Ejemplo n.º 1
def AddTermsDuplicateContainerCost(start, end, containers):
    terms: List[Term] = []

    # The following is integrated into AddTermsWeightVarianceCost to reduce the number of Terms and speed-up Terms generation
    # for c in combinations(range(start, end+1), 1):
    #     w = containers[c[0]][0]
    #     i1 = containers[c[0]][1]
    #     terms.append(Term(w=w*w, indices=[i1,i1]))              # Wi^2

    # 2.w^2.x_i.x_j terms
    for c in combinations(range(start, end+1), 2):
        w = containers[c[0]][0]
        i1 = containers[c[0]][1]
        i2 = containers[c[1]][1]
        terms.append(Term(w=2*w*w, indices=[i1,i2]))            # Term(w=2*Wm^2, [m,n])

    # The following is integrated into AddTermsWeightVarianceCost to reduce the number of Terms and speed-up Terms generation
    # # for c in combinations(range(start, end+1), 1):
    #     w = containers[c[0]][0]
    #     i1 = containers[c[0]][1]
    #     terms.append(Term(w=-2*w*w, indices=[i1]))              # -2*Wi^2

    # w^2 term
    terms.append(Term(w=containers[start][0]*containers[start][0], indices=[]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_problem_fixed_variables(self):
        terms = []
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        problem_new = problem.set_fixed_variables({"0": 1})
        self.assertEqual([], problem_new.terms)

        # test small cases
        terms = [Term(c=10, indices=[0, 1, 2]), Term(c=-5, indices=[1, 2])]
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        self.assertEqual([], problem.set_fixed_variables({"1": 0}).terms)
            [Term(c=10, indices=[0]), Term(c=-5, indices=[])],
            problem.set_fixed_variables({"1": 1, "2": 1}).terms,

        # test all const terms get merged
            [Term(c=5, indices=[])],
            problem.set_fixed_variables({"0": 1, "1": 1, "2": 1}).terms,

        # test init_config gets transferred
        problem = Problem(
            "My Problem", terms=terms, init_config={"0": 1, "1": 1, "2": 1}
        problem2 = problem.set_fixed_variables({"0": 0})
        self.assertEqual({"1": 1, "2": 1}, problem2.init_config)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_submit_proto_problem(testprotosolver):
    problem = Problem(name="proto_test", content_type=ContentType.protobuf)
    problem.terms = [Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0]), Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0])]
    with patch("azure.quantum.job.base_job.upload_blob") as mock_upload:
        job = testprotosolver.submit(problem)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def add_slc_term(
     terms: Union[List[Tuple[Union[int, float], Optional[int]]],
     c: Union[int, float] = 1
     """Adds a squared linear combination term
     to the `Problem` representation. Helper function to construct terms list.
     :param terms: List of monomial terms, with each represented by a pair.
         The first entry represents the monomial term weight.
         The second entry is the monomial term variable index or None.
         Alternatively, a list of Term objects may be input.
     :param c: Weight of SLC term
     if all(isinstance(term, Term) for term in terms):
         gterms = terms
         gterms = [Term([index], c=tc) if index is not None else Term([], c=tc)
                   for tc,index in terms]
         SlcTerm(gterms, c=c)
     self.uploaded_blob_uri = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_throw_exception_proto_problem(testprotosolver):
    testprotosolver.name = "SimulatedAnnealing"
    problem = Problem(name="proto_test_exception",
    problem.terms = [Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0]), Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0])]
    with patch("azure.quantum.job.base_job.upload_blob") as mock_upload:
        pytest.raises(ValueError, testprotosolver.submit, problem)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def operation_once_constraint(ops_jobs_map: dict, T: int, weight: float):
    Construct penalty terms for the operation once constraint.
    Penalty function is of form: 2xy - x - y + 1

    Keyword arguments:

    ops_jobs_map (dict): Map of operations to jobs {op: job}
    T (int): Allowed time (jobs can only be scheduled below this limit)
    weight (float): Relative importance of this constraint

    terms = []

    # 2xy - x - y parts of the constraint function
    # Loop through all operations
    for op in ops_jobs_map.keys():
        for t in range(T):
            # - x - y terms
            terms.append(Term(c=weight * -1, indices=[op * T + t]))

            # + 2xy term
            # Loop through all other start times for the same job
            # to get the cross terms
            for s in range(t + 1, T):
                    Term(c=weight * 2, indices=[op * T + t, op * T + s]))

    # + 1 term
    terms.append(Term(c=weight * 1, indices=[]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_problem_evaluate(self):
        terms = []
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        self.assertEqual(0, problem.evaluate({}))
        self.assertEqual(0, problem.evaluate({"0": 1}))

        terms = [Term(c=10, indices=[0, 1, 2])]
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        self.assertEqual(0, problem.evaluate({"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 1}))
        self.assertEqual(10, problem.evaluate({"0": 1, "1": 1, "2": 1}))

        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.ising
        self.assertEqual(-10, problem.evaluate({"0": -1, "1": 1, "2": 1}))
        self.assertEqual(10, problem.evaluate({"0": -1, "1": -1, "2": 1}))

        terms = [Term(c=10, indices=[0, 1, 2]), Term(c=-5, indices=[1, 2])]
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        self.assertEqual(-5, problem.evaluate({"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 1}))
        self.assertEqual(5, problem.evaluate({"0": 1, "1": 1, "2": 1}))

        terms = [Term(c=10, indices=[])]  # constant term
        problem = Problem(
            name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo
        self.assertEqual(10, problem.evaluate({}))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_errant_grouped_terms(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = SlcTerm([Term(c=i + 2, indices=[i % 2]) for i in range(3)],
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = SlcTerm([Term(c=i + 1, indices=[i, i + 1]) for i in range(2)],
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = SlcTerm([Term(c=i, indices=[]) for i in range(1, 3)], c=1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_provide_cterms(self):
        count = 4
        terms = []
        for i in range(count):
            terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i+1]))
        problem = Problem(name="test", terms=terms, problem_type=ProblemType.pubo)

        self.assertEqual(ProblemType.pubo, problem.problem_type)
        self.assertEqual(count, len(problem.terms))
        self.assertEqual(Term(c=1, indices=[1, 2]), problem.terms[1])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_grouped_type(self):
     problem = Problem(name="test_pubo_grouped",
     problem.terms = [
         Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0, 1]),
         Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0, 0]),
         Term(c=-1, indices=[1, 0, 0]),
         Term(c=4, indices=[0, 2, 1])
     assert problem.problem_type is ProblemType.pubo
     problem.add_slc_term([(3, 0), (2, 1), (-1, None)])
     assert problem.problem_type is ProblemType.pubo_grouped
Ejemplo n.º 11
def knapsackHamiltonian(costsArray, weightsArray, W):

    terms = []

    maxCosts = max(costsArray)

    n = len(costsArray)

    # define auxiliary variables as suggested in Lucas paper
    # W=(W+1-2^M)_yM + sum from i=0 to M-1 of (2^i y_i)
    # it's important to understand that (W+1-2^M)_yM represents the last step.

    # M is log_2 W
    M = floor(log2(W))
    # k is the formular to encode W by auxiliary variables y
    # y_i is defined as y_0 to y_M
    k = [2**i for i in range(M)]
    # the mentioned last step
    k.append(W + 1 - 2**M)

    # x-Term
    for i in range(n):
            Term(c=float(maxCosts * (weightsArray[i]**2) - costsArray[i]),

    # x-x Term
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
                Term(c=float(2 * maxCosts * weightsArray[i] * weightsArray[j]),
                     indices=[i, j]))

    # x-y Term
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(M + 1):
                Term(c=float(-2 * maxCosts * weightsArray[i] * k[j]),
                     indices=[i, (n - 1) + j]))

    # y Term
    for i in range(M + 1):
        terms.append(Term(c=float(maxCosts * (k[i]**2)),
                          indices=[(n - 1) + i]))

    # y-y Term
    for i in range(M + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, M + 1):
                Term(c=float(2 * maxCosts * k[i] * k[j]),
                     indices=[(n - 1) + i, (n - 1) + j]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 12
def no_overlap_constraint(T: int, processing_time: dict, ops_jobs_map: dict,
                          machines_ops_map: dict, weight: float):
    Construct penalty terms for the no overlap constraint.

    Keyword arguments:

    T (int): Allowed time (jobs can only be scheduled below this limit)
    processing_time (dict): Operation processing times
    weight (float): Relative importance of this constraint
    ops_jobs_map (dict): Map of operations to jobs {op: job}
    machines_ops_map(dict): Mapping of operations to machines, e.g.:
        machines_ops_map = {
            0: [0,1],          # Operations 0 & 1 assigned to machine 0
            1: [2,3]           # Operations 2 & 3 assigned to machine 1

    terms = []

    # For each machine
    for ops in machines_ops_map.values():
        # Loop over each operation i requiring this machine
        for i in ops:
            # Loop over each operation k requiring this machine
            for k in ops:
                # Loop over simulation time
                for t in range(T):
                    # When i != k (when scheduling two different operations)
                    if i != k:
                        # t = s meaning two operations are scheduled to start at the same time on the same machine
                            Term(c=weight * 1, indices=[i * T + t, k * T + t]))

                        # Add penalty when operation runtimes overlap
                        for s in range(t, min(t + processing_time[i], T)):
                                Term(c=weight * 1,
                                     indices=[i * T + t, k * T + s]))

                        # If operations are in the same job, penalize for the extra time 0 -> t (operations scheduled out of order)
                        if ops_jobs_map[i] == ops_jobs_map[k]:
                            for s in range(0, t):
                                if i < k:
                                        Term(c=weight * 1,
                                             indices=[i * T + t, k * T + s]))
                                if i > k:
                                        Term(c=weight * 1,
                                             indices=[i * T + s, k * T + t]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_streaming_problem_initial_terms(self):
             Term(w=10, indices=[0, 1, 2]),
             Term(w=20, indices=[1, 2, 3]),
         avg_coupling=(4 * 2 + 6) / 6,
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_deserialize(self):
     count = 2
     terms = []
     for i in range(count):
         terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i + 1]))
     problem = Problem(name="test", terms=terms)
     deserialized = Problem.deserialize(problem.serialize(), problem.name)
     self.assertEqual(problem.name, deserialized.name)
     self.assertEqual(problem.problem_type, deserialized.problem_type)
     self.assertEqual(count, len(deserialized.terms))
     self.assertEqual(problem.init_config, deserialized.init_config)
     self.assertEqual(Term(c=0, indices=[0, 1]), problem.terms[0])
     self.assertEqual(Term(c=1, indices=[1, 2]), problem.terms[1])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_problem_name_serialization(self):
        problem_names = ["test", "my_problem"]
        for problem_name in problem_names:
            problem = Problem(name=problem_name)
            problem.terms = [
                Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0]),
                Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0]),
            serialized_problem = problem.serialize()

            # name is in the serialized string
            assert re.search(f'"name"\\s*:\\s*"{problem_name}"',

            # name is in the correct place in the json structure
            problem_json = json.loads(serialized_problem)
            assert problem_json["metadata"]["name"] == problem_name

            # deserializes name
            deserialized_problem = Problem.deserialize(
            assert problem_name == deserialized_problem.name

            new_problem_name = "new_problem_name"
            # use the name passed in the parameter
            deserialized_problem = Problem.deserialize(
                input_problem=serialized_problem, name=new_problem_name)
            assert new_problem_name == deserialized_problem.name

        # test deserializing a problem that does not have a name in the json
        # and leaving the name as None
        serialized_problem_without_name = '{"cost_function": {"version": "1.0", "type": "ising", "terms": [{"c": 3, "ids": [1, 0]}, {"c": 5, "ids": [2, 0]}]}}'
        deserialized_problem = Problem.deserialize(
        assert deserialized_problem.name == "Optimization problem"

        # test deserializing a problem that does not have a name in the json
        # and using the name parameter
        new_problem_name = "new_problem_name"
        deserialized_problem = Problem.deserialize(
        assert new_problem_name == deserialized_problem.name

        # test deserializing a problem that does not have a name but have a metadata in the json
        # and leaving the name as None
        serialized_problem_without_name = '{"metadata":{"somemetadata":123}, "cost_function": {"version": "1.0", "type": "ising", "terms": [{"c": 3, "ids": [1, 0]}, {"c": 5, "ids": [2, 0]}]}}'
        deserialized_problem = Problem.deserialize(
        assert deserialized_problem.name == "Optimization problem"
Ejemplo n.º 16
def problem():
    ## QUBO problem
    problem = Problem(name="test")
    problem.terms = [
        Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0]),
        Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0]),
    problem.uploaded_blob_uri = "mock_blob_uri"

    # Create equivalent NPZ file for translation
    problem.row = numpy.array([1, 2])
    problem.col = numpy.array([0, 0])
    problem.data = numpy.array([3, 5])
    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 17
def AddTermsWeightVarianceCost(start, end, containers, EqDistrib):
    terms: List[Term] = []
    for i,w in enumerate(containers[start:end+1], start):
        # -2*Wi*EqDistrib.xi -2Wi^2.xi (weight variance cost + duplicate container cost)
        terms.append(Term(w=-2*w*EqDistrib - 2*w*w, indices=[i]))
        # Wi^2.xi^2 + Wi^2.xi^2 (weight variance cost + duplicate container cost)
        terms.append(Term(w=2*w*w, indices=[i,i]))

    for c in combinations(range(start, end+1), 2):
        w0 = containers[c[0]]
        w1 = containers[c[1]]
        # 2*Wi*Wj (weight variance cost)
        terms.append(Term(w=2*w0*w1, indices=[c[0],c[1]]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_serialization_cterms(self):
        count = 2
        terms = []
        for i in range(count):
            terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i + 1]))
                Term(c=0, indices=[0]),
                Term(c=1, indices=[1]),
                Term(c=-5, indices=[])
        problem = Problem(name="test", terms=terms)

        expected = json.dumps({
            "metadata": {
                "name": "test"
            "cost_function": {
                "terms": [{
                    "c": 0,
                    "ids": [0, 1]
                }, {
                    "c": 1,
                    "ids": [1, 2]
                "terms_slc": [{
                    "terms": [{
                        "c": 0,
                        "ids": [0]
                    }, {
                        "c": 1,
                        "ids": [1]
                    }, {
                        "c": -5,
                        "ids": []
        actual = problem.serialize()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def precedence_constraint(jobs_ops_map: dict, T: int, processing_time: dict,
                          weight: float):
    Construct penalty terms for the precedence constraint.

    Keyword arguments:

    jobs_ops_map (dict): Map of jobs to operations {job: [operations]}
    T (int): Allowed time (jobs can only be scheduled below this limit)
    processing_time (dict): Operation processing times
    weight (float): Relative importance of this constraint

    terms = []

    # Loop through all jobs:
    for ops in jobs_ops_map.values():
        # Loop through all operations in this job:
        for i in range(len(ops) - 1):
            for t in range(0, T):
                # Loop over times that would violate the constraint:
                for s in range(0, min(t + processing_time[ops[i]], T)):
                    # Assign penalty
                             indices=[ops[i] * T + t, (ops[i + 1]) * T + s]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 20
def makespan_objective(T: int, processing_time: dict, jobs_ops_map: dict,
                       m_count: int, weight: float):
    Construct makespan minimization terms.

    Keyword arguments:

    T (int): Allowed time (jobs can only be scheduled below this limit)
    processing_time (dict): Operation processing times
    jobs_ops_map (dict): Map of jobs to operations {job: [operations]}
    m_count (int): Number of machines
    weight (float): Relative importance of this constraint

    terms = []

    lower_bound = max([
        sum([processing_time[i] for i in job])
        for job in jobs_ops_map.values()
    upper_bound = T

    # Loop through the final operation of each job
    for job in jobs_ops_map.values():
        i = job[-1]
        # Loop through each time step the operation could be completion at
        for t in range(lower_bound + 1, T + processing_time[i]):
                Term(c=weight * (calc_penalty(t, m_count, lower_bound)),
                     indices=[i * T + (t - processing_time[i])]))

    return terms
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_add_terms_cterms(self):
        problem = Problem(name="test")
        count = 4

        for i in range(count):
            problem.add_term(c=i, indices=[i, i+1])
        self.assertEqual(ProblemType.ising, problem.problem_type)
        self.assertEqual(count, len(problem.terms))
        self.assertEqual(Term(c=1, indices=[1, 2]), problem.terms[1])

        more = []
        for i in range(count + 1):
            more.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i-1]))
        self.assertEqual((count * 2) + 1, len(problem.terms))
        self.assertEqual(Term(c=count, indices=[count, count - 1]), problem.terms[count * 2])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_serialization_cterms(self):
        count = 2
        terms = []
        for i in range(count):
            terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i + 1]))
        problem = Problem(name="test", terms=terms)

        expected = json.dumps({
            "metadata": {
                "name": "test"
            "cost_function": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "type": "ising",
                "terms": [
                        "c": 0,
                        "ids": [0, 1]
                        "c": 1,
                        "ids": [1, 2]
        actual = problem.serialize()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_serialization_init_config(self):
        count = 2
        terms = []
        for i in range(count):
            terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i + 1]))
        init_config = {"0": -1, "1": 1, "2": -1}
        problem = Problem(name="test", terms=terms, init_config=init_config)

        expected = json.dumps({
            "cost_function": {
                "version": "1.1",
                "type": "ising",
                "terms": [{
                    'c': 0,
                    'ids': [0, 1]
                }, {
                    'c': 1,
                    'ids': [1, 2]
                "initial_configuration": {
                    "0": -1,
                    "1": 1,
                    "2": -1
        actual = problem.serialize()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def pubo_problem():
    ## PUBO problem
    pubo_problem = Problem(name="test")
    pubo_problem.terms = [
        Term(c=3, indices=[1, 0, 1]),
        Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0, 0]),
        Term(c=-1, indices=[1, 0, 0]),
        Term(c=4, indices=[0, 2, 1])

    # Create equivalent NPZ file for translation
    pubo_problem.i = numpy.array([1, 2, 1, 0])
    pubo_problem.j = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 2])
    pubo_problem.k = numpy.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
    pubo_problem.c = numpy.array([3, 5, -1, 4])
    return pubo_problem
def create_problem(cost_function, nb_binary_variables) -> Problem:
    ### the cost_function is given as a list of polynomial coefficients.

    problem_type = ProblemType.ising

    indices = range(nb_binary_variables)
    random_weights = np.array([rd.random() for _ in indices])
    # random_weights = np.array([np.random.exponential(scale=100) for _ in indices])
    random_weights = random_weights / sum(
        random_weights)  ### Normalize random_weights to sum to 1.

    reduced_variable_subset_list = []
    weight_list = []
    for degree, coefficient in enumerate(cost_function):
        for variable_subset_of_size_degree in itertools.product(indices,
            weight = coefficient * product(variable_subset_of_size_degree,
            reduced_variable_subset = reduce_subset(
                variable_subset_of_size_degree, problem_type)
            if reduced_variable_subset not in reduced_variable_subset_list:
                i = reduced_variable_subset_list.index(reduced_variable_subset)
                weight_list[i] += weight

    terms = []
    for weight, reduced_variable_subset in zip(weight_list,
        terms.append(Term(c=weight, indices=list(reduced_variable_subset)))

    return random_weights, Problem(name="Continuous cost function",
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_provide_cterms(self):
        count = 4
        terms = []
        for i in range(count):
            terms.append(Term(c=i, indices=[i, i + 1]))
            SlcTerm([Term(c=i / 2, indices=[i + 2])
                     for i in range(count)] + [Term(c=5, indices=[])],
        problem = Problem(name="test",

        self.assertEqual(ProblemType.pubo_grouped, problem.problem_type)
        self.assertEqual(count, len(problem.terms))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(problem.terms_slc))
        self.assertEqual(Term(c=1, indices=[1, 2]), problem.terms[1])
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def from_proto(
        input_problem: list,
        name: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> Problem:
        """Deserializes the problem from a
        protobuf messages serialized with Problem.serialize()

        :param input_problem:
            the list of protobuf messages to be deserialized to a `Problem` instance
        :type input_problem: list
        :param name: 
            The name of the problem is optional, since it will try 
            to read the serialized name from the json payload.
            If this parameter is not empty, it will use it as the
            problem name ignoring the serialized value.
        :type name: Optional[str]
        msg_count = 0

        problem = cls(
            name = name

        for msg in input_problem:
            proto_problem = ProtoProblem()
            if msg_count == 0:
                for qdk_type, proto_type in proto_types.items():
                    if proto_problem.cost_function.type == proto_type:
                        problem.problem_type = qdk_type
                metadata = proto_problem.metadata               
                if name is None:
                    name = metadata["name"]
                    problem.name = name
            for msg_term in proto_problem.cost_function.terms:
                term = Term(
                    c = msg_term.c
                term.ids = []
                for msg_term_id in msg_term.ids:
        return problem
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def create_problem(
        name: str,
        init: bool = False,
        problem_type: ProblemType = ProblemType.pubo,
        test_grouped: bool = False,
        content_type: ContentType = None,
    ) -> Problem:
        """Create optimization problem with some default terms

        :param init: Set initial configuration
        :type init: bool
        :return: Optimization problem
        :rtype: Problem
        terms = [
            Term(w=-3, indices=[1, 0]),
            Term(w=5, indices=[2, 0]),
            Term(w=9, indices=[2, 1]),
            Term(w=2, indices=[3, 0]),
            Term(w=-4, indices=[3, 1]),
            Term(w=4, indices=[3, 2]),
        if test_grouped:
                        terms=[Term(c=i + 2, indices=[i]) for i in range(3)]))

        initial_config = {"1": 0, "0": 1, "2": 0, "3": 1} if init \
                         else None
        return Problem(name=name,
                       content_type=content_type or ContentType.json)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def add_term(self, c: Union[int, float], indices: List[int]):
        """Adds a single term to the `Problem` representation and queues it to be uploaded

        :param c: The cost or weight of this term
        :type c: int, float
        :param indices: The variable indices that are in this term
        :type indices: List[int]
        self.add_terms([Term(indices=indices, c=c)])
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def add_term(self, c: Union[int, float], indices: List[int]):
        """Adds a single monomial term to the `Problem` representation

        :param c: The cost or weight of this term
        :type c: int, float
        :param indices: The variable indices that are in this term
        :type indices: List[int]
        self.terms.append(Term(indices=indices, c=c))
        self.uploaded_blob_uri = None