def __init__(self, ip, port): self.ip = ip self.port = port = None = None self.scope = True self.scanned = False self.reachable = None self.found = None self.auth = [] c = dbConn.get().cursor() c.execute( 'SELECT id,host,scanned,reachable,auth,scope,found FROM endpoints WHERE ip=? AND port=?', (self.ip, self.port)) savedEndpoint = c.fetchone() c.close() if savedEndpoint is not None: = savedEndpoint[0] = Host.find(savedEndpoint[1]) self.scanned = savedEndpoint[2] != 0 if savedEndpoint[3] is None: self.reachable = None else: self.reachable = savedEndpoint[3] != 0 if savedEndpoint[4] is not None: self.auth = json.loads(savedEndpoint[4]) self.scope = savedEndpoint[5] != 0 if savedEndpoint[6] is not None: self.found = Endpoint.find(savedEndpoint[6])
def addPath(self,src,dst): if src.lower() != "local": if src not in self.getHostsNames(): print("Not a known Host name.") return hosts = Host.findByName(src) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Several hosts corresponding. Add failed") return src = hosts[0] if src is None: print("The source Host provided doesn't exist in this workspace") return else: src = None try: dst = Endpoint.findByIpPort(dst) except: print("Please specify valid destination endpoint in the IP:PORT form") if dst is None: print("The destination endpoint provided doesn't exist in this workspace") return p = Path(src,dst) print("Path saved")
def identifyObject(self,target): if target[0] == "#": credsId = target[1:] else: credsId = target creds = Creds.find(credsId) if creds is not None: return creds user = User.findByUsername(target) if user is not None: return user try: dst = Endpoint.findByIpPort(target) if dst is not None: return dst except: pass hosts = Host.findByName(target) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Multiple hosts matching, use endpoints") return None if len(hosts) == 1: return hosts[0] print("Could not identify object.") return None
def findAll(cls): ret = [] c = dbConn.get().cursor() for row in c.execute('SELECT src,dst FROM paths'): ret.append(Path(Host.find(row[0]), Endpoint.find(row[1]))) c.close() return ret
def params_parser_from(self): all_hosts = Host.find_all() ret = [] for host in all_hosts: ret.append( ret.append("Local") return ret
def findByDst(cls, dst): ret = [] c = dbConn.get().cursor() for row in c.execute('SELECT src,dst FROM paths WHERE dst=?', (dst.getId(), )): ret.append(Path(Host.find(row[0]), Endpoint.find(row[1]))) c.close() return ret
def find(cls, pathId): c = dbConn.get().cursor() c.execute('''SELECT src,dst FROM paths WHERE id=?''', (pathId, )) row = c.fetchone() c.close() if row == None: return None return Path(Host.find(row[0]), Endpoint.find(row[1]))
def delHost(self,host): if host not in self.getHostsNames(): print("Not a known Host name.") return False hosts = Host.findByName(host) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Several hosts corresponding. Please delete endpoints.") return False return hosts[0].delete()
async def identify(self, socket): try: result = await asyncio.wait_for("hostname"), timeout=3.0) hostname = result.stdout.rstrip() result = await asyncio.wait_for("uname -a"), timeout=3.0) uname = result.stdout.rstrip() result = await asyncio.wait_for("cat /etc/issue"), timeout=3.0) issue = result.stdout.rstrip() result = await asyncio.wait_for("cat /etc/machine-id"), timeout=3.0) machineId = result.stdout.rstrip() result = await asyncio.wait_for( "for i in `ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep -v virtual | grep 'devices' | tr -s '[:blank:]' | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | sort`; do ip l show $i | grep ether | tr -s '[:blank:]' | cut -d ' ' -f 3; done" ), timeout=3.0) macStr = result.stdout.rstrip() macs = macStr.split() newHost = Host(hostname, uname, issue, machineId, macs) e = self.getEndpoint() if newHost.getId() is None: print("\t" + str(self) + " is a new host: " + hostname) else: print("\t" + str(self) + " is an existing host: " + hostname) if not newHost.inScope(): e.unscope() e.setHost(newHost) except Exception as e: print("Error : " + str(e)) return False return True
def runTarget(self,arg,payloadName,stmt): if arg in self.getHostsNames(): hosts = Host.findByName(arg) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Several hosts corresponding. Please target endpoint.") return False arg = str(hosts[0].getClosestEndpoint()) connection = Connection.fromTarget(arg) if not connection.working: print("Please check connection "+str(connection)+" with connect first") return False payload = Extensions.getPayload(payloadName) return,self.workspaceFolder,stmt)
def run(cls, stmt, workspace): nmapfile = getattr(stmt, 'nmapfile') from_host = getattr(stmt, 'from', "Local") if from_host is None: print("No source host specified, ignoring paths") distance = None elif from_host == "Local": src = None distance = 0 else: host = Host.find_one(name=from_host) if host is None: print("No host corresponding.") return False src = host distance = src.distance + 1 try: report = NmapParser.parse_fromfile(nmapfile) except Exception as e: print("Failed to read source file: " + str(e)) return False count = 0 count_new = 0 for host in report.hosts: for s in if s.service == "ssh" and count = count + 1 new_endpoint = Endpoint(host.address, s.port) if is None: count_new = count_new + 1 if distance is not None: if new_endpoint.distance is None or new_endpoint.distance > distance: new_endpoint.distance = distance new_path = Path(src, new_endpoint) print( str(count) + " endpoints found, " + str(count_new) + " new endpoints saved") return True
def run(cls, stmt, workspace): nmapfile = getattr(stmt, 'nmapfile') fromHost = getattr(stmt, 'from', "Local") if fromHost is None: src = None print("No source host specified, using Local") elif fromHost == "Local": src = None else: hosts = Host.findByName(fromHost) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Several hosts corresponding.") return False elif len(hosts) == 0: print("No host corresponding.") return False src = hosts[0] try: report = NmapParser.parse_fromfile(nmapfile) except Exception as e: print("Failed to read source file: " + str(e)) return False count = 0 countNew = 0 for host in report.hosts: for s in if s.service == "ssh": count = count + 1 newEndpoint = Endpoint(host.address, s.port) if newEndpoint.getId() is None: countNew = countNew + 1 newPath = Path(src, newEndpoint) print( str(count) + " endpoints found, " + str(countNew) + " new endpoints saved") return True
def getPathToDst(self,dst): if dst in self.getHostsNames(): hosts = Host.findByName(dst) if len(hosts) > 1: print("Several hosts corresponding. Please target endpoint.") return False dst = str(hosts[0].getClosestEndpoint()) try: dst = Endpoint.findByIpPort(dst) except: print("Please specify a valid endpoint in the IP:PORT form") return if dst is None: print("The endpoint provided doesn't exist in this workspace") return if Path.hasDirectPath(dst): print("The destination should be reachable from the host") return chain = Path.getPath(None,dst) if chain is None: print("No path could be found to the destination") return for path in chain: print(path)
def testmeth(self): allHosts = Host.findAllNames() return allHosts + ['Local']
def getBaseObjects(self,scope=None): return Endpoint.findAll(scope=scope) + Creds.findAll(scope=scope) + User.findAll(scope=scope) + Host.findAll(scope=scope)
def getHostsNames(self,scope=None): return Host.findAllNames(scope=scope)