Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: fbnn.py Proyecto: ml-lab/FBNN
    def __init__(self, hparams, name="FBNN"):

        self.name = name
        self.hparams = hparams

        self.n_in = self.hparams.context_dim
        self.n_out = self.hparams.num_actions
        self.n_adv = self.hparams.n_adv
        self.layers = self.hparams.layer_sizes
        self.init_scale = self.hparams.init_scale
        self.n_sample = self.hparams.n_sample
        self.f_num_points = None
        if "f_num_points" in hparams:
            self.f_num_points = self.hparams.f_num_points

        self.cleared_times_trained = self.hparams.cleared_times_trained
        self.initial_training_steps = self.hparams.initial_training_steps
        self.training_schedule = np.linspace(self.initial_training_steps,
        self.verbose = getattr(self.hparams, "verbose", True)

        self.times_trained = 0

        if self.hparams.use_sigma_exp_transform:
            self.sigma_transform = tf.exp
            self.inverse_sigma_transform = np.log
            self.sigma_transform = tf.nn.softplus
            self.inverse_sigma_transform = lambda y: y + np.log(1. - np.exp(-y)

        self.gp = MultitaskGP(hparams.hparams_gp)
        self.build_graph(self.gp.graph, self.gp.sess)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, name, hparams, bnn_model='RMSProp'):
        """Creates a PosteriorBNNSampling object based on a specific optimizer.

    The algorithm has two basic tools: an Approx BNN and a Contextual Dataset.
    The Bayesian Network keeps the posterior based on the optimizer iterations.

      name: Name of the algorithm.
      hparams: Hyper-parameters of the algorithm.
      bnn_model: Type of BNN. By default RMSProp (point estimate).

        self.name = name
        self.hparams = hparams
        self.optimizer_n = hparams.optimizer

        self.training_freq = hparams.training_freq
        self.training_epochs = hparams.training_epochs
        self.t = 0
        self.data_h = ContextualDataset(hparams.context_dim,
                                        hparams.num_actions, hparams.buffer_s)

        # to be extended with more BNNs (BB alpha-div, GPs, SGFS, constSGD...)
        bnn_name = '{}-bnn'.format(name)
        if bnn_model == 'Variational':
            self.bnn = VariationalNeuralBanditModel(hparams, bnn_name)
        elif bnn_model == 'AlphaDiv':
            self.bnn = BBAlphaDivergence(hparams, bnn_name)
        elif bnn_model == 'Variational_BF':
            self.bnn = BfVariationalNeuralBanditModel(hparams, bnn_name)
        elif bnn_model == 'GP':
            self.bnn = MultitaskGP(hparams)
            self.bnn = NeuralBanditModel(self.optimizer_n, hparams, bnn_name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: fbnn.py Proyecto: ml-lab/FBNN
class FunctionalBNNModel(BayesianNN):
    """Implements an functional Bayesian NN."""
    def __init__(self, hparams, name="FBNN"):

        self.name = name
        self.hparams = hparams

        self.n_in = self.hparams.context_dim
        self.n_out = self.hparams.num_actions
        self.n_adv = self.hparams.n_adv
        self.layers = self.hparams.layer_sizes
        self.init_scale = self.hparams.init_scale
        self.n_sample = self.hparams.n_sample
        self.f_num_points = None
        if "f_num_points" in hparams:
            self.f_num_points = self.hparams.f_num_points

        self.cleared_times_trained = self.hparams.cleared_times_trained
        self.initial_training_steps = self.hparams.initial_training_steps
        self.training_schedule = np.linspace(self.initial_training_steps,
        self.verbose = getattr(self.hparams, "verbose", True)

        self.times_trained = 0

        if self.hparams.use_sigma_exp_transform:
            self.sigma_transform = tf.exp
            self.inverse_sigma_transform = np.log
            self.sigma_transform = tf.nn.softplus
            self.inverse_sigma_transform = lambda y: y + np.log(1. - np.exp(-y)

        self.gp = MultitaskGP(hparams.hparams_gp)
        self.build_graph(self.gp.graph, self.gp.sess)

    def build_mu_variable(self, shape):
        """Returns a mean variable initialized as N(0, 0.05)."""
        return tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape, 0.0, 0.05))

    def build_sigma_variable(self, shape, init=-5.):
        """Returns a sigma variable initialized as N(init, 0.05)."""
        # Initialize sigma to be very small initially to encourage MAP opt first
        return tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape, init, 0.05))

    def build_layer(self, input_x, shape, layer_id, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu):
        """Builds a variational layer, and computes KL term.

      input_x: Input to the variational layer.
      shape: [number_inputs, number_outputs] for the layer.
      layer_id: Number of layer in the architecture.
      activation_fn: Activation function to apply.

      output_h: Output of the variational layer.
        w_mu = self.build_mu_variable(shape)
        w_sigma = self.sigma_transform(self.build_sigma_variable(shape))
        w_noise = tf.random_normal([self.n_sample] + shape)
        w = w_mu + w_sigma * w_noise

        b_mu = self.build_mu_variable([1, shape[1]])
        # b_sigma = self.sigma_transform(self.build_sigma_variable([1, shape[1]]))
        b = b_mu

        # Create outputs
        output_h = activation_fn(tf.matmul(input_x, w) + b)
        return output_h

    def build_model(self, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu):
        """Defines the actual NN model with fully connected layers.

    The loss is computed for partial feedback settings (bandits), so only
    the observed outcome is backpropagated (see weighted loss).
    Selects the optimizer and, finally, it also initializes the graph.

      activation_fn: the activation function used in the nn layers.

        if self.verbose:
            print("Initializing model {}.".format(self.name))
        neg_kl_term, l_number = 0, 0

        # Build network.
        input_x = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(self.x_adv, 0), [self.n_sample, 1, 1])
        n_in = self.n_in

        for l_number, n_nodes in enumerate(self.layers):
            if n_nodes > 0:
                h = self.build_layer(input_x, [n_in, n_nodes], l_number,
                input_x = h
                n_in = n_nodes

        # Create last linear layer
        h = self.build_layer(input_x, [n_in, self.n_out],
                             l_number + 1,
                             activation_fn=lambda x: x)

        self.func_x_adv = h  # (h - tf.to_float(self.gp.input_mean)) / tf.to_float(self.gp.input_std)
        self.func_x = self.func_x_adv[:, :tf.shape(self.x)[0]]
        self.func_adv = self.func_x_adv[:, tf.shape(self.x)[0]:]
        self.y_pred = h[0, :tf.shape(self.x)[0]] * tf.to_float(
            self.gp.input_std) + tf.to_float(self.gp.input_mean)
        #TODO: mean

        self.injected_noise = 0.01
        noisy_func_x_adv = self.func_x_adv + self.injected_noise * tf.random_normal(
        tmp = tf.boolean_mask(tf.transpose(noisy_func_x_adv, [1, 2, 0]),
                              self.weights_x_adv > 0)
        self.noisy_func_x_adv = tf.transpose(tmp)

        # alpha = tf.nn.softplus(self.gp.noise) + 1e-6
        # self.obs_sigma = tf.constant(self.hparams.noise_sigma)
        self.obs_sigma = tf.nn.softplus(
            tf.get_variable('pre_noise_sigma', initializer=-3.))
        y_normed = (self.y - tf.to_float(self.gp.input_mean)) / tf.to_float(
        log_likelihood = log_gaussian(y_normed,

        # Compute functional kl divergence
        x_adv_64, w_x_adv_64 = tf.cast(self.x_adv, tf.float64), tf.cast(
            self.weights_x_adv, tf.float64)
        eye = tf.eye(tf.shape(self.x_adv)[0], dtype=tf.float64)
        prior_cov = self.gp.cov(x_adv_64, x_adv_64) * self.gp.task_cov(w_x_adv_64, w_x_adv_64) \
          + self.injected_noise ** 2 * eye
        prior_cov_root = tf.to_float(tf.linalg.cholesky(prior_cov))

        estimator = SpectralScoreEstimator(n_eigen_threshold=0.99)
        entropy_sur = entropy_surrogate(estimator, self.noisy_func_x_adv)

        prior_dist = zs.distributions.MultivariateNormalCholesky(
            mean=tf.zeros([tf.shape(self.x_adv)[0]]), cov_tril=prior_cov_root)
        cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
        kl = -entropy_sur - cross_entropy

        # Only take into account observed outcomes (bandits setting)
        batch_size = tf.to_float(tf.shape(self.x)[0])
        self.weighted_log_likelihood = tf.reduce_sum(
            log_likelihood * self.weights) / batch_size

        self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
        kl_coeff = 1.  # tf.minimum(tf.to_float(self.global_step % 20000) / 15000., 1.) #TODO
        elbo = self.weighted_log_likelihood - kl / batch_size * kl_coeff

        self.loss = -elbo
        vars = list(
            set(tf.trainable_variables()) -
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.hparams.initial_lr)
        gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss, var_list=vars)
        clipped_grads = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -self.hparams.max_grad_norm,
                                           self.hparams.max_grad_norm), var)
                         for grad, var in gradients]
        self.train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(clipped_grads)

    def build_graph(self, graph, sess):
        """Defines graph, session, placeholders, and model.

    Placeholders are: n (size of the dataset), x and y (context and observed
    reward for each action), and weights (one-hot encoding of selected action
    for each context, i.e., only possibly non-zero element in each y).

        self.graph = graph
        with self.graph.as_default():

            self.sess = sess
            self.x = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, self.n_in], dtype=tf.float32)
            self.y = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, self.n_out], dtype=tf.float32)
            self.weights = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, self.n_out],

            xmin, xmax = tf.reduce_min(self.x,
                                       0), tf.reduce_max(self.x,
                                                         0)  #TODO: adv region
            self.adv = tf.random_uniform(shape=[self.n_adv, self.n_in]) * (
                xmax - xmin) * 2 + xmin - (xmax - xmin) / 2.
            rand = tf.to_int32(
                                  maxval=self.n_out - 0.5))
            self.weights_adv = tf.one_hot(rand, self.n_out)

            self.x_adv = tf.concat([self.x, self.adv], axis=0)
            self.weights_x_adv = tf.concat([self.weights, self.weights_adv],


    def assign_lr(self):
        """Resets the learning rate in dynamic schedules for subsequent trainings.

    In bandits settings, we do expand our dataset over time. Then, we need to
    re-train the network with the new data. The algorithms that do not keep
    the step constant, can reset it at the start of each *training* process.

        decay_steps = 1
        if self.hparams.activate_decay:
            current_gs = self.sess.run(self.global_step)
            with self.graph.as_default():
                self.lr = self.hparams.initial_lr

    def train(self, data, num_steps):
        """Trains the BNN for num_steps, using the data in 'data'.

      data: ContextualDataset object that provides the data.
      num_steps: Number of minibatches to train the network for.

      losses: Loss history during training.

        if self.times_trained < self.cleared_times_trained:
            num_steps = int(self.training_schedule[self.times_trained])
        self.times_trained += 1

        losses = []
        with self.graph.as_default():
            if self.verbose:
                print("Training GP first ")
                self.gp.train(data, 100)

            if self.verbose:
                print("Training {} for {} steps...".format(
                    self.name, num_steps))
            for step in range(num_steps):
                x, y, weights = data.get_batch_with_weights(
                    self.hparams.batch_size, False)
                _, global_step, loss, ll, obss, yp = self.sess.run(
                        self.train_op, self.global_step, self.loss,
                        self.weighted_log_likelihood, self.obs_sigma,
                        self.x: x,
                        self.y: y,
                        self.weights: weights,

                if step % 100 == 0:
                        'Iter %d/%d -- ELBO %.4f -- Log Likelihood %.4f -- Obs Sigma %.4f'
                        % (step, num_steps, -loss, ll, obss))
                    print('Y Pred = {}'.format(
                                  yp.transpose()).reshape([1, -1])[0, :5]))
                    print('Y True = {}'.format(
                                  y.transpose()).reshape([1, -1])[0, :5]))
        print('------End Training for one Epoch-----')
        return losses