Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_simple_readout():
    g1 = dgl.DGLGraph()
    g2 = dgl.DGLGraph()
    g2.add_nodes(4)  # no edges
    g1.add_edges([0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])

    n1 = F.randn((3, 5))
    n2 = F.randn((4, 5))
    e1 = F.randn((3, 5))
    s1 = F.sum(n1, 0)  # node sums
    s2 = F.sum(n2, 0)
    se1 = F.sum(e1, 0)  # edge sums
    m1 = F.mean(n1, 0)  # node means
    m2 = F.mean(n2, 0)
    me1 = F.mean(e1, 0)  # edge means
    w1 = F.randn((3, ))
    w2 = F.randn((4, ))
    max1 = F.max(n1, 0)
    max2 = F.max(n2, 0)
    maxe1 = F.max(e1, 0)
    ws1 = F.sum(n1 * F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0)
    ws2 = F.sum(n2 * F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0)
    wm1 = F.sum(n1 * F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0) / F.sum(F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0)
    wm2 = F.sum(n2 * F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0) / F.sum(F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0)
    g1.ndata['x'] = n1
    g2.ndata['x'] = n2
    g1.ndata['w'] = w1
    g2.ndata['w'] = w2
    g1.edata['x'] = e1

    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_nodes(g1, 'x'), s1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_nodes(g1, 'x', 'w'), ws1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_edges(g1, 'x'), se1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_nodes(g1, 'x'), m1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_nodes(g1, 'x', 'w'), wm1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_edges(g1, 'x'), me1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.max_nodes(g1, 'x'), max1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.max_edges(g1, 'x'), maxe1)

    g = dgl.batch([g1, g2])
    s = dgl.sum_nodes(g, 'x')
    m = dgl.mean_nodes(g, 'x')
    max_bg = dgl.max_nodes(g, 'x')
    assert F.allclose(s, F.stack([s1, s2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(m, F.stack([m1, m2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(max_bg, F.stack([max1, max2], 0))
    ws = dgl.sum_nodes(g, 'x', 'w')
    wm = dgl.mean_nodes(g, 'x', 'w')
    assert F.allclose(ws, F.stack([ws1, ws2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(wm, F.stack([wm1, wm2], 0))
    s = dgl.sum_edges(g, 'x')
    m = dgl.mean_edges(g, 'x')
    max_bg_e = dgl.max_edges(g, 'x')
    assert F.allclose(s, F.stack([se1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
    assert F.allclose(m, F.stack([me1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
    assert F.allclose(max_bg_e, F.stack([maxe1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_send_twice_different_msg():
    g = DGLGraph()
    g.add_edge(0, 1)
    g.add_edge(2, 1)

    def _message_a(edges):
        return {'a': edges.src['a']}

    def _message_b(edges):
        return {'a': edges.src['a'] * 3}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'a': F.max(nodes.mailbox['a'], 1)}

    old_repr = F.randn((3, 5))
    g.ndata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send((0, 1), _message_a)
    g.send((0, 1), _message_b)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], old_repr[0] * 3)

    g.ndata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send((0, 1), _message_a)
    g.send((2, 1), _message_b)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1],
                      F.max(F.stack([old_repr[0], old_repr[2] * 3], 0), 0))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def softmax(x):
    ndim = K.ndim(x)
    if ndim == 2:
        return K.softmax(x)
    elif ndim == 3:
        e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
        s = K.sum(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return e / s
        raise ValueError('Cannot apply softmax to a tensor '
                         'that is not 2D or 3D. '
                         'Here, ndim=' + str(ndim))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def call(self, x, **kwargs):
        # filters = K.zeros(shape=(N_filt, Filt_dim))
        min_freq = 50.0
        min_band = 50.0
        filt_beg_freq = K.abs(self.filt_b1) + min_freq / self.freq_scale
        filt_end_freq = filt_beg_freq + (K.abs(self.filt_band) +
                                         min_band / self.freq_scale)

        n = np.linspace(0, self.Filt_dim, self.Filt_dim)
        window = 0.54 - 0.46 * K.cos(2 * math.pi * n / self.Filt_dim)
        window = K.cast(window, "float32")
        window = K.variable(window)

        t_right_linspace = np.linspace(1, (self.Filt_dim - 1) / 2,
                                       int((self.Filt_dim - 1) / 2))
        t_right = K.variable(t_right_linspace / self.fs)

        # Compute the filters.
        output_list = []
        for i in range(self.N_filt):
            low_pass1 = (
                2 * self.filt_beg_freq[i] *
                sinc(self.filt_beg_freq[i] * self.freq_scale, self.t_right))
            low_pass2 = (
                2 * self.filt_end_freq[i] *
                sinc(self.filt_end_freq[i] * self.freq_scale, self.t_right))
            band_pass = low_pass2 - low_pass1
            band_pass = band_pass / K.max(band_pass)
            output_list.append(band_pass * self.window)
        filters = K.stack(output_list)  # (80, 251)
        filters = K.transpose(filters)  # (251, 80)
        filters = K.reshape(
            filters, (self.Filt_dim, 1, self.N_filt)
        )  # (251,1,80) in TF: (filter_width, in_channels, out_channels) in
        # PyTorch (out_channels, in_channels, filter_width)
        """Given an input tensor of shape [batch, in_width, in_channels] if data_format is "NWC", or [batch, 
        in_channels, in_width] if data_format is "NCW", and a filter / kernel tensor of shape [filter_width, 
        in_channels, out_channels], this op reshapes the arguments to pass them to conv2d to perform the equivalent 
        convolution operation. Internally, this op reshapes the input tensors and invokes tf.nn.conv2d. For example, 
        if data_format does not start with "NC", a tensor of shape [batch, in_width, in_channels] is reshaped to [
        batch, 1, in_width, in_channels], and the filter is reshaped to [1, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]. 
        The result is then reshaped back to [batch, out_width, out_channels] (where out_width is a function of the 
        stride and padding as in conv2d) and returned to the caller. """

        # Do the convolution.
        debug_print("  x", x)
        debug_print("  filters", filters)
        out = K.conv1d(x, kernel=filters)
        debug_print("  out", out)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: test_nn.py Proyecto: zwcdp/dgl
def test_simple_pool():
    ctx = F.ctx()
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(15))

    sum_pool = nn.SumPooling()
    avg_pool = nn.AvgPooling()
    max_pool = nn.MaxPooling()
    sort_pool = nn.SortPooling(10) # k = 10
    print(sum_pool, avg_pool, max_pool, sort_pool)

    # test#1: basic
    h0 = F.randn((g.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    if F.gpu_ctx():
        sum_pool = sum_pool.to(ctx)
        avg_pool = avg_pool.to(ctx)
        max_pool = max_pool.to(ctx)
        sort_pool = sort_pool.to(ctx)
        h0 = h0.to(ctx)
    h1 = sum_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.sum(h0, 0))
    h1 = avg_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.mean(h0, 0))
    h1 = max_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.max(h0, 0))
    h1 = sort_pool(g, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 10 * 5 and h1.dim() == 1

    # test#2: batched graph
    g_ = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(5))
    bg = dgl.batch([g, g_, g, g_, g])
    h0 = F.randn((bg.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    if F.gpu_ctx():
        h0 = h0.to(ctx)

    h1 = sum_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.sum(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = avg_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.mean(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = max_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.max(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.max(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.max(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.max(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.max(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = sort_pool(bg, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 5 and h1.shape[1] == 10 * 5 and h1.dim() == 2
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_simple_pool():
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(15))

    sum_pool = nn.SumPooling()
    avg_pool = nn.AvgPooling()
    max_pool = nn.MaxPooling()
    sort_pool = nn.SortPooling(10)  # k = 10
    print(sum_pool, avg_pool, max_pool, sort_pool)

    # test#1: basic
    h0 = F.randn((g.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    h1 = sum_pool(g, h0)
    check_close(F.squeeze(h1, 0), F.sum(h0, 0))
    h1 = avg_pool(g, h0)
    check_close(F.squeeze(h1, 0), F.mean(h0, 0))
    h1 = max_pool(g, h0)
    check_close(F.squeeze(h1, 0), F.max(h0, 0))
    h1 = sort_pool(g, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 1 and h1.shape[1] == 10 * 5 and h1.ndim == 2

    # test#2: batched graph
    g_ = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(5))
    bg = dgl.batch([g, g_, g, g_, g])
    h0 = F.randn((bg.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    h1 = sum_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = mx.nd.stack(F.sum(h0[:15], 0),
                        F.sum(h0[15:20], 0),
                        F.sum(h0[20:35], 0),
                        F.sum(h0[35:40], 0),
                        F.sum(h0[40:55], 0),
    check_close(h1, truth)

    h1 = avg_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = mx.nd.stack(F.mean(h0[:15], 0),
                        F.mean(h0[15:20], 0),
                        F.mean(h0[20:35], 0),
                        F.mean(h0[35:40], 0),
                        F.mean(h0[40:55], 0),
    check_close(h1, truth)

    h1 = max_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = mx.nd.stack(F.max(h0[:15], 0),
                        F.max(h0[15:20], 0),
                        F.max(h0[20:35], 0),
                        F.max(h0[35:40], 0),
                        F.max(h0[40:55], 0),
    check_close(h1, truth)

    h1 = sort_pool(bg, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 5 and h1.shape[1] == 10 * 5 and h1.ndim == 2
Ejemplo n.º 7
udf_apply_edges = {
    lhs_target + '_' + msg + '_' + rhs_target:
    edge_func(lhs_target, rhs_target, msg)
    for lhs_target in ['u', 'v', 'e'] for rhs_target in ['u', 'v', 'e']
    for msg in ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'dot', 'copy_lhs', 'copy_rhs']

udf_reduce = {
    'sum': lambda nodes: {
        'v': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)
    'min': lambda nodes: {
        'v': F.min(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)
    'max': lambda nodes: {
        'v': F.max(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)

graphs = [
    #    dgl.rand_graph(30, 0),
    dgl.rand_graph(100, 30),
    dgl.rand_graph(100, 3000),
    dgl.rand_bipartite(80, 160, 3000)

spmm_shapes = [((1, 2, 1, 3, 1), (4, 1, 3, 1, 1)),
               ((5, 3, 1, 7), (1, 3, 7, 1)), ((1, 3, 1), (4, 1, 3)),
               ((3, 3), (1, 3)), ((1, ), (3, )), ((3, ), (1, )),
               ((1, ), (1, ))]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def answer(*args):
     return F.max(F.stack(args, 0), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _reduce(nodes):
     return {'a': F.max(nodes.mailbox['a'], 1)}
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_send_multigraph(index_dtype):
    g = dgl.graph([(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (2, 1)], index_dtype=index_dtype)

    def _message_a(edges):
        return {'a': edges.data['a']}

    def _message_b(edges):
        return {'a': edges.data['a'] * 3}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'a': F.max(nodes.mailbox['a'], 1)}

    def answer(*args):
        return F.max(F.stack(args, 0), 0)

    assert g.is_multigraph

    # send by eid
    old_repr = F.randn((4, 5))
    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send([0, 2], message_func=_message_a)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], answer(old_repr[0], old_repr[2]))

    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send([0, 2, 3], message_func=_message_a)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], answer(old_repr[0], old_repr[2],

    # send on multigraph
    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send(([0, 2], [1, 1]), _message_a)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], F.max(old_repr, 0))

    # consecutive send and send_on
    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send((2, 1), _message_a)
    g.send([0, 1], message_func=_message_b)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1],
                      answer(old_repr[0] * 3, old_repr[1] * 3, old_repr[3]))

    # consecutive send_on
    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send(0, message_func=_message_a)
    g.send(1, message_func=_message_b)
    g.recv(1, _reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], answer(old_repr[0], old_repr[1] * 3))

    # send_and_recv_on
    g.ndata['a'] = F.zeros((3, 5))
    g.edata['a'] = old_repr
    g.send_and_recv([0, 2, 3], message_func=_message_a, reduce_func=_reduce)
    new_repr = g.ndata['a']
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1], answer(old_repr[0], old_repr[2],
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[[0, 2]], F.zeros((2, 5)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def rfunc2(nodes):
     return {'y': F.max(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def predicate(r):
     return F.max(r.data['a'], 1) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def udf_max(nodes):
    return {'r2': F.max(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _rfunc_m1max(nodes):
     return {'o3': F.max(nodes.mailbox['m1'], 1)}
Ejemplo n.º 15
                select(rhs_target, edges.src, edges.data, edges.dst)['y']
    return foo

udf_apply_edges = {
    lhs_target + '_' + msg + '_' + rhs_target: edge_func(lhs_target, rhs_target, msg)
    for lhs_target in ['u', 'v', 'e']
    for rhs_target in ['u', 'v', 'e']
    for msg in ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'dot', 'copy_lhs', 'copy_rhs']

udf_reduce = {
    'sum': lambda nodes: {'v': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)},
    'min': lambda nodes: {'v': F.min(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)},
    'max': lambda nodes: {'v': F.max(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

graphs = [
    # dgl.rand_graph(30, 0),
    dgl.rand_graph(30, 100),
    dgl.rand_bipartite('_U', '_E', '_V', 30, 40, 300)

spmm_shapes = [
    ((1, 2, 1, 3, 1), (4, 1, 3, 1, 1)),
    ((3, 3), (1, 3)),
    ((1,), (3,)),
    ((3,), (1,)),
    ((1,), (1,)),
    ((), ())
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _reduce(nodes):
     print(F.max(nodes.mailbox['a'], 1))
     return {'a': F.max(nodes.mailbox['a'], 1)}