Ejemplo n.º 1
Load up just election params
Scantegrity audit

Ben Adida

import base, data, filenames

partition_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.PARTITIONS, 'Partition File')
election_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.ELECTION_SPEC, 'Election Spec')
meeting_one_in_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_ONE_IN, 'Meeting One In')

# parse
partition_info = data.PartitionInfo()

election_spec = data.ElectionSpec(partition_info)

election = data.Election(election_spec)
Ejemplo n.º 2
CODES_FILE_PATH is the path to a file which, when provided, will be where
this script writes its list of confirmation codes for each ballot.

# core imports
import sys
import base, data, filenames

# use the meeting1 and meeting2 data structures too
import meeting1, meeting2

election, committed_p_table = meeting1.election, meeting1.p_table

# third meeting
meeting_three_in_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_THREE_IN, 'Meeting Three In')
meeting_three_out_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_THREE_OUT, 'Meeting Three Out')
meeting_three_out_codes_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_THREE_OUT_CODES, 'Meeting Three Out Codes')

# parse the ballot confirmation code commitments
ballots = data.parse_ballot_table(meeting2.meeting_two_out_commitments_xml)

# get the P table of actual votes
p_table_votes = data.PTable()

# get the opening of the ballot confirmation code commitments
ballots_with_codes = data.parse_ballot_table(meeting_three_out_codes_xml)

def verify(output_stream, codes_output_stream=None):
  # make sure none of the actual votes use ballots that were audited in Meeting2:
Ejemplo n.º 3
import tallydata

# correcting the argv base.DATA_PATH
QUESTION_ID = sys.argv[1]
DATA_PATHS = sys.argv[2:]  

# for default election params

# use the meeting1 data structures
from electionparams import *

# import just the R tables
# there could be a few given the multiple data_paths
r_tables_xml = [base.file_in_dir(data_path, filenames.MEETING_THREE_OUT, 'Meeting Three Out') for data_path in DATA_PATHS]
r_tables_list = [data.parse_r_tables(r_tables) for r_tables in r_tables_xml]

# print "ok now tallying\n\n"

# the list of partitions, each of which is a list of the max number of answers each question allows
partition_map = election.partition_map_choices

# we only tally per question now, so BALLOTS is just an array
# go through each partition
for r_tables in r_tables_list:
  for p_id, r_table in r_tables.iteritems():
    for row_id, row in r_table.rows.iteritems():
      # split the result among questions for this partition, according to partition map
CODES_FILE_PATH is the path to a file which, when provided, will be where
this script writes its list of confirmation codes for each ballot.

# core imports
import sys
import base, data, filenames

# based on meeting2, and meeting3 for the ballots
import meeting1, meeting2, meeting3
election = meeting1.election
ballots, cast_ballots = meeting3.ballots, meeting3.ballots_with_codes

# spoiled ballots codes
spoiled_ballots_codes_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.SPOILED_BALLOTS_CODES, 'Spoiled Ballots Codes')
spoiled_ballots = data.parse_ballot_table(spoiled_ballots_codes_xml)

# spoiled ballots mixnet
spoiled_ballots_mixnet_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.SPOILED_BALLOTS_MIXNET, 'Spoiled Ballots Mixnet')
spoiled_p_table, spoiled_partitions = data.parse_database(spoiled_ballots_mixnet_xml)

def verify(output_stream, codes_output_stream=None):

  if codes_output_stream:
    BALLOTS = {}
    def new_code(webSerial, pid, q_id, s_id, confirmation_code):
      if not BALLOTS.has_key(webSerial):
        BALLOTS[webSerial] = {'pid': pid, 'questions': {}}
      if not BALLOTS[webSerial]['questions'].has_key(q_id):
Ejemplo n.º 5
data path should NOT have a trailing slash

# core imports
import sys, base64
import base, data, filenames

# use the meeting1 data structures too
import meeting1

# pull in certain data structures from meeting1
election, p_table, partitions = meeting1.election, meeting1.p_table, meeting1.partitions

# second meeting
meeting_two_in_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_TWO_IN, 'Meeting Two In')
meeting_two_out_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_TWO_OUT, "Meeting Two Out")
meeting_two_out_commitments_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_TWO_OUT_COMMITMENTS, "Meeting Two Out Commitments")
meeting_two_random_data = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_TWO_RANDOM_DATA, "Random Data for Meeting Two Challenges", xml=False, correct_windows=True)

# get the challenges
challenge_p_table = data.PTable()

# get the response
response_p_table, response_partitions = data.parse_database(meeting_two_out_xml)

challenge_row_ids = challenge_p_table.rows.keys()

def verify_open_p_and_d_tables(election, committed_p_table, committed_partitions, open_p_table, open_partitions):
  # check P table commitments
Ejemplo n.º 6

# core imports
import sys
import base
import data
import filenames

# use the meeting1,2,3 data structures too
import meeting1, meeting2

# use provisional ballots as well
import meeting3provisional as meeting3

# fourth meeting
meeting_four_in_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_FOUR_IN, 'Meeting Four In')
meeting_four_out_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_FOUR_OUT, 'Meeting Four Out')
meeting_four_random_data = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_FOUR_RANDOM_DATA, "Random Data for Meeting Four Challenges", xml=False, correct_windows=False)

# from meeting1 and meeting 2
election, d_table_commitments, already_open_d_tables = meeting1.election, meeting1.partitions, meeting2.response_partitions
p_table_votes = meeting3.p_table_votes

# from meeting3, the D tables with intermediate decrypted votes
cast_ballot_partitions = data.parse_d_tables(meeting3.meeting_three_out_xml)

# challenge and response to those rows
d_table_challenges = data.parse_d_tables(meeting_four_in_xml)
d_table_responses = data.parse_d_tables(meeting_four_out_xml)

# r tables
Ejemplo n.º 7
The meeting one verification

python meeting-one.py <DATA_PATH>

data path should NOT have a trailing slash

import sys
import base, data, filenames

# base election params
from electionparams import *

# get the election data
meeting_one_out_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_ONE_OUT, "Meeting One Out")

# get the p table and d tables
p_table, partitions = data.parse_database(meeting_one_out_xml)

# are we actually running meeting 1?
def verify(output_stream):
  # check that there are as many ballots in the P table as claimed
  assert len(p_table.rows) == election.num_ballots, "P Table has the wrong number of ballots, should be %s " % election.num_ballots

  num_d_tables = None

  # loop through partitions
  for p_id, partition in partitions.iteritems():
    this_num_d_tables = len(partition.values())
# based on meeting2, and meeting3 for the ballots which aren't needed for parsing until then, nothing in meeting4 needed
import meeting1, meeting2

# use provisional ballots
  import meeting3provisional as meeting3
  import meeting3

election = meeting1.election
ballots, cast_ballots = meeting3.ballots, meeting3.ballots_with_codes

# contested ballots reveal
contested_ballots_reply_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.CONTESTED_BALLOTS_REPLY, 'Reply to Contested Ballots')
contested_ballots = data.parse_ballot_table(contested_ballots_reply_xml)

def verify(output_stream, codes_output_stream=None):
  if codes_output_stream:
    codes_output_stream.write('Serial #,P-table ID')
    for q_id in sorted(contested_ballots.values()[0].questions.keys()):
      codes_output_stream.write(",question %s"%q_id)

  # for each contested ballot:
  for contested_ballot in contested_ballots.values():
    # is it a cast ballot?
    assert cast_ballots.has_key(contested_ballot.pid)
Ejemplo n.º 9
CODES_FILE_PATH is the path to a file which, when provided, will be where
this script writes its list of confirmation codes for each ballot.

# core imports
import sys
import base, data, filenames

# based on meeting2, and meeting3 for the ballots
import meeting1, meeting2, meeting3
election = meeting1.election
ballots, cast_ballots = meeting3.ballots, meeting3.ballots_with_codes

# unused ballots codes
unused_ballots_codes_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.UNUSED_BALLOTS_CODES, 'Unused Ballots Codes')
unused_ballots = data.parse_ballot_table(unused_ballots_codes_xml)

# unused ballots mixnet
unused_ballots_mixnet_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.UNUSED_BALLOTS_MIXNET, 'Unused Ballots Mixnet')
unused_p_table, unused_partitions = data.parse_database(unused_ballots_mixnet_xml)

def verify(output_stream, codes_output_stream=None):

  if codes_output_stream:
    BALLOTS = {}
    def new_code(webSerial, pid, q_id, s_id, confirmation_code):
      if not BALLOTS.has_key(webSerial):
        BALLOTS[webSerial] = {'pid': pid, 'questions': {}}
      if not BALLOTS[webSerial]['questions'].has_key(q_id):