Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_messaging_callback():
    # raw_data = json.loads(request.data).pop()
    raw_data = APIHelper.json_deserialize(request.data).pop()
    messaging_callback: BandwidthCallbackMessage = BandwidthCallbackMessage.from_dictionary(
    message: BandwidthMessage = messaging_callback.message
    is_dlr = message.direction.lower().strip() == 'out'
    if is_dlr:
        log_message = 'Callback Received for: MessageId: %s, status: %s'
        print(log_message % (message.id, messaging_callback.description))
        return 'Received Callback'
    owner = message.owner
    to_numbers = message.to.copy()
    message_request = MessageRequest(
    message_text = message.text.lower().strip()
    is_dog = message_text == 'dog'
    if is_dog:
        message_request.text = '🐶'
        message_request.media = ['https://bw-demo.s3.amazonaws.com/dog.jpg']
        message_request.text = '👋 Hello From bandwidth!'
    messaging_client: APIController = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
    api_response: ApiResponse = messaging_client.create_message(
        BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNT_ID, message_request)
    message_response: BandwidthMessage = api_response.body
    log_message = 'Sent message with MessageId: %s'
    print(log_message % message_response.id)
    return "Handle messaging callback"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_inbound_media_mms(to, from_, media):
    Takes information from a Bandwidth inbound message callback that includes media
    and responds with a text message containing the same media
    sent through Bandwidth's media resource.

    :param list<str> to: The list of phone numbers that received the message
    :param str from_: The phone number that sent the message
    :param list<str> media: The list of media sent in the message

    :returns: None
    downloaded_media_files = download_media_from_bandwidth(media)
    body = MessageRequest()
    body.application_id = MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
    body.to = [from_]
    body.mfrom = to
    body.text = "Rebound!"
    #Build the media URL by taking the media ids (that doubled as the file names) and appending them to
    #the bandwidth media base url
    body.media = [
        for media_file in downloaded_media_files
        messaging_client.create_message(MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, body)
    except Exception as e:
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_successful_create_message(self, messaging_client):
        """Create valid request to send an SMS using the Messaging API.

            messaging_client: Contains the basic auth credentials needed to authenticate.

        message_body = MessageRequest()
        message_body.application_id = BW_MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
        message_body.to = [USER_NUMBER]
        message_body.mfrom = BW_NUMBER
        message_body.text = "Python Monitoring"
        create_response = messaging_client.create_message(BW_ACCOUNT_ID, message_body)
        create_response_body = create_response.body


        assert (create_response.status_code == 202)
        assert len(create_response_body.id) == 29    # asserts `messageId` returned and matches expected length (29)
        # asserts `owner` matches `mfrom` number and `BW_NUMBER`
        assert create_response_body.owner == create_response_body.mfrom == BW_NUMBER
        assert create_response_body.application_id == BW_MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID

        # asserts the date string is valid ISO
        assert dateutil.parser.isoparse(str(create_response_body.time))
        assert type(create_response_body.segment_count) is int
        assert create_response_body.to == [USER_NUMBER]
        assert create_response_body.media == message_body.media
        assert create_response_body.text == message_body.text
        assert create_response_body.tag == message_body.tag
        assert create_response_body.priority == message_body.priority
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_message():
    data = json.loads(request.data)
    body = MessageRequest()
    body.to = [data["to"]]
    body.mfrom = data["from"]
    body.text = data["text"]
    body.application_id = MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
    messaging_client.create_message(MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, body=body)
    return "Send a text message"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def handle_voice_callback_status():
    data = json.loads(request.data)
    #data["tag"] contains the full recording url, if present
    #Format: https://voice.bandwidth.com/api/v2/accounts/123/calls/c-id/recordings/r-id/media
    if "tag" in data.keys():
        call_id = data["tag"].split("/")[-4]
        recording_id = data["tag"].split("/")[-2]
        #Download media from voice API
        media_content = voice_client.get_stream_recording_media(VOICE_ACCOUNT_ID, call_id, recording_id).body

        #Upload media to messaging API
        messaging_client.upload_media(MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, recording_id, str(len(media_content)), body=media_content)
        #Send text
        body = MessageRequest() 
        body.application_id = MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
        body.mfrom = data["to"]
        body.to = [data["from"]]
        body.text = "Attached is your recorded message"
        body.media = ["https://messaging.bandwidth.com/api/v2/users/{account_id}/media/{recording_id}".format(account_id=MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, recording_id=recording_id)]
        messaging_client.create_message(MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, body=body)
    return ""
Ejemplo n.º 6
def handle_inbound_sms(to, from_):
    Take information from a Bandwidth inbound message callback and responds with
    a text message with the current date and time

    :param list<str> to: The list of phone numbers that received the message
    :param str from_: The phone number that sent the text message

    :returns: None
    body = MessageRequest()
    body.application_id = MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
    body.to = [from_]
    body.mfrom = to
    body.text = "The current date-time is: " + str(
        time.time() * 1000) + " milliseconds since the epoch"
        messaging_client.create_message(MESSAGING_ACCOUNT_ID, body)
    except Exception as e:
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_failed_create_message(self, messaging_client):
        """Create invalid request to send an SMS using the Messaging API.

            messaging_client: Contains the basic auth credentials needed to authenticate.

        with pytest.raises(MessagingException):    # asserts that a messaging exception is raised
            message_body = MessageRequest()
            message_body.application_id = BW_MESSAGING_APPLICATION_ID
            message_body.to = ["+1invalid"]
            message_body.mfrom = BW_NUMBER
            message_body.text = "Python Monitoring"

            create_response = messaging_client.create_message(BW_ACCOUNT_ID, message_body)
            create_response_body = create_response.body


            assert create_response.status_code == 400
            assert type(create_response_body.type) == "request-validation"
            assert type(create_response_body.description) is str
Ejemplo n.º 8
def handle_callback():

    # Grab the incoming callback information
    raw_data = APIHelper.json_deserialize(request.data).pop()
    messaging_callback: BandwidthCallbackMessage = BandwidthCallbackMessage.from_dictionary(
    message: BandwidthMessage = messaging_callback.message

    # Check the direction of the message - if we are receiving a callback saying our outbound message was sent,
    #  we dont want to reply with another generated trivia question
    is_dlr = message.direction.lower().strip() == 'out'
    if is_dlr:
        """Determine if the message is inbound or outbound and handle it"""
        log_message = 'Callback Received for: MessageId: %s, status: %s'
        print(log_message % (message.id, messaging_callback.description))
        return 'Outbound Message'

    question_type = ''
    question_difficulty = ''
    question_category = ''
    question = ''
    question_correct_answer = ''
    question_short_answer = ''
    question_incorrect_answers = ''

    # Parse the trivia question
    trivia_question = set_trivia_question()
    question_type = trivia_question['type']
    question_category = trivia_question['category']
    question = trivia_question['question']
    question_correct_answer = trivia_question['correct_answer']
    question_incorrect_answers = trivia_question['incorrect_answers']
    if trivia_question['difficulty'] == 'easy':
        question_difficulty = 1
    elif trivia_question['difficulty'] == 'medium':
        question_difficulty = 2
    elif trivia_question['difficulty'] == 'hard':
        question_difficulty = 3

    # Grab the message details and determine if user is new or existing, grab corresponding db record
    owner = message.owner
    respondents = message.mfrom
    database_user = determine_new_user(respondents)
    database_user.time = datetime.utcnow()
    # print('Owner', owner)
    # print('Respondents:', respondents)

    message_request = MessageRequest(

    # Generate a question/answer set for multiple choice and format True/False
    if question_type == 'multiple':
        answers_list = question_incorrect_answers.copy()
        answers_dict = {
            'A': answers_list[0],
            'B': answers_list[1],
            'C': answers_list[2],
            'D': answers_list[3]

        # Match the correct letter answer from the dict key with the correct answer value after randomization
        for key in answers_dict:
            if question_correct_answer == answers_dict[key]:
                question_short_answer = str(key)
        question_text = str(question) + ' (' + str(question_difficulty) + ' pts.)' + '\n\n' + \
                        'A. ' + str(answers_list[0]) + '\n' + 'B. ' + str(answers_list[1]) + '\n' + \
                        'C. ' + str(answers_list[2]) + '\n' + 'D. ' + str(answers_list[3])

    elif question_type == 'boolean':
        question_text = 'True or False? (' + str(
            question_difficulty) + ' pts.)' + '\n\n' + str(question)
        answers_dict = {'T': 'True', 'F': 'False'}
        for key in answers_dict:
            if question_correct_answer == answers_dict[key]:
                question_short_answer = str(key)

    # If user is existing, see if they are sending an answer attempt and match it to the correct answer
    #  held in the database
    if message.text.lower().strip() == 'new':
        # If user is requesting a new question, clear their answer field and generate a new question
        database_user.currentQuestion = question
        database_user.currentAnswer = question_correct_answer
        database_user.currentShortAnswer = question_short_answer
        message_request.text = str(question_text) + '\n\n' + 'Total Points: ' + str(database_user.points) + \
                               '\nText \'Help\' for help.\nText \'new\' to generate a new question. ' \
                               '\nText \'delete\' to permanently delete your account. \nThanks for playing Text Trivia!'
        messaging_client: APIController = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
        api_response: ApiResponse = messaging_client.create_message(
            BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNT_ID, message_request)
        message_response: BandwidthMessage = api_response.body
        return 'New Question Generated'

    elif message.text.lower().strip() == 'delete':
        # If user is requesting account deletion - delete db info
        message_request.text = str(
            'Account successfully deleted. '
            'Simply text us again if you\'d like to make a new one!')
        messaging_client: APIController = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
        api_response: ApiResponse = messaging_client.create_message(
            BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNT_ID, message_request)
        message_response: BandwidthMessage = api_response.body
        return 'Account Deleted'

    elif message.text.lower().strip() == 'help':
        # Send a help message with the available message commands
        message_request.text = 'Text \'new\' to receive a new question.\n\nText \'delete\' to permanently delete ' \
                               'your account.\n\nYou can respond to multiple choice questions by either responding ' \
                               'with the corresponding letter choice or texting the full answer.\nTrue/False ' \
                               'questions can be answered by responding with either T, F, True, or False.' \
                               '\n\nCurrent Points: ' + str(database_user.points) + '\nMax Points: ' + \
                               str(database_user.maxPoints) + '\nLives Remaining: ' + str(database_user.lives)
        messaging_client: APIController = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
        api_response: ApiResponse = messaging_client.create_message(
            BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNT_ID, message_request)
        message_response: BandwidthMessage = api_response.body
        return 'Help is on the way!'

    elif message.text.lower().strip() == database_user.currentAnswer.lower().strip() or message.text.lower().strip() \
            == database_user.currentShortAnswer.lower().strip():
        answer_confirmation_text = 'Correct!'
        # Award points for giving the correct answer
        database_user.points += int(question_difficulty)
        if database_user.points > database_user.maxPoints:
            database_user.maxPoints = int(database_user.points)

        # set the answer field in the database record to match the newly generated answer
        database_user.currentQuestion = question
        database_user.currentAnswer = question_correct_answer
        database_user.currentShortAnswer = question_short_answer

        if database_user.currentAnswer == '':
            answer_confirmation_text = 'Welcome to Text Trivia!'
            answer_confirmation_text = 'Incorrect. The correct answer was ' + \
                                       str(database_user.currentAnswer).strip() + '.'
            database_user.lives -= 1
            if database_user.lives == 0:
                # Reset current point streak if user runs out of lives
                database_user.points = 0
                database_user.lives = 5
                answer_confirmation_text = answer_confirmation_text + '\n\nYou are out of lives! ' \
                                                                      'Your points have been reset.'
        database_user.currentQuestion = question
        database_user.currentAnswer = question_correct_answer
        database_user.currentShortAnswer = question_short_answer

    new_message_text = str(
        str(answer_confirmation_text) + '\n\n' + str(question_text) +
        '\n\n\n' + 'Total Points: ' + str(database_user.points) + '\nLives: ' +
        str(database_user.lives) + '\nBest Score: ' +
        str(database_user.maxPoints) +
        '\n\nThanks for playing Text Trivia!\nText \'Help\' for help.')

    # Create and send our message using Bandwidht's API
    message_request.text = new_message_text
    messaging_client: APIController = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
    api_response: ApiResponse = messaging_client.create_message(
        BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNT_ID, message_request)
    message_response: BandwidthMessage = api_response.body
    return ''