Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_csrmm_backward(idtype, dtype, num_vtypes):
    a, A = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 3, 4, 6, 'A', 'B', 'AB')
    b, B = _random_simple_graph(idtype, dtype, F.ctx(), 4, 3, 6, 'B', 'A' if num_vtypes == 1 else 'C', 'BA')
    A_row, A_col = A.edges(order='eid')
    B_row, B_col = B.edges(order='eid')
    A_row = F.asnumpy(A_row)
    A_col = F.asnumpy(A_col)
    B_row = F.asnumpy(B_row)
    B_col = F.asnumpy(B_col)
    a_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(a.todense(), dtype=dtype))
    b_dense = F.attach_grad(F.tensor(b.todense(), dtype=dtype))

    A.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(A.edata['w'])
    B.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(B.edata['w'])

    with F.record_grad():
        C = dgl.adj_product_graph(A, B, 'w')
        assert len(C.ntypes) == num_vtypes
        assert len(C.etypes) == 1
        C_dense = np.zeros((3, 3))
        C_row, C_col = C.edges(order='eid')
        C_row = F.asnumpy(C_row)
        C_col = F.asnumpy(C_col)
        C_dense[C_row, C_col] = F.asnumpy(C.edata['w'])
        c_dense = F.matmul(a_dense, b_dense)
        assert np.allclose(C_dense, F.asnumpy(c_dense), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        F.backward(F.reduce_sum(C.edata['w']) + F.reduce_sum(c_dense))
        a_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(a_dense))[A_row, A_col]
        b_dense_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(b_dense))[B_row, B_col]
        A_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(A.edata['w']))
        B_spspmm_grad = F.asnumpy(F.grad(B.edata['w']))
        assert np.allclose(a_dense_grad, A_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
        assert np.allclose(b_dense_grad, B_spspmm_grad, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_khop_adj():
    N = 20
    feat = F.randn((N, 5))
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, 0.3))
    for k in range(3):
        adj = F.tensor(dgl.khop_adj(g, k))
        # use original graph to do message passing for k times.
        g.ndata['h'] = feat
        for _ in range(k):
            g.update_all(fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'))
        h_0 = g.ndata.pop('h')
        # use k-hop adj to do message passing for one time.
        h_1 = F.matmul(adj, feat)
        assert F.allclose(h_0, h_1, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _test(feat_scale):
        in_feat = 16 * feat_scale
        out_feat = 8 * feat_scale
        print("in/out feat", in_feat, out_feat)
        E_per_rel = F.copy_to(
                50, 100, 20, 284, 89, 10, 82, 9200, 10, 20, 30, 100, 128, 20,
                284, 89, 10, 82, 92, 10, 20, 30, 100, 1280, 20, 284, 89, 1000,
                82, 92, 10, 2000, 30, 100, 128, 20, 284, 89, 10, 82, 92, 10,
                20, 30
            ]), F.cpu())

        E_per_rel *= n_edge_scale
        num_rel = len(E_per_rel)
        print('num_rel', num_rel)
        W_per_len = F.copy_to(
            F.full((num_rel, ), in_feat, dtype=F.dtype(E_per_rel)), F.cpu())

        H_arr = []
        W_arr = []
        Out_arr = []
        Out_grad_arr = []

        for eid in range(num_rel):
            H_arr.append(F.randn((E_per_rel[eid], in_feat)))
            W_arr.append(F.randn((in_feat, out_feat)))
            Out_arr.append(F.zeros((E_per_rel[eid], out_feat)))
            Out_grad_arr.append(F.ones((E_per_rel[eid], out_feat)))

        H = F.cat([h for h in H_arr], 0)
        W = F.cat([w for w in W_arr], 0)
        W_3D = W.reshape(num_rel, in_feat, out_feat)
        Out = F.cat([out for out in Out_arr], 0)
        Out_grad = F.cat([o for o in Out_grad_arr], 0)

        print('H.shape', H.shape)
        print('W.shape', W.shape)
        print('W_3D.shape', W_3D.shape)
        print('Out.shape', Out.shape)

        etype_arr = []
        for eid in range(num_rel):
                F.full((E_per_rel[eid], ), eid, dtype=F.dtype(E_per_rel)))
        etypes = F.cat([etype for etype in etype_arr], 0)

        #  low-mem version using PyTorch operator

        # forward pass
        out = []
        for i in range(len(E_per_rel)):
            Hi = H_arr[i]
            Wi = W_arr[i]
            out.append(F.matmul(Hi, Wi))
        out_low_mem = F.cat(out, 0)

        # backward pass
        H_grad = []
        W_grad = []
        for i in range(len(E_per_rel)):
            Hi = H_arr[i]
            Wi = W_arr[i]
            Out_gradi = Out_grad_arr[i]
            H_grad.append(F.matmul(Out_gradi, Wi.transpose(0, 1)))
            W_grad.append(F.matmul(Hi.transpose(0, 1), Out_gradi))
        Hgrad_low_mem = F.cat(H_grad, 0)
        Wgrad_low_mem = F.cat(W_grad, 0)
        Wgrad_low_mem = Wgrad_low_mem.reshape(num_rel, in_feat, out_feat)

        #  gather_mm where H sorted according to etype

        seglen_A = E_per_rel
        with F.record_grad():
            out_gmm_sorted = dgl.ops.segment_mm(H, W_3D, seglen_A)
            Hgrad_gmm_sorted = H.grad
            Wgrad_gmm_sorted = W_3D.grad

        #  gather_mm where H is not sorted (backward not supported yet)

        with F.record_grad():
            out_gmm_unsorted = dgl.ops.gather_mm(H, W_3D, idx_rhs=etypes)
            Hgrad_gmm_unsorted = H.grad
            Wgrad_gmm_unsorted = W_3D.grad

        # correctness check
        assert F.allclose(out_low_mem, out_gmm_sorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
        assert F.allclose(Hgrad_low_mem,
        assert F.allclose(Wgrad_low_mem,
        assert F.allclose(out_low_mem, out_gmm_unsorted, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
        assert F.allclose(Hgrad_low_mem,
        assert F.allclose(Wgrad_low_mem,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_knn_cpu(algorithm, dist):
    x = th.randn(8, 3).to(F.cpu())
    kg = dgl.nn.KNNGraph(3)
    if dist == 'euclidean':
        d = th.cdist(x, x).to(F.cpu())
        x = x + th.randn(1).item()
        tmp_x = x / (1e-5 + F.sqrt(F.sum(x * x, dim=1, keepdims=True)))
        d = 1 - F.matmul(tmp_x, tmp_x.T).to(F.cpu())

    def check_knn(g, x, start, end, k):
        assert g.device == x.device
        for v in range(start, end):
            src, _ = g.in_edges(v)
            src = set(src.numpy())
            i = v - start
            src_ans = set(
                          start:end][i], k, largest=False)[1].numpy() + start)
            assert src == src_ans

    # check knn with 2d input
    g = kg(x, algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 8, 3)

    # check knn with 3d input
    g = kg(x.view(2, 4, 3), algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 4, 3)
    check_knn(g, x, 4, 8, 3)

    # check segmented knn
    kg = dgl.nn.SegmentedKNNGraph(3)
    g = kg(x, [3, 5], algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 3, 3)
    check_knn(g, x, 3, 8, 3)

    # check k > num_points
    kg = dgl.nn.KNNGraph(10)
    with pytest.warns(DGLWarning):
        g = kg(x, algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 8, 8)

    with pytest.warns(DGLWarning):
        g = kg(x.view(2, 4, 3), algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 4, 4)
    check_knn(g, x, 4, 8, 4)

    kg = dgl.nn.SegmentedKNNGraph(5)
    with pytest.warns(DGLWarning):
        g = kg(x, [3, 5], algorithm, dist)
    check_knn(g, x, 0, 3, 3)
    check_knn(g, x, 3, 8, 3)

    # check k == 0
    kg = dgl.nn.KNNGraph(0)
    with pytest.raises(DGLError):
        g = kg(x, algorithm, dist)
    kg = dgl.nn.SegmentedKNNGraph(0)
    with pytest.raises(DGLError):
        g = kg(x, [3, 5], algorithm, dist)

    # check empty
    x_empty = th.tensor([])
    kg = dgl.nn.KNNGraph(3)
    with pytest.raises(DGLError):
        g = kg(x_empty, algorithm, dist)
    kg = dgl.nn.SegmentedKNNGraph(3)
    with pytest.raises(DGLError):
        g = kg(x_empty, [3, 5], algorithm, dist)