Ejemplo n.º 1
    def loadLevelGeometry(self):
        w, h = base.SCREEN_WIDTH, base.SCREEN_HEIGHT

        fname, tname, codes, background = levelfile.loadLevelFile(

        tname = os.path.join('levels/tilesets', tname + '.png')
        fname = os.path.join('levels', fname + '.tga')
        background = os.path.join('levels', background + ".png")

        ## load the level from tga file
            self.tga_load_level(fname, 1)
        except IOError:
            raise ResourceException("Failed to level tga file \"" + fname +

        ## load the tileset
            self.tga_load_tiles(tname, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE), self.tdata)
        except IOError:
            raise ResourceException("Failed to load tileset from file \"" +
                                    tname + "\"")

        self.bounds = pygame.Rect(0, 0,
                                  len(self.tlayer[0]) * TILE_SIZE,
                                  (len(self.tlayer) * TILE_SIZE) +

        ## Load background tiles and randomize background.
            self.bg.tga_load_tiles(background, (BG_TILE_SIZE, BG_TILE_SIZE),
        except IOError:
            raise base.ResourceException(
                "failed to load level background from \"" + background + "\"")

        ## parallaxing moves twice as slow as the foreground, but should contain
        ## the entire field.
        bgW = 5 + (self.size[0] / 4 - 5) / 2
        bgH = 4 + (self.size[1] / 4 - 4) / 2

        self.bg.resize((bgW, bgH))
        self.bg.bounds = pygame.Rect(0, 0,
                                     len(self.bg.tlayer[0]) * BG_TILE_SIZE,
                                     (len(self.bg.tlayer) * BG_TILE_SIZE) +

        for y in range(self.bg.size[1]):
            for x in range(self.bg.size[0]):
                self.bg.set((x, y), random.randint(0, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def loadLevelFile(filename):
	f = None
	fn = os.path.join('levels',filename + ".lev")
		f = file(fn)
	except IOError:
		raise base.ResourceException("Cannot load level file \"" + fn + "\"")
	lines = f.readlines()
	if(len(lines) != 4):
		raise Exception("Invalid level file, the line count does not match four.",
		"When the file has these lines:",lines)
	for i in range(0,len(lines)):
		if platform.system() == 'Windows':
			lines[i] = lines[i].strip("\n")
		elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
			lines[i] = lines[i].strip("\r\n") #assuming the files are save in Windows text
	return lines
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def loop(self):
        gameVariables = self.main.gameVariables
        levelName = ""
        currentLevel = None
        running = True

        while running:

            while currentLevel == None:
                levelName = "gamelevel" + str(
                    self.data['chapter']) + "_" + str(self.data['level'])
                if base.NEED_MORE_BIBLES == False:
                    levelName = "gamelevel" + str(6) + "_" + str(1)
                #	levelName = "gamelevel" + str(self.data['chapter']) + "_" + str(self.data['level'])

                    if self.data['difficulty'] != 3:
                        if self.data['chapter'] == 3:
                            if self.data['level'] == 3:
                                levelName = "gamelevel" + str(3) + "_" + str(4)

                    ## Load the new level from the dynamically loaded module
                    currentLevel = initLevel(levelName)
                    # save all the variables level and other scripts might have created in gameVariables
                    for key, value in gameVariables.iteritems():
                        self.data[key] = value

                except ImportError, err:
                    # if we weren't looking for the first level of current major
                    # number (x_0), then check for next major
                    if self.data['level'] > 1:
                        self.data['chapter'] += 1
                        self.data['level'] = 1
                        raise base.ResourceException("Error loading level " +
                                                     levelName + "!")

                if base.SOUND == True:
                    if self.data["chapter"] == 5:
                        if self.playing != "MountainMusic":
                            for item in music.Music:
                            self.playing = "MountainMusic"

                    if self.data["chapter"] == 4:
                        if self.playing != "TempleMusic":
                            for item in music.Music:
                            self.playing = "TempleMusic"

                    if self.data["chapter"] == 2:
                        if self.playing != "CaveMusic":
                            for item in music.Music:
                            self.playing = "CaveMusic"

                    if (((self.data["chapter"] == 1)
                         or (self.data["chapter"] == 3)
                         or (self.data["chapter"] == 6))):
                        if self.playing != "JungleMusic":
                            for item in music.Music:
                            self.playing = "JungleMusic"

            chapter = int(self.data['chapter'])
            print "Loaded level", levelName

            if len(base.testLevelname) > 0:
                currentLevel.levelFileName = base.testLevelname

            # give the level access to the gameVariables
            currentLevel.pvars = gameVariables
            # run until user quits
            endState = currentLevel.run()

            if (endState == base.NEXTLEVEL):
                self.data['bibles'] = base.num_bibles
                self.data['bananas'] = base.numBananas

                self.data['level'] += 1
                currentLevel = None
                base.testLevelname = ""
                if base.num_bibles >= base.NEEDED_BIBLES:
                    base.NEED_MORE_BIBLES = False
                    for key, value in gameVariables.iteritems():
                        self.data[key] = value

                if base.NEED_MORE_BIBLES == True:
                    base.DATA["chapter"] = randrange(1, 5)
                    base.DATA["level"] = randrange(1, 2)

                self.data['bibles'] = base.num_bibles
                self.data['bananas'] = base.numBananas

                #self.data['level'] += 1
                #currentLevel = None
                base.testLevelname = ""
            elif endState == base.GAMEOVER:
                base.num_bibles = int(self.data['bibles'])
                base.numBananas = int(self.data['bananas'])

                if base.testLevelname == "":
                    currentLevel = initLevel(levelName)
                else:  # special case for restarting the testlevel which uses custom level class
                    currentLevel = initCustomLevel("testlevel")

            elif (endState == base.RESTARTLEVEL):
                if base.testLevelname == "":
                    currentLevel = initLevel(levelName)
                else:  # special case for restarting the testlevel which uses custom level class
                    currentLevel = initCustomLevel("testlevel")
            elif endState == base.QUITGAME:  # todo, game over screen?
                running = False
            elif endState == base.GOTOLEVEL:
                levelName = currentLevel.gotoLevelName
                currentLevel = initLevel(levelName)
                # need to keep track on these
                self.data['chapter'] = currentLevel.level_maj
                self.data['level'] = currentLevel.level_min
                base.testLevelname = ""
            elif endState == base.GOTOTESTLEVEL:
                if base.testLevelname == "":
                    Exception("testLevelname not set")
                    # user the testlevel.py level script
                    levelName = "testlevel"

                    currentLevel = initCustomLevel(base.testLevelname)

                    # need to keep track on these
                    self.data['chapter'] = currentLevel.level_maj
                    self.data['level'] = currentLevel.level_min
                    raise Exception("Unknown level end state", endState)
            elif endState == base.SHOWGAMEOVER:
                return GameOver(self.main)