Ejemplo n.º 1
def expand_composites (properties):
    """ Expand all composite properties in the set so that all components
        are explicitly expressed.
    explicit_features = get_grist (properties)

    result = []

    # now expand composite features
    for p in properties:
        expanded = expand_composite (p)

        for x in expanded:
            if not x in result:
                f = get_grist (x)

                if f in __free_features:
                    result.append (x)
                elif not x in properties:  # x is the result of expansion
                    if not f in explicit_features:  # not explicitly-specified
                        if f in get_grist (result):
                            raise FeatureConflict ("expansions of composite features result in "
                            "conflicting values for '%s'\nvalues: '%s'\none contributing composite property was '%s'" % (f, 
                            get_values (f, result) + [replace_grist (x, '')], p))
                            result.append (x)
                elif f in get_grist (result):
                    raise FeatureConflict ("explicitly-specified values of non-free feature '%s' conflict\n"
                    "existing values: '%s'\nvalue from expanding '%s': '%s'" % (f, 
                    get_values (f, properties), p, replace_grist (x, '')))
                    result.append (x)

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def split_one (properties):
     pieces = re.split (__re_slash_or_backslash, properties)
     result = []
     for x in pieces:
         if not get_grist (x) and len (result) > 0 and get_grist (result [-1]):
             result = result [0:-1] + [ result [-1] + '/' + x ]
             result.append (x)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_defaults (properties):
    """ Given a set of properties, add default values for features not
        represented in the set. 
        Note: if there's there's ordinary feature F1 and composite feature
        F2, which includes some value for F1, and both feature have default values,
        then the default value of F1 will be added, not the value in F2. This might
        not be right idea: consider
          feature variant : debug ... ;
               <variant>debug : .... <runtime-debugging>on
          feature <runtime-debugging> : off on ;
          Here, when adding default for an empty property set, we'll get
            <variant>debug <runtime_debugging>off
          and that's kind of strange.        
    result = [ x for x in properties ]
    for v in replace_grist (properties, ''):
        if v in properties:
            raise BaseException ("'add_defaults' requires explicitly specified features, but '%s' appears to be the value of an un-expanded implicit feature" % v)

    # We don't add default for elements with ":" inside. This catches:
    # 1. Conditional properties --- we don't want <variant>debug:<define>DEBUG
    #    to be takes as specified value for <variant>
    # 2. Free properties with ":" in values. We don't care, since free properties
    #    don't have defaults.
    xproperties = [ property for property in properties if __re_no_hyphen.match (property) ]
    missing_top = set.difference (__all_top_features, get_grist (xproperties))
    more =  defaults (missing_top)
    result += more
    xproperties += more
    # Add defaults for subfeatures of features which are present
    for p in xproperties:
        gp = get_grist (p)
        s = []
        if __all_features.has_key (gp):
            s = __all_features [gp]['subfeatures']
        f = ungrist (gp)
        xbase = ['<%s-%s>' % (f, xs) for xs in s]
        missing_subs = set.difference (xbase, get_grist (result))
        result += defaults (__select_subfeatures (p, missing_subs))
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def expand_subfeatures (properties, dont_validate = False):
    Make all elements of properties corresponding to implicit features
    explicit, and express all subfeature values as separate properties
    in their own right. For example, the property
    might expand to
      <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86

    properties:     A sequence with elements of the form
                    <feature>value-string or just value-string in the
                    case of implicit features.
  : dont_validate:  If True, no validation of value string will be done.
    result = []
    for p in properties:
        p_grist = get_grist (p)
        # Don't expand subfeatures in subfeatures
        if ':' in p_grist:
            result.append (p)
            result.extend (__expand_subfeatures_aux (p_grist, replace_grist (p, ''), dont_validate))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def compress_subproperties (properties):
    """ Combine all subproperties into their parent properties

        Requires: for every subproperty, there is a parent property.  All
        features are explicitly expressed.
        This rule probably shouldn't be needed, but
        build-request.expand-no-defaults is being abused for unintended
        purposes and it needs help
    result = []
    matched_subs = []
    for p in properties:
        pg = get_grist (p)
        if not pg:
            raise BaseException ("Gristed variable exppected. Got '%s'." % p)
        if not 'subfeature' in __all_features [pg]['attributes']:
            subs = __select_subproperties (p, properties)
            matched_subs.extend (subs)

            subvalues = '-'.join (get_value (subs))
            if subvalues: subvalues = '-' + subvalues

            result.append (p + subvalues)

            all_subs.append (p)

    # TODO: this variables are used just for debugging. What's the overhead?
    assert (set.equal (all_subs, matched_subs))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def actualize (self, scanner = None):
        """ Generates all the actual targets and sets up build actions for
            this target.
            If 'scanner' is specified, creates an additional target
            with the same location as actual target, which will depend on the
            actual target and be associated with 'scanner'. That additional
            target is returned. See the docs (#dependency_scanning) for rationale.
            Target must correspond to a file if 'scanner' is specified.
            If scanner is not specified, then actual target is returned.
        actual_name = self.actualize_no_scanner ()

        if not scanner:
            return actual_name

            # Add the scanner instance to the grist for name.
            g = '-'.join ([ungrist(get_grist(actual_name)), str(id(scanner))])

            name = replace_grist (actual_name, '<' + g + '>')

            if not self.made_.has_key (name):
                self.made_ [name] = True

                self.project_.manager ().engine ().add_dependency (name, actual_name)

                self.actualize_location (name)

                self.project_.manager ().scanners ().install (scanner, name, str (self))

            return name
Ejemplo n.º 7
def add_prefix_and_suffix(specified_name, type, property_set):
    """Appends the suffix appropriate to 'type/property-set' combination
    to the specified name and returns the result."""

    property_set = b2.util.jam_to_value_maybe(property_set)

    suffix = ""
    if type:
        suffix = b2.build.type.generated_target_suffix(type, property_set)

    # Handle suffixes for which no leading dot is desired.  Those are
    # specified by enclosing them in <...>.  Needed by python so it
    # can create "_d.so" extensions, for example.
    if get_grist(suffix):
        suffix = ungrist(suffix)
    elif suffix:
        suffix = "." + suffix

    prefix = ""
    if type:
        prefix = b2.build.type.generated_target_prefix(type, property_set)

    if specified_name.startswith(prefix):
        prefix = ""

    if not prefix:
        prefix = ""
    if not suffix:
        suffix = ""
    return prefix + specified_name + suffix
Ejemplo n.º 8
def is_subfeature_of (parent_property, f):
    """ Return true iff f is an ordinary subfeature of the parent_property's
        feature, or if f is a subfeature of the parent_property's feature
        specific to the parent_property's value.
    if not valid (f) or not 'subfeature' in __all_features [f]['attributes']:
        return False

    specific_subfeature = __re_split_subfeatures.match (f)

    if specific_subfeature:
        # The feature has the form
        # <topfeature-topvalue:subfeature>,
        # e.g. <toolset-msvc:version>
        feature_value = split_top_feature(specific_subfeature.group(1))
        if replace_grist (feature_value [1], '<' + feature_value [0] + '>') == parent_property:
            return True
        # The feature has the form <topfeature-subfeature>,
        # e.g. <toolset-version>
        top_sub = split_top_feature (ungrist (f))

        if top_sub [1] and add_grist (top_sub [0]) == get_grist (parent_property):
            return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_values (feature, properties):
    """ Returns all values of the given feature specified by the given property set.
    result = []
    for p in properties:
        if get_grist (p) == feature:
            result.append (replace_grist (p, ''))
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_values(feature, properties):
    """ Returns all values of the given feature specified by the given property set.
    if feature[0] != '<':
        feature = '<' + feature + '>'
    result = []
    for p in properties:
        if get_grist(p) == feature:
            result.append(replace_grist(p, ''))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
def expand_composites(properties):
    """ Expand all composite properties in the set so that all components
        are explicitly expressed.
    explicit_features = get_grist(properties)

    result = []

    # now expand composite features
    for p in properties:
        expanded = expand_composite(p)

        for x in expanded:
            if not x in result:
                f = get_grist(x)

                if f in __free_features:
                elif not x in properties:  # x is the result of expansion
                    if not f in explicit_features:  # not explicitly-specified
                        if f in get_grist(result):
                            raise FeatureConflict(
                                "expansions of composite features result in "
                                "conflicting values for '%s'\nvalues: '%s'\none contributing composite property was '%s'"
                                % (f, get_values(f, result) +
                                   [replace_grist(x, '')], p))
                elif f in get_grist(result):
                    raise FeatureConflict(
                        "explicitly-specified values of non-free feature '%s' conflict\n"
                        "existing values: '%s'\nvalue from expanding '%s': '%s'"
                        % (f, get_values(f, properties), p, replace_grist(
                            x, '')))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
def __move_subfeatures_to_the_end (properties):
    """ Helper for minimize, below - returns the list with
        the same properties, but where all subfeatures
        are in the end of the list
    x1 = []
    x2 = []
    for p in properties:
        if 'subfeature' in __all_features [get_grist (p)]['attributes']:
            x2.append (p)

            x1.append (p)
    return x1 + x2
Ejemplo n.º 13
def __move_subfeatures_to_the_end(properties):
    """ Helper for minimize, below - returns the list with
        the same properties, but where all subfeatures
        are in the end of the list
    x1 = []
    x2 = []
    for p in properties:
        if 'subfeature' in __all_features[get_grist(p)]['attributes']:


    return x1 + x2
Ejemplo n.º 14
def compose (composite_property, component_properties):
    """ Sets the components of the given composite property.
    component_properties = to_seq (component_properties)

    feature = get_grist (composite_property)
    if not 'composite' in attributes (feature):
        raise BaseException ("'%s' is not a composite feature" % feature)

    if __composite_properties.has_key (composite_property):
        raise BaseException ('components of "%s" already set: %s' % (composite_property, str (__composite_properties [composite_property]['components'])))

    if composite_property in component_properties:
        raise BaseException ('composite property "%s" cannot have itself as a component' % composite_property)

    entry = { 'components': component_properties }
    __composite_properties [composite_property] = entry
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def actualize(self, scanner=None):
        """ Generates all the actual targets and sets up build actions for
            this target.

            If 'scanner' is specified, creates an additional target
            with the same location as actual target, which will depend on the
            actual target and be associated with 'scanner'. That additional
            target is returned. See the docs (#dependency_scanning) for rationale.
            Target must correspond to a file if 'scanner' is specified.

            If scanner is not specified, then actual target is returned.
        if __debug__:
            from .scanner import Scanner
            assert scanner is None or isinstance(scanner, Scanner)
        actual_name = self.actualize_no_scanner()

        if self.always_:
            bjam.call("ALWAYS", actual_name)

        if not scanner:
            return actual_name

            # Add the scanner instance to the grist for name.
            g = '-'.join([ungrist(get_grist(actual_name)), str(id(scanner))])

            name = replace_grist(actual_name, '<' + g + '>')

            if name not in self.made_:
                self.made_[name] = True

                    name, actual_name)


                    scanner, name, str(self))

            return name
Ejemplo n.º 16
def add_prefix_and_suffix(specified_name, type, property_set):
    """Appends the suffix appropriate to 'type/property-set' combination
    to the specified name and returns the result."""

    suffix = b2.build.type.generated_target_suffix(type, property_set)
    # Handle suffixes for which no leading dot is desired.  Those are
    # specified by enclosing them in <...>.  Needed by python so it
    # can create "_d.so" extensions, for example.
    if get_grist(suffix):
        suffix = ungrist(suffix)
    elif suffix:
        suffix = "." + suffix

    prefix = b2.build.type.generated_target_prefix(type, property_set)

    if specified_name.startswith(prefix):
        prefix = ""

    if not prefix:
        prefix = ""
    if not suffix:
        suffix = ""
    return prefix + specified_name + suffix
Ejemplo n.º 17
def minimize(properties):
    """ Given an expanded property set, eliminate all redundancy: properties
        which are elements of other (composite) properties in the set will
        be eliminated. Non-symmetric properties equal to default values will be
        eliminated, unless the override a value from some composite property.
        Implicit properties will be expressed without feature
        grist, and sub-property values will be expressed as elements joined
        to the corresponding main property.
    # FXIME: the code below was in the original feature.jam file, however 'p' is not defined.
    #       # Precondition checking
    #       local implicits = [ set.intersection $(p:G=) : $(p:G) ] ;
    #       if $(implicits)
    #       {
    #           error minimize requires an expanded property set, but \"$(implicits[1])\"
    #             appears to be the value of an un-expanded implicit feature ;
    #       }

    # remove properties implied by composite features
    components = []
    for property in properties:
        if __composite_properties.has_key(property):

    x = set.difference(properties, components)

    # handle subfeatures and implicit features
    x = __move_subfeatures_to_the_end(x)

    result = []
    while x:
        fullp = x[0]
        p = fullp
        f = get_grist(p)
        v = replace_grist(p, '')

        # eliminate features in implicit properties.
        if 'implicit' in __all_features[f]['attributes']:
            p = v

        # locate all subproperties of $(x[1]) in the property set
        subproperties = __select_subproperties(fullp, x)

        if subproperties:
            # reconstitute the joined property name
            joined = p + '-' + '-'.join(replace_grist(subproperties, ''))

            x = set.difference(x[1:], subproperties)

            # eliminate properties whose value is equal to feature's
            # default and which are not symmetric and which do not
            # contradict values implied by composite properties.

            # since all component properties of composites in the set
            # have been eliminated, any remaining property whose
            # feature is the same as a component of a composite in the
            # set must have a non-redundant value.
            if [fullp] != defaults ([f]) or 'symmetric' in attributes (f)\
                   or get_grist (fullp) in get_grist (components):

            x = x[1:]

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
def __is_subproperty_of(parent_property, p):
    """ As is_subfeature_of, for subproperties.
    return is_subfeature_of(parent_property, get_grist(p))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def __is_subproperty_of (parent_property, p):
    """ As is_subfeature_of, for subproperties.
    return is_subfeature_of (parent_property, get_grist (p))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def minimize (properties):
    """ Given an expanded property set, eliminate all redundancy: properties
        which are elements of other (composite) properties in the set will
        be eliminated. Non-symmetric properties equal to default values will be
        eliminated, unless the override a value from some composite property.
        Implicit properties will be expressed without feature
        grist, and sub-property values will be expressed as elements joined
        to the corresponding main property.
# FXIME: the code below was in the original feature.jam file, however 'p' is not defined.
#       # Precondition checking
#       local implicits = [ set.intersection $(p:G=) : $(p:G) ] ;
#       if $(implicits)
#       {
#           error minimize requires an expanded property set, but \"$(implicits[1])\"
#             appears to be the value of an un-expanded implicit feature ;
#       }
    # remove properties implied by composite features
    components = []
    for property in properties:
        if __composite_properties.has_key (property):
            components.extend (__composite_properties [property]['components'])
    x = set.difference (properties, components)
    # handle subfeatures and implicit features
    x = __move_subfeatures_to_the_end (x)
    result = []
    while x:
        fullp = x [0]
        p = fullp
        f = get_grist (p)
        v = replace_grist (p, '')
        # eliminate features in implicit properties.
        if 'implicit' in __all_features [f]['attributes']:
            p = v

        # locate all subproperties of $(x[1]) in the property set
        subproperties = __select_subproperties (fullp, x)
        if subproperties:
            # reconstitute the joined property name
            subproperties.sort ()
            joined = p + '-' + '-'.join (replace_grist (subproperties, ''))
            result.append (joined)

            x = set.difference (x [1:], subproperties)

            # eliminate properties whose value is equal to feature's
            # default and which are not symmetric and which do not
            # contradict values implied by composite properties.
            # since all component properties of composites in the set
            # have been eliminated, any remaining property whose
            # feature is the same as a component of a composite in the
            # set must have a non-redundant value.
            if [fullp] != defaults ([f]) or 'symmetric' in attributes (f)\
                   or get_grist (fullp) in get_grist (components):
                result.append (p)

            x = x [1:]

    return result