Ejemplo n.º 1
 def validate_phone(self, field):
     # Step 1: Validate number
         # Assume Indian number if no country code is specified
         # TODO: Guess country from IP address
         parsed_number = phonenumbers.parse(field.data, 'IN')
         if not phonenumbers.is_valid_number(parsed_number):
             raise ValueError("Invalid number")
     except (phonenumbers.NumberParseException, ValueError):
         raise forms.StopValidation(
             _("This does not appear to be a valid phone number"))
     number = phonenumbers.format_number(
         parsed_number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164)
     # Step 2: Check if number has already been claimed
     existing = UserPhone.get(phone=number)
     if existing is not None:
         if existing.user == current_auth.user:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("You have already registered this phone number"))
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("This phone number has already been claimed"))
     existing = UserPhoneClaim.get_for(user=current_auth.user, phone=number)
     if existing is not None:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("This phone number is pending verification"))
     # Step 3: If validations pass, use the reformatted number
     field.data = number  # Save stripped number
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def validate_apply_message(form, field):
        words = get_word_bag(field.data)
        form.words = words
        similar = False
        for oldapp in JobApplication.query.filter(
            if oldapp.words:
                s = SequenceMatcher(None, words, oldapp.words)
                if s.ratio() > 0.8:
                    similar = True

        if similar:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Your application is very similar to one previously identified as spam"

        # Check for email and phone numbers in the message

        # Prepare text by replacing non-breaking spaces with spaces (for phone numbers) and removing URLs.
        # URLs may contain numbers that are not phone numbers.
        phone_search_text = URL_RE.sub(
            field.data.replace(' ',
                               ' ').replace(' ',
                                            ' ').replace(u'\xa0', ' '))
        if EMAIL_RE.search(field.data) is not None or PHONE_DETECT_RE.search(
                phone_search_text) is not None:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Do not include your email address or phone number in the application"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def validate_job_headline(self, field):
     if simplify_text(field.data) in (
         'awesome coder wanted at awesome company',
         'pragmatic programmer wanted at outstanding organisation',
         'pragmatic programmer wanted at outstanding organization',
     ) or (
         and g.board.newjob_headline
         and simplify_text(field.data) == simplify_text(g.board.newjob_headline)
         raise forms.ValidationError(
                 "Come on, write your own headline. You aren’t just another run-of-the-mill employer, right?"
     caps = len(CAPS_RE.findall(field.data))
     small = len(SMALL_RE.findall(field.data))
     if small == 0 or caps / float(small) > 1.0:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
                 "No shouting, please. Reduce the number of capital letters in your headline"
     for word_list, message in app.config.get('BANNED_WORDS', []):
         for word in word_list:
             if word in field.data.lower():
                 raise forms.ValidationError(message)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def validate_job_location(form, field):
        if QUOTES_RE.search(field.data) is not None:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"Don’t use quotes in the location name"))

        caps = len(CAPS_RE.findall(field.data))
        small = len(SMALL_RE.findall(field.data))
        if small == 0 or caps / float(small) > 1.0:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("Surely this location isn't named in uppercase?"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def validate_name(self, field):
        field.data = field.data.lower()
        if not valid_username(field.data):
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("Name contains invalid characters"))

        existing = self.edit_resource.get_action(field.data)
        if existing and existing.id != self.edit_id:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("An action with that name already exists for this resource"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def validate_namespace(self, field):
     if field.data:
         if not domain_namespace_match(self.website.data, field.data):
             raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"The namespace should be derived from your application’s website domain"))
         client = self.edit_model.get(namespace=field.data)
         if client:
             if client == self.edit_obj:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("This namespace has been claimed by another client app"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def validate_username(self, field):
     if field.data in current_app.config['RESERVED_USERNAMES']:
         raise forms.ValidationError, _("This name is reserved")
     if not valid_username(field.data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _(u"Invalid characters in name. Names must be made of ‘a-z’, ‘0-9’ and ‘-’, without trailing dashes"
     existing = User.get(username=field.data)
     if existing is not None:
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This username is taken"))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def validate_name(self, field):
        field.data = field.data.lower()
        if not valid_username(field.data):
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("Name contains invalid characters"))

        if field.data in resource_registry:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is reserved for internal use"))

        existing = Resource.get(name=field.data, client=self.client)
        if existing and existing.id != self.edit_id:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("A resource with that name already exists"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def validate_username(self, field):
     # # Usernames are now mandatory. This should be commented out:
     # if not field.data:
     #     field.data = None
     #     return
     field.data = field.data.lower()  # Usernames can only be lowercase
     if not valid_username(field.data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("Usernames can only have alphabets, numbers and dashes (except at the ends)"))
     if field.data in current_app.config.get('RESERVED_USERNAMES', []):
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is reserved"))
     if not self.edit_user.is_valid_username(field.data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This username is taken"))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def validate_job_pay_cash_min(self, field):
     if self.job_pay_type.data in (PAY_TYPE.ONETIME, PAY_TYPE.RECURRING):
         data = field.data.strip()
         if not data:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Please specify what this job pays"))
         data = string_to_number(data)
         if data is None:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unrecognised value %s") % field.data)
             field.data = data
         field.data = None
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def validate_company_logo(self, field):
     if not ('company_logo' in request.files and request.files['company_logo']):
         g.company_logo = process_image(request.files['company_logo'])
     except IOError as e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(e.message)
     except KeyError:
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unknown file format"))
     except UploadNotAllowed:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("Unsupported file format. We accept JPEG, PNG and GIF")
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def validate_email(self, field):
     field.data = field.data.lower()  # Convert to lowercase
     existing = UserEmail.get(email=field.data)
     if existing is not None:
         if existing.user == current_auth.user:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("You have already registered this email address"))
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("This email address has already been claimed"))
     existing = UserEmailClaim.get(email=field.data, user=current_auth.user)
     if existing is not None:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("This email address is pending verification"))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def validate_company_name(form, field):
     if len(field.data) > 6:
         caps = len(CAPS_RE.findall(field.data))
         small = len(SMALL_RE.findall(field.data))
         if small == 0 or caps / float(small) > 0.8:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 u"Surely your organization isn’t named in uppercase?")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def validate_email(form, field):
     oldapp = JobApplication.query.filter_by(jobpost=form.post,
     if oldapp:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             "You have already applied for this position")
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def validate_password(self, field):
        if not self.user:
            # Can't validate password without a user
        if not self.user.pw_hash:
            raise LoginPasswordResetException()
        if not self.user.password_is(field.data, upgrade_hash=True):
            if not self.username.errors:
                raise forms.ValidationError(_("Incorrect password"))

        # Test for weak password. This gives us two options:
        # 1. Flag it but allow login to proceed. Let the view ask the user nicely.
        #    The user may ignore it or may comply and change their password.
        # 2. Block the login and force the user to reset their password. Makes for
        #    stronger policy, with the risk the user will (a) abandon the login, or
        #    (b) not have a valid email address on file (for example, an expired
        #    employer-owned email address they can no longer access).
        # We're using option 1 here, but can switch to option 2 by raising
        # LoginPasswordWeakException after the test. The calling code in views/login.py
        # supports both outcomes.

        # password_policy.test_password(<password>)['is_weak'] returns True/False
        self.weak_password = password_policy.test_password(
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def validate_company_logo(form, field):
     if not ('company_logo' in request.files and request.files['company_logo']):
         g.company_logo = process_image(request.files['company_logo'])
     except IOError, e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(e.message)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def validate_twitter(self, field):
     if field.data.startswith('@'):
         field.data = field.data[1:]
     if INVALID_TWITTER_RE.search(field.data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("That does not appear to be a valid Twitter account")
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def validate_team_id(self, field):
     teams = [
         team for team in self.organization.teams if team.buid == field.data
     if len(teams) != 1:
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unknown team"))
     self.team = teams[0]
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def validate_job_pay_equity_max(form, field):
     if form.job_pay_equity.data:
         data = field.data.strip()
         if data:
             if not data[-1].isdigit():
                 data = field.data[:-1]  # Remove % symbol
             data = data.replace(',', '').strip()  # Remove thousands separator
                 field.data = Decimal(data)
             except InvalidOperation:
                 raise forms.ValidationError(_("Please enter a percentage between 0%% and 100%%"))
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unrecognised value %%s") % field.data)
         # Discard submission if equity checkbox is unchecked
         field.data = None
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def validate_password(self, field):
     user = getuser(self.username.data)
     if user and not user.pw_hash:
         raise LoginPasswordResetException()
     if user is None or not user.password_is(field.data):
         if not self.username.errors:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Incorrect password"))
     self.user = user
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def validate_name(self, field):
     if not valid_username(field.data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("Invalid characters in name"))
     if field.data in current_app.config['RESERVED_USERNAMES']:
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is reserved"))
     existing = User.get(username=field.data)
     if existing is not None:
         if existing == current_auth.user:
             raise forms.ValidationError(Markup(_(u"This is <em>your</em> current username. "
                 u'You must change it first from <a href="{profile}">your profile</a> '
                 u"before you can assign it to an organization").format(
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is taken"))
     existing = Organization.get(name=field.data)
     if existing is not None and existing.id != self.edit_id:
         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is taken"))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def permission_validator(form, field):
    permlist = field.data.split()
    for perm in permlist:
        if not valid_name(perm):
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Permission ‘{perm}’ is malformed").format(perm=perm))
    field.data = ' '.join(permlist)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def validate_email(self, field):
     field.data = field.data.lower()  # Convert to lowercase
     existing = UserEmail.get(email=field.data)
     if existing is not None:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("This email address is already registered. Do you want to <a href=\"{loginurl}\">login</a> instead?"
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def validate_name(self, field):
        if field.data.lower() in current_app.config['RESERVED_USERNAMES']:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is reserved"))  # To be deprecated in favour of one below

        if self.edit_obj:
            reason = self.edit_obj.validate_name_candidate(field.data)
            reason = Name.validate_name_candidate(field.data)
        if not reason:
            return  # Name is available
        if reason == 'invalid':
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("Names can only have alphabets, numbers and dashes (except at the ends)"))
        elif reason == 'reserved':
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is reserved"))
        elif reason == 'user':
            if field.data == current_auth.user.username:
                raise forms.ValidationError(Markup(_(u"This is <em>your</em> current username. "
                    u'You must change it first from <a href="{account}">your account</a> '
                    u"before you can assign it to an organization").format(
                raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name has been taken by another user"))
        elif reason == 'org':
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name has been taken by another organization"))
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This name is not available"))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def validate_job_pay_cash_max(self, field):
     if self.job_pay_type.data in (PAY_TYPE.ONETIME, PAY_TYPE.RECURRING):
         data = string_to_number(field.data.strip())
         if data is None:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unrecognised value %s") % field.data)
             field.data = data
         field.data = None
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def validate_client_owner(self, field):
     if field.data == self.edit_user.userid:
         self.user = self.edit_user
         self.org = None
         orgs = [org for org in self.edit_user.organizations_owned() if org.userid == field.data]
         if len(orgs) != 1:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Invalid owner"))
         self.user = None
         self.org = orgs[0]
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def validate_company_name(form, field):
        if len(field.data) > 6:
            caps = len(CAPS_RE.findall(field.data))

            # small = len(SMALL_RE.findall(field.data))  # deprecated on 30-11-2018
            # if small == 0 or caps / float(small) > 0.8:  # deprecated on 30-11-2018

            # For now, only 6 capital letters are allowed in company name
            if caps > 6:
                raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"Surely your organization isn’t named in uppercase?"))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def validate_username(self, field):
        if field.data.lower() in current_app.config['RESERVED_USERNAMES']:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("This name is reserved"
                  ))  # To be deprecated in favour of one below

        reason = self.edit_obj.validate_name_candidate(field.data)
        if not reason:
            return  # Username is available
        if reason == 'invalid':
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Usernames can only have alphabets, numbers and dashes (except at the ends)"
        elif reason == 'reserved':
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This username is reserved"))
        elif reason in ('user', 'org'):
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This username has been taken"))
            raise forms.ValidationError(_("This username is not available"))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def validate_phone(self, field):
     # Step 1: Remove punctuation in number
     number = strip_phone(field.data)
     # Step 2: Check length
     if len(number) > 16:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("This is too long to be a valid phone number"))
     # Step 3: Validate number format
     if not valid_phone(number):
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("Invalid phone number (must be in international format with a leading + symbol)"
     # Step 4: Check if Indian number (startswith('+91'))
     if number.startswith('+91') and len(number) != 13:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("This does not appear to be a valid Indian mobile number"))
     # Step 5: Check if number has already been claimed
     existing = UserPhone.get(phone=number)
     if existing is not None:
         if existing.user == current_auth.user:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("You have already registered this phone number"))
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _("This phone number has already been claimed"))
     existing = UserPhoneClaim.get(phone=number, user=current_auth.user)
     if existing is not None:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _("This phone number is pending verification"))
     field.data = number  # Save stripped number
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def validate_email(self, field):
     existing_assignees = (
             LineItem.item_id == self.edit_parent.item_id).filter(
                 Order.status != ORDER_STATUS.CANCELLED).filter(
                         Assignee.email == field.data))
     if self.edit_obj is not None:
         existing_assignees = existing_assignees.filter(
             Assignee.id != self.edit_obj.id)
     if existing_assignees.count() > 0:
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             __("Email address has been already used"))