Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, address=None, pubkey=None, prefix="SCR"):
     self.prefix = prefix
     if pubkey is not None:
         self._pubkey = Base58(pubkey, prefix=prefix)
         self._address = None
     elif address is not None:
         self._pubkey = None
         self._address = Base58(address, prefix=prefix)
         raise Exception("Address has to be initialized by either the " +
                         "pubkey or the address.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, wif=None, prefix="SCR"):
     if wif is None:
         import os
         self._wif = Base58(hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode('ascii'))
     elif isinstance(wif, Base58):
         self._wif = wif
         self._wif = Base58(wif)
     # compress pubkeys only
     self._pubkeyhex, self._pubkeyuncompressedhex = self.compressedpubkey()
     self.pubkey = PublicKey(self._pubkeyhex, prefix=prefix)
     self.uncompressed = PublicKey(self._pubkeyuncompressedhex,
     self.uncompressed.address = Address(pubkey=self._pubkeyuncompressedhex,
     self.address = Address(pubkey=self._pubkeyhex, prefix=prefix)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def encrypt(privkey, passphrase):
    """ BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encryption. Returns BIP0038 encrypted privkey.

    :param privkey: Private key
    :type privkey: Base58
    :param str passphrase: UTF-8 encoded passphrase for encryption
    :return: BIP0038 non-ec-multiply encrypted wif key
    :rtype: Base58

    privkeyhex = repr(privkey)   # hex
    addr = format(privkey.uncompressed.address, "BTC")
    a = bytes(addr, 'ascii')
    salt = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(a).digest()).digest()[0:4]
    if SCRYPT_MODULE == "scrypt":
        key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, salt, 16384, 8, 8)
    elif SCRYPT_MODULE == "pylibscrypt":
        key = scrypt.scrypt(bytes(passphrase, "utf-8"), salt, 16384, 8, 8)
        raise ValueError("No scrypt module loaded")
    (derived_half1, derived_half2) = (key[:32], key[32:])
    aes = AES.new(derived_half2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    encrypted_half1 = _encrypt_xor(privkeyhex[:32], derived_half1[:16], aes)
    encrypted_half2 = _encrypt_xor(privkeyhex[32:], derived_half1[16:], aes)
    " flag byte is forced 0xc0 because Graphene only uses compressed keys "
    payload = (b'\x01' + b'\x42' + b'\xc0' +
               salt + encrypted_half1 + encrypted_half2)
    " Checksum "
    checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4]
    privatkey = hexlify(payload + checksum).decode('ascii')
    return Base58(privatkey)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def decrypt(encrypted_privkey, passphrase):
    """BIP0038 non-ec-multiply decryption. Returns WIF privkey.

    :param Base58 encrypted_privkey: Private key
    :param str passphrase: UTF-8 encoded passphrase for decryption
    :return: BIP0038 non-ec-multiply decrypted key
    :rtype: Base58
    :raises SaltException: if checksum verification failed (e.g. wrong password)


    d = unhexlify(base58decode(encrypted_privkey))
    d = d[2:]   # remove trailing 0x01 and 0x42
    flagbyte = d[0:1]  # get flag byte
    d = d[1:]   # get payload
    assert flagbyte == b'\xc0', "Flagbyte has to be 0xc0"
    salt = d[0:4]
    d = d[4:-4]
    if SCRYPT_MODULE == "scrypt":
        key = scrypt.hash(passphrase, salt, 16384, 8, 8)
    elif SCRYPT_MODULE == "pylibscrypt":
        key = scrypt.scrypt(bytes(passphrase, "utf-8"), salt, 16384, 8, 8)
        raise ValueError("No scrypt module loaded")
    derivedhalf1 = key[0:32]
    derivedhalf2 = key[32:64]
    encryptedhalf1 = d[0:16]
    encryptedhalf2 = d[16:32]
    aes = AES.new(derivedhalf2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    decryptedhalf2 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf2)
    decryptedhalf1 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf1)
    privraw = decryptedhalf1 + decryptedhalf2
    privraw = ('%064x' % (int(hexlify(privraw), 16) ^
                          int(hexlify(derivedhalf1), 16)))
    wif = Base58(privraw)
    """ Verify Salt """
    privkey = PrivateKey(format(wif, "wif"))
    addr = format(privkey.uncompressed.address, "BTC")
    a = bytes(addr, 'ascii')
    saltverify = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(a).digest()).digest()[0:4]
    if saltverify != salt:
        raise SaltException('checksum verification failed! Password may be incorrect.')
    return wif
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.base58 = Base58()
     # 2 ^ 256 + 1
     # pylint: disable=C0103
     self.N = (1 << 256) + 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, pk, prefix="SCR"):
     self.prefix = prefix
     self._pk = Base58(pk, prefix=prefix)
     self.address = Address(pubkey=pk, prefix=prefix)
     self.pubkey = self._pk
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def derivesha512address(self):
     """ Derive address using ``RIPEMD160(SHA512(x))`` """
     pkbin = unhexlify(repr(self._pubkey))
     addressbin = ripemd160(hexlify(hashlib.sha512(pkbin).digest()))
     return Base58(hexlify(addressbin).decode('ascii'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pub2hex(pub):
    return repr(Base58(pub))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.base58 = Base58()
     # 2 ^ 256 + 1
     self.N = (1 << 256) + 1