Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, probs, labels=None):
        """The discrete individual perturbation to a feature variable.

        probs: np.ndarray
            the probabilities to change from a value of a category to another

        self.basecoreperturbation = BaseCoreSubstitutionArray(probs, labels)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DiscreteIndPerturbation(BasePerturbation):
    """Discrete perturbation of a discrete feature variable."""
    _categorytype = "feature"
    _perturbtype = "discrete"

    def __init__(self, probs, labels=None):
        """The discrete individual perturbation to a feature variable.

        probs: np.ndarray
            the probabilities to change from a value of a category to another

        self.basecoreperturbation = BaseCoreSubstitutionArray(probs, labels)
#        if np.all(probs.sum(1) != 1):
#            raise TypeError("Not correct probs input.")
#        if probs.shape[0] != probs.shape[1]:
#            raise IndexError("Probs is noot a square matrix.")
#        self.probs = probs.cumsum(1)
#        self.labels = np.arange(len(probs)) if labels is None else labels

    def apply2features(self, feature, k=None):
        """Apply perturbation to features.

        features: np.ndarray or others
            the element features collection to be perturbed.
        k: int (default=None)
            the perturbation indices.

        features: np.ndarray or others
            the element features collection perturbated.

        ## Prepare inputs
#        categories = np.unique(feature)
#        if len(categories) > len(self.probs):
#            msg = "Not matching dimension between probs and features."
#            raise IndexError(msg)
        k = self._format_k_perturb(k)
        logi_int = check_int(k)
        if logi_int:
            k = [k]
        if len(feature.shape) == 1:
            feature = feature.reshape((len(feature), 1))
        ## Compute each change
        features_p = self.basecoreperturbation.apply(feature, k)
#        features_p = np.zeros((len(feature), 1, len(k)))
#        for i_k in k:
#            for i in xrange(len(feature)):
#                r = np.random.random()
#                idx = np.where(feature[i] == self.labels)[0]
#                idx2 = np.where(self.probs[idx] > r)[0][0]
#                features_p[i, 0, i_k] = self.labels[idx2]

        if logi_int:
            features_p = features_p[:, :, 0]
        return features_p