Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _toValidSetOpInput( cls, objects, sets_are_members = False ):
     """Method creating valid input for the union/intersection or difference methods
     :note: it may return a temporary set that will delete itself once the wrapper object
         is being destroyed
     :param sets_are_members: see `union`
     :note: set """
     if isinstance( objects, (tuple, list) ):
         if not objects:     # emty list, return empty mobject array
             return api.MObjectArray( )
         if not sets_are_members and isinstance( objects[ 0 ], ObjectSet ):
             objarray = api.MObjectArray( )
             for setNode in objects: 
                 objarray.append( setNode._apiobj )
             return objarray
             # create selection list from nodes and use a tmpSet 
             sellist = nt.toSelectionList( objects )
             return cls._TmpSet( sellist )
     # END list handling
     # still here, handle a single object
     singleobj = objects
     if isinstance( singleobj, api.MSelectionList ): # Selection List ?
         return cls._TmpSet( singleobj )
     if not sets_are_members and isinstance( singleobj, ObjectSet ):             # Single Object Set ?
         return singleobj.object()
     if isinstance( singleobj, cls._TmpSet ):                                        # single set object 
         return singleobj.setobj
     if isinstance( singleobj, api.MObject ) and singleobj.hasFn( api.MFn.kSet ):    # MObject object set ?
         return singleobj
     # assume best for MObject arrays - usually we pass it in ourselves 
     if isinstance( singleobj, api.MObjectArray ):
         return singleobj
     # Can be Node, MDagPath or plug or MObject ( not set )
     return cls._toValidSetOpInput( ( singleobj, ), sets_are_members = sets_are_members ) # will create a tmpset then
     raise TypeError( "Type InputObjects for set operation ( %r ) was not recognized" % objects )
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: set.py Proyecto: kthulhu/mrv
	def _toValidSetOpInput( cls, objects, sets_are_members = False ):
		"""Method creating valid input for the union/intersection or difference methods
		:note: it may return a temporary set that will delete itself once the wrapper object
			is being destroyed
		:param sets_are_members: see `union`
		:note: set """
		if isinstance( objects, (tuple, list) ):
			if not objects:		# emty list, return empty mobject array
				return api.MObjectArray( )
			if not sets_are_members and isinstance( objects[ 0 ], ObjectSet ):
				objarray = api.MObjectArray( )
				for setNode in objects: 
					objarray.append( setNode._apiobj )
				return objarray
				# create selection list from nodes and use a tmpSet 
				sellist = nt.toSelectionList( objects )
				return cls._TmpSet( sellist )
		# END list handling
		# still here, handle a single object
		singleobj = objects
		if isinstance( singleobj, api.MSelectionList ):	# Selection List ?
			return cls._TmpSet( singleobj )
		if not sets_are_members and isinstance( singleobj, ObjectSet ):				# Single Object Set ?
			return singleobj.object()
		if isinstance( singleobj, cls._TmpSet ):										# single set object 
			return singleobj.setobj
		if isinstance( singleobj, api.MObject ) and singleobj.hasFn( api.MFn.kSet ):	# MObject object set ?
			return singleobj
		# assume best for MObject arrays - usually we pass it in ourselves 
		if isinstance( singleobj, api.MObjectArray ):
			return singleobj
		# Can be Node, MDagPath or plug or MObject ( not set )
		return cls._toValidSetOpInput( ( singleobj, ), sets_are_members = sets_are_members ) # will create a tmpset then
		raise TypeError( "Type InputObjects for set operation ( %r ) was not recognized" % objects )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _addRemoveMembers( self, members, mode, ignore_failure ):
     """Add or remove the members to the set
     :param mode: kRemove or kAdd or kAddForce"""
     sellist = nt.toSelectionList( members ) # handles 'member is SelectionList' case !
     lsellist = sellist.length()
     if not lsellist:
         return self
     # if there is only one member, use our single member function 
     # as it will be faster when checking for partition constraints
     if lsellist == 1:
         return self._addRemoveMember( it.iterSelectionList( sellist, asNode = 0 ).next(), api.MObject(), mode, ignore_failure )
     # prepare operation
     mfninst = self._mfncls( self._apiobj )
     doitfunc = mfninst.addMembers
     undoitfunc = mfninst.removeMembers
     # swap functions if we remove the node
     if mode == ObjectSet.kRemove:
         tmp = undoitfunc
         undoitfunc = doitfunc
         doitfunc = tmp
         # IMPORTANT: If one member of sellist is not in the set, the operation
         # will *silently* ( WTF ??) fail. Hence we have to make sure that
         # we only even remotely think about trying to remove items which are
         # actually in the set !
         sellist = self.intersection(sellist)
     # END function swapping
     op = undo.GenericOperation()    
     op.setDoitCmd( doitfunc, sellist )
     op.setUndoitCmd( undoitfunc, sellist )
     return self._checkMemberAddResult( sellist, None, mode, ignore_failure, False )
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def findAnimation( cls, iter_nodes, asNode=True ):
		:return: list-compatible object containing animation curves attached to
			the nodes in the given object.
		:param iter_nodes: MSelection list or list of MObjects or Nodes containing
			whose animation you would like to retrieve.
		:param asNode: If True, the animation curves will be wrapped, or 
			MObjects otherwise ( to gain performance )"""
		selection_list = base.toSelectionList(iter_nodes)
		anim_plugs = api.MPlugArray()
		apianim.MAnimUtil.findAnimatedPlugs(selection_list, anim_plugs, False)
		# it will append to this array !
		objs = api.MObjectArray()
		for anim_plug in anim_plugs:
			apianim.MAnimUtil.findAnimation(anim_plug, objs)
		# END for each animated plug
		if asNode:
			return map(base.NodeFromObj, objs)
			return objs
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: set.py Proyecto: kthulhu/mrv
	def _addRemoveMembers( self, members, mode, ignore_failure ):
		"""Add or remove the members to the set
		:param mode: kRemove or kAdd or kAddForce"""
		sellist = nt.toSelectionList( members )	# handles 'member is SelectionList' case !
		lsellist = sellist.length()
		if not lsellist:
			return self
		# if there is only one member, use our single member function 
		# as it will be faster when checking for partition constraints
		if lsellist == 1:
			return self._addRemoveMember( it.iterSelectionList( sellist, asNode = 0 ).next(), api.MObject(), mode, ignore_failure )
		# prepare operation
		mfninst = self._mfncls( self._apiobj )
		doitfunc = mfninst.addMembers
		undoitfunc = mfninst.removeMembers
		# swap functions if we remove the node
		if mode == ObjectSet.kRemove:
			tmp = undoitfunc
			undoitfunc = doitfunc
			doitfunc = tmp
			# IMPORTANT: If one member of sellist is not in the set, the operation
			# will *silently* ( WTF ??) fail. Hence we have to make sure that
			# we only even remotely think about trying to remove items which are
			# actually in the set !
			sellist = self.intersection(sellist)
		# END function swapping
		op = undo.GenericOperation()	
		op.setDoitCmd( doitfunc, sellist )
		op.setUndoitCmd( undoitfunc, sellist )
		return self._checkMemberAddResult( sellist, None, mode, ignore_failure, False )
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: anim.py Proyecto: kthulhu/mrv
    def findAnimation(cls, iter_nodes, asNode=True):
		:return: list-compatible object containing animation curves attached to
			the nodes in the given object.
		:param iter_nodes: MSelection list or list of MObjects or Nodes containing
			whose animation you would like to retrieve.
		:param asNode: If True, the animation curves will be wrapped, or 
			MObjects otherwise ( to gain performance )"""
        selection_list = base.toSelectionList(iter_nodes)
        anim_plugs = api.MPlugArray()
        apianim.MAnimUtil.findAnimatedPlugs(selection_list, anim_plugs, False)

        # it will append to this array !
        objs = api.MObjectArray()
        for anim_plug in anim_plugs:
            apianim.MAnimUtil.findAnimation(anim_plug, objs)
        # END for each animated plug

        if asNode:
            return map(base.NodeFromObj, objs)
            return objs
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def mfromList(iter_items, **kwargs):
     :return: MSelectionList as initialized from the given iterable of Nodes, 
         MObjects, MDagPaths, MPlugs or strings
     :param kwargs: passed to `base.toSelectionList`"""
     return base.toSelectionList(iter_items, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def mfromList( iter_items, **kwargs ):
		:return: MSelectionList as initialized from the given iterable of Nodes, 
			MObjects, MDagPaths, MPlugs or strings
		:param kwargs: passed to `base.toSelectionList`"""
		return base.toSelectionList(iter_items, **kwargs)