Ejemplo n.º 1
def create(cmd, client, resource_group_name, account_name, live_event_name, streaming_protocol, ips,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
           auto_start=False, encoding_type=None, preset_name=None, tags=None, description=None,
           key_frame_interval_duration=None, access_token=None, no_wait=False, preview_ips=None,
           preview_locator=None, streaming_policy_name=None, alternative_media_id=None,
           vanity_url=False, client_access_policy=None, cross_domain_policy=None, stream_options=None):
    from azure.mgmt.media.models import (LiveEventInputProtocol, LiveEventInput, LiveEvent,
                                         LiveEventEncoding, LiveEventInputAccessControl, IPAccessControl)
    from azure.cli.command_modules.ams._client_factory import (get_mediaservices_client)

    allowed_ips = []
    if ips[0] == 'AllowAll':
        ips = ['']
    for ip in ips:
        allowed_ips.append(create_ip_range(live_event_name, ip))

    live_event_input_access_control = LiveEventInputAccessControl(ip=IPAccessControl(allow=allowed_ips))

    live_event_input = LiveEventInput(streaming_protocol=LiveEventInputProtocol(streaming_protocol),

    ams_client = get_mediaservices_client(cmd.cli_ctx)
    ams = ams_client.get(resource_group_name, account_name)
    location = ams.location

    live_event_preview = create_live_event_preview(preview_locator, streaming_policy_name, alternative_media_id,
                                                   preview_ips, live_event_name)

    policies = create_cross_site_access_policies(client_access_policy, cross_domain_policy)

    live_event = LiveEvent(input=live_event_input, location=location, preview=live_event_preview,
                           encoding=LiveEventEncoding(encoding_type=encoding_type, preset_name=preset_name),
                           tags=tags, vanity_url=vanity_url, stream_options=stream_options,
                           cross_site_access_policies=policies, description=description)

    return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.create, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, account_name=account_name,
                       live_event_name=live_event_name, parameters=live_event, auto_start=auto_start)
Ejemplo n.º 2
# See REST API documentation for the details on each setting value
# https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/liveevents/create

live_event_create = LiveEvent(
    location="West US 2",  # For the sample, we are using location: West US 2
    description="Sample 720P Encoding Live Event from Python SDK sample",
    # Set useStaticHostname to true to make the ingest and preview URL host name the same.
    # This can slow things down a bit.
    # hostname_prefix= "somethingstatic",     # When using Static host name true, you can control the host prefix name here if desired
    # 1) Set up the input settings for the Live event...
        RTMP,  # Options are RTMP or Smooth Streaming ingest format.
        live_event_input_access,  # controls the IP restriction for the source header
        # key_frame_interval_duration = timedelta(seconds = 2),       # Set this to match the ingest encoder's settings. This should not be used for encoding channels
        '9eb1f703b149417c8448771867f48501'  # Use this value when you want to make sure the ingest URL is static and always the same. If omited, the service will generate a random GUID values.

    # 2) Set the live event to use pass-through or cloud encoding modes...
        # Set this to Basic pass-through, Standard pass-through, Standard or Premium1080P to use the cloud live encoder.
        # See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2095101 for more information
        # Otherwise, leave as "None" to use pass-through mode
        # OPTIONS for encoding type you can use:
        # encoding_type=LiveEventEncodingType.PassthroughBasic, # Basic pass-through mode - the cheapest option!
        # encoding_type=LiveEventEncodingType.PassthroughStandard, # also known as standard pass-through mode (formerly "none")
        # encoding_type=LiveEventEncodingType.Premium1080p, # live transcoding up to 1080P 30fps with adaptive bitrate set