Ejemplo n.º 1
def CVpolyOne(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    n, d = traj.shape
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj[:, params["ind"]]).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    #covariance = np.cov(np.concatenate((traj, samples), axis=1), rowvar=False)
    #paramCV1 = covariance[:d, d:]
    paramCV1 = (
        np.transpose(traj) @ (samples - np.mean(samples))) / traj.shape[0]
    print("CV1: ", paramCV1)
    CV1 = samples - np.dot(traj_grad, paramCV1)
    mean_CV1 = np.mean(CV1, axis=0)
    var_CV1 = Spectral_var(CV1[:, 0], W_spec)
    return mean_CV1, var_CV1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Eval_ZVCV(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj[:, params["ind"]]).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    mean_vanilla = np.mean(samples)
    vars_vanilla = Spectral_var(samples[:, 0], W_spec)
    mean_ZV1, var_ZV1 = ZVpolyOne(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec)
    mean_ZV2, var_ZV2 = ZVpolyTwo(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec)
    #mean_CV1, var_CV1 = CVpolyOneUpdated(traj,traj_grad,f_target,params,W_spec)
    mean_CV1, var_CV1 = CVpolyOne(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec)
    mean_CV2, var_CV2 = CVpolyTwo(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec)
    return (mean_vanilla, mean_ZV1, mean_ZV2, mean_CV1,
            mean_CV2), (vars_vanilla, var_ZV1, var_ZV2, var_CV1, var_CV2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ZVpolyOne(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    n, d = traj.shape
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj[:, params["ind"]]).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    cov1 = np.cov(traj_grad, rowvar=False)
    if d == 1:
        A = 1 / cov1
        A = np.linalg.inv(cov1)
    covariance = np.cov(np.concatenate((-traj_grad, samples), axis=1),
    paramZV1 = -np.dot(A, covariance[:d, d:])
    #print("ZV1: ",paramZV1)
    ZV1 = samples - np.dot(traj_grad, paramZV1)
    mean_ZV1 = np.mean(ZV1, axis=0)
    var_ZV1 = Spectral_var(ZV1[:, 0], W_spec)
    return mean_ZV1, var_ZV1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def CVpolyGaussian(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    n, d = traj.shape
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj[:, params["ind"]]).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    #jac,delta = TryCV(traj,samples)
    jac, delta = GausCV(traj, samples)
    CV = samples - np.sum(traj_grad * jac, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) + delta
    #CV = -np.sum(traj_grad*jac, axis = 1).reshape((-1,1)) + delta.reshape((-1,1))
    mean_CV = np.mean(CV, axis=0)
    var_CV = Spectral_var(CV[:, 0], W_spec)
    return mean_CV, var_CV
Ejemplo n.º 5
def CVpolyOneGaussian(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    Version of CV's with family of $\psi$ given by 2-dimensional gaussians
    n, d = traj.shape
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    covariance = np.cov(np.concatenate((traj, samples), axis=1), rowvar=False)
    paramCV1 = covariance[:d, d:]
    CV1 = samples - np.dot(traj_grad, paramCV1)
    mean_CV1 = np.mean(CV1, axis=0)
    var_CV1 = Spectral_var(CV1[:, 0], W_spec)
    return mean_CV1, var_CV1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Run_eval_test(intseed,method,vars_arr,Potential,W_spec,CV_dict,step,N,n,d,params_test = None, f_type = "posterior_mean"):
    generic function that runs a MCMC trajectory
    and computes means and variances for the ordinary samples, 
    ESVM, EVM and LS-adjusted trajectories
    sampler_type = method["sampler"]
    burn_type = method["burn_type"]
    main_type = method["main_type"]
    if sampler_type == "ULA":
        traj,traj_grad = ULA(intseed,Potential,step, N, n, d, burn_type, main_type)
    elif sampler_type == "MALA":
        traj,traj_grad,n_accepted = MALA(intseed,Potential,step,N,n,d, burn_type, main_type)
    elif sampler_type == "RWM":
        traj,traj_grad,n_accepted = RWM(intseed,Potential,step,N,n,d)
        raise "Not implemented error: choose ULA, MALA or RWM as sampler"
    #lists to save the results of the trajectory
    ints_all = []
    vars_all = []
    #initialize function values
    f_vals = set_function(f_type,[traj],vars_arr,params_test)
    #kill dimension which is not needed
    f_vals = f_vals[0]
    integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("Vanilla",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,1,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #usual samples, without variance reduction
    if CV_dict["ESVM"] != None:
        A_ZAV_1 = CV_dict["ESVM"][0]
        A_ZAV_2 = CV_dict["ESVM"][1]
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("1st_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_ZAV_1,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 1, ESVM estimator
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("2nd_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_ZAV_2,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 2, ESVM estimator
    if CV_dict["EVM"] != None:
        A_ZV_1 = CV_dict["EVM"][0]
        A_ZV_2 = CV_dict["EVM"][1]
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("1st_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_ZV_1,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 1, EVM estimator
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("2nd_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_ZV_2,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 2, EVM estimator
    if CV_dict["LS"] != None:
        A_LS_1 = CV_dict["LS"][0]
        A_LS_2 = CV_dict["LS"][1]
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("1st_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_LS_1,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 1, LS estimator
        integrals,vars_spec = Eval_samples("2nd_order",f_vals,traj,traj_grad,A_LS_2,W_spec,n,d,vars_arr) #CV - polynomials of degree 2, LS estimator
    ints_all = np.asarray(ints_all) 
    vars_all = np.asarray(vars_all)
    return ints_all,vars_all
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Run_eval_test(intseed, degree, sampler, methods, vars_arr, Potential,
                  test_dict, CV_dict, params_test, f_type):
    New version of the main function;
    Runs MCMC trajectory, computes means and variances for vanilla and adjusted samples
    sampler_type = sampler["sampler"]
    burn_type = sampler["burn_type"]
    main_type = sampler["main_type"]
    W_spec = test_dict["W"]
    step = test_dict["step"]
    N_burn = test_dict["burn_in"]
    N_test = test_dict["n_test"]
    d = test_dict["dim"]
    if sampler_type == "ULA":
        traj, traj_grad = ULA(intseed, Potential, step, N_burn, N_test, d,
                              burn_type, main_type)
    elif sampler_type == "MALA":
        traj, traj_grad, n_accepted = MALA(intseed, Potential, step, N_burn,
                                           N_test, d, burn_type, main_type)
    elif sampler_type == "RWM":
        traj, traj_grad, n_accepted = RWM(intseed, Potential, step, N_burn,
                                          N_test, d)
        #independent samples, pure Monte-Carlo case
        traj, traj_grad = MC_sampler(
            intseed, Potential, N_test,
            d)  #note that there is no burn-in period needed here
    #lists to save the results of the trajectory
    res_dict = {"Vanilla": [], "ESVM": [], "EVM": [], "LS": [], "MAX": []}
    vars_dict = {"Vanilla": [], "ESVM": [], "EVM": [], "LS": [], "MAX": []}
    #initialize function values
    f_vals = set_function(f_type, [traj], vars_arr, params_test)
    #kill dimension which is not needed
    f_vals = f_vals[0]
    integrals, vars_spec = eval_samples(
        "Vanilla", f_vals, traj, traj_grad, 1, W_spec, N_test, d,
        vars_arr)  #usual samples, without variance reduction
    #set flag based upon the polynomial degree
    if degree == 2:
        flag = "2nd_order"
        flag = "kth_order"
    #main loop
    for ind in range(len(methods)):
        Coef_matr = CV_dict[methods[ind]]
        integrals, vars_spec = eval_samples(flag, f_vals, traj, traj_grad,
                                            Coef_matr, W_spec, N_test, d,
    return res_dict, vars_dict
Ejemplo n.º 8
def CVpolyTwo(traj, traj_grad, f_target, params, W_spec):
    n, d = traj.shape
    if f_target == "sum":
        samples = traj.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps":
        samples = traj[:, params["ind"]].reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_comps_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj[:, params["ind"]]).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_squared":
        samples = np.square(traj).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "sum_4th":
        samples = ((traj)**4).sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif f_target == "exp_sum":
        samples = np.exp(traj.sum(axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
        traj = np.expand_dims(traj, axis=0)
        samples = set_function(f_target, traj, [0], params)
        traj = traj[0]
        samples = samples[0]
    poisson = np.zeros((n, int(d * (d + 3) / 2)))
    poisson[:, np.arange(d)] = traj
    poisson[:, np.arange(d, 2 * d)] = np.multiply(traj, traj)
    k = 2 * d
    for j in np.arange(d - 1):
        for i in np.arange(j + 1, d):
            poisson[:, k] = np.multiply(traj[:, i], traj[:, j])
            k = k + 1
    Lpoisson = np.zeros((n, int(d * (d + 3) / 2)))
    Lpoisson[:, np.arange(d)] = -traj_grad
    Lpoisson[:, np.arange(d, 2 * d)] = 2 * (1. - np.multiply(traj, traj_grad))
    k = 2 * d
    for j in np.arange(d - 1):
        for i in np.arange(j + 1, d):
            Lpoisson[:,k] = -np.multiply(traj_grad[:,i], traj[:,j]) \
                    -np.multiply(traj_grad[:,j], traj[:,i])
            k = k + 1

    cov1 = np.cov(np.concatenate((poisson, -Lpoisson), axis=1), rowvar=False)
    A = np.linalg.inv(cov1[0:int(d * (d + 3) / 2),
                           int(d * (d + 3) / 2):d * (d + 3)])
    cov2 = np.cov(np.concatenate((poisson, samples), axis=1), rowvar=False)
    B = cov2[0:int(d * (d + 3) / 2), int(d * (d + 3) / 2):]
    paramCV2 = np.dot(A, B)
    CV2 = samples + np.dot(Lpoisson, paramCV2)
    mean_CV2 = np.mean(CV2, axis=0)
    var_CV2 = Spectral_var(CV2[:, 0], W_spec)
    return mean_CV2, var_CV2
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_traj(Potential, coefs_poly_regr, step, r_seed, lag, K_max, S_max,
              N_burn, N_test, d, f_type, inds_arr, params, x0, fixed_start):
    X_test, Noise = ULA_light(r_seed,
    Noise = Noise.T
    test_stat_vanilla = np.zeros(N_test, dtype=float)
    test_stat_vr = np.zeros_like(test_stat_vanilla)
    #compute number of basis polynomials
    num_basis_funcs = (K_max + 1)**d
    #print("number of basis functions = ",num_basis_funcs)
    #compute polynomials of noise variables Z_l
    poly_vals = np.zeros((num_basis_funcs, N_test), dtype=float)
    for k in range(len(poly_vals)):
        poly_vals[k, :] = eval_hermite(k, Noise, K_max)
    #initialize function
    #f_vals_vanilla = np.sum(X_test,axis=1)
    #f_vals_vanilla = X_test[:,0]
    f_vals_vanilla = set_function(f_type, np.expand_dims(X_test, axis=0),
                                  inds_arr, params)
    f_vals_vanilla = f_vals_vanilla[0, :, 0]
    cvfs = np.zeros_like(f_vals_vanilla)
    st_norm_moments = init_moments(K_max + S_max + 1)
    table_coefs = init_basis_polynomials(K_max, S_max, st_norm_moments, step)
    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(1, len(cvfs)):
        #start computing a_{p-l} coefficients
        num_lags = min(lag, i)
        a_vals = np.zeros((num_lags, num_basis_funcs),
                          dtype=float)  #control variates
        for func_order in range(num_lags):  #for a fixed lag Q function
            #compute \hat{a} with fixed lag
            x = X_test[i - 1 - func_order]
            x_next = x + step * Potential.gradpotential(x)
            for k in range(1, num_basis_funcs):
                a_cur = np.ones(coefs_poly_regr.shape[1], dtype=float)
                for s in range(len(a_cur)):
                    k_vect, s_vect = get_representations(k, s, d, K_max)
                    #print("K = ",k_vect)
                    #print("S = ",s_vect)
                    for dim_ind in range(d):
                        a_cur[s] = a_cur[s] * P.polynomial.polyval(
                            x_next[dim_ind], table_coefs[k_vect[dim_ind],
                                                         s_vect[dim_ind], :])
                a_vals[-(func_order + 1),
                       k] = np.dot(a_cur, coefs_poly_regr[func_order, :])
            #OK, now I have coefficients of the polynomial, and I need to integrate it w.r.t. Gaussian measure
        #print("sum of coefficients",np.sum(np.abs(a_vals)))
        cvfs[i] = np.sum(a_vals * (poly_vals[:, i - num_lags + 1:i + 1].T))
        #save results
        test_stat_vanilla[i] = np.mean(f_vals_vanilla[1:(i + 1)])
        test_stat_vr[i] = test_stat_vanilla[i] - np.sum(cvfs[1:(i + 1)]) / i
    end_time = time.time() - start_time
    return test_stat_vanilla, test_stat_vr