Ejemplo n.º 1
def Period(current,start_time):
    eph1957 = ELL1Ephemeris('psrj1959.par')
    jpleph = JPLEphemeris(de405)
    mjd = Time(current, format='mjd', scale='utc',

    time=mjd.tdb.mjd #start time in mjd
    time_jd=mjd.tdb.jd #start time in jd
    f_p=eph1957.evaluate('F',time,t0par='PEPOCH')#pulse frequency
    P_0=1./f_p #pulse period
    P_1000=1000*P_0 #scale up to get output every 1000 periods
    # orbital delay and velocity (lt-s and v/c)
    d_orb = eph1957.orbital_delay(time)
    v_orb = eph1957.radial_velocity(time)

    # direction to target
    dir_1957 = eph1957.pos(time)

    # Delay from and velocity of centre of earth to SSB (lt-s and v/c)
    posvel_earth = jpleph.compute('earth', time_jd)
    pos_earth = posvel_earth[:3]/c.to(u.km/u.s).value
    vel_earth = posvel_earth[3:]/c.to(u.km/u.day).value

    d_earth = np.sum(pos_earth*dir_1957, axis=0)
    v_earth = np.sum(vel_earth*dir_1957, axis=0)

    #GMRT from tempo2-2013.3.1/T2runtime/observatory/observatories.dat
    xyz_gmrt = (1656318.94, 5797865.99, 2073213.72)
    # Rough delay from observatory to center of earth
    # mean sidereal time (checked it is close to rf_ephem.utc_to_last)
    lmst = (observability.time2gmst(mjd)/24. + mjd.lon/360.)*2.*np.pi
    coslmst, sinlmst = np.cos(lmst), np.sin(lmst)
    # rotate observatory vector
    xy = np.sqrt(xyz_gmrt[0]**2+xyz_gmrt[1]**2)
    pos_gmrt = np.array([xy*coslmst, xy*sinlmst,
    vel_gmrt = np.array([-xy*sinlmst, xy*coslmst,
    # take inner product with direction to pulsar
    d_topo = np.sum(pos_gmrt*dir_1957, axis=0)
    v_topo = np.sum(vel_gmrt*dir_1957, axis=0)
    #total relative velocity
    total_rv = - v_topo - v_earth + v_orb

    L=(1./(1+total_rv))#multiplying factor to find doppler frequency
    f_dp=f_p*L #doppler shifted frequency
    P_dp=1./f_dp #doppler shifted period
    total_delay = d_topo + d_earth + d_orb
    return period
Ejemplo n.º 2
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates.angles import Angle
from astropy.constants import c
import astropy.units as u
import de405
import observability
from pulsar import ELL1Ephemeris
from barycentre import JPLEphemeris
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

deg2rad = np.pi/180.

eph1957 = ELL1Ephemeris('psrj1959.par')
jpleph = JPLEphemeris(de405)
#********adjust 3 min for delay********
mjd = Time('2013-05-16 23:40:00', scale='utc').mjd
mjd = Time(mjd, format='mjd', scale='utc',

start=mjd.tdb.mjd #start time in mjd
time_jd=mjd.tdb.jd #start time in jd
end=(1+(3./60))/24 #length of observations (from timestamp files?)
finish=start+end #end time
delay=[] #empty array to hold delay times
original_delay=[] #empty array to hold delays
original_period=[] #empty array to hold the initial period for each time
doppler_period=[] #empty array to hold doppler shifted period
rv=[] #empty array to hold relative velocities of the system
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Period(current):
    start = Time('2013-05-16 23:43:00', format='iso', scale='utc').mjd
    current = start + (float(current) / (60 * 60 * 24))
    eph1957 = ELL1Ephemeris('psrj1959.par')
    jpleph = JPLEphemeris(de405)
    mjd = Time(
        lon=(74 * u.deg + 02 * u.arcmin + 59.07 * u.arcsec).to(u.deg).value,
        lat=(19 * u.deg + 05 * u.arcmin + 47.46 * u.arcsec).to(u.deg).value)

    time = mjd.tdb.mjd  #start time in mjd
    time_jd = mjd.tdb.jd  #start time in jd
    f_p = eph1957.evaluate('F', time, t0par='PEPOCH')  #pulse frequency
    f_dot = eph1957.evaluate('FDOT', time, t0par='PEPOCH')
    P_0 = 1. / f_p  #pulse period
    P_1000 = 1000 * P_0  #scale up to get output every 1000 periods

    # orbital delay and velocity (lt-s and v/c)
    d_orb = eph1957.orbital_delay(time)
    v_orb = eph1957.radial_velocity(time)

    # direction to target
    dir_1957 = eph1957.pos(time)

    # Delay from and velocity of centre of earth to SSB (lt-s and v/c)
    posvel_earth = jpleph.compute('earth', time_jd)
    pos_earth = posvel_earth[:3] / c.to(u.km / u.s).value
    vel_earth = posvel_earth[3:] / c.to(u.km / u.day).value

    d_earth = np.sum(pos_earth * dir_1957, axis=0)
    v_earth = np.sum(vel_earth * dir_1957, axis=0)

    #GMRT from tempo2-2013.3.1/T2runtime/observatory/observatories.dat
    xyz_gmrt = (1656318.94, 5797865.99, 2073213.72)
    # Rough delay from observatory to center of earth
    # mean sidereal time (checked it is close to rf_ephem.utc_to_last)
    lmst = (observability.time2gmst(mjd) / 24. + mjd.lon / 360.) * 2. * np.pi
    coslmst, sinlmst = np.cos(lmst), np.sin(lmst)
    # rotate observatory vector
    xy = np.sqrt(xyz_gmrt[0]**2 + xyz_gmrt[1]**2)
    pos_gmrt = np.array([
        xy * coslmst, xy * sinlmst, xyz_gmrt[2] * np.ones_like(lmst)
    ]) / c.si.value
    vel_gmrt = np.array([
        -xy * sinlmst, xy * coslmst,
    ]) * 2. * np.pi * 366.25 / 365.25 / c.to(u.m / u.day).value
    # take inner product with direction to pulsar
    d_topo = np.sum(pos_gmrt * dir_1957, axis=0)
    v_topo = np.sum(vel_gmrt * dir_1957, axis=0)

    #total relative velocity
    total_rv = -v_topo - v_earth + v_orb

    L = (1. / (1 + total_rv))  #multiplying factor to find doppler frequency
    f_dp = f_p * L  #doppler shifted frequency
    P_dp = 1. / f_dp  #doppler shifted period
    total_delay = d_topo + d_earth + d_orb

    period = P_dp

    return period