Ejemplo n.º 1
def fullflattriareas(surfacemesh):
    ptsP = [P3(*p) for p in surfacemesh["pts"]]
    fptsP = [P2(*p) for p in surfacemesh["fpts"]]
    tris = surfacemesh["tris"]

    def P2Cross(a, b):
        return a.u * b.v - b.u * a.v

    triareas = []
    ftriareas = []
    cornerangs = []
    fcornerangs = []
    for tri in tris:
        p0, p1, p2 = ptsP[tri[0]], ptsP[tri[1]], ptsP[tri[2]]
        parea = 0.5 * P3.Cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).Len()
        cornerangs.append(P3.Cross(P3.ZNorm(p1 - p0), P3.ZNorm(p2 - p0)).Len())

        f0, f1, f2 = fptsP[tri[0]], fptsP[tri[1]], fptsP[tri[2]]
        farea = 0.5 * abs(P2Cross(f1 - f0, f2 - f0))
        fcornerangs.append(abs(P2Cross(P2.ZNorm(f1 - f0), P2.ZNorm(f2 - f0))))
    surfacemesh["triareas"] = numpy.array(triareas)
    surfacemesh["ftriareas"] = numpy.array(ftriareas)
    surfacemesh["cornerangs"] = numpy.array(cornerangs)
    surfacemesh["fcornerangs"] = numpy.array(fcornerangs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, nodeback, nodefore):
     self.nodeback = nodeback
     self.nodefore = nodefore
     self.barforeright = None
     self.barbackleft = None
     self.bbardeleted = False
     assert nodefore.i > nodeback.i
     self.nodemid = None  # used to specify a contour cut or a voronoi polygon boundary cut
     self.midcontournumber = -1  # will be set to -2 to denote connecting to out of tolerance/unchecked tolerance trailing contour segment
     self.cellmarkright = None
     self.cellmarkleft = None
     self.barvecN = P3.ZNorm(
         self.nodefore.p - self.nodeback.p
     )  # used to detect colinearity as it's preserved on splitting
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def calccellcuttangency(
    ):  # could be checked before splitting on the lines to give an option of picking a less tangential position
        assert not self.leadsplitbartop.bbardeleted and not self.leadsplitbarbot.bbardeleted
        node1, bar1, node2, bar2 = self.splitnodetop, self.leadsplitbartop, self.splitnodebot, self.leadsplitbarbot
        bar1a = bar1.GetForeRightBL(bar1.nodefore == node1)
        bar2a = bar2.GetForeRightBL(bar2.nodefore == node2)
        vtopbot = P3.ZNorm(self.splitnodebot.p - self.splitnodetop.p)

        db1 = -node1.cperpbardotN(bar1, vtopbot)
        db1a = node1.cperpbardotN(bar1a, vtopbot)
        db2 = node2.cperpbardotN(bar2, vtopbot)
        db2a = -node2.cperpbardotN(bar2a, vtopbot)

        res = min(db1, db1a, db2, db2a)
        assert res > -0.0001
        return res
    def DistLamPtrianglePZ(self, p0, p1, p2):
        # solve vd = lv + vp * lam - v1 * lam1 - v2 * lam2, where |vd| = r and vd.v1 = vd.v2 = 0
        # solve +-r = (lv + vp * lam) . vnorm = lv . vnorm + vp . vnorm lam
        v1 = p1 - p0
        v2 = p2 - p0
        vcross = P3.Cross(v1, v2)
        assert abs(P3.Dot(vcross, v1)) < 0.001
        assert abs(P3.Dot(vcross, v2)) < 0.001
        vnorm = P3.ZNorm(vcross)

        lv = self.p - p0
        lvdvnorm = P3.Dot(lv, vnorm)
        vpdvnorm = P3.Dot(self.vp, vnorm)
        if vpdvnorm == 0.0:
        # lam = (+-r - lvdvnorm)/vpdvnorm
        if vpdvnorm > 0.0:
            lam = (-self.r - lvdvnorm) / vpdvnorm
            lam = (self.r - lvdvnorm) / vpdvnorm
        if lam < 0 or lam > self.lam:

        lvl = lv + self.vp * lam
        v1dlv = P3.Dot(v1, lvl)
        v2dlv = P3.Dot(v2, lvl)
        v1sq = v1.Lensq()
        v2sq = v2.Lensq()
        v1dv2 = P3.Dot(v1, v2)
        det = v1sq * v2sq - v1dv2**2
        if det == 0.0:
            return  # no face size
        invdet = 1.0 / det

        # solve vd = lv - v1 * lam1 - v2 * lam2, where vd.v1 = vd.v2 = 0
        # (v1sq   v1dv2)   ( lam1 )   ( v1dlv )
        # (v1dv2   v2sq) . ( lam2 ) = ( v2dlv )
        lam1 = (v2sq * v1dlv - v1dv2 * v2dlv) * invdet
        lam2 = (-v1dv2 * v1dlv + v1sq * v2dlv) * invdet
        if 0 < lam1 and 0 < lam2 and lam1 + lam2 < 1:
            vd = lvl - v1 * lam1 - v2 * lam2
            assert abs(P3.Dot(vd, v1)) < 0.001
            assert abs(P3.Dot(vd, v2)) < 0.001
            assert abs(vd.Len() - self.r) < 0.001
            self.lam = lam