = False
    if "-delete" in myblob.name:
        delete_record = True
            "----------------Delete Operations-----------------------")
            "----------------Assigned Operations-----------------------")

    lines_data = myblob.readlines()
    total_operations = len(lines_data)
    logging.info("---------------Total Records are: " + str(len(lines_data)) +
    completed_operation = 0
    for obj in lines_data:
            obj = obj.decode().replace("\\n", "").replace("\\r", "")
            attributes = obj.split(",")
            attributes_len = len(attributes)
            if attributes_len >= 7:
                submittedcode = attributes[0]
                submittedid = attributes[1]
                clientid = 1
                date = attributes[6]
                date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y") - datetime(
                    1900, 1, 1)
                time = attributes[7]
                (h, m, s) = time.split(':')
                seconds = int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s)
                date_time_sec = date_time_obj.total_seconds() + seconds

                if submittedid and submittedcode:
                    id = "--RFID:" + submittedid + "--CODE:" + submittedcode + "--"
                elif submittedid == "" and submittedcode:
                    id = "--CODE:" + submittedcode + "--"
                elif submittedcode == "" and submittedid:
                    id = "--RFID:" + submittedid
                    id = ""

                tag_obj = {}
                tag_obj['id'] = id
                tag_obj['status'] = 'assigned'
                tag_obj['clientid'] = clientid
                tag_obj['isDeleted'] = 0
                tag_obj['description'] = ""
                tag_obj['datetime'] = str(int(date_time_sec))
                # scan = {}
                # scan["id"] = 0
                # scan['scannedby'] = scannedby
                # scan['datetime'] = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
                # scan['ip'] = ip
                # scan['LatLocation'] = LatLocation
                # scan['LonLocation'] = LonLocation
                # scan['distance'] = distance
                # scan['mph'] = 0
                # scans_array = list()
                # scans_array.append(scan)
                tag_obj["scans"] = []
                already_obj = ReadTagContainerForBulk(id)
                if delete_record:
                    response = DeleteTagContainer(tag_obj["id"])
                    if not already_obj:
                        logging.info("Object not exist " + id)
                    elif response:
                        completed_operation = completed_operation + 1
                        logging.info("Delete error with id: " + id)
                    # response = CreateTagContainer(tag_obj)
                    if (already_obj and "status" in already_obj
                            and already_obj["status"] == "enroll"):
                            "Assignment error with id: " + id +
                            " record already exist with enrolled status.")
                    elif already_obj and "isDeleted" in already_obj and already_obj[
                            "isDeleted"] == 0:
                        logging.info("Assignment error with id: " + id +
                                     " record already exist")
                    elif already_obj and "isDeleted" in already_obj and already_obj[
                            "isDeleted"] == 1:
                        response = UpdateTagContainer(tag_obj)
                        if response:
                            completed_operation = completed_operation + 1
                            logging.info("Assignment error with id: " + id)
                        response = CreateTagContainer(tag_obj)
                        if response:
                            completed_operation = completed_operation + 1
                            logging.info("Assignment error with id: " + id)
        except Exception as ex:

    logging.info("Failed operations: " +
                 str(total_operations - completed_operation))