Ejemplo n.º 1
    def query(self, series, season, year=None, country=None):
        # get the show id
        show_id = self.get_show_id(series, year, country)
        if show_id is None:
            logger.error('No show id found for %r (%r)', series, {
                'year': year,
                'country': country
            return []

        # get the page of the season of the show
        logger.info('Getting the page of show id %d, season %d', show_id,
        r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'show/%d' % show_id,
                             params={'season': season},

        if not r.content:
            # Provider returns a status of 304 Not Modified with an empty content
            # raise_for_status won't raise exception for that status code
            logger.debug('No data returned from provider')
            return []

        soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])

        # loop over subtitle rows
        match = series_year_re.match(
            soup.select('#header font')[0].text.strip()[:-10])
        series = match.group('series')
        year = int(match.group('year')) if match.group('year') else None
        subtitles = []
        for row in soup.select('tr.epeven'):
            cells = row('td')

            # ignore incomplete subtitles
            status = cells[5].text
            if status != 'Completed':
                logger.debug('Ignoring subtitle with status %s', status)

            # read the item
            language = Language.fromaddic7ed(cells[3].text)
            hearing_impaired = bool(cells[6].text)
            page_link = self.server_url + cells[2].a['href'][1:]
            season = int(cells[0].text)
            episode = int(cells[1].text)
            title = cells[2].text
            version = cells[4].text
            download_link = cells[9].a['href'][1:]

            subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired,
                                           page_link, series, season, episode,
                                           title, year, version, download_link)
            logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)

        return subtitles
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def query(self, series, season, year=None, country=None):
        # get the show id
        show_id = self.get_show_id(series, year, country)
        if show_id is None:
            logger.error('No show id found for %r (%r)', series, {'year': year, 'country': country})
            return []

        # get the page of the season of the show
        logger.info('Getting the page of show id %d, season %d', show_id, season)
        r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'show/%d' % show_id, params={'season': season}, timeout=10)

        if not r.content:
            # Provider returns a status of 304 Not Modified with an empty content
            # raise_for_status won't raise exception for that status code
            logger.debug('No data returned from provider')
            return []

        soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])

        # loop over subtitle rows
        match = series_year_re.match(soup.select('#header font')[0].text.strip()[:-10])
        series = match.group('series')
        year = int(match.group('year')) if match.group('year') else None
        subtitles = []
        for row in soup.select('tr.epeven'):
            cells = row('td')

            # ignore incomplete subtitles
            status = cells[5].text
            if status != 'Completed':
                logger.debug('Ignoring subtitle with status %s', status)

            # read the item
            language = Language.fromaddic7ed(cells[3].text)
            hearing_impaired = bool(cells[6].text)
            page_link = self.server_url + cells[2].a['href'][1:]
            season = int(cells[0].text)
            episode = int(cells[1].text)
            title = cells[2].text
            version = cells[4].text
            download_link = cells[9].a['href'][1:]

            subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode, title, year,
                                           version, download_link)
            logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)

        return subtitles
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def query(self, series, season, year=None, country=None):
        # get the show id
        show_id = self.get_show_id(series, year, country)
        if show_id is None:
            logger.error("No show id found for %r (%r)", series, {"year": year, "country": country})
            return []

        # get the page of the season of the show
        logger.info("Getting the page of show id %d, season %d", show_id, season)
        r = self.session.get(self.server_url + "show/%d" % show_id, params={"season": season}, timeout=10)
        if r.status_code == 304:
            raise TooManyRequests()
        soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ["lxml", "html.parser"])

        # loop over subtitle rows
        match = series_year_re.match(soup.select("#header font")[0].text.strip()[:-10])
        series = match.group("series")
        year = int(match.group("year")) if match.group("year") else None
        subtitles = []
        for row in soup.select("tr.epeven"):
            cells = row("td")

            # ignore incomplete subtitles
            status = cells[5].text
            if status != "Completed":
                logger.debug("Ignoring subtitle with status %s", status)

            # read the item
            language = Language.fromaddic7ed(cells[3].text)
            hearing_impaired = bool(cells[6].text)
            page_link = self.server_url + cells[2].a["href"][1:]
            season = int(cells[0].text)
            episode = int(cells[1].text)
            title = cells[2].text
            version = cells[4].text
            download_link = cells[9].a["href"][1:]

            subtitle = Addic7edSubtitle(
                language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode, title, year, version, download_link
            logger.debug("Found subtitle %r", subtitle)

        return subtitles
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Addic7edProvider(Provider):
    """Addic7ed Provider."""
    languages = {Language('por', 'BR')} | {Language(l) for l in [
        'ara', 'aze', 'ben', 'bos', 'bul', 'cat', 'ces', 'dan', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'eus', 'fas', 'fin', 'fra', 'glg',
        'heb', 'hrv', 'hun', 'hye', 'ind', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kor', 'mkd', 'msa', 'nld', 'nor', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus',
        'slk', 'slv', 'spa', 'sqi', 'srp', 'swe', 'tha', 'tur', 'ukr', 'vie', 'zho'
    video_types = (Episode,)
    server_url = 'http://www.addic7ed.com/'
    subtitle_class = Addic7edSubtitle

    def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
        if any((username, password)) and not all((username, password)):
            raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified')

        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.logged_in = False
        self.session = None

    def initialize(self):
        self.session = Session()
        self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent

        # login
        if self.username and self.password:
            logger.info('Logging in')
            data = {'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'Submit': 'Log in'}
            r = self.session.post(self.server_url + 'dologin.php', data, allow_redirects=False, timeout=10)

            if r.status_code != 302:
                raise AuthenticationError(self.username)

            logger.debug('Logged in')
            self.logged_in = True

    def terminate(self):
        # logout
        if self.logged_in:
            logger.info('Logging out')
            r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'logout.php', timeout=10)
            logger.debug('Logged out')
            self.logged_in = False


    def _get_show_ids(self):
        """Get the ``dict`` of show ids per series by querying the `shows.php` page.

        :return: show id per series, lower case and without quotes.
        :rtype: dict

        # get the show page
        logger.info('Getting show ids')
        r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'shows.php', timeout=10)

        # LXML parser seems to fail when parsing Addic7ed.com HTML markup.
        # Last known version to work properly is 3.6.4 (next version, 3.7.0, fails)
        # Assuming the site's markup is bad, and stripping it down to only contain what's needed.
        show_cells = re.findall(show_cells_re, r.content)
        if show_cells:
            soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(b''.join(show_cells), ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
            # If RegEx fails, fall back to original r.content and use 'html.parser'
            soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['html.parser'])

        # populate the show ids
        show_ids = {}
        for show in soup.select('td.version > h3 > a[href^="/show/"]'):
            show_ids[sanitize(show.text)] = int(show['href'][6:])
        logger.debug('Found %d show ids', len(show_ids))

        return show_ids

    def _search_show_id(self, series, year=None):
        """Search the show id from the `series` and `year`.

        :param str series: series of the episode.
        :param year: year of the series, if any.
        :type year: int
        :return: the show id, if found.
        :rtype: int

        # addic7ed doesn't support search with quotes
        series = series.replace('\'', ' ')

        # build the params
        series_year = '%s %d' % (series, year) if year is not None else series
        params = {'search': series_year, 'Submit': 'Search'}

        # make the search
        logger.info('Searching show ids with %r', params)
        r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'srch.php', params=params, timeout=10)
        soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])

        # get the suggestion
        suggestion = soup.select('span.titulo > a[href^="/show/"]')
        if not suggestion:
            logger.warning('Show id not found: no suggestion')
            return None
        if not sanitize(suggestion[0].i.text.replace('\'', ' ')) == sanitize(series_year):
            logger.warning('Show id not found: suggestion does not match')
            return None
        show_id = int(suggestion[0]['href'][6:])
        logger.debug('Found show id %d', show_id)

        return show_id

    def get_show_id(self, series, year=None, country_code=None):
        """Get the best matching show id for `series`, `year` and `country_code`.

        First search in the result of :meth:`_get_show_ids` and fallback on a search with :meth:`_search_show_id`.

        :param str series: series of the episode.
        :param year: year of the series, if any.
        :type year: int
        :param country_code: country code of the series, if any.
        :type country_code: str
        :return: the show id, if found.
        :rtype: int

        series_sanitized = sanitize(series).lower()
        show_ids = self._get_show_ids()
        show_id = None

        # attempt with country
        if not show_id and country_code:
            logger.debug('Getting show id with country')
            show_id = show_ids.get('%s %s' % (series_sanitized, country_code.lower()))

        # attempt with year
        if not show_id and year:
            logger.debug('Getting show id with year')
            show_id = show_ids.get('%s %d' % (series_sanitized, year))

        # attempt clean
        if not show_id:
            logger.debug('Getting show id')
            show_id = show_ids.get(series_sanitized)

        # search as last resort
        if not show_id:
            logger.warning('Series %s not found in show ids', series)
            show_id = self._search_show_id(series)

        return show_id

    def query(self, show_id, series, season, year=None, country=None):
        # get the page of the season of the show
        logger.info('Getting the page of show id %d, season %d', show_id, season)
            r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'show/%d' % show_id, params={'season': season}, timeout=10)

        if not r.content:
            # Provider returns a status of 304 Not Modified with an empty content
            # raise_for_status won't raise exception for that status code
            logger.debug('No data returned from provider')
            return []

        soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])

        # loop over subtitle rows
        match = series_year_re.match(soup.select('#header font')[0].text.strip()[:-10])
        series = match.group('series')
        year = int(match.group('year')) if match.group('year') else None
        subtitles = []
        for row in soup.select('tr.epeven'):
            cells = row('td')

            # ignore incomplete subtitles
            status = cells[5].text
            if status != 'Completed':
                logger.debug('Ignoring subtitle with status %s', status)

            # read the item
            language = Language.fromaddic7ed(cells[3].text)
            hearing_impaired = bool(cells[6].text)
            page_link = self.server_url + cells[2].a['href'][1:]
            season = int(cells[0].text)
            episode = int(cells[1].text)
            title = cells[2].text
            version = cells[4].text
            download_link = cells[9].a['href'][1:]

            subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode, title, year,
                                           version, download_link)
            logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)

        return subtitles