Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_cgroup2_controllers_should_return_the_v2_cgroup_controllers(self):
        with mock_cgroup_environment(self.tmp_dir):
            mount_point, controllers = SystemdCgroupsApi.get_cgroup2_controllers()

            self.assertEqual(mount_point, "/sys/fs/cgroup/unified", "Invalid mount point for V2 cgroups")
            self.assertIn("cpu", controllers, "The CPU controller is not in the list of V2 controllers")
            self.assertIn("memory", controllers, "The memory controller is not in the list of V2 controllers")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    class _Impl(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._initialized = False
            self._cgroups_supported = False
            self._cgroups_enabled = False
            self._cgroups_api = None
            self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path = None
            self._agent_memory_cgroup_path = None

        def initialize(self):
                if self._initialized:

                # check whether cgroup monitoring is supported on the current distro
                self._cgroups_supported = CGroupsApi.cgroups_supported()
                if not self._cgroups_supported:
                    logger.info("Cgroup monitoring is not supported on {0}", get_distro())

                # check that systemd is detected correctly
                self._cgroups_api = SystemdCgroupsApi()
                if not systemd.is_systemd():
                    _log_cgroup_warning("systemd was not detected on {0}", get_distro())

                _log_cgroup_info("systemd version: {0}", systemd.get_version())

                # This is temporarily disabled while we analyze telemetry. Likely it will be removed.
                # self.__collect_azure_unit_telemetry()
                # self.__collect_agent_unit_files_telemetry()

                if not self.__check_no_legacy_cgroups():

                agent_unit_name = systemd.get_agent_unit_name()
                agent_slice = systemd.get_unit_property(agent_unit_name, "Slice")
                if agent_slice not in (_AZURE_SLICE, "system.slice"):
                    _log_cgroup_warning("The agent is within an unexpected slice: {0}", agent_slice)


                cpu_controller_root, memory_controller_root = self.__get_cgroup_controllers()
                self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path, self._agent_memory_cgroup_path = self.__get_agent_cgroups(agent_slice, cpu_controller_root, memory_controller_root)

                if self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path is not None:
                    _log_cgroup_info("Agent CPU cgroup: {0}", self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path)
                    CGroupsTelemetry.track_cgroup(CpuCgroup(AGENT_NAME_TELEMETRY, self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path))

                _log_cgroup_info('Cgroups enabled: {0}', self._cgroups_enabled)

            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning("Error initializing cgroups: {0}", ustr(exception))
                self._initialized = True

        def __collect_azure_unit_telemetry():
            azure_units = []

                units = shellutil.run_command(['systemctl', 'list-units', 'azure*', '-all'])
                for line in units.split('\n'):
                    match = re.match(r'\s?(azure[^\s]*)\s?', line, re.IGNORECASE)
                    if match is not None:
                        azure_units.append((match.group(1), line))
            except shellutil.CommandError as command_error:
                _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to list systemd units: {0}", ustr(command_error))

            for unit_name, unit_description in azure_units:
                unit_slice = "Unknown"
                    unit_slice = systemd.get_unit_property(unit_name, "Slice")
                except Exception as exception:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to query Slice for {0}: {1}", unit_name, ustr(exception))

                _log_cgroup_info("Found an Azure unit under slice {0}: {1}", unit_slice, unit_description)

            if len(azure_units) == 0:
                    cgroups = shellutil.run_command('systemd-cgls')
                    for line in cgroups.split('\n'):
                        if re.match(r'[^\x00-\xff]+azure\.slice\s*', line, re.UNICODE):
                            logger.info(ustr("Found a cgroup for azure.slice\n{0}").format(cgroups))
                            # Don't add the output of systemd-cgls to the telemetry, since currently it does not support Unicode
                            add_event(op=WALAEventOperation.CGroupsInfo, message="Found a cgroup for azure.slice")
                except shellutil.CommandError as command_error:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to list systemd units: {0}", ustr(command_error))

        def __collect_agent_unit_files_telemetry():
            agent_unit_files = []
            agent_service_name = get_osutil().get_service_name()
                fragment_path = systemd.get_unit_property(agent_service_name, "FragmentPath")
                if fragment_path != "/lib/systemd/system/{0}.service".format(agent_service_name):
            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to query the agent's FragmentPath: {0}", ustr(exception))

                drop_in_paths = systemd.get_unit_property(agent_service_name, "DropInPaths")
                for path in drop_in_paths.split():
            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to query the agent's DropInPaths: {0}", ustr(exception))

            for unit_file in agent_unit_files:
                    with open(unit_file, "r") as file_object:
                        _log_cgroup_info("Found a custom unit file for the agent: {0}\n{1}", unit_file, file_object.read())
                except Exception as exception:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("Can't read {0}: {1}", unit_file, ustr(exception))

        def __check_no_legacy_cgroups(self):
            Older versions of the daemon (2.2.31-2.2.40) wrote their PID to /sys/fs/cgroup/{cpu,memory}/WALinuxAgent/WALinuxAgent. When running
            under systemd this could produce invalid resource usage data. Cgroups should not be enabled under this condition.
            legacy_cgroups = self._cgroups_api.cleanup_legacy_cgroups()
            if legacy_cgroups > 0:
                _log_cgroup_warning("The daemon's PID was added to a legacy cgroup; will not monitor resource usage.")
                return False
            return True

        def __get_cgroup_controllers(self):
            # check v1 controllers
            cpu_controller_root, memory_controller_root = self._cgroups_api.get_cgroup_mount_points()

            if cpu_controller_root is not None:
                logger.info("The CPU cgroup controller is mounted at {0}", cpu_controller_root)
                _log_cgroup_warning("The CPU cgroup controller is not mounted")

            if memory_controller_root is not None:
                logger.info("The memory cgroup controller is mounted at {0}", memory_controller_root)
                _log_cgroup_warning("The memory cgroup controller is not mounted")

            # check v2 controllers
            cgroup2_mount_point, cgroup2_controllers = self._cgroups_api.get_cgroup2_controllers()
            if cgroup2_mount_point is not None:
                _log_cgroup_info("cgroups v2 mounted at {0}.  Controllers: [{1}]", cgroup2_mount_point, cgroup2_controllers)

            return cpu_controller_root, memory_controller_root

        def __setup_azure_slice():
            The agent creates "azure.slice" for use by extensions and the agent. The agent runs under "azure.slice" directly and each
            extension runs under its own slice ("Microsoft.CPlat.Extension.slice" in the example below). All the slices for
            extensions are grouped under "vmextensions.slice".

            Example:  -.slice
                        │ ├─5759 /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/sbin/waagent -daemon
                        │ └─5764 python3 -u bin/WALinuxAgent-2.2.53-py2.7.egg -run-exthandlers
                              └─5894 /usr/bin/python3 /var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.CPlat.Extension-

            This method ensures that the "azure" and "vmextensions" slices are created. Setup should create those slices
            under /lib/systemd/system; but if they do not exist, __ensure_azure_slices_exist will create them.

            It also creates drop-in files to set the agent's Slice and CPUAccounting if they have not been
            set up in the agent's unit file.

            Lastly, the method also cleans up unit files left over from previous versions of the agent.

            # Older agents used to create this slice, but it was never used. Cleanup the file.

            unit_file_install_path = systemd.get_unit_file_install_path()
            azure_slice = os.path.join(unit_file_install_path, _AZURE_SLICE)
            vmextensions_slice = os.path.join(unit_file_install_path, _VMEXTENSIONS_SLICE)
            agent_unit_file = systemd.get_agent_unit_file()
            agent_drop_in_path = systemd.get_agent_drop_in_path()
            agent_drop_in_file_slice = os.path.join(agent_drop_in_path, _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_SLICE)
            agent_drop_in_file_cpu_accounting = os.path.join(agent_drop_in_path, _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_CPU_ACCOUNTING)

            files_to_create = []

            if not os.path.exists(azure_slice):
                files_to_create.append((azure_slice, _AZURE_SLICE_CONTENTS))

            if not os.path.exists(vmextensions_slice):
                files_to_create.append((vmextensions_slice, _VMEXTENSIONS_SLICE_CONTENTS))

            if fileutil.findre_in_file(agent_unit_file, r"Slice=") is not None:
                if not os.path.exists(agent_drop_in_file_slice):
                    files_to_create.append((agent_drop_in_file_slice, _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_SLICE_CONTENTS))

            if fileutil.findre_in_file(agent_unit_file, r"CPUAccounting=") is not None:
                if not os.path.exists(agent_drop_in_file_cpu_accounting):
                    files_to_create.append((agent_drop_in_file_cpu_accounting, _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_CPU_ACCOUNTING_CONTENTS))

            if len(files_to_create) > 0:
                # create the unit files, but if 1 fails remove all and return
                    for path, contents in files_to_create:
                        CGroupConfigurator._Impl.__create_unit_file(path, contents)
                except Exception as exception:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to create unit files for the azure slice: {0}", ustr(exception))
                    for unit_file in files_to_create:

                # reload the systemd configuration; the new slices will be used once the agent's service restarts
                    logger.info("Executing systemctl daemon-reload...")
                    shellutil.run_command(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"])
                except Exception as exception:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("daemon-reload failed (create azure slice): {0}", ustr(exception))

        def __create_unit_file(path, contents):
            parent, _ = os.path.split(path)
            if not os.path.exists(parent):
                fileutil.mkdir(parent, mode=0o755)
            exists = os.path.exists(path)
            fileutil.write_file(path, contents)
            _log_cgroup_info("{0} {1}", "Updated" if exists else "Created", path)

        def __cleanup_unit_file(path):
            if os.path.exists(path):
                    _log_cgroup_info("Removed {0}", path)
                except Exception as exception:
                    _log_cgroup_warning("Failed to remove {0}: {1}", path, ustr(exception))

        def __get_agent_cgroups(self, agent_slice, cpu_controller_root, memory_controller_root):
            agent_unit_name = systemd.get_agent_unit_name()

            expected_relative_path = os.path.join(agent_slice, agent_unit_name)
            cpu_cgroup_relative_path, memory_cgroup_relative_path = self._cgroups_api.get_process_cgroup_relative_paths("self")

            if cpu_cgroup_relative_path is None:
                _log_cgroup_warning("The agent's process is not within a CPU cgroup")
                if cpu_cgroup_relative_path == expected_relative_path:
                    _log_cgroup_info('CPUAccounting: {0}', systemd.get_unit_property(agent_unit_name, "CPUAccounting"))
                    _log_cgroup_info('CPUQuota: {0}', systemd.get_unit_property(agent_unit_name, "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec"))
                    cpu_cgroup_relative_path = None  # Set the path to None to prevent monitoring
                        "The Agent is not in the expected CPU cgroup; will not enable monitoring. Cgroup:[{0}] Expected:[{1}]",

            if memory_cgroup_relative_path is None:
                _log_cgroup_warning("The agent's process is not within a memory cgroup")
                if memory_cgroup_relative_path == expected_relative_path:
                    memory_accounting = systemd.get_unit_property(agent_unit_name, "MemoryAccounting")
                    _log_cgroup_info('MemoryAccounting: {0}', memory_accounting)
                    memory_cgroup_relative_path = None  # Set the path to None to prevent monitoring
                        "The Agent is not in the expected memory cgroup; will not enable monitoring. CGroup:[{0}] Expected:[{1}]",

            if cpu_controller_root is not None and cpu_cgroup_relative_path is not None:
                agent_cpu_cgroup_path = os.path.join(cpu_controller_root, cpu_cgroup_relative_path)
                agent_cpu_cgroup_path = None

            if memory_controller_root is not None and memory_cgroup_relative_path is not None:
                agent_memory_cgroup_path = os.path.join(memory_controller_root, memory_cgroup_relative_path)
                agent_memory_cgroup_path = None

            return agent_cpu_cgroup_path, agent_memory_cgroup_path

        def supported(self):
            return self._cgroups_supported

        def enabled(self):
            return self._cgroups_enabled

        def enable(self):
            if not self.supported():
                raise CGroupsException("Attempted to enable cgroups, but they are not supported on the current platform")
            self._cgroups_enabled = True

        def disable(self, reason):
            self._cgroups_enabled = False
            message = "[CGW] Disabling resource usage monitoring. Reason: {0}".format(reason)
            logger.info(message)  # log as INFO for now, in the future it should be logged as WARNING
            add_event(op=WALAEventOperation.CGroupsDisabled, message=message, is_success=False, log_event=False)

        def __set_cpu_quota(quota):
            Sets the agent's CPU quota to the given percentage (100% == 1 CPU)

            NOTE: This is done using a dropin file in the default dropin directory; any local overrides on the VM will take precedence
            over this setting.
            quota_percentage = "{0}%".format(quota)
            _log_cgroup_info("Ensuring the agent's CPUQuota is {0}", quota_percentage)
            if CGroupConfigurator._Impl.__try_set_cpu_quota(quota_percentage):

        def __reset_cpu_quota():
            Removes any CPUQuota on the agent

            NOTE: This resets the quota on the agent's default dropin file; any local overrides on the VM will take precedence
            over this setting.
            logger.info("Resetting agent's CPUQuota")
            if CGroupConfigurator._Impl.__try_set_cpu_quota(''):  # setting an empty value resets to the default (infinity)

        def __try_set_cpu_quota(quota):
                drop_in_file = os.path.join(systemd.get_agent_drop_in_path(), _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_CPU_QUOTA)
                contents = _AGENT_DROP_IN_FILE_CPU_QUOTA_CONTENTS_FORMAT.format(quota)
                if os.path.exists(drop_in_file):
                    with open(drop_in_file, "r") as file_:
                        if file_.read() == contents:
                            return True  # no need to update the file; return here to avoid doing a daemon-reload
                CGroupConfigurator._Impl.__create_unit_file(drop_in_file, contents)
            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning('Failed to set CPUQuota: {0}', ustr(exception))
                return False
                logger.info("Executing systemctl daemon-reload...")
                shellutil.run_command(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"])
            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning("daemon-reload failed (set quota): {0}", ustr(exception))
                return False
            return True

        def check_cgroups(self, cgroup_metrics):
            if not self.enabled():

            errors = []

            process_check_success = False
                process_check_success = True
            except CGroupsException as exception:

            quota_check_success = False
                quota_check_success = True
            except CGroupsException as exception:

            disable = not process_check_success and conf.get_cgroup_disable_on_process_check_failure() \
                      or \
                      not quota_check_success and conf.get_cgroup_disable_on_quota_check_failure()

            if disable:
                self.disable("Check on cgroups failed:\n{0}".format("\n".join([ustr(e) for e in errors])))

        def _check_processes_in_agent_cgroup(self):
            Verifies that the agent's cgroup includes only the current process, its parent, commands started using shellutil and instances of systemd-run
            (those processes correspond, respectively, to the extension handler, the daemon, commands started by the extension handler, and the systemd-run
            commands used to start extensions on their own cgroup).
            Other processes started by the agent (e.g. extensions) and processes not started by the agent (e.g. services installed by extensions) are reported
            as unexpected, since they should belong to their own cgroup.

            Raises a CGroupsException if the check fails
            unexpected = []

                daemon = os.getppid()
                extension_handler = os.getpid()
                agent_commands = set()
                systemd_run_commands = set()
                agent_cgroup = CGroupsApi.get_processes_in_cgroup(self._agent_cpu_cgroup_path)
                # get the running commands again in case new commands started or completed while we were fetching the processes in the cgroup;

                for process in agent_cgroup:
                    # Note that the agent uses systemd-run to start extensions; systemd-run belongs to the agent cgroup, though the extensions don't
                    if process in (daemon, extension_handler) or process in systemd_run_commands:
                    # check if the process is a command started by the agent or a descendant of one of those commands
                    current = process
                    while current != 0 and current not in agent_commands:
                        current = self._get_parent(current)
                    if current == 0:
                        if len(unexpected) >= 5:  # collect just a small sample
            except Exception as exception:
                _log_cgroup_warning("Error checking the processes in the agent's cgroup: {0}".format(ustr(exception)))

            if len(unexpected) > 0:
                raise CGroupsException("The agent's cgroup includes unexpected processes: {0}".format(self.__format_processes(unexpected)))

        def __format_processes(pid_list):
            Formats the given PIDs as a sequence of strings containing the PIDs and their corresponding command line (truncated to 40 chars)
            def get_command_line(pid):
                    cmdline = '/proc/{0}/cmdline'.format(pid)
                    if os.path.exists(cmdline):
                        with open(cmdline, "r") as cmdline_file:
                            return "[PID: {0}] {1:64.64}".format(pid, cmdline_file.read())
                except Exception:
                return "[PID: {0}] UNKNOWN".format(pid)

            return [get_command_line(pid) for pid in pid_list]

        def _check_agent_throttled_time(cgroup_metrics):
            for metric in cgroup_metrics:
                if metric.instance == AGENT_NAME_TELEMETRY and metric.counter == MetricsCounter.THROTTLED_TIME:
                    if metric.value > _AGENT_THROTTLED_TIME_THRESHOLD:
                        raise CGroupsException("The agent has been throttled for {0} seconds".format(metric.value))

        def _get_parent(pid):
            Returns the parent of the given process. If the parent cannot be determined returns 0 (which is the PID for the scheduler)
                stat = '/proc/{0}/stat'.format(pid)
                if os.path.exists(stat):
                    with open(stat, "r") as stat_file:
                        return int(stat_file.read().split()[3])
            except Exception:
            return 0

        def start_extension_command(self, extension_name, command, timeout, shell, cwd, env, stdout, stderr, error_code=ExtensionErrorCodes.PluginUnknownFailure):
            Starts a command (install/enable/etc) for an extension and adds the command's PID to the extension's cgroup
            :param extension_name: The extension executing the command
            :param command: The command to invoke
            :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for command completion
            :param cwd: The working directory for the command
            :param env:  The environment to pass to the command's process
            :param stdout: File object to redirect stdout to
            :param stderr: File object to redirect stderr to
            :param stderr: File object to redirect stderr to
            :param error_code: Extension error code to raise in case of error
            if self.enabled():
                    return self._cgroups_api.start_extension_command(extension_name, command, timeout, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, error_code=error_code)
                except SystemdRunError as exception:
                    reason = 'Failed to start {0} using systemd-run, will try invoking the extension directly. Error: {1}'.format(extension_name, ustr(exception))
                    # fall-through and re-invoke the extension

            # subprocess-popen-preexec-fn<W1509> Disabled: code is not multi-threaded
            process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, preexec_fn=os.setsid)  # pylint: disable=W1509
            return handle_process_completion(process=process, command=command, timeout=timeout, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, error_code=error_code)